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Unveiled Page 15

by Shataya Simms

  “Yeah. Remember that year that Aneesah hired all them strippers for that niggah’s birthday? There was eye candy, ass, and titties for everyone,” Black chimes in with a chuckle. I smirk because they are trying to whisper amongst themselves, but everyone can hear them.

  “Well brother, have fun. We goin’ out,” Morgan teases.

  “I’m comin’. Let me just take them home first,” Nyce finally speaks.

  “WHAT?” Tori exclaims.

  “Oh boy AND this is why nobody likes you,” Mookie rolls his drunken eyes as Gia slaps him to be quiet. Nyce looks like he is about to beat Mook’s ass as Knuck and Black are trying to stifle their laughter. Tori cuts her eyes at me.

  “Okay, I guess there is a first time for everything,” she retorts. We fall silent again looking at Nyce like Niggah, your wife is gonna fuck up the fun.

  “I’ll take Biggie home. Meet y’all at Onyx?” Jada says standing.

  Our small group disperses, and the only ones’ left are me, Pree, Knuck, Nyce, Tori and her sisters.

  “Well, I’m excited,” Lizzy gushes as her sisters cut their eyes at her.

  We are sitting in silence with just the radio going when we suddenly divert our attention up to the sky as a helicopter hovers over Pree’s massive field. Knuck and Nyce stare at each other, having a hidden conversation with just their eyes as Pree and I do the same, watching the helicopter land and men descending out of it.

  “Hola Familia,” Nas and his guards emerge out of the darkness. Nyce and Knuck rise out of their seats.

  “Nas,” Knuck greets, sticking out his hand.

  “It’s been a long time,” Nas says shaking his hand while cutting his eyes at Nyce.

  “Bella dama,” Nas greets, staring at me.

  “Hola Nas,” I reply dryly.

  “Hola. Me llamo Capree,” Pree says standing and introducing herself. “I am Knuck’s wife.”

  “Marquise, you didn’t tell me that your wife is such a beauty,” Nas replies.

  “Of course she is. She’s mine,” Knuck says pulling Pree by her waist.

  “Well, won’t you gentlemen come inside,” Pree expresses before the tension rises. She steps away from Knuck and gestures with her hand for the men to follow.

  “Aneesah,” she cuts her eyes at me picking up the baby monitor. I wait for them to disappear in the house leaving me outside with Tori and her sisters as they look on in confusion. I jump up, rush inside the house and run up to Kenya’s room.

  “It’s all there. 35 million like you asked,” Knuck’s voice comes through the monitor. “Are we straight now?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t like how Jimmy boy is currently staring at me. What’s the matter, boy? You act like you can’t speak,” Nas taunts.

  “He’s not feeling well. Let me do the talkin’ and negotiatin’,” Knuck states.

  “I heard you have a club now. The numbers look extremely well. I may have to make an investment.”

  “What do you want, Nas?” Nyce snaps.

  “I don’t think that 35 million is enough. I’m not soft like my dad. Y’all not working for me is hurting my pockets.”

  “We’ve been out of the game for over seven years. I know that you have somebody by now,” Knuck retorts.

  “We do but they are not bringing in the numbers like you two were.”

  “How much?” Pree asks. “How much for you to go away?” There is a long pause that makes me nervous because I don’t know what’s going on inside that room.

  “150 million dollars in addition to this 35 million and I will go away.”

  “So, you want 185 million dollars? Are you fuckin’ crazy?” Nyce snaps. Nas lets out an evil laugh.

  “I see you have 35 million dollars in the bank and it’s all legit from what my people tell me. Where’s the dirty money, Jimmy?” Nas asks.

  “I burned it. I’m a legit business man now,” Nyce replies.

  “Well then Marquise, I guess you and your wife owe me 150 million dollars. I know that you don’t have it or at least you’re being like this one and hiding it but nonetheless, somebody owes me money.”

  “Why the fuck…,” Nyce barks and I hear guns cock. I jump out of the chair and walk to the study, knocking on the door before slowly entering. All guns immediately turn on me.

  “Hola Luìs,” I say to Nas’ guard, the same trusted guard that Fernàn had. My heart beats out of my chest in fear and nerves.

