Sins of the Father: A Second Chance Sci-Fi Alien Time Travel Romance (Ravage Riders MC #1)

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Sins of the Father: A Second Chance Sci-Fi Alien Time Travel Romance (Ravage Riders MC #1) Page 9

by Nikki Landis

I ignored her comment and sat back, arms crossed over my chest, “What did Jake say?”

  “He said all the guys carry them. It’s for protection.”

  Duh, why else would anyone carry a gun? Her eyes avoided my gaze.

  There was more.


  “There’s been a few confrontations lately. The guys are just taking precautions.”

  Shocked, I sat forward, “Confrontations? With who? Why?”

  “I don’t have all the answers Rae,” Hay looked uncomfortable. My bestie was never like this around me. Something else was going on . . . and she knew.

  “Hay, I’m only gonna ask one more time. Tell me what you know.”

  “It’s the Outlaws.”

  The motorcycle gang? “Seriously?”

  “Yeah, the Outlaws MC have been giving the guys a few problems,” she confessed, still not a direct look in my direction. She was staring at everything but me. Man, she was awful at hiding the truth. I almost laughed.

  “Hay, who have the Outlaws been messing with?”

  “Now Rae –”

  “Cut the shit Hay. I mean it.”

  Her eyes finally met mine, “I promised Jake.”

  “That you wouldn’t tell me? Why?” I asked, hurt.

  “To protect you sweets, no other reason.”

  I sank down in the seat. This was bad, “Who are they messing with Hay? Just tell me, is it Jake?”

  “Not really,” she inhaled a shaky breath and released it, “it’s Peter.”

  I bolted up ramrod stiff in my seat and straightened, “What?”

  “Peter has had a few problems.”

  “What kind of problems?” A sinking feeling filled my stomach like someone threw an old moldy rock down there and let it sit, “Is he in danger?”

  Her lips thinned as she cast me a withering look, “Well what do you think Rae? They want to sell him Girl Scout cookies?”

  I might have laughed if I wasn’t so deathly afraid, “I have to talk to Peter about this.”

  “Oh no you don’t. If you say a word Jake will know I told you.”

  I had bigger worries than Hayley betraying Jake’s trust, “I think Peter’s safety is more important. Don’t you?”

  “How are you going to keep him safe Rae? Neither of us can do anything.”

  She was right, but I could talk to Peter about it, “At least he could fill me in on what’s going on.”

  “I’m honestly surprised he let you out of his sight considering Vader and all that’s happening.”

  I sort of regretted texting her about Step-Vader and all the bullshit now.

  “Me too.”

  I jumped a mile as Peter’s stern voice echoed in the quiet coffee house. Not many customers were around until the rush later in the day, so there were few witnesses to the angry tick I could see pulsing in his chiseled jaw.

  “Care to tell me why you left the house without letting anyone know?”

  I glared at him, frustrated that he didn’t tell me the truth. Those guys at the drive-in knew Peter. I’m willing to bet they were Outlaws. The knowledge spiked my frustration, and I nearly spat my response at him, “I can go wherever I want, whenever I want Peter.”

  He grimaced at my tone, “We still haven’t discussed last night. I think it’s time to leave.”

  “No, I’m not done with my iced coffee.”

  One hand ran through his hair in agitation, “Now isn’t the time to prove a point, Rae. Bring it with you.”

  I smiled sweetly at him, “What point would I be making?”

  Hayley groaned and shook her head as Jake pushed so fast and angry through the front doors they banged against the inner walls, “We’ve got company.”

  I heard the heavy rumbling roar of motorcycle engines outside. Through the solid glass front windows I could make out at least a half dozen figures on the bikes, facing us, “Peter?”

  I was in his arms so fast I hardly had a chance to blink. Shoved behind him for protection, Peter faced the windows and ticked his head in their direction, arms out wide at his sides.

  Holy shit.

  Was this some kind of 1950’s turf war? Like the Greasers and the Socials who hurt Ponyboy in The Outsiders? “Peter?” I asked again, scared.

  You could hear the tremble in my voice as it wavered.

