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Unveiled Page 38

by Shataya Simms

  He cocks his head and cuts his eyes at me.

  “When did you come up with this little, tired ass epiphany all of a sudden and what did you confuse your love for me with?”

  “My epiphany did not come all of a sudden and I confused love for good dick,” I state, staring at him icily. He shakes his head before walking out the room.

  Around 10:00 am the next morning, I prepare for the yoga instructor that my kickboxing instructor hooked me up with. Throwing on some orange tights with matching sports bra, I brush my teeth, wash my face and throw my hair up into a ponytail. Marching downstairs into the kitchen to eat a light breakfast before she arrives, Nyce is sitting at the counter eating an apple, staring at me. I roll my eyes and walk over to the fridge.

  “Where’s my chocolate milk?” I ask slamming the door.

  “You mean this?” He holds his cup out to me. “My bad. You can have it.”

  “I don’t want it. You drank my fuckin’ milk. Miss Sophia won’t be back until next Monday and nobody is here to go to the market,” I snap.

  “Aneesah, it’s not that serious. I will run to the store and buy you some.”

  “It is serious. I don’t want you here,” I cry, tears spilling down my face as I am bubbling with laughter inside. Like I said, since he chooses to stay here, I am going to drive him the fuck crazy.

  “Are you fuckin’ serious?” He looks at me as I wipe the tears from my eyes.

  “GET OUT,” I scream, walking out the kitchen, smiling when he can’t see my face. I start laughing to myself.

  “Bitch-ass,” I mumble walking up the stairs.

  At 11:00, Renee the instructor comes right on time.

  “Hi. Renee, right?” I ask opening the door.

  “Yes. Nice to meet you,” she says extending her hand. I shake it and lead her inside. She’s white with short spiky blond hair. She is about 5’5 and in great shape.

  “Miss Bradshaw do you have your doctor’s papers approving this before we get started?” She inquires.

  “Oh yes. They’re upstairs. You can call me Aneesah and make yourself at home while I go get them.” As I’m walking up the stairs, Nyce is coming down. I catch a whiff of his cologne.

  “You stink,” I mumble, passing him by.

  When I come back down, he is in the kitchen talking to Renee.

  “Is it safe?” He asks her.

  “Yeah. Women are not as fragile as you think while we are pregnant. We can pretty much do any activity that we were doing prior to becoming pregnant,” Renee advises.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” I tell her handing her the papers.

  “Where would you like to start?” She asks, unfolding the papers and reading them over.

  “It’s a nice day out. I guess we can go outside,” I reply while walking over to the patio doors.

  “I have to make a run. I’ll be back in a few,” Nyce volunteers.

  “And you’re telling me this because?” I ask shrugging my shoulders. He lets out a soft chuckle.

  “It was nice to meet you Renee,” he says walking out the kitchen.

  “Okay, because you are pregnant, I have a limitation of 20 minutes. That’s enough exercise for the day to help keep you in shape,” Renee states, rolling out her mat.

  Twenty minutes later, I have indeed worked up a sweat.

  “How was your first session?” Renee asks as we are warming down.

  “Great. I feel great.”

  “Would you like to continue the sessions?”

  “Yes. Let’s do three times a week if that works for you. I can do Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings if that’s available.”

  “What time so I can check my calendar?”

  “Same time. Eleven a.m. works for me.”

  “Okay. It works,” she says looking through her planner.

  “Would you like something to drink? I have iced-tea, water, lemonade, cranberry or apple juice.”

  “A bottle of water would be great. I have another appointment and have to get going.”

  We walk inside my kitchen and I hand her a water before she leaves. I take my vitamins and run upstairs to take a shower. I lotion up and lather a ton of shea butter onto my stomach and thighs. I hope this shit works to prevent stretch marks because I’m not opposed to going to Doctor Hollywood.

  “Boy. I’m getting huge,” I say checking myself out in the mirror and taking a selfie. I have become obsessed with taking selfie’s and posting them to social media ever since my pregnancy was unveiled and I’m not even certain why. I guess I like seeing the progression and changes that my body is making. I finish getting dressed and clip the front of my hair back, grab my purse and walk out the door.

