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Blood Stained Lives (The Blood Stained Saga Book 1)

Page 15

by Ronald Griffin

  This makes Namon just a little bit nervous. Then Oz drags his box that is a little bit larger than he is. He accepts the box and opens it to find an interesting item. Namon lifts an unusual dagger out of the box. The blade on the dagger is rounded, and has teeth on the blade. He notices the button on the handle, and presses it. The blade on the dagger spins around like a chainsaw. Namon smiles at the gift.

  “Thank you, buddy. I am very sure this is going to come in handy.”

  “That little guy is very good with machines and technology,” Eric says.

  Oz bows with great pride.

  Now last to give their gift is Sierra. She approaches and hands him his final gift. He opens it, and inside the box is a journal. It’s simple in design and binding, and the cover is made from black leather, on the inside of the cover she has written. To Namon, With much love, Sierra. Right beside the inscription, she had drawn a wolf.

  “I always see you reading your mom’s journal. So I figured you could use one for yourself. Maybe it could be a family tradition for you that you could pass on to your children someday,” she says with a smile, but Namon can see the sadness in her eyes.

  “Thank you. I will always cherish it, and I will write in it, I promise.”

  Eric stands up,” “As our traditions continue, everyone meet in the woods fifteen minutes from now and we will take Namon on his first pack run.”

  Everyone stands and starts cleaning up, but Sierra grabs Namon by his hand and leads him somewhere more private.

  “I had to talk to you for a minute alone. I have been doing a lot of thinking today while I was out shopping. I really like you, and all, but you have this big destiny that is bigger than all of us. So I realize that there is no future for us no matter how much I want there to be. I’ve been selfish for some time, wanting to try, and make you my own, and that isn't fair of me. This is your birthday, but there’s one gift that I want you to give to me.”

  She grabs him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him to her, and kisses him full on the lips. After she lets go of him, he has this shocked look on his face. She turns around and heads to the woods. Minutes later, everyone stands naked except Namon, and they phase into their wolf forms. Namon phases and they all run into the woods together, experiencing for the very first time what it feels like not only to be a member of this team, but also to have a full family.

  Cyrus brings his fists down on top of his desk out of anger, instantly rendering it into splinters. Drake stands there with his head lowered after giving him the bad news.

  “You're Seeker Demons are useless! It has been months and they haven't been able to deliver the boy or the amulet!”

  “I do apologize, sir. Apparently, there is some kind of magic blocking their ability to search him. As I have said before though he will turn up eventually and when he does. They will find him and you will have all that you want. I will have them keep searching in the mean-time,” Drake responds.

  “I don't care how many days, months, or even years it takes. I want that amulet and you better pray that one day I do not lose my patience,” Cyrus says as he gets up and composes himself. Making sure his tie is straight and his hair is styled correctly.

  Cyrus exits the room and walks down the hall way and knocks on Tiffany's door. She answers it wearing a see through nightie.

  “I am stressing out again. I need your special talents,” he demands.

  Tiffany takes him by the hand and leads him into her room. Placing a 'Do not Disturb' sign on her door knob before closing it.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Three years later

  The pack is running through the woods in pursuit of a creature; that has been stalking their woods, and is responsible for the deaths of several hunters and wild animals. It has even ventured as far as the nearby highway, and has eaten a jogger or two.

  This creature is a Basilisk, and the pack is finally catching up to it. The wolf with dark brown and black coloration snaps onto the Basilisk's tail. It swings its tail, slamming Kieran against a tree. The light brown majestic looking wolf, Kaya, stops to check on Kieran as Sierra zips past them in pursuit of the large serpent. She leaps onto its back and bites through its scales gripping and tearing as much as she can. Eric follows behind them and bites down on its tail, planting his feet into the ground to try to slow the creature down. It rolls around several times until both Sierra and Eric both lose their grip. This thing is really tough, and I don't think we can fight it like this. Where are Brice and Namon? Sierra looks around for them.