  One of his hands reached back and pulled me close, clenching tight. His eyes never left the scene outside, but I saw the tilt of his chin, the familiar defiant and confident glare as it met the leader. Cold eyes met mine as I recognized the same guy from the drive-in.

  “It’s alright baby.”

  Like hell it was.

  Was he crazy?

  “Alright?” I nearly screeched.

  Hayley was behind Jake. For the first time I noticed R.J. lurking outside, leaning against the wall on the right side of the doors as he played with a large hunting knife. On the left was Beckett, the sheriff’s son and his best friend Shane, puffing on a cigarette.

  The tension was so thick I could have cut it with R.J.’s knife.

  Before I could snap from the silence and lack of action, the biker leader flipped off Peter and laughed, signaling for the other riders to disperse. I exhaled a shaky breath once I saw his Harley pull away from the parking lot.

  Once Peter was assured they were gone, he spun around and yanked me into his chest, his lips crashing down on mine. Before I could react, he blurted, “Don’t ever be so foolish again.”

  I shoved at his chest, hard enough to separate us by a few inches, “Maybe if you told me the truth about the Outlaws and your toys,” I pronounced sarcastically, “I would know what the heck is going on.”

  Peter’s teeth ground in his mouth, “We’re leaving, now.”

  No response. I didn’t expect him to elaborate in the middle of the coffee shop, but once we were outside I intended to find out everything . . . and from the look on his face, he knew it.

  His hand clamped down on my upper arm as he saw the nod from R.J.

  Once we were free of the coffee shop, I was escorted to his Nova where Hayley and I climbed in the back. R.J. took shotgun, his eyes darting in every direction. I didn’t miss the Glock sitting in his lap or the tense line of Peter’s shoulders as we left the strip mall. The sound of a motorcycle let us know that Jake was behind us. Close headlights in the rearview proved Beckett was following too. He must have been in his truck with Shane.

  Ten minutes later I nearly panicked as I realized we were headed out of town. “Where are we going?”

  Peter shook his head, refusing to answer.

  “Jake?” Hay’s small, high-pitched voice broke into my thoughts. She was frightened too.

  “It’s ok sweetheart. He’s right behind us. We got this. Just let us get you to safety. Alright?” R.J.’s soft reassuring tone helped her to relax as she sank back into the seat.

  “You’ll keep an eye on him?”

  “Yes Hay, I promise.”

  She nodded as I scooted closer. Our hands reached toward one another at the same time. Clenching tight we snuggled close, both of us aware of how dangerous the situation had become.

  Peter’s eyes darted to mine in the rearview. He mouthed ‘sorry’ before his focus was back on the roads and the side mirrors. I didn’t answer. He had a lot of explaining to do, and he knew I wasn’t happy about the turn of events.

  R.J. turned around, an apologetic expression on his face, “Everything will be fine Rae. We have a safe place to take you for the night.”

  “What? Why can’t I go home?”

  Peter shook his head so hard I thought he might hurt himself.

  “No,” he growled.

  R.J. sent a disapproving look in his direction, “We don’t know if we’re being followed. Don’t want to lead them straight back to your place.”

  “But –”

  “Not with your mom and little sister Rae. That’s just foolish. Right?”

  I sighed, “Right.”

  Why couldn’t Peter expl
ain it like that?

  “I’m hungry,” Hay chimed in, out of nowhere, as usual.

  I shook my head at her randomness and almost laughed not able to help it, but I sobered up as my gaze fell on Peter’s stiff shoulders. Here we were in total and complete danger and all Hayley wanted was something to eat. Her priorities were safety, Jake, and food – in that order.

  “Seriously Hay?”

  R.J. and I said it at the same time.

  “Jinx. Now neither of you can talk until I say your name.”

  R.J. rolled his eyes. I sighed loudly, thinking she sounded like she was eight years old. Hay was always goofy when nervous or anxious. Peter chuckled for the first time.

  “And I’m still hungry.”

  At Hay’s remark, all four of us began to laugh. The only person who ate as much as she did was Jake. The thought must have crossed her mind too because the small smile on her face wobbled.

  She lifted her head up high and peeked out the back window.

