Promise You

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Promise You Page 6

by Fabiola Francisco

  “It’s good to come out a bit. Work’s been nonstop lately, and the beer is always cold here.” I chuckle at his response. Good to see him happy after the shit he went through.

  I order a beer and scope out the place. Thursdays are always busy here. Riot’s a staple in the city, especially for live music lovers.

  “Peyton wants me to write some songs with you.”

  “Like the good ole days,” I hit my bottle with his. “It’d be great to write music together again.”

  “Sure will. Once you have a solid list, I’m sure Peyton will work negotiations with Nashville.” Hunter sports a proud smile.

  “He mentioned today that he started negotiations, actually. He also mentioned booking bigger events before the tour begins. Get my name out there and all that.” I’m looking forward to that.

  “Great deal,” Hunter smirks and finishes off his beer. “I’m gonna head home to my lady.” His grin grows.

  “Tell Kenzie I say hi. Thanks for coming.” I push away from the bar.

  “You’re welcome. Gotta support my buddy,” he slaps my back.

  I finish my beer after he leaves and head out. Long gone are the days of staying out late, finding a woman to keep my bed warm. Only one woman has occupied my thoughts in the last few months, and after getting a taste of her, she’s the only one I want to bury myself into.

  At home, I text Reese.

  Dex: just got home from riot. Wanted to say goodnight, beautiful

  Reese: I’m sure you did great… goodnight

  Instead of crashing, I grab my guitar and go over my older songs, making sure they’re in tip-top shape. I play for hours as I imagine blue eyes smiling at me as I sing to Reese. It’s crazy how one person can change your perspective. Before I met Reese, all I cared about was signing a record deal and seducing women with my music. As soon as I got to know her, I knew there was something I was missing. All I craved was to spend time with her, to talk to her, and go to brunch for fuck’s sake.

  For me, it was always about being more than friends. She’s funny, stubborn, and smart—a lethal combination. No way I’d let her get away like her ex did.

  I have no idea how Jason would react, especially if I’ll be traveling with them, but he can’t be all that bad. Hunter’s always warned me about keeping my dick in check to not ruin my career, but I’m not just fucking around with Reese. I’m a nice guy. As long as I respect his sister, I don’t think we’ll have any problems.

  I’m overthinking everything by the time I go to bed. Mostly, if Reese is really over this guy or not. It could’ve been years since they broke up, but it’s obvious it still affects her. Do I even stand a chance if she’s still hurting over the loss of someone else?

  Damn it. I need to go to sleep and forget this nonsense. The way she kisses me isn’t like someone who’s still in love with an ex-boyfriend. I see the way she looks at me. She cares. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let insecurity ruin a good thing at this point in the game.

  Dex: tomorrow… you, me, and a homecooked meal

  Change of plans for my date with Reese. Wade is out of town this weekend, and I’ve

  decided to cook for her instead. I worked at the radio station this morning, making sure to leave everything prepared for the weekend so I can enjoy my time off.

  Reese: you tryin to seduce me?

  It makes me happy she’s not fighting this. Grinning like a fool, I write back to her.

  Dex: won’t deny it…and if my cookin gives me bonus points, then I’ll go all out

  Reese: I do love a man who can cook

  Dex: I definitely know my way around the kitchen

  And her body, but I keep that to myself.

  Reese: that’s what they all say

  Dex: I don’t just talk

  Jealousy about other guys cooking for her strikes me, though I have no right.

  Dex: tomorrow I’ll prove to you how good my skills are

  I let my double meaning sit between us and head out for my lunch meeting with Peyton. We’ve got details to go over, starting with my brand, sound, and song list. He wants to show me some events and festivals in the spring he thinks will be good for me to join and small venues in the city. I know being Rebel Desire’s manager, he’s got the right connections. It was a no-brainer to bring him on as my manager, especially since he doesn’t focus on managing a ton of musicians. He’s selective, which makes this that much more significant to me.

