Jion_A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance

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Jion_A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance Page 69

by Maia Starr

  I heard the engine roar louder, and vibrations started underneath me. We were on his ship. Then I slid across the floor and slammed into the back of a wall. I could hear Kai laughing.

  I slowly opened the sack and peeked out. We were in his ship and looking out the windshield, I could see that we were in space. I looked around the flight deck, and there was no one else there. I angrily climbed out of the sack.

  "You jerk! Why did you not tell me that we had made it to the ship? I have been sliding around all over the place, hitting myself on the walls!”

  "Yes. It has been very funny,” he laughed.

  I grunted in anger as I took a seat and buckled in. I looked out the window at the asteroid behind us. I was glad to be away from there. But where were we going? I tried to decipher the coordinates on the screen in front of me, but they were all in Corillion language, which I did not understand.

  "Where are we going, Kai?” I asked him.

  "How many times have I told you? You will address me as Captain Kai Spornium,” he said angrily. “I am taking you back to Earth, your moon. Taking you was the worst mistake of my life, and it is a short life to begin with.”

  "Oh don't worry, Kai. I am sure you will eventually get laid, and your life will be saved,” I said to him.

  "That is not a joking matter," he said sadly.

  "You know what else is not a joking matter? Stealing human females from Earth just to save your own damn life and your own damn species!” I said, crossing my arms in front of my chest. “Can't this hunk of junk go any faster? Your race will be searching for me in a matter of hours. Can we not jump into hyperspeed?” I said, banging on the dashboard in front of me.

  Kai turned to me and narrowed his eyes at me angrily. “I must stay this course toward my home for a few miles or else it will look suspicious. And stop questioning my methods. I am the one that saved you, and you should be grateful,” he said to me.

  "Yes, but you are also the one that took me in the first place. See how your logic does not make any sense? No wonder you are a dying breed: you are all stupid.”

  "Enough!” He shouted at me.

  I smiled. It was fun getting under his skin. I had grown fond of it over the course of the week we had spent together in space flight. Now we were going to take another journey, but in the opposite direction. There was plenty of time to tease him, and boy was I going to.

  Chapter 2


  I was not like any other warrior in the Corillion galaxy. I was the only one doing double duty. I was both the captain of a fleet of Corillion warriors and the leader of a small Corillion tribe that lived on the comet known as Spornium. Spornium was the one and only comet to have a Corillion tribe spawn from it. The others had spawned on asteroids or on moons; because of the constant movement of the comet, only a small amount of Corillion spawned from it. Therefore, as the leader, I was also the captain. As a captain, I was responsible for the fleet of ships that set flight from our home, Spornium. All of the Corillion warriors that were spawned from the comet claimed the name Spornium. It was so for all Corillion warriors: they took the last name of the place that they were born, the name of their tribe.

  It had often been said that Spornium had split off from an asteroid known as Vextor hundreds of years before. Because of this rumor, I was also pledged in allegiance to the leader of the Vextor asteroid, known as Yiqua Vextor. It had become Yiqua’s time to mate; he only had three years left before meeting the end of his 22-year cycle. At 22 years, if he had not found a mate, he would die off. It was the way of the Corillion.

  It was also that way for me. But since I was placed under the leader of Yiqua, I was not allowed to find my own mate until I found one for him and he successfully impregnated her. I’d thought I found one when I took Karissa Lane, but I could not have been more wrong. She was not the perfect mate for Yiqua, but she turned out to be his perfect murderer. Now Karissa and I were in serious trouble, but I don't think she understood exactly how much trouble it was. The safest thing that I could do was to return her to Earth and return home myself. I should have never taken her in the first place.

  "Taking me back to Earth is the smartest thing you have said since I met you. What will you do afterward?” she asked.

  "Why does it matter to you what I do? I just need to be rid of you and then clean up the mess that you made,” I said to her.

  "It is your mess as well,” she said to me.

  "Speaking of it, the mess you made, how exactly did you do that? Yiqua is a fierce warrior leader. He is three times your size and stronger than anyone I have ever known. It does not make sense to me that you took his life,” I said to her.

  "It makes perfect sense to me. That entire bedroom was loaded with weapons: the candlestick, the mirror, there was so much to work with, and he did not see any of it coming,” she grinned.

  Her grin, with bright red lips and dark hair in that flimsy green dress, made me smile at her in return. She was a beautiful human female, and clearly very strong. It was impressive. She was my match, if circumstances had been different. But it was not possible now. She would be hunted throughout the entire galaxy; Earth was the only safe place for her now. I was risking a lot by helping her escape, and I would have to come up with some sort of cover up when I returned. But I would worry about that later; for now, I needed to just get us out of the Corillion galaxy.

  "Prepare to jump into hyperspeed. Marking coordinates for your outer solar system,” I said to her.

  "It's about time. Let's get the show on the road," she said.

  "What? What does that mean?” I asked her.

  "Nothing. Let's go,” she said.