  “Aneesah,” he smiles, lowering his gun and motioning for the other guards to lower theirs. I turn to face Nas who is looking at me with a mischievous grin on his face. Damn this niggah’s fine. I can’t deny that and under different circumstances, he definitely can get it.

  I continue our conversation in Spanish.

  “What are you doing here, Nas?” I ask.

  “This has nothing to do with you, beautiful.”

  “Take the $15 million that your father was going to take and be done,” I tell him.

  “I’m not my father,” he says not taking his eyes off me.

  “No…you’re not,” I cut my eyes at him.

  “BUT, you do have something of mine that may change my mind. You know what I want,” he smiles.

  “And if I don’t oblige?”

  “My father’s protection is only extended to you, yes?” He asks before fixating his gaze on Nyce and then scans his eyes over each person in the room.

  “If I do this, are we done? You will disappear and leave everyone alone and nobody owes you anything?”

  “If you sign it over, I will walk away. You have my word.” He extends his hand.

  “I promised your father,” I whisper, shaking my head. “Can I ask why you want it so bad?”

  “I’m going to sell it. Those real estate people have been wanting that property for years. Offering amounts over a billion dollars. My father would never sell, but as for me? I am going to sell to the highest bidder.”

  “You would do that to your mother’s island?” I ask in shock.

  “She’s not here anymore and the land is just sitting there. Do we have a deal or not?”

  “Deal,” I reluctantly agree while apologizing to Fernàn in my head for breaking my promise. Nas grabs my hand and kisses it.

  “Nice to do business with you. I trust that you will mail the papers off in the morning,” he smiles lustfully while handing me his lawyer’s card to where I am supposed to mail the papers to.

  “Jimmy…Marquise,” Nas nods his head as him and his men walk out the door with Pree escorting them.

  “What the fuck just happened?” Knuck asks.

  “Just ask Pree later but it’s handled. Nobody owes anything,” I respond, speaking in English now.

  “Thank you,” Nyce whispers.

  “I didn’t do it for you,” I reply, walking out the room, heading to the bathroom to shower and get dressed.

  I apply my makeup in neutral colors and blow dry my hair straight. Wearing silver, sequined shorts that Morgan designed, a white tank top and some black, open toed heels, I accentuate the outfit with a pair of diamond studs. I look over my appearance in the mirror before opening the door.

  “You’re looking good,” I smile at Knuck who’s dressed in all black with the exception of his red Gucci loafers.

  “I know,” he cracks a smile, passing me by in the hallway.

  “Hey Mama,” I greet Pree walking inside her bedroom as she is in the mirror applying her makeup. I giggle at the sight of her in Spanx.

  “Yo, we’re old as shit,” I laugh.

  “Speak for yourself. Ugh. I can’t breathe in this thing,” she says tugging at the Spanx.

  “For someone who just had a baby, you still look good, Ma,” I wink and blow her a kiss.

  “I still have like twelve pounds to lose,” she replies putting on her red romper. We head out to the car with me jumping in the backseat of their baby blue Cayenne. We arrive at the strip club and are immediately escorted to VIP. I hug and make small talk with the manager who assures me
that I have nothing to worry about. Bottles are on the club tonight as long as I post a picture on social media. I do what he asks and proceed into VIP. Morgan, Jada, Mookie, Black and their wives are already here so we pop bottles and live the night up.

  By the time my bitch-ass ex and his troll arrive, we are all extra tipsy having the time of our lives. I’m getting a lap dance and stick a $100 bill in the pretty Latina woman’s thong as I watch one of the strippers hang off the pole up-side-down with one leg. Damn! Now that’s talent, I laugh. I accidently glance in Nyce’s direction. He looks bored and uninterested as he stands in the corner with his troll by his side with her face turned up like all of this is beneath her.

  I’m enjoying myself drinking and laughing with everyone. I miss this. I miss being “normal” and hanging out with my friends. Pree is extra tipsy as I watch her and Knuck making out in the corner, probably happy as shit that their six weeks are up. I laugh at how cute they are and get up to walk to the bathroom to freshen up.

