Colonial Prime

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Colonial Prime Page 6

by KD Jones

  'Of course I will protect you always. But I promise there is no danger from the villagers. However, they will be curious about you,' LarIS said to her using their telepathic link. He wanted to reassure her.

  'Stop reading my mind, LarIS,' she reprimanded him even though his words made her feel secure and safe. She heard his laughter in her head. It made her smile.

  About fifteen minutes later, LarIS came back onboard the shuttle and helped her and Lizzie off. She noticed a really tall man stood to the side with his arms crossed across his chest. He had one blue eye with gold iris and one brown eye with the gold iris. She tried not to stare at him but he was giving her and Lizzie a thorough inspection. LarIS was there at her side and gently took her elbow in his hand as he led her over to the stranger.

  “Leader ZenIM, I would like to introduce you to Lola Marquesa and this is Lizzie Connell.” He motioned to both women. “Lola and Lizzie, this is the Leader ZenIM from the village.”

  The tall man bent at his waist. When he stood back up, his eyes zeroed in on Lola. They were a little bit disconcerting. She wondered if he was one of the ones that had problems seeing.

  “It is a pleasure to meet the two of you.”

  He had a very pleasant voice. Lola gave him a tentative smile. She raised her hands and signed, “It is a pleasure to meet you as well.”

  The man looked at her hands confused. Lizzie interpreted for her. “She says it’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”

  “She speaks with her hands?” he asked Lizzie.

  “Yes. She lost her hearing at an early age and the translator implants do not work right. She can also read your lips so you can speak directly to her.”

  He quickly turned his head toward Lola. “My apologies if I offended you. We have people here that have similar mutations. Did the Morins cause this for you?”

  “No. I had this before I met the Morins.”

  “You’ve encountered the Morins?” He seemed shocked and concerned.

  Lola didn’t want to talk about this with a stranger, but she didn’t know how to not answer without offending him. LarIS stepped in.

  “Unfortunately, both of these females have encountered the Morins when they attacked a Katieran transport. But let’s not discuss unpleasant things today. Let us get the supplies to your people.” LarIS motioned AshOR to pick up the supplies.


  The village wasn’t what Lola expected. Back on Earth a village would be shacks or huts and the people undernourished. What she found was lovely cottages made out of logs on either side of a stone pathway. The pathway led to a circular opening like a courtyard where there was one two-story building surrounded on both sides by what looked like shops. It was quite lovely.

  The people were all waiting at the stone courtyard. They watched her with curiosity and suspicion. She tried to smile to reassure them. Most of them looked like the other Colonists, Kiljorns, and Katierans. But there were shadows by the windows that were peeking out to watch them. She assumed those would be the more heavily mutated ones. She sighed. It was a shame when people didn’t feel accepted among their own kind.

  Leader ZenIM stood with their group in a half circle. “Villagers, Leader LarIS has come with supplies. He also brought new visitors. Come and greet them.”

  Lola tried to give the people a reassuring smile as the outside crowd slowly made their way toward her and Lizzie. A line formed in front of her. Some approached her and nodded then moved on. A few of them clasped her forearm. Some of the older women tried to talk to her but they weren’t directly facing her so she missed most of what they were saying.

  ZenIM must have spoken up and explained that Lola couldn't hear but could read lips and communicate with her hands. Soon after he spoke, the shadows disappeared from the windows and more people came out of the cottages and buildings.

  A little boy who had to be about seven years old came up to her with his mother. He looked at her shyly.

  Lola waved and moved her mouth to say hello. The little boy looked at her with curiosity. Then he mouthed, “I cannot speak but I can hear.”

  She knelt down to be able to look at him directly in the eyes. LarIS was close by and translated what she said to him with her hands. “Well, I cannot hear and it is difficult for me to speak. This is usually how I communicate.”

  The little boy watched her hands and then looked up at LarIS. Lola knew he was communicating telepathically with the boy. It was strange to watch someone else have that connection with LarIS.