  “Keep your head down, both of you,” Peter ordered sharply. “I won’t have either of you hurt.”

  We exchanged a look as Hay slumped down in the seat, “How much further?”

  “Until we arrive there,” he snapped, all humor gone.

  Closing my eyes, I decided to take a nap and ignore his attitude. He might be stressed and worried, but his short temper came from the confrontation we both knew was coming the moment we reached a safe place to stay. If my life was in danger, I deserved to know from who and why, even if Peter disagreed. He caught my frown in the mirror and diverted his gaze.

  This was going to be a long night.

  Chapter 14

  “Rae, baby wake up.”

  My eyes fluttered and adjusted to the low yellow light streaming from an open front door only a few feet away. Peter’s arms surrounded me and lifted as I climbed from the Nova and stumbled. Snug against his chest I let my head fall into his neck as my hand landed on his chest.

  “I’ve got you, honey,” he whispered, carrying me inside.

  Jake’s motorcycle pulled up and the engine cut, “Coast is clear. Beckett and Shane are gonna take first watch so we can settle the girls.”

  Hay rushed into Jake’s arms as he kissed her, holding her close. I didn’t miss the look he exchanged with Pete, “We’ll take the guest bedroom.”

  “I’ve got the couch,” R.J. announced as he sank onto it, checking his Glock and placing it on the wooden coffee table, close within his reach. He eyed the front door warily.

  “Good, I’ve got Rae.”


  Peter led us up a flight of stairs as I surveyed the room. A log cabin. Most everything was rustic and made of thickly polished woods in cherry, oak, and mahogany, but it was clean and spacious. R.J. built a fire in the main hearth as we turned a corner on the second floor and headed into the master bedroom.

  “I texted your mother. She knows where you are,” Peter informed me as he closed and locked the door, letting my feet slowly rest on the floor.

  “That makes one of us.”

  “This cabin is one of Mack’s old haunts.”

  I frowned. Was this whole mess related to Mack somehow?

  Pete walked slowly forward and sank onto the edge of the king size four poster bed. “My feet are killing me. Damn boots.”

  He was pretty good at avoidance, I knew this by now.

  “When are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I demanded.

  “Baby it’s late, and I’m tired. Right now all I want to do is hold you and get a few hours of sleep.”

  “How long are we going to be here?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “How long?” I asked again, agitated and grinding my teeth to keep from yelling.

  “Until I know it’s safe for you to go home.”

  “Don’t you think I should have some say in that?” my hands landed on my hips as I stared him down.


  “Oh really?” I fumed, walking up and pointing a finger at the center of his chest. “You’re not going to order me around or control my life, Peter.”

  He sighed, “As much as I think you’re adorable when you’re angry, I’m not ready to discuss everything yet. I need sleep. I’ve had several nights in a row with hardly any rest, protecting you if you remember. So if you want to stand there pissed off and cold instead of warming up beside me then go ahead. Baby, I’m not dictating shit.”

  He smirked as he dropped his boots on the floor, then his pants and leather jacket on the edge of the bed. Down to a t-shirt and boxers, he slipped under the covers and rested back against the pillows. Both arms rested behind his head as his muscles flexed.

  Ignoring the way he was looking at me I began to pace, becoming angrier with every step. He was brushing me off. Both of us knew I wouldn’t last long. A bitter chill was working its way into my bones, partly from the cooler night air and partially from the adrenaline rush of earlier and my fear. I began to tremble, a little at first and then more until my teeth chattered.

  Peter’s eyes never left me, “Come to bed baby.”

  I shook my head.

  “Please, honey, you’re freezing, and it makes me anxious to see you suffering out of spite.”

  I sighed, kicking off my boots and throwing clothes on the floor out of frustration. He held the covers open and I slipped in beside him, immediately engulfed in a warm cocoon of his body heat.

  “Damn Rae, you’re freezing.”

  He began to rub my arms gently to increase the circulation and warmth, his long, lean fingers massaging in slow firm strokes. Once he was assured of their renewed heat, he moved to my feet and began to massage them under the blankets.

  I sighed, finally letting my body relax.

  “Feel good?”