  “Excuse me,” Nyce says when I walk past, his hand accidently brushing against my ass. He cracks a smile. I give him an evil glare, eyeing his outfit wearing a simple white button up and blue jeans. His ears and wrist sparkle as he holds on to his drink, taking a long sip out of the glass.

  I keep walking, passing Tori by the door as she plays in her phone wearing some flower printed dress. I don’t get them. Maybe she tames his inner beast and that’s what draws him to her. She and I are nothing alike. He’s not even the same person that I know when he’s with her.

  I quickly use the bathroom and return back to VIP.

  “My hand, it seems to keep getting in the way,” Nyce smiles when his hand brushes up against my ass again.

  “Do it again and I’m gonna chop the mothafucka off,” I hiss, walking towards Pree, passing Knuck by in the process.

  “Having fun?” I ask Pree.

  “I am going to fuck that man so hard tonight,” she giggles.

  “Y’all are a mess,” I laugh, following her gaze.

  Knuck is talking to Nyce with a look of urgency on his face as Nyce looks annoyed. Knuck nods his head before walking back over to me and Pree.

  “We have to go,” Knuck says to Pree.

  “Why? Is everything alright?”

  “Nas’ stupid ass is at the club.”

  I throw $5000.00 down on the table to leave as a tip and follow everyone out. I smile and wave at all the people who are shouting my name as we exit out the door.

  We arrive at Nyce’s packed club. The line is snaking around the building with people still trying to get in even though it’s well after 1:00 am. We meet up at the special entrance where celebrities and special clientele meet and enter inside. As soon as I step in, my face is plastered onto the movie screens as the crowd goes wild with cheers. I smile and wave while making my way to the VIP area. When we arrive, Nas is here with bottles being passed around. I help myself to a few drinks.

  “Come on. Let’s dance,” Morgan yells over the music while pulling on me and Pree’s arm. We make our way to the dance floor as ladies scream and the fellas hound me. I take a bunch of photos and give out hugs to my fans.

  “Are y’all gonna let me dance or what?” I giggle at the crowd formed around me.

  “Only if you can do it better than me,” a thick woman replies. She is a cute girl, about a size 18 with long loose wave weave hanging down her back.

  “You want to challenge me, babe?” I laugh at her boldness.

  “Let’s do this,” she smiles. The DJ cues the music to my song “Bodies in Motion” as the girl straight gets down with it.

  I am having a great time as a circle forms around us and I dance with this beautiful woman who is twerking and keeping up right along with me. When she breaks it down and does a full split in the middle of the floor, I give her, her props as the crowd cheers her on.

  “What’s your name sweetheart?” I ask giving her a hug.

  “Grayson,” she smiles sweetly. I take selfies with Grayson and her friends before shouting;

  “DRINKS ON ME,” at everyone as more hugs and high-fives come my way. All of a sudden, the music stops, and Salsa music starts to blasts out the speakers. Most of the crowd looks lost in confusion, wondering what the fuck is going on while some people flock to the floor, engaging in Salsa dancing.

  “Hey beautiful,” Nas whispers in my ear before extending his hand out to me. I smile and accept the dance. Nas and I get dirty on the dance floor and I mean dirty. If you know anything about Salsa dancing, you know that it is probably one of the most beautiful and sexy styles of dance there is. I even allow Nas’ hands to roam my body while we are engaged in the dance.

  The music goes off and the crowd cheers. I smile at him as he kisses me gently on my cheek making my body tingle.

  “Are you coming home with me tonight?” He asks, licking his lips.

  “Not even in your wildest dream,” I reply and sexily walk away while he watches my ass switch in seduction. Damn. If the circumstances were different, you damn right I would be leaving the club with his sexy ass. Let me see what that mouth and dick do homie.

  I’m in the private hall waiting for the elevator so I can get up to the executive floor to use the bathroom. Someone grabs my arm.

  “What the fuck?” I snap, snatching my arm out of Nyce’s grip.

  “You tryin’ to fuckin’ die tonight, Aneesah?” He barks.

  “What the fuck you talkin’ about?”

  “Aneesah, I will fuck you up in here. Don’t fuckin’ try me.”

  “You got some nerve,” I laugh in his face. These drinks got me feeling good.

  “If you even attempt to leave with that niggah, I swear to God I will kick your fuckin’ teeth in.”