  “He wants to know if you would please teach him and his mother the silent language so they can communicate with each other better.”

  Lola nodded her head with a smile. The little boy’s face lit up with excitement and his mother who stood behind him looked relieved. The mother then spoke to LarIS but Lola focused more on the little boy.

  LarIS knelt down beside Lola to get her attention. He then signed to her, “The mother says there is an outside area with chairs and tables they could use so you can help teach them. I have to help ZenIM repair cottage roofs and AshOR will be assessing their security. Will you and Lizzie be okay for a few hours without us?”

  Lola turned her head to look at Lizzie who nodded her head. “We’ll be fine.”

  LarIS had to fight his instinct to reach out and touch her. She was so beautiful in the sunlight. But if he touched her, he wouldn't be able to stop. He longed to find out just how soft her skin really was. Kitana, she was lovely!

  He sighed and stood. He would have to put thoughts of her and her lovely skin to the side. His people needed his roof building skills. He nodded at ZenIM to lead the way. He gave Lola one last lingering glance and then turned to follow the other male.


  Lola and Lizzie spent the next two hours working with the small group of villagers on finding ways to communicate with one another. But in truth, she felt she was learning from them as well.

  It would take many more visits to teach them to become fluent in sign language, but she was grateful to learn that though they were at a remote location, they still had some of their technology.

  “Do you have the tablets?” Lola asked.

  “We have one tablet.” She and Lizzie took the tablet and downloaded several sign language tutorial programs for them so they could practice.

  At lunchtime the women prepared the food and had trays they carried to the men who were repairing damages done to the cottage from a recent storm. Lola and Lizzie both carried trays with food.

  She almost stumbled when she looked up and saw LarIS on the roof of a cottage without his shirt. His body gleamed under the sun and there were beads of sweat running down his torso. He turned in her direction and gave her a dazzling smile. Damn him. No man should look that good. Unfortunately, she was not the only woman to notice him.

  Lola watched as LarIS climbed down from the roof. As soon as his feet hit the ground he was surrounded by several beautiful village women. They all tried to get him to take food from their trays. She found herself almost growling. Where did this possessive feeling for him come from? She had never felt this way about a man before. She tried to turn away but couldn’t. She noticed that LarIS was polite with the other women. He smiled at them and shook his head. Then he made his way toward her.

  She looked around for a place to sit the tray down. She was disturbed at how jealous she was over the attention that LarIS received. It wasn’t like her. She was never possessive over a boyfriend. Fuck! He wasn’t her boyfriend. She was treading on dangerous ground here. She turned to leave but was stopped by a gentle hand on her elbow. She knew who held her. Heat spread instantly from her elbow where he touched her skin throughout her whole body.

  'Will you eat with me?' he asked, using their telepathic link.

  Lola turned back toward him. He still had his shirt off and she had the strangest urge to lick him all over. Crap, did he hear that? She glanced up and saw his eyes darken with desire. He had heard it. Fuck!

  'We can do that later i
f you want…but let us eat for now. I have built up quite an appetite.' LarIS pulled her to sit on a nearby log. He sat next to her and picked up the food from the tray.

  The women had made some kind of sandwiches and a stew of some sort. It smelled delicious. But she didn’t pick up a sandwich at first. She was too busy watching LarIS take a bite. Her attention focused on his lips, plump and kissable. She needed to look away, but she couldn’t get her body to act.

  LarIS smiled at her and continued to eat while he spoke mind-to-mind, 'You are not eating your food.'

  ‘I…will later.’ She couldn’t move, she was frozen in place helpless but to watch every move he made. He had such grace for such a large man.

  'Allow me to help you.' LarIS picked up a sandwich and lifted it over to her mouth.

  She looked from his hand to the sandwich. She opened her mouth and he placed the sandwich closer. She bit down into it and pulled back. She chewed it, savoring the flavors. It had a tomato like vegetable and a type of cheese. But it was the special condiment that had her eyes closing and her moaning with pleasure.