  The Basilisk continues slithering away rapidly, and it sees a large 250 pound black wolf with slight gray coloration heading straight for it. Its eyes light up, glowing green.

  “Close your eyes. Don't look at it,” Namon says to Brice in his mind.

  Brice closes his eyes, and acting on instinct, following his senses he leaps into the air and head butts the Basilisk like a 250 pound missile. The serpent is now stunned, and collapses to the ground briefly. It slowly starts to regain its senses, and starts to rise up high with its mouth open, revealing rows of fangs ready to reach down and devour Brice. He plants his feet firmly to the ground as Namon leaps onto his back, pushing off to gain extra momentum and phase mid-air. He draws his sword quickly and as he passes by the Basilisk, he swings his sword, slicing through the scaly hide just below its head. He lands on his feet at the same time the Basilisk's head falls to the ground, with its body falling lifelessly shortly after.

  He places his sword back in its sheath and phase back to wolf form, and follows the pack back home. Once they all get there, they transform and get dressed. Eric and Kieran stack the wood for the bonfire while Brice goes into his trailer for the keg of beer. Everyone else gathers around as the bonfire is started, and Oz brings out a bag of marshmallows as big as he is and sits on a log in front of the fire. He puts a few on a stick and starts roasting them. Brice brings out the keg, taps it, and fills several red plastic cups with beer. Sierra passes them out, and then Eric raises his cup for a toast.

  “We celebrate another victory against another foul creature, thanks to Namon with the combination of his gifts, and his little dictionary of uglies.”

  Namon listens, but also writes down notes from the fight in his journal that Sierra got him for his birthday three years ago. He has been studying his Beastiary every day, and he takes the information he learns along with his own experiences, and makes his own Beastiary from his point of view.

  “We have defended the wilderness here for the past ten years, but it hasn't been until the last three that it seems like we are getting anywhere. We all know whom we have to thank for that. Each day, there are fewer creatures hiding out, and I think he is very close to where he needs to be to reclaim the city from Cyrus. I have no doubt that this venture, when the time is right, will be successful,” Eric then looks at Namon, who has finished with his notes. “Namon, I am making it known here and now in front of everyone: When the day comes that I am no longer able to lead this pack, if you are capable of doing so, you will be the one to take my place. You have proven yourself to have excellent leadership skills and you hold well under pressure. I hate that the events that have happened in your life are probably the reason for this, but I do believe that everything happens for a reason. When the time comes for you to meet your destiny, we will follow you into battle no matter the odds.” Eric looks at his watch, and notices it is midnight. “And now it is officially your twenty first birthday, and I would be honored if you had your first drink with us.”

  Sierra hands Namon a beer. Brice stands and raises his cup.

  “Here's to getting shit faced on your birthday! Oh, and for your birthday tomorrow, well tonight, now, everyone has decided.” Sierra glares at Brice at this moment.

  “Ahem, sorry. The boys have decided tonight will be a boy's night out. We're taking you to Whiskey River,” Brice says before letting out a war cry.

  “Cheers,” he says before tossing the beer down his gullet.

drinks his beer, and makes an awful face like it is the nastiest thing that he has ever tasted. Eric comes over beside him and has a seat.

  “It's alright everyone reacts that way with their first beer. Keep drinking it and it will get better,” he says.

  Namon continues to drink and soon discovers he is right.

  “Now drink up, and enjoy it because if we have to phase, its effects will burn off. Well, at least, it does with us. I'm not sure how it would work on you, though. It shouldn't be much difference since you have to eat after phasing.”

  “What do you mean?” Namon asks.

  “Well, we may be more resistant to disease, and can heal faster than normal humans, but we can still get drunk. Our metabolism burns the alcohol faster like gasoline poured onto a fire, so it takes more to do the trick.”

  “Is that why you guys have scars?”

  Eric takes a sip of his beer and nods.

  “Yeah, if we receive wounds in human form, they may heal up completely when we phase, but they still leave a scar.”

