Agriculture GUMMER
Defence KING
Education *CLARKE
Employment HOWARD
Environment PATTEN
Northern Ireland BROOKE
Paymaster-General RYDER
Scotland RIFKIND
Without portfolio –
Wales HUNT
Attorney-General MAYHEW
Solicitor-General LYELL
Chmn Party BAKER
Chief Whip RENTON
Chmn 1922 Cttee ONSLOW
List of Abbreviations
ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile
ACAS Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
AGR Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor
ALCM Air-launched Cruise Missile
ANC African National Congress
AUEW Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers
BL British Leyland (later Rover Group)
BMA British Medical Association
BMD Ballistic Missile Defence
BR British Rail
BSC British Steel Corporation
CAP Common Agricultural Policy
CBI Confederation of British Industry
CDU German Christian Democrat Party
CEGB Central Electricity Generating Board
CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons
CFE Conventional Forces in Europe
CHOGM Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
CPRS Central Policy Review Staff
CPS Centre for Policy Studies
CSCE Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
DES Department of Education and Science
DHA District Health Authority
DHSS Department of Health and Social Security(divided from 1988)
DoE Department of the Environment
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
DUP Democratic Unionist Party
E Economic Committee of the Cabinet
E(A) Principal sub-committee of E
EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EC European Community
ECJ European Court of Justice
ECOFIN Economic and Financial Affairs Council of the EC
ECST European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism
Ecu European Currency Unit
EDG European Democratic Group
EDU European Democratic Union
EFL External Financing Limit
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EMS European Monetary System
EMU Economic and Monetary Union
EPG Eminent Persons Group (sent to South Africa)
ERM Exchange Rate Mechanism (of the EMS)
EXCