Colonial Prime

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Colonial Prime Page 8

by KD Jones

  Lola blushed and turned away from his gaze. Images of her straddling him played in her head. Her heart rate sped up and she felt flushed all over.

  LarIS responded back, “I am willing to try anything for Lola.”

  “Okay, we’ll call this session over today. I would like to continue to meet with the two of you.”

  “Tomorrow?” asked Lola.

  “No, I have to get ready to leave for Katiera the day after tomorrow for Prima AriELa’s mating ceremony. We could meet again in a week or so as soon as I return?”

  LarIS looked at Lola and signed, “Since I am going to be traveling to Katiera for the ceremony as well, why don’t you come with me on the transport and we might be able to fit in a session or two?”

  Lola felt her heart rate speed up. The idea of getting on another transport make her feel anxious. “I don’t know.”

  Dr. Garrett stopped what she was doing and looked carefully at Lola. “Have you been on a transport since you were rescued?”

  She shook her head. “I haven’t wanted to get on any ship for more than a few hours at a time. I was rescued and the Colonial transport was the last that I had been in space. I can wait until the two of you return.” Damn it! Was she always going to feel this way.

  “Right at this moment, how do you feel at the thought of getting onboard a transport?” Dr. Garrett asked.

  “Scared,” Lola signed.

  “I would protect you with my life, Lola.” LarIS knelt down in front of her.

  “I know you would. I can’t help feeling this way.” Lola hated feeling this way.

  “Did you panic at all when you took the shuttle to the village?” Dr. Garrett questioned.

  Lola shook her head. “No, that didn’t bother me at all. I enjoyed it.”

  “I think LarIS’s suggestion of having you come along on this ship and continuing our sessions while away is a very valid one. But it is your decision to make. No one will force you to do something that you don't want to do.”

  That was the thing. She actually did want to go. She never got a chance to see Katiera and she had heard so many good things about the people and the nation. She needed to get past the resentment toward them for the Morin attack. Maybe going there would help.

  “What if my panic attack turns crazy and out of control?” Lola worried her bottom lip.

  “I am sure the medics will have something on hand that could calm you if needed,” Dr. Garrett reassured her.

  “I don’t want to leave Lizzie all by herself.” Lola was grasping for any excuse not to go.

  LarIS smiled at her, “I will make sure to invite Lizzie to come with you.”

  Lola had run out of excuses. “Okay. I’ll go.” She wasn’t happy about it, but she had to do something to get her life back. She had always loved traveling when she was on Earth.

  “It is settled then.” LarIS stood and held out his hand to help Lola stand. He didn’t let go of her and she didn’t pull away.

  As soon as their hands touched Lola felt a zing go through her entire body. Suddenly all the worries over the transport were forgotten. She was now thinking about the time she would spend with LarIS. This trip should prove to be interesting.


  “Sir, we intercepted a transmission before it was encrypted.”

  The Morin Leader stepped closer. “What was it about?”

  “There will be a transport enclave leaving from the Colonial Planet and the Kiljor Planet.”

  “Where are they going?”


  “Did they say why?”

  “Nothing was mentioned in the transmission.”

  The Leader rubbed his chin carefully. This was his opportunity to take over the Colonial Planet. But would that solve their problems? They needed females and if the Colony rejects were lacking in female population as was the Katierans and Kiljorns, then it would not help them. What they truly needed was to find the location of the strange planet called Earth.

  “Any transmissions on transports coming from Earth or going to Earth?”

  “Not yet. But we can keep a closer eye on the Katieran activity if we followed the enclave at a safe distance. We might be able to intercept if we are closer to them.”

  The decision he had to make needed to be made immediately. Stay and take the Colonial Planet while it was less guarded, or follow and try to get a location of the Earth Planet.

  “When does the enclave leave?”

  “The day after tomorrow, they will meet up with the Kiljorn ships halfway.”

  “Make plans to follow them at a safe distance.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Two days later Lola sat on the shuttle with her hands clasped tightly in her lap. So far she was keeping everything together but it had only been a few minutes since they had left the Colonial Planet’s atmosphere. She purposely did not look at the viewing screen. It would set her off to see everything turn black as they entered space. It was a dark beauty. One that still haunted her at night.

  'Are you okay?' LarIS asked her using their telepathic link. He sat in the copilot’s seat and AshOR was piloting the shuttle. He glanced back to where Lola sat beside Lizzie. Her face seemed awfully pale and her whole body was tense. Perhaps this was a bad idea.

  Lola felt relief as soon as LarIS spoke to her. His voice even in her mind was deep and soothing. She looked up at him and gave him a smile. 'I am a little nervous but I am holding up. Shouldn’t you be paying attention to flying this thing?' she teased him.

  'I’m the co-pilot. I get to watch beautiful passengers and flirt with them.' He gave her a wink before turning back around.

  She glanced around the shuttle but no one was paying any attention to her or LarIS. Prime ConEL, Lt. Daniels, and ConEL’s son, TorEL, sat next to each other. Lizzie sat next to Lola but she kept turning her head to look back at Commander TylOR who was sitting beside the pretty therapist. Her friend did not appear to be happy about it.