  Kitana! LarIS’s cock went stiff in his pants. The sounds the female was making while eating food seemed to wrap around his manhood and stroke it to full arousal. He shifted on the log trying to become more comfortable. There would only be one relief for the state he was in. That would be to take her fully and thoroughly. He wasn’t sure if she was ready for that yet but he needed to find out. They just needed to be alone to do it.

  Chapter Eight

  'Is it good?' LarIS asked her. Even his voice sounded thicker telepathically.

  'It is. But you are not eating. Let me take the sandwich from you.' She reached for his hand but he pulled it away from her.

  'I enjoy feeding you. It gives me pleasure.' In more ways than one, he thought. Every bite she took made him ache for her even more. He needed to be alone with her.

  'Do you want any stew?' he asked her.

  'No. I am full. I probably gained two pounds already today.' She laughed. Her laughter was like an aphrodisiac.

  'You have not. You have a perfect form.' He glanced her up and down several times, lingering on the swell of her breasts. 'But if you would like…we could take a quick walk through some of the trails for exercise?'

  She looked up at him with doubt. Had he read her mind earlier about wanting to explore the area? She didn’t feel him in her head and usually she could. She wanted to walk the trails so badly, but could she be alone with him?

  Sensing her hesitation, 'We could bring Lizzie with us if you would feel more comfortable?'

  She looked over at her friend who was busy arguing with AshOR. Lizzie hated exercise. She shook her head. 'I would like to take a walk. I don’t need Lizzie to come with me. But won’t you be missed?'

  'My people know how to relax and take breaks in between hard work. Most of the males will take a nap before coming back to work and finishing up the roofs. I have the time.'

  'Like a siesta?' she asked, allowing him to help her stand.

  'What is this s…e…s…t…a?' He turned his head to the side to look at her.

  'Siesta. It’s like a break of sorts except for longer time frames. There are some cultures on Earth that will work hard for hours, then take a two or three hour break to relax or nap. Then they return for a few more hours of work.'

  'Yes, we will take a siesta then.' He helped her stand then led her further away from the group. There was a path visible that they went toward.

  'You seem to know your way around here very well, how long have you been coming here?' She ducked under some branches that he moved out of her way.

  'Since I was a child. My abilities were almost unbearable to tolerate when around others. It took many years for me to learn to block others thoughts. There were times I thought I would go insane.'

  She reached out to take his hand in hers. 'I'm so sorry. That must have been horrific for a child to endure.'

  'It was, but my mother and father did everything they could for me. My father shared the same mutation. My mother and I would come up here to the village for months at a time to give me a break from being constantly bombarded. My father would come here some to teach me how to build up walls in my mind. I loved it when we were all here together as a family.'

  'Are you parents still living?'

  He shook his head sadly. 'No, my mother died from breeding problems with my unborn sister. My father was so devastated, he gave up the will to live. They were true bond mates.'

  Lola pulled on his hand making him stop and turn to look at her. He expected her to say something. But he wasn’t prepared for what she did next. She moved forward and gave him a light hug. He was shocked and didn’t respond immediately.

  'I am so sorry for your loss.' She squeezed his waist one more time before releasing him.

  He wanted to pull her back in his arms. So many nights he had dreamed of holding her. The contact was too brief. He needed more. He craved more. But he reluctantly let her withdraw from him.

  He took her hand again. 'Come, I want to show you a place that I loved as a kid. It is my favorite spot on the whole Colonial Planet.'

  She followed him through more trees and bushes. They hit a clearing and a whole different world presented itself to her. Now she could see clearly that they were on the side of a mountain because below were valleys and canyons that rivaled the Grand Canyon of Earth. She gasped and rushed forward.

  'Easy. I do not wish for you to fall. There are several ledges below us but it would hurt and you could break something.' He gently pulled her away from the edge and helped her to sit down on the soft grass. He sat beside her content to just be with her. It calmed him for some reason. He pointed to some birdlike creatures flying above them.