  "Jumping into hyperspeed,” I said as I pushed the lever forward and the ship sped out of the Corillion galaxy and toward Earth.

  Moments later, we were deep into hyperspeed and I had put the ship on autopilot.

  "I am going to see what provisions we have on the ship. I did not exactly get a chance to stock it for a long journey. I had only refueled it thinking I would be headed home and not on an escape journey to Earth,” I said, unbuckling my seatbelt and walking towards the back of the ship.

  "Will you stop with the guilt trip already? You are not going to make me feel guilty for helping me. As I said before, this is all your fault. It all began when you took me from the moon base without my permission. This is all your fault, and I will not let you make me think otherwise. Now what do you have back there, because I am starving?” she said as she followed me to the back.

  She was very annoying. She was making my blood boil with rage. But anytime she stood within inches of me, I grew very warm, and then hot, and then absolutely filled with desire for her. She had that effect on me, and judging from how Yiqua must have attacked her, she had the same effect on him. I was still very impressed with how she took him on. He was a large Corillion warrior. I turned to her, and she rummaged through the food supply, stuffing her face.

  "What exactly did you say you did on the moon base? You seem like a very skilled assassin for a nurse or a doctor,” I asked suspiciously.

  "I did not say what I did on the moon base. You never asked me,” she said with a grin and food stuffed in her cheeks. Even when she was making a beast of herself, she was still adorably sexy.

  "Well, I am asking you now. What was your position on Earth?”

  "I am an intelligence officer in the Earth Intelligence Agency, or the E.I.A., as we call it," she said as she picked herself up and sat on the counter.

  "You are what?! You are a warrior then? I did not know they had trained human female warriors?” I said in shock.

  "Yeah, I kind of figured that. A word of wisdom: you might want to steal from a convent or something next time, not a full intelligence base on the moon. You expected a female that was docile and obedient; instead you got a trained killer. Nice work, Captain,” she said with a wink. She was making fun of me, and it was infuriating. Yet, I had grown used to it.

�� I said in response. This was more dangerous than I had ever thought it to be. Not only had she killed a Corillion leader and would now be a wanted criminal in the Corillion galaxy, but now I was returning her to Earth with more knowledge about everything Corillion than she could ever hope for. Dammit.

  "Are you worried now? The look on your mug changed,” she said casually as she propped her long, thin legs up on the counter. It was a lot to look at, and I could not stop looking.

  I cleared my throat, “Mug?”

  "Your face. Mug means your face,” she said, popping some food into her mouth.

  "No, not worried, just annoyed. You are very annoying, Karissa Lane,” I said, grabbing some food out of her hand and eating it myself. She would leave me to starve with her appetite. How could somebody so tiny consume so much?

  "So we're stuck on this ship for a week, right? That's the same time it took us to get from Earth to your stupid galaxy of rocks. So it should be the same amount of time to get back, yes?” she asked.

  "Yes, believe me, if I could make it go faster, I would. Anything to get rid of you, Karissa Lane,” I said to her.

  "Oh come on, Kai… you know you love me. I can see the way you look at me, but keep it in your pants. Looking is the only thing you get to do unless you want to end up like your dead friend,” she said as she jumped off the counter and left my sight. I watched her walk away; I watched all of her walk away. It was a glorious and bouncy sight in that flimsy dress. It was much better than the black suit that she had worn when I captured her, although as tight as it was, it was quite enjoyable as well.

  I sat there counting the stock of reserves that we had; it seemed ample enough for the two of us, if the human female would learn to ration a bit. It seemed like a lifetime ago that I had set out to capture some human females for the Yiqua Vextor. I remembered getting the order in my office as I sat around making plans to find my own human mate. It would almost be my time, and I always believed in planning in advance. That is what made me a great leader and an excellent captain: planning and knowing every maneuver possible with several outcomes, because you could never rely on one way of doing things. You had to prepare for all things.

  "It is time, Captain Kai Spornium. You must to go to Earth and collect as many human females as you can. Remember, as soon as you have found a worthy made for your superior, Yiqua, then you can claim one for yourself. Your life and his life depend on it, the entire Spornium tribe," Metra, one of the supreme counselors of the Corillion, said to me over the screen communication.

  "I will set out immediately,” I had replied. Then I was off on a mission to secure a mate for Yiqua, but I did not do it the traditional Corillion way. Usually, it would be a large fleet that would go and bombard Earth and steal as many females as possible in the chaos. I took a different approach; a quieter approach. I would take only one ship, and only I would be going. I was going to silently penetrate the moon base of Earth. I knew there would be several human females, but I only needed one. I only needed for Yiqua to be satisfied and then I could make a second trip to gather a large amount of human females from which I would find one that suited me. I wanted to find one that I truly matched with, not just a human female for the sake of creating Corillion offspring. I wanted more. I wanted connection.