  She touched Lizzie’s shoulder. “Are you okay?” she signed

  “I’m fine. I just …”

  “Is there something going on between the two of you?” Lola signed.

  Lizzie shook her head but didn’t say anything. There wasn’t anything to say. The man pissed her off.

  The next thing Lola knew the shuttle was docking on the Colonial transport. She gripped her armrests as she felt the clamps that latched onto the shuttle get secured. Then there was the swishing sounds from the air being pressurized. Well, she was here now so there was no turning back.


  Once they unloaded from the shuttle a lieutenant showed them all to their quarters. Lola and Lizzie shared quarters. Much to Prime ConEL’s dislike he and his son shared quarters while Lt. Daniels had to share quarters with Dr. Garrett. TylOR and his brother, AshOR, shared a room, which left LarIS having his own quarters.

  LarIS, Commander TylOR, and AshOR had to go speak with the commander of the transport to debrief him. Lola was a little disappointed LarIS had to leave. She hoped to spend some time with him.

  'I will come and get you to show you the ship as soon as I am done with this meeting.' LarIS sent her the mental message.

  Lola shivered. She didn’t realize he had heard her thoughts. She must have been distracted. 'It’s okay, I know that you are very busy.'

  'Never too busy for you. Give me an hour, then I will come and take you on a tour.'

  Lola couldn’t wait. She wanted to explore the ship but would never do it by herself. After the last time she had been on a transport ship, she never wanted to be alone in space again. She hated that she let the Morins have that much control still. Lola had always been a very independent person. She wanted to take back her freedom and life. She wanted a happy future. An image of her and LarIS together immediately popped into her head. She wanted it to be real but doubted it would ever happen. She might be too damaged.


  “We have picked up strange activity and frequencies in different locations surro
unding the Colonial Planet, but cannot pin point what it is or where exactly it is originating from,” Commander TelON informed his leader.

  “The locations keep changing it sounds like. Do you suspect the Morins?” LarIS asked.

  “There are no other options that we can come up with,” Commander TelON responded.

  “Kitana! This is not the best time to leave the Colony. Perhaps I should cancel my meeting with Prime Leader RendEL.”

  “Sir, we can double the security around the planet. Now that we are aware of the disturbance, we can look for anything similar to it,” AshOR offered.

  LarIS looked between Commander TelON and Commander AshOR. He had to make the best decisions for his people. It all fell on him. Or did it?

  “AshOR, I want you to return to the planet. One of us needs to be there. If something should happen to me, the council will vote in the candidate with the most experience to take over as leader. That would be you.”

  “I don't want to be leader anymore.” AshOR shook his head. He felt he had let his people down with his outrageous behavior. He had endangered a breeding female and could have caused a war with his rash decisions. It turned out okay no thanks to himself, but he was only now starting to realize how serious the position he once held was. More than he was ready for at this time. He still had a lot to learn.

  “What you want does not matter when it comes to what our people need. You are the next in line for leader. Learn from your mistakes. Now you also know the dangers and will be able to keep a tighter rein on security.”

  AshOR nodded his head in agreement. It was clear he was not happy about being left behind. He turned to his brother, Commander TylOR. “Brother, take care of Leader LarIS, and of yourself.”


  Lola didn't hear the knock on the door but she saw Lizzie stand and walk over to it. She quickly checked her hair to make sure that it was still up in the bun she had it in. Some days it was a curly mess. Today was one of those days.

  She stood and straightened her clothes as Lizzie let LarIS inside their quarters. It was a small room with two beds and an attached bath. Kind of reminded her of a college dorm or a small efficiency apartment.

  “Are you ready for a tour?” LarIS asked with his hands.

  Lola smiled at him and nodded eagerly. She stopped halfway to the door and turned to ask Lizzie, “I’m sorry, did you want to come with us?”

  Lizzie shook her head, “I have seen plenty of transports when I was giving the culture classes. I think I’ll stay here and rest for the Evening Meal.”

  “We’ll come back and get you to take you to the Meal room,” LarIS told her.

  LarIS escorted Lola out and into the corridor. He didn’t hold her hand so she could use the silent language if she wanted to. But he craved the contact. He constantly touched her shoulder blade lightly but enough to where he could feel the heat from her skin coming through the thin material. He would also push a strand of her dark curly hair behind her ear. He would caress the tiny warm shell lightly. She was so delicate everywhere.

  Lola signed, “What is the difference between a Katieran and Kiljorn transport to a Colonial transport?”

  LarIS gave her a cocky grin, “Ours are better.”

  Lola laughed. Of course he would be prideful over his ships and his people in general. That was one of the things she loved about him. He really did love his people, all of them. Those in the village were treated just the same as everyone else.

  She smiled as he showed her the different areas of the ship. “It is a beautiful ship, but it all looks the same to me. Sorry.”

  He laughed. “I guess it's true our three nations would have similar ships. But we have something I think that none of the others have.”

  Her interest peaked. “What’s that?”

  LarIS stopped outside of a door and slid it open slowly. He waited for her to walk inside.