  I arrive at Pree’s shop at 1:30 and walk past Dontay without giving him any eye contact.

  “Girl. Why didn’t you tell me that your ass was pregnant?” Staci the shampoo girl asks me when I sit in her chair.

  “Surprise. I’m pregnant,” I giggle.

  “Smart ass. I finally saw Lena. You were amazing. They definitely snubbed you out of that Oscar,” she says massaging my scalp.

  “Thank you, girl. I really appreciate that.” I chat with her and the girls before walking my ass to Dontay.

  “You still not talking to me?” He asks.

  “No,” I respond as he helps me into the chair. “I start Lamaze classes soon. Are you going to be there?”

  “No. Stop acting like this. That man is the father of those babies whether you like it or not so you’re asking the wrong person.”

  “But you promised me,” I whine.

  “I did promise you when the circumstances were different. He wants to be there so let him. I’m not interfering with that,” he says turning on the blow dryer.

  “You bitch,” I mumble.

  “Call me something else and see I won’t burn your fucking scalp and leave you bald,” he states nudging me in my head.

  He finishes my hair and I walk up the stairs to get my feet and nails done. I hear Pree’s loud ass mouth come in.

  “Hey honey,” she says sitting next to me.

  “Hey. Where are the kids?” I ask.

  “With the nanny,” she answers sticking her feet in the water. “Speaking of, here,” she says handing me a business card. “This is where I found mine.”

  “I don’t think I want a nanny.”

  “Aneesah, trust me. You are going to need one. There will be times that you just want to get out for a little while. I wouldn’t be here now if I didn’t have one.”

  “Well, where’s Knuck?” I ask.

  “I think he’s with Nyce at Trey’s.”


  “Not like that. It’s this divorce shit with Tori but on another note, Knuck told me about the little stunt you pulled with the custody papers. Was that necessary?”

  “Yes. I don’t want him around me at all. I can’t even stand to look at his ass.”

  “That’s not cool, Aneesah. You’re not going to get all triflin’ and use these babies against him, are you?” She questions.

  “No,” I angrily mumble, knowing that I was dead wrong for that.

  “He also said that you are being mean to him,” she giggles.

  “Me being mean to him is way past due,” I huff.

  “I guess there is a thin line between love and hate,” she laughs. “So, let’s talk baby shower. What do you want?”

  “I want a simple backyard/garden shower. Nothing too fancy or over the top.”

  “Noted. I’m on it.”

  “Thank you, best friend,” I beam.

  We finish beautifying ourselves and I go home with Pree to see my god kids. I can’t believe that Tajee is six already and Kenya is two. I am holding Anaya when Tajee walks up to me.

  “Sha-Sha, please tell me that you are having a boy. There are too many girls,” he pouts. He’s right too because he is the only boy. Trey has two girls and now Tajee has two sisters.

  “I’ll try man,” I tell him thinking about the papers that co
nfirm the sex of my babies. I had dropped them off at Jada’s bakery last night. My cake pops should be ready to be picked up by now.

  “Melissa’s pregnant again too,” Pree confirms, pouring me a glass of juice.

  “I know. Hopefully it’s a boy. You have any chocolate milk?” I ask.

  “I think so,” she says walking over to the cabinet. She hands me the chocolate syrup and pours me a glass of milk.

  “When I was pregnant with Taj, my thing was orange soda and Dorito’s. I would have to hide the soda bottles from Knuck all the time. With Kenya, it was cottage cheese and pineapple. Yuck, when I think about it and Anya was celery with cream cheese and raisins,” she laughs.

  “All I want is chocolate milk and peanut butter,” I laugh pouring the syrup into my milk.

  “That’s cute because if you pay attention to Nyce, he always has peanut butter cups within his reach,” she giggles as I roll my eyes.