  “So what is Whiskey River like?” he asks.

  “Well, it's a night club that does tend to get a little bit rowdy now and then, but it's nothing you boys can't handle.”

  “Wait, aren't you going too?” Namon ask.

  “Nah, this old dog doesn't have any partying left in him. Besides, I'll have all the excitement I can handle here.” Eric leans closer to Namon's ear, and whispers, “It's that time of the month for Kaya.”

  Suddenly, he is hit in the head with a soda can. He rubs the sore spot on his head, and turns to see Kaya behind him glaring.

  “Where the hell does she get those? We don't even have soda out here. I swear it's like their hearing gets even better when they are on the rag,” Eric says.

  He dodges the next can quickly, since he had a feeling that she was going to throw another one at the remark.

  “So anyway Namon, I consider you to be like a son to me. Happy birth...”

  Eric gets interrupted by the sudden impact of the keg slamming into his back. Brice runs over with a very concerned look on his face.

  “Are you all right? Did she hurt you?” Brice asks frantically.

  Eric stands up, holding his back.

  “I got hit in the back with a keg, what do you think?”

  When he turns, he realizes Brice wasn't talking to him. Brice is busy holding onto the keg as if it were his child.

  “Man, that's alcohol abuse. I'm calling child services on you,” he says to Kaya while walking away with the keg.

  Eric stares at Brice astonished.

  “I worry about him sometimes. Anyway, you may need to get some sleep. You may need the rest when you go out tomorrow, well, tonight. You know what I mean,” Eric says while letting out a sigh. “Well, it's time for me to face the music.”

  Eric walks up hill following Kaya, knowing that he is in big trouble. Namon looks around and notices everyone has left besides Sierra, who sits on a log quietly. She stares into the fire in deep thought, so he walks over. She hasn't talked to him that much all week, which is unusual, he begins to wonder if he did something wrong.

  “Is this seat taken?” he asks jokingly.

  “No, go ahead.”

  He sits down next to her, and grabs one of Oz's sticks and marshmallows. He must have gone to bed too. While he holds it to the fire, he notices the uncomfortable silence. In a few moments, he finally speaks up.

  “ there some reason you seem upset with me?” he asks.

  She continues to stare into the fire.

  “No,” she pauses, not wanting to confess.

  “Not really. I just,” she pauses again still hesitant. “I'm jealous, all right? Because when the three of you go out, you will dance with someone.”

  “Wait a minute! No one said anything about dancing! I don't know how to dance!”

  She looks at him with that same glare that Kaya gave Eric just a few moments ago, and he locks his mouth with an imaginary key.

  “You're not getting the point. I've tried so hard to keep my feelings for you bottled up, but it's hard seeing you every day, and not being able to say what my heart feels.” Tears start flowing down her cheeks. “I have wanted to be the first person you dance with just like I was the first person to kiss you.”

  She continues to cry, and he isn't sure how to handle the situation.

  “Um. You can still be. The first person I dance with, that is,” he says hesitantly.

  The tears stop and her cheeks flush with anger. She pushes him off the log, stomps off, but then turns back facing him when she gets to her door.

  “Yeah, just what every girl wants. Some man to feel pity for her!” her voice drips with sarcasm.

  Namon watches as she slams the door to her trailer. He stands up and dusts himself off. He thinks for a moment before making a decision on what to do. He has never understood the workings of women, but he is not going to let this go unsettled, and to be made to feel like the bad guy. He marches right up to her trailer and knocks on her door. She answers the door, her face wet from all the tears.

  “I'm sorry, all right? I just do not know what to say or what to do. You're my best friend and I don’t want to lose you, nor do I want you to ever feel hurt. I don’t pity you one bit, what so ever.”

  She interrupts him by embracing him in a tight hug. He wraps his arms around her, and hugs her in return.