  “Ohhhh…I’s scared now. Please Mr. Jimmy, sir. I’s likes my teef,” I mock in a country-bama accent before laughing.

  “Besides, what the fuck you care for? What I do is none of your concern. You better save that shit for your wife,” I snap.

  “You’re drunk.”

  “So. I’m coherent enough to know that if I choose to fuck him, I will.” He grips me up and stares into my eyes as I harden my face and stare back, challenging him.

  “That’s what I thought,” I suck my teeth, pushing him away from me.

  “Aneesah,” he says calmly. “If you leave with him, I will kill the both of you and spend the rest of my life running because this will incite a war.”

  “You’re so cute when you’re mad,” I pat his face.

  “I’m not playin,” he says in all seriousness.

  “Then I suggest you not do anything that you’re gonna regret,” I tell him walking away. I take the back stairs up to the executive floor instead. When I come out of the bathroom, I run right into Nas.

  “What are you doing up here?”

  “Senorita,” he smiles kissing my hand, ignoring my question.

  “What do you want, Nas?” I snap, snatching my hand away.

  “Oh, why so angry? We just had a good time, yes,” he says in his sexy, heavy accent while pointing down below at the dance floor. “You can’t possibly be mad at me. That island belonged to my mother. It should be mine.”

  “It’s not about that. I promised your father I would protect it and you’re doing exactly what he said that you were going to do,” I shake my head.

  “Well if you belong to me, I will let you keep it. You will always be welcomed to stay and use as your personal getaway,” he says with his sexy, fuckable smile. Shit. This niggah does it for me. I just want to sit on his face, I think while trying to control my hormones.

  “I don’t think so,” I reluctantly tell him.

  “Why? What are you afraid of?” He asks. “Can I at least take you to dinner? I’m actually a really nice guy,” he smirks.

  “No thank you,” I politely decline.

  “Coffee? Tea? Donuts? I just want to be in your presence.”

  “That’s very sweet but my answer is always gonna be no.”<
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  “Please. Come be with me. Let me spoil you and show you the world,” he says sincerely, grabbing my hand.

  “You have to up your game, Nas. If you haven’t noticed, I can spoil myself and I’ve already seen the world,” I laugh.

  “You may have seen the world, but you haven’t seen it with me,” he alluringly stares into my eyes, looking sexy as hell.

  Stop it! I whisper to “my girl” as she pulsates with lust.

  “No thank you,” I smile.

  “Is it Nyce?”

  I don’t respond.

  “Because if it is…well…,” he shrugs not wanting to state the obvious.

  “Regardless of what our situation is or however he may feel about me, I still would never do that to him. Me and you will never happen Nas,” I sternly state.

  “Mi bella cantante. I can see why Jimmy calls you Diamond. You truly are a precious gem and he is a fool for leaving you. He has no idea what he had or what he left behind.” He plants a soft peck on my lips and walks away leaving my body to vibrate with tingles that he has caused, making me crave for more and for a brief moment, I think about running after his ass just to get a nut off for the night.

  The office door abruptly swings open scaring the shit out of me and causing me to jump. Nyce is standing in the doorway staring at me as he tucks his gun away.

  “You’re so stupid. You were really going to kill me?” I ask.

  “I would have killed him. I would have shot you in the foot or something.” I want to laugh at his stupid ass but I refuse to give him the satisfaction of laughing at his joke. We stand in complete silence for a moment.

  “He’s wrong, you know? I know exactly just how precious you are, and I know what I lost. I lost my best friend and I miss her,” he says pulling me into his arms and I accidently melt in his embrace. My body fills up with so much emotion; emotions that I don’t want to feel. He pulls away from me and looks intensely into my eyes.

  “I’m sorry. Just give me time to make it right,” he says for the hundredth time. He lays the sweetest kiss upon my forehead before walking down the stairs.

  The next day with a major hangover, I deal with Nyce and his troll at the church where Kenya is being christened. Nyce and I stand up front with Pree and Knuck declaring that we are the godparents of their baby girl. I hold Kenya in my arms with Nyce standing to the right of us as the Pastor says a word in prayer. Afterwards, Pree tries to take pictures of me, the baby and Nyce.


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