  I leave Pree’s house at about eight o’clock that evening and drive down South Street in Philly to Jada’s bakery to pick up my cake pops before heading back home. Stepping inside the foyer, Biggie is the first to greet me almost knocking me over.

  “Okay…okay…down,” I tell him trying to push him off me.

  “Down,” Nyce commands as Biggie obediently obeys.

  “I don’t understand why he listens to you and not me when I raised his punk-ass,” I huff. Well, sort of. I have to give Rita some credit for helping to raise Big too.

  “Because I’m the alpha-male. It’s an animal thing.”

  “It was a rhetorical question that didn’t require a response,” I tell him in a bitchy tone.

  “I made dinner if you’re hungry. Dontay is upstairs and Dani called the house phone and said that she will be here tomorrow. I don’t want her here.”

  “You don’t have a say on who can and can’t be here,” I remind him while walking up the stairs. I enter my room and place the box of cake pops down on my breakfast table.

  “I guess this is it,” I say to myself taking out my selfie stick to document the moment. I record on Facebook live as I slowly open the box, looking at the different assortments of cake pops dipped in chocolate and white chocolate with sparkles glistening off them.

  “In case you’re wondering what I’m doing,” I start the video. “I’m pregnant with twins and this is my own little gender reveal party,” I giggle as I watch numerous thumbs ups, hearts, and congratulations comments. “Soooo…welcome to the party,” I smile. “Two babies. I have to eat one chocolate and one vanilla pop to see what Baby A and what Baby B are. Here goes nothing. Cheers.” I take a bite out of the chocolate pop. Inside is blue dye, revealing that I am having a boy.

  “I got a baby boy growing inside of me,” I laugh, picking up the second pop. Me holding this damn selfie stick up over my head is making my arm tire. “Cheers to baby number two.” I bite into the other cake pop and look inside.

  “Blue. I’m having twin boys. Thanks for coming to the party,” I wink at the camera before turning it off.

  BUZZ goes my phone alerting me that I have a text message.

  PREE: U asshole. I wld have loved to experience that wit u

  ME: Like u didn’t kno already

  PREE: I did but still. (laughing emoji’s) Knuck told me last night.

  I look down at my phone, watching numerous text messages coming through.

  MORGAN: I have 2 nephews to spoil. Congratulations hunny.

  JADA: Boys…AYE! Congratulations sissy. (Kissy lips emoji)

  TRON: Congratulations all the way from Europe (even tho u not talkin to me)

  As I’m responding to Rita, excited about having grandsons, there is banging on my door.

  “WHAT?” I snap.

  “You know, you could have at least let me be in the video with you when you made the announcement,” Nyce says, stepping inside.

  “For what? You already told everyone what I was having.”

  “What we are having and that’s beside the point.”

  “What do you want?”

  “It’s really like that?”

  I let out a breath.

  “What do you want, Nyce?”

  “Give me a fuckin’ cake pop,” he snaps, grabbing one off the table before walking out my room. I laugh at his little attitude as he slams my door shut.

  Waking up a little later than usual the next morning, I jump in the shower and throw on some jean shorts that I have to leave unbuttoned and a wife beater. I walk down to the kitchen to get some water to take my vitamins. Nyce walks inside entering through the patio doors with Biggie trailing behind.

  “You have boxes in the den. I didn’t know where to put them and I didn’t want to wake you,” he advises.

  “Thanks,” I mumble taking my vitamins. The boxes are more than likely my maternity clothes that I ordered online.

  “Your office phone has been ringing off the hook too,” he states taking a seat at the island.

  “Yeah, I know. Thanks to your wife, I have every damn reporter calling me wanting an interview,” I state while popping a bagel into the toaster and shooting him a cold look.

  “I know. I’m sorry. I tried to fix it. Shit. My dick was all over the internet too.”

  “Nobody pays attention to the guy and I bet you got hoes in ya inbox wanting sum.”

  He cracks a smile.

  “Had I known that females give up the pussy via social media, I would have gotten on there a long time ago. Wish they had this shit when I was in my prime,” he laughs.

  “Dogg,” I shake my head. He looks at me thoughtfully.