  All of this has given me a different purpose with my music, the direction I was lacking when I was jumping from bar to bar, playing to local crowds. I love doing that, but I wasn’t moving forward. I kept dreaming of some big-time executive seeing me perform and begging me to join his label. Or better yet, someone at the radio station would magically play one of my songs. It was a naïve dream, but when it comes to this deal, I’m still that excited ten-year-old with his first guitar and stars in his eyes. You’d think the eighteen years of life experience since then would’ve prepared me better.

  Thankfully, things are on track now, and I’ve got a woman I care about spending her weekend with me. I’m a lucky bastard.


  “Come in,” I hear Dex’s voice call out from the other side of the door. I turn the knob and walk into his apartment, I find him in the kitchen, his back to me as he stirs something in a pot on the stove. He looks at me over his shoulder and grins.

  “Hey, sorry but can’t stop stirring this for a minute.” His smile widens as his eyes move down my body. “You look beautiful.”

  “It’s okay. It smells good.” I lift the bottle of wine in my hand. “Brought wine.” I shake the bottle slowly.

  “Thank you. I told you to only bring yourself.” The whisk in his hand moving quickly in the pan.

  I shrug. “I couldn’t come empty-handed. I’d have to repay you for going through the trouble of cooking dinner.” I arch an eyebrow, the meaning filling the space. After talking to Dex, I feel like I can walk into this relationship with an open mind.

  “Babe, I could think of a better way to repay me for dinner.” He winks before turning back to the stove.

  “You wish,” I throw out to his back.

  Without missing a beat, he says, “You’re the one that’s going to be wishing for more than wine in a bit.”

  I snort and set the bottle on the counter top. “We both know you’re the one that can’t resist me.” I lift an eyebrow and wait for him to turn around. He takes his time, adding what looks like milk in a measuring cup into the pot. He stirs a few more times, lowering the temperature, every movement deliberate, the muscles and tattoos on his arms flexing with each action he takes.

  Dex finally grabs the towel that’s been thrown over his shoulder and wipes his hands. He turns around with a cocky grin adorning that gorgeous face, lighting up those bright, green eyes. Damn him for being so handsome. And a charmer, too. He charmed me right into bed not that long ago. Okay, I tumbled into bed willingly, acting as if I was doing him a favor when in reality I’d been dreaming of it since the moment we met. I’m a sucker for musicians. Don’t remind me.

  My eyes move down his body, and I burst out laughing.

  “Is there something funny?” He drapes the towel over his shoulder again and crosses his arms over his chest.

  I bend over, clutching my stomach. “Oh, God.” I look at him, an apron tied around his body with the image of chiseled chest and abs, a hand holding a cowboy hat covering what would be his dick. I hiccup as I laugh harder.

  “You’re offending me, Reese.” He places a hand over his chest.

  “I just can’t look at you straight when you’re wearing that.” I shake my head and wipe under my eyes.

  “It’s not much different than what’s underneath. A little less muscle than the real thing,” he cocks an eyebrow, and I think about a different kind of cock. One I’ve seen without the shield of a cowboy hat and my laughter catches in my throat.

  I know exactly what’s underneath, my hands have felt
the ripples of muscle, my mouth tasted every ridge that leads down to…

  Get it together, Reese.

  “You okay there?” He gives me a knowing smirk.

  I roll my eyes. “Of course I’m okay. Don’t you need to take a look at the food? How can I help?” I need something to get my mind off of Dex’s body, so I can catch my breath and cool my own body.

  “How about you open the bottle of wine while I finish this.” He grabs the whisk again, stirring the sauce in the pan.

  “Perfect. Just hand me a wine opener, I’m a pro at serving wine.” Dex grins and hands me the opener, his fingers brushing against mine causing my skin to fill with goosebumps. His mischievous smirk rattles me. So cocky. So confident. So damn sexy.

  I’ve been keeping my distance, but after I told him about Knox, I feel lighter, as if this could happen. I could easily fall for him, more than I already have.