  'Do you like it?' he asked, watching all the emotions playing across her majestic face.

  She turned her dark eyes on him and gave him the biggest smile. It lit up his whole world. He would do anything to keep that smile on her face and to have her look at him this way for always.

  'I love it, LarIS. I have never seen anything so beautiful in my whole life.' She gazed out over the canyons.

  'I have,' he said with a deep voice in her head.

  She turned to look at him curiously. It happened slowly. He moved down toward her head and gently took her soft plump lips with his.

  She had time to move away or to refuse. But she didn’t do either of those things. She didn’t want to pull away from him. For the first time since the Morins took her, she wanted to kiss a man—this man.

  He was gentle at first, pressing his warm and firm mouth against her. His tongue licked the seam of her lips and she automatically opened up for him. His tongue eased his way in and made contact with her waiting tongue. As soon as their tongues met, Lola felt a fire spread from her core outward. Oh God, she was going to orgasm just from a kiss—their first kiss.

  The man could kiss. For a mutated alien he was amazing. She tilted her head to the side so he could get to her more easily. She raised her hand and cupped his cheek. She slowly let go of her reservations and began kissing him back full force. She knew it was trouble when he growled with need and pleasure. She couldn’t make herself stop or pull away. He tasted too good—to right.

  LarIS was living his fantasy. So many nights he dreamed of this, of kissing her and having her kiss him back. He slowly lowered them down to the ground and scooted his body up against hers. He had to take it slow with her, not wanting to scare her.

  His hands moved over her body hovering. He didn’t initiate further contact. But she craved it. She reached up and grabbed one of his large hands and brought it to her mouth. She kissed his palm and then touched her tongue in the center. She licked upward and then sucked a finger into her mouth.

  LarIS growled with need. He almost released in his pants. Never had a female…suckled him like this. Oh Goddess, he begged for her to help him keep it together. He couldn’t help but speak her name out loud as he nibbled her earlobe. “

  She shivered. With him right against her ear she could hear his voice calling her. It was deep and sexy. Everything a voice should be. She released his fingers and moved her mouth to reclaim his lips again.

  She allowed his hand to move down her neck. Further down. She moaned out loud when he finally took one of her breasts in his hands and squeezed.

  'LarIS,' she whispered his name mind-to-mind.

  'My beautiful Lola,' he whispered back. She felt amazing. He never wanted to let her go. He was desperate to have her. He took her lips in a more demanding kiss and moved to climb over her. His knees moved between her legs, spreading her open to him. He had to have her. She was everything to him.

  It was great and wonderful at first. She loved the way he touched her and looked at her. But then the moment his weight covered her, panic set in. She tried to push him off and away but he was too caught up in the moment.

  She had a flashback of being held down on the Morin ship. "No! No!" she started to kick and scream. Except the sound was strange. She beat on his back.

  LarIS was stunned. Not that she was hurting him, but that she was reacting like this. She wasn’t a violent person. He pushed away from her and looked down in concern.

  'What is it? What is wrong? Did I hurt you?' LarIS tried to touch her face but she jerked away.

  'Don’t touch!' She was hyperventilating. She couldn’t breathe. She had to get out of here. The Morins might find her again. She didn’t pay attention as she shot up and tried to take off.

  LarIS was in her mind and knew before she moved too close to the edge. She was in panic mode and was not thinking clearly. He grabbed her from behind and held her tight against his chest as he moved backwards away from the dangerous area.

  'Easy, Lola. It’s just me…LarIS. I have you now. You are safe. I will not let anyone hurt you ever again. Breathe with me. In and out. In and out. That’s right. Keep doing that.' He used his mental link to try to soothe her but she was still struggling. Finally, she breathed with him and started to calm down.

  Lola stopped trying to escape. As her breathing became more steady she was able to relax in his arms. She then realized what she had done and started to cry. Would she never have a normal life again?


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