  Lola had never seen anything like it. She walked into the most beautiful botanical arboretum she had ever seen. Plants and even trees were all around. Flowers of different colors. Most blooms were larger than her hands. She didn’t know what to look at first. She went from one flower to the next bending to sniff each bloom.

  'Do you like it?' LarIS asked. He used their telepathic link since she had her back to him. Kitana, she had a luscious backside.

  'This is amazing. How are they so bright and full out here in dark space?' She gently fingered a red tulip looking bloom. The petals were so silky soft.

  'We use a special lighting that replicates the suns’ rays without the harmful side effects.'

  'None of the others have this, why do you have this?' she asked, turning to face him.

  ‘Our planet is full of forests and plant life. We wanted to make our time spent in space more like home. It helps to ease people’s tensions.’ He stood within arm’s reach of her and fought not to grab her.

  Lola looked up and was trapped in his beautiful green gaze. No man had ever appealed to her on every level before. Her previous boyfriends were either attractive physically but had no substance or the guys with substance treated her like she was an imbecile.

  Not LarIS though. He was different from all of them. She felt a heat rise up within her spreading from her core outward. He warmed her with just a look.

  LarIS reached out a hand, surprising her with a flower he had plucked. He ran the soft petals across her cheek and over her lips. The bloom was replaced with his fingertips. The warmth from his touch sent shivers all down her body. She couldn’t resist tasting him. She had heard some stories from Lizzie and the other women about the sweet taste of the Katieran men’s semen. She wondered if his skin would taste sweet too?

  Lola licked at his fingers. A slight warm sweet flavor lingered. She wanted more, a lot more. She sucked his finger into her mouth. 'Mmmm. I love how you taste,' she whispered in his mind.

  A rumbling response echoed in his mind and his body shook a little. He moved closer until their bodies were touching. He removed his finger and lifted her face up to his. She was just so beautiful.

  He lowered his lips to hers in a light caress. He was so gentle he seemed to slip through her barriers easily. As the kiss slowly increased with intensity, she became breathless and lightheaded. He whispered against her lips even though he knew she wouldn’t hear him. “You are so exquisite.” The hand that was holding the flower released the gentle bloom and carefully covered a breast. He gave the generous mound a gentle squeeze. Oh Kitana! She felt so good.

  Lola felt her body heating up. Flames seemed to be spreading within her. She felt that warm feeling she had earlier. It spread to her belly down to her toes. Her skin prickled with goose bumps.

  She moaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He felt so good to her. Her breasts ached with heaviness. She rubbed them against his chest to find relief. The contact and friction against her tight buds increased the pressure and heat she was feeling.

  LarIS slowly lifted the edge of the shirt she was wearing until her smooth warm skin was revealed right above her waist. He stroked her with gentle fingers moving slowly up over her rib cage. He hesitated when he reached just below her breast. He didn’t want to pressure her. He started to pull away but she placed her hand on top of his. She stopped kissing and looked up into his worried face.

  'Please don’t stop.'

  Chapter Twelve

  'If I continue kissing you now, I won’t be able to stop. Are you sure you want this?' LarIS had moved his hands away but hovered close to her body. He couldn’t be touching her if she said no. He needed to be able to pull away.

  'Is there a way to lock the door?' she asked, looking around to make sure they were alone.

  'I can set a lock code on it from this side. But is this the right place? I want our first time to be special for you.'

  She nodded her head. 'Lock the door, LarIS.’

  She didn’t have to tell him again. He rushed over to the closed door and entered a code in the panel on the wal
l. No one would enter until he released the lock code. When he turned back to face her, his breath caught in his throat.

  Lola reached up and released the bun holding her hair up on her head. Her long curly black hair tumbled over her shoulders and halfway down her back. She had been meaning to get it cut. It seemed to thrive while she had been on the Colonial Planet. She looked at LarIS biting her lower lip.

  'Beautiful,' he whispered in her mind as he walked back toward her. He reached out and took long strands into his fingers. The strands were soft and silky. He brought the strands up to his nose and inhaled. His eyes lit up with a fire at her scent. He couldn’t help but growl.

  Lola desperately wanted to touch him. She reached up between their bodies, tugging at the hooks to his shirt. She quickly worked them lose and then spread the edges apart.

  'Oh God, you’re hairless here,' she whispered in awe as she tentatively touched his smooth warm skin. It was incredible how hard and soft he was all at one time.

  'I hear your males are hairy,' LarIS told her. He worried that his hairless state would turn her off. He hoped not. His breathing was getting short and quick. His chest rose and fell more frequently at her touch.

  She nuzzled his chest with her cheek. It felt wonderful against her skin. 'I don’t have any males,' she told him.

  She remembered how his fingers tasted and wanted to know if he would taste the same everywhere. She leaned forward, her head only reaching just below his pecks. She licked a path down to his belly button. She nibbled him there, making him growl again. Every time he growled she could feel the vibration shoot straight down to her pussy. She nibbled even more. Damn he was sexy. She had to taste him everywhere.

  She bent down to her knees and unhooked his pants. She wasn’t quite prepared for his cock, which bounced out at her when she dragged the pants slowly down his legs. She looked up at him blushing.


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