  I effortlessly open the bottle of wine and fill the two glasses Dex set on the counter as he finishes dinner. The aroma of garlic and cream fills the space around his kitchen. I watch his back as he moves around adding spices and straining pasta over the sink. I take this moment to observe him without the scrutiny of his eyes watching me, silently asking what I’m thinking. I take advantage of this moment to feel what this is between us, what it could be if I believe that we can be more than friends. More than two people that slept together and laugh over cocktails.

  “The food is almost ready,” he turns to look at me, green eyes bearing into my blue ones. If we had children, would their eyes be like his or mine? Or would they be unique aqua?


  I stop that train of thought faster than an eight-second ride.

  “Wine?” I hold up his glass.

  “You serve wine for a person or a giant?” He looks at the extra full glass as he takes it.

  “I’m thirsty,” I shrug.

  “Or are you trying to get me drunk so you can have your way with me.” He waggles his eyebrows and I laugh. I can’t take him seriously with that apron on.

  I scoff. “As if I’d need to get you drunk for that.” It’s his turn to stare at me, his throat bobbing as he swallows a gulp of wine.

  “I won’t even deny it,” he says after a beat. “Sorry I’m still cooking and not talking much. I tend to get lost in my cooking. Gotta make sure it’s the best for you.” There’s that beautiful smile again, the one that shows off his dimples.

  “It’s okay.” I take a drink of wine, looking at him over the rim of the glass.

  “How was your day? How’s the world of advertisement?”

  “Same ole thing. Meeting with clients and finalizing some deals. I had lunch with Olivia after our meeting yesterday since she’s doing some freelance work for our client.” I lean back in my seat, crossing my right leg over my knee.

  “That’s nice. How is she?” He continues moving around the kitchen as we talk.

  “She’s good. We went to that new spot in The District. They have the best club sandwich.” I salivate thinking about it.

  “A club sandwich is a club sandwich.”

  “No way, this was the perfect balance of flavors and mayo. I don’t know, but it was delicious.” Not everyone can make a good sandwich.

  “I bet I could make you a better one.” He leans on the counter across from me, his biceps showing off beneath the sleeves of his black tee shirt.

  “First, let’s see how good dinner is,” I tease.

  “Trust me, my cooking will satisfy you,” Dex winks.

  I know what else would satisfy me more than food. I don’t tell him that, but by the way he’s staring at me I’m pretty sure he read my mind.

  “After dinner, babe. Need you fueled up for what I have in mind.” I feel a blush creeping up my neck and bite down my smile.

  This man will be the death of me. Not only can he play my body better than he does that guitar of his, but he can also sense exactly what I want, need.

  “Let’s eat,” Dex claps his hands, the echo bringing me back to the present. Heat from my blush creeps up my face, I’m sure coloring my cheeks brighter than the wine. The memory of how he felt over and under me has been stuck in my mind since I snuck out of this very same apartment.

  “Let me help you,” I look up at Dex.

  “Want to take the glasses of wine, and I’ll grab the bottle and dish?”

  “Don’t we need to set the table?” I look at the bare counter.

  “Nope, I’ve got it all set up. Follow me.” His crooked smirk does me in, flashes of his body over mine, same smirk before he fucked me that first night. I shiver and walk behind him. He leads us out the front door and through the narrow hall lined with the doors to other apartments and through a gate that leads to the pool area.

  “I thought we could eat out here since it’s a little warmer. This is one time I’m thankful for Nashville’s crazy, unpredictable weather.” He places the dish on a perfectly set table, right down to a small candle in the center. I have to agree with him, you never know what weather you’ll get here, but I’m glad today is in the high sixties to enjoy this.

  “This is beautiful.” I arrange our wine glasses in front of each place setting and look around the space. The sun is hanging low in the horizon, casting shadows around the trees and the lounge chairs under the wooden pergola in the pool area.

  “Only the best for you,” the tone of his voice is serious, his eyes watching me. Once again, those curious eyes are on me, trying to figure out what I’m thinking. Ever since I told him about Knox, Dex has been more careful, more intentional with me.

  “Thank you.”

  He pulls out a chair. “Sit.”