  “Uh huh,” I murmured.

  His hands roamed upward to my calves, massaging gently, “And now?”

  “Delightful,” I whispered languidly.

  Peter’s hands began to massage my thighs and roamed upward toward my waistline. He lowered his head and began to press tiny kisses to my skin, close to my navel, as my shirt lifted higher. For a moment our eyes locked and the smile that curled the sides of his mouth sent a wave of heat to course through my veins. Even mad and frustrated I didn’t love or want him any less. He tugged the material above my head and tossed it aside, leaving me only in my pale pink satin bra. For a split second I was lost in the hungry look in his eyes, so raw and visceral that I lifted my arms to him, but Pete only grinned wider.

  “I love you, Rae.”

  “I love you too, Pete.”

  “I know you do baby,” he whispered confidently. His cocky grin split his cheeks as he rose above me and then lowered, pressing his lips to mine. The weight of his body pressed against my chest but he didn’t crush me. Instead, I felt covered in warmth and safety, knowing he would always protect and keep me from harm. My fingers rose to his chest and trickled along the strong defined muscle all the way up and around the nape of his neck. I played with the texture of his thick dark hair and released an involuntary moan, but it was swallowed up by his passionate kiss.

  Peter’s tongue slipped inside my mouth, dancing with expertise and arousing a hunger inside me that matched his own. His hips began to grind into mine as I gasped and my head fell back against the pillow. The whisper-light touch of his lips trailed from my jawline and slowly down the column of my throat peppering tender kisses to my shoulder and then lower to the top of my breasts that peeked above the lacy edges of my bra.

  These were new sensations to me. I’ve never made out with a boy like this before. In fact, I never wanted to fall into the trap, so many high school girls did, giving over their virginity to some guy who didn’t care about them at all but only his own need to get laid. Tonight for some reason, I let Peter do whatever he wanted. Was it love? Lust? Need? Desire?

  Maybe I wanted to get lost in each other and have a perfect night together without fear of discovery and to forget the dang
er from this afternoon. Maybe I loved him more than I previously admitted or acknowledged, even to myself. Perhaps I wanted to find out if the passion that ignited between us was real. All I knew was that his touch was perfect, his lips owned my body, and I enjoyed every single second that he awakened the deepest longings of my soul. I wanted Peter, in that way, and I think he knew it.

  Too well.

  “Tell me what you want Rae,” he whispered seductively, “tell me I’m not mistaking the look in your eyes.”

  I was breathing hard, panting at yearnings that I didn’t know could resonate so deep within me, “Pete, don’t mess with me right now.” I moaned again as he began to suck on the mounded top of my left breast. “I’ve never wanted anything like this before.”

  His lips curved into a sultry knowing grin, “I want you, Rae. Whenever. Wherever. The moment you’re ready.”

  “Peter,” I gasped as he pushed the material of the bra aside, “Oh God.”

  He began to grind harder, his hips rolling into mine and revealing a hardness I didn’t quite realize existed before now. I mean, I knew that happened with boys, but I never cared. Until now.

  “Rae,” he rasped, “I have to stop now or keep going all the way. I’ve got no willpower left.”

  “Pete,” I moaned as coherent thought left me. I wasn’t sure how to answer him.

  He lifted his head and pressed his lips so tenderly against mine that I closed my eyes and breathed him in, his love so overpowering that I wanted to stay in this moment with him forever.

  “I want to go all the way tonight Rae, but I don’t think you’re quite ready. There’s no rush baby. We’ve got our whole lives for this.”

  But what if we didn’t? What if tonight only proved that life was unpredictable? Shouldn’t we take our happiness when and where we knew we could get it? What if tomorrow never came?

  My hand rose to Peter’s cheek, “I’m afraid we’ll never get another chance.”

  His eyes softened as they met mine, “I refuse to believe that. There’s lots of time for us Rae. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Are you making another sworn promise?” I asked, searching his eyes, only half teasing.

  “Yes baby, like the others I won’t ever break. I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you, so I’m not rushing one of the most amazing moments we’ll ever have. It’s got to be right and perfect. You deserve the best.”


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