  “What?” I ask as he stares at me with a stupid look on his face.

  “Would you like to go out with me today? I know my mom wants to see you.”

  “I talked to your mom and we are getting together for lunch.”

  “Well, how about we do something. Just me and you,” he suggests.

  “No,” I reply spreading cream cheese on my bagel. He fixes his mouth to say something but the sound of the front door opening and shutting stops him.

  “HI. MISS ME?” Dani yells entering the kitchen.

  “Hey boo,” I greet, giving her a hug.

  “Hey babies,” she says in a baby voice while rubbing my belly. She looks up and notices Nyce.

  “Hello,” she smiles.

  Nyce stares at her before walking out the kitchen with Biggie following behind him.

  “Ignore him. What’s up Mama?” I ask. Dani is looking skinny as hell, but she has a glow about her that I haven’t seen in a while.

  “Nothing. Make me some food please,” she whines sitting down.

  “Want a sandwich?”

  “Yes,” she replies taking off her jacket.

  “So, who has you all glowing? Spill it,” I state while walking over to the fridge to grab the fixings for her sandwich.

  “I met somebody,” she gushes. “He’s HIV positive too and I’ve been spending time with him. I like him a lot,” she smiles.

  “Is he a drug user too,” I ask.

  “Why do you always do that? I’m trying to share a piece of happiness with you and here you are trying to fuck it up,” she snaps.

  “I’m sorry Dani. I just want to see you clean and healthy, that’s all,” I reply sliding her a sandwich.

  “No, he’s not on drugs. Not that I know of. I met him online on that dating site for people with HIV/AIDS. His name is Raul and he’s 28 and works for JP Morgan in Center City,” she volunteers taking a bite of her sandwich.

  “I’m glad. So, when do I get to meet him?” I ask.

  “He’s out of town on business this week. When he comes back, we can all go out or something. You, me, Nyce, Knuck and Pree.”

  “Just because Nyce is here does not mean anything. We are not together, and I don’t plan on being with him.”

  “Then why is he here?”

  “To be a pain in my ass.”

  Dani giggles.

  “It’s not funny,” I tell her.r />
  “Yes, it is. This is some shit you don’t hear every day. You are living a real episode of One Life to Live or some shit like that,” she laughs.


  “Well I am going to take a shower and crash. I’m beat,” she says giving me a kiss on the cheek and walks out the kitchen. I walk into the theater room to watch a movie but Nyce is in here smoking a blunt.

  “Don’t fuckin’ disrespect me in my house,” I snap.

  “What are you talking about?” He asks putting his blunt out.

  “You smoking in my damn house.”

  “Are you tryin’ to pick a fight with me?”

  “Get the fuck out,” I groan before storming out, slamming the door shut. Alright, I know I was reaching with the whole smoking thing. It’s not about him smoking. I don’t care about that but to put it bluntly, I don’t want him here.

  I change my clothes into a one-piece spandex cat suit and walk down into my dance studio. I turn on some music and throw my pointe shoes on. I am in deep thought as I try to dance away the irritating feeling I feel pent up in my chest. I stop abruptly after twenty minutes or so and turn the music off.

  “Even pregnant you look beautiful when you dance,” Nyce smiles, leaning against the door and recording me with his cell phone.

  “Can I help you with something? What do you want?” I ask grabbing a towel off the rack.

  “I came to apologize for smoking,” he says cocking his head and smiling, shoving his phone into his pocket.

  “Whatever,” I roll my eyes. I walk over to the bench to change my shoes.

  “You’re just gonna hate me forever? Is this what our relationship has come down to?” He asks.

  “Not forever. Just the next eighteen years. After that, I’m hoping that I don’t ever have to see your face again.”

  He laughs.

  “Alright Tudy. A niggah fucked up, but you don’t have to be a dick about it,” he chuckles. I roll my eyes and stand up. I push down on my stomach trying to get whoever is pushing on my ribs to move.

  “Can I feel?” Nyce asks placing his hands on my stomach.


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