  At Whiskey River, Aluana prepares to go out on stage for the last performance of the evening. She is performing in the local battle of the bands. Her act has been amazing in all the other local night clubs and a few of the bars. She knew, though, she just had to enter the contest with the prize being the chance to be the new house band every Friday night. She chose the same song that she performed in Atlanta since it received so much applause. This is her dream and one of the things that makes her happiest is her music. So the band starts playing her tune. She begins singing with all the passion she has in her for her music.

  As I sit here thinking tonight.

  I look into my past I realize

  The difference in truth and lies.

  You feed me false promises and broken dreams.

  I'd give anything to know the past memories

  I'll give anything you want for the answers that I seek.

  Just a glimpse at who I was and who I'm meant to be.

  I'll give you anything your dark heart desires.

  So I sit here and plead.

  Tonight, What do you want from me?

  Happiness and love are things that I crave.

  To have them I must find myself and I must be brave.

  I must prepare for the bad things that I must see.

  I'm so tired of not knowing the true me.

  So once again I am on my knees.

  I'll give anything you want for the answers that I seek.

  Just a glimpse at who I was and who I'm meant to be.

  I'll give you anything your dark heart desires.

  So I sit here begging and pleading, can't you see.

  I'll do anything you want me to, so please,

  Just tell me what do you want from me?

  Tell me, What do you want from me?

  Once she finishes the song, she dives into the crowd. As her body is passed around the crowd and back to the stage, the judges quickly tally the votes and takes in the crowd’s reaction to the acts, and then they call for quiet to make their announcement. "The winner is Aluana of the Battle of the Bands!" She becomes ecstatic and does a little giddy dance once she reaches to shake the judges' hands. She becomes intoxicated with the cheers and love she feels from the crowd. The crowd surfing was a new experience for her, and she did it on pure adrenaline and loved it. Once she steps off the stage, she is greeted by the mayor. He claps his hands together in applause.

  “You did very well, my dear,” he says.

  She grabs her dress and curtseys.

  “Why thank you, Mayor Bowman.”

  The mayor blushes sli
ghtly, still not used to being called by his last name. Any of Cyrus's normal associates always call him Mr. Mayor, which sounds so generic and without emotion, but Aluana uses his real name, which is why he always has enjoys Aluana's company. She is unlike the other vampires, always considerate of, and sympathetic to everyone around her. Well, except the vampire Tiffany; you can just look at her and tell that she has something up her sleeve.

  “So, to what do I owe this visit, sir?” she asks.

  “Well, I want to make sure that you get the exposure you need to get your career off the ground. So I wanted to see if you would be interested in performing at a charity event that I am holding.”

  “Sure. What's the charity?” she asks.

  “Well, I am trying to get a committee together to finally have the wreckage cleared out of the old St. Joseph church that burned down years ago. We want to have it rebuilt, and well, I still feel guilty about selling the park to Cyrus. It would be nice to regain my good standing with the public. It's about time I started doing some good with the money Cyrus paid. Just couldn't get anyone to back me up.” He looks around, then leans in, and talks low. “I would appreciate if you didn't give anyone else a heads up. Cyrus and some of his associates may not appreciate some of the things I have in mind.”

  Aluana locks the imaginary lock on her mouth and then throws away the imaginary key; the mayor smiles at her and nods.

  “Well, I won't keep you from your spotlight. Go and bask in your new found glory.”

  “Thank you, Mayor Bowman.”

  Tiffany hides in a dark corner, watching Aluana to make sure she doesn't get the bright idea of leaving the city, wondering to herself why she still has to be stuck on baby-sitting duty. Since Cyrus consummated their bond three years ago, things have been wonderful. He stopped being as bossy and mean to her, and has actually treated her with kindness. Plus, the sex is always awesome, she thinks to herself with a smile. She notices a familiar face among the crowd; that bald head covered in tattoos is easily noticed from anywhere. Drake walks among the crowd as if he is searching for something. I wonder what he is doing here. She approaches him, and taps his shoulder. When he turns, she nods her head back, motioning for him to meet her outside. He follows her out of the club, and they walk over to where her car is parked.


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