  I give in to his command. His fingers graze my shoulders as he slides in my chair. My stomach flips, and I squeeze my thighs together. Sometimes I hate how attracted I am to him. It’s so much, and becoming friends only intensified it. It gave us a strong foundation and all that bullshit Mackenzie spoke to me about.

  Soon, he’ll leave on tour and have a ton of women pining over him. And I’ll be left here, in my nine to five job with only memories of his scruff teasing my skin and his bright eyes as he repeats quotes from rom-coms. Will other women live with the same memory after me? It’s true Jason has always been faithful while on the road, but Dex isn’t like my brother, he has a reputation. One I can’t help but think stardom will fuel.

  I remain in my head as Dex serves us both, refilling our wine glasses while he’s at it.

  “The food will get cold,” he breaks me away from my doubts.

  I offer a tight smile. “Yeah.” I look down at my plate, the savory smell of basil, oregano, and cheese fill my nose. I take a bite of the penne pasta, and the flavors pop in my mouth.

  “This is so good,” I cover my mouth as I compliment Dex’s cooking.

  “Thanks,” his dimples appear next to his smile. “I’m glad you like it.” He forks pasta and tries the pasta for himself.

  Silence adds to the tension between us, a mixture of desire and uncertainty.

  “Have you met with Peyton again?” I break the silence. Dex is so talented, but the music industry is extremely competitive.

  He smiles. “I met with him yesterday afternoon. I have a lot of work to do and deadlines, but I’m excited.

  “It will be an amazing opportunity,” I reassure him, reaching for his free hand and squeezing his fingers.

  “It will. You never realize how much goes into it until they start talking about a band, social media, blocking out tour dates, and adding new venues.”

  “It’s a busy lifestyle,” I say, taking another sip of wine.

  “It’s all about balance,” he points out. “This.” He motions between us. “I’ll make time for this.” He looks at the table, me, and the outdoor space.

  I grin and change the subject. “Where’d you get that apron?” I jut my chin toward the piece of fabric still tied around him.

  He doesn’t fight my sudden change in topic. “I knew you’d like it. It wa
s supposed to be a gag gift from Wade, but the joke’s on him since it clearly got your attention.” His eyebrows dance on his forehead.

  “It definitely got my attention. It’s ridiculous, although, it doesn’t surprise me at all that you’d wear that with pride.” I wipe my mouth with the napkin as he speaks.

  “I bet it got you thinking about my irresistible body,” his eyebrows do that wagging thing again and he gives me a crooked smile, one of his dimples showing up.

  “So much so that I…” I stare into his eyes and continue, leaning forward on my elbows, my chin on my hands. “I started reminiscing about how it felt to…” I drift off, my eyes dancing with mischief as his darken, his body leaning over the table.

  His rapt attention makes me laugh. Dex startles as I lean my head back.

  “Damn it, Reese.” He adjusts himself under the table.

  “You’re the one who wore the apron,” I shrug, not feeling one bit sorry.

  “I’m going to give you more to reminisce about,” he promises with a raised eyebrow and confident nod.

  I drink my wine, finishing off what I had left in my glass. If he only knew that the memories are still very vivid. I put on a smile in the hope he can’t read through my façade. “Good.” I mirror his eyebrow and smirk.

  “Fuck, I want to take you right here. Taste your skin. It’s been too long.” He grows serious, his body tense.

  “It’s been a week,” I wave a hand.

  “Yeah, but I had plans for the morning after, before you ran off on me,” long gone is the light humor.

  I tuck my lips into my mouth, biting down hard. “Sorry,” my voice is weak. I hate that I did that, but my emotions got the best of me. Old memories resurfaced when I woke up to another musician.

  The only problem is that this wasn’t any man, this was Dex. I like my friendship with him. I like Dex, and that scares me. He’s the type of man I can easily get lost in, the kind that would turn me upside down with just his eyes.

  “Just stay. I like you, Reese. A lot. I haven’t been shy about making my feelings known. Yes, this is new territory for me, but you’re also the one who wants fun. I can offer you more than that, while always keeping things fun.” He sets his fork on the edge of his plate and his eyes squint as he reads my face.


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