  I was a rare case for wanting that amongst the Corillion race. Perhaps it was because I was from a smaller spawn of Corillion and we spawned differently. We needed connection and mutual interest. I hoped to achieve that, but then everything went wrong. When I had silently penetrated the moon base and slipped some toxin over the face of Karissa, she fell quickly to sleep in into my arms. Then I took her and left just as quietly as I had entered. No Earthlings had chased us. It was 24 hours before she woke up and we were very far from Earth, too far for her to try to escape and get back on her own. But then she began to speak, and struggle, and give me an overall hard time, and I knew I had made a mistake. Still, I took her to Yiqua, and now I was dealing with the consequences. Now, I would be putting myself in more danger than she was worth.

  "Hey, is there only cold water on the ship or what? I need a hot shower!” she shouted at me from down the hall.


  Chapter 3


  I was relieved that Kai was taking me back to Earth. I really thought I was going to have to fight him to do so so. It was a welcoming statement when he told me. I did feel some remorse, but I was not going to tell him that. I was regretting putting him in the vast amount of danger that was going to result from him helping me escape. I was sure that the Corillion would figure it out as soon as they discovered the body of their leader, Yiqua. Then they would discover that I was missing and that Kai had left during that time on his ship. I didn't see how he could ever cover up such a thing. It would have to be a very clever lie with a lot of support, and I wasn't sure if that was going to happen.

  Would they put him to death for helping me? I didn't see why not. I felt sorry for him. Even though he was a major jerk for stealing me away in the first place, I had grown fond of him and the time we spent together. He took my sarcastic mouth with ease and even teased me back, which was a rare thing among both Corillion and human men. I liked that he was able to take my lip and dish it back to me. It was fun. It was our thing. It was what we did.

  So because of that, I felt sorry for him, because he would surely die. If not by his own Corillion people putting him to death when they found out what he had done, then he would die due to the fact that he did not have a human female mate yet. The Corillion warrior race had 22-year cycles to find a mate to create offspring and keep their race going, if they did not by the 22-year mark, then they would die. It was strange, but it made sense.

  The Corillion warrior race were not born the way humans were. Instead, they were spawned. They spawned on the surface of asteroids, moons, and comets. It was like a mushroom spawning on the ground after the rain. Except the Corillion spawned to full adult males over a short period of time. They would emerge from the spawn and begin their year cycle. It was very interesting, and unlike anything that humans had ever come across, and we were constantly learning about them.

  Now, I was heading home with more intelligence about the Corillion alien race than I could ever hope to collect while on the lunar base. I would be the envy of my entire department. I would probably get a promotion and a raise. I had been through exactly what every human female had been through when taken from Earth, and that was very valuable information. It would help us to stop the Corillion race from taking our females; it would also help in the war. I had seen their weapons, and I had seen one asteroid and the layout of it. That information would be vital when planning an attack on it. I got very excited with all of this information, but it made me feel sad that I was betraying my one and only Corillion friend.

  "Dammit. Stop it, Karissa. You're acting like you have Stockholm Syndrome,” I said to myself as I dried off in my bunk after a shower. I wished that I had the black space suit from the lunar base, but I only had this stupid flimsy dress. And although it was pretty, it was not very practical, especially not on the space mission.

  I wondered how Kai was going to smuggle me back onto the lunar base or onto Earth without getting caught? I knew we should definitely talk about it. I would be betraying my entire department by not turning him in, but in my heart, I could not do that. I would just let him knock me out like he had before, leave me, and then I would wake up on the lunar base. But how would he get there? I dried my hair rigorously as I thought about this and walked into the hallway to search for him to get every single ounce of detail about how we were going to do this out of him. He would probably find it annoying, but I did not care. We needed to be on the same page.

  "Kai? Kai? We need to talk. You need to tell me every detail of your plan. Do you hear me? I have a right to know,” I said, searching for him ready with a mouthful for him, but when I found him, I was speechless. I stood there in shock. The door to the shower room was
wide open and he was completely naked and drenched underneath the showerhead. The roar of the water stopped him from hearing me coming, and I was glad for it.

  I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms in front of my chest and smiled. “Talk about a dinner and a show,” I whispered to myself. I watched as the water poured over his long blond hair that was wet and sticking to him. His broad back was muscular firm and strong with blue scales edging the side of him. I had seen all of this before because the Corillion warriors were always shirtless, topless, showing off their perfect physical features.

  But then my eyes moved south, over a perfect bottom, perky and tight. I had to restrain myself from wanting to slap it. I quietly laughed to myself. But then when he turned, I got an eye full. My mouth fell open. His large, rigid cock was long and thick, and it was in his hand. I quickly hid behind the wall and bit my lower lip. It was not right for me to watch, but I could not help myself.

  I peeked around the side and saw him. One hand was leaning against the wall as the other was on his hard staff. His head was tilted back in the water as he closed his eyes. Then his hand moved up and down, faster and faster on his cock. I had to restrain myself from running into the shower and joining him. I had never seen a Corillion warrior completely naked before and it was breathtaking. Not only was his hard cock perfect, but his entire body was, including his muscular thighs. There was nothing about him that wasn't perfect and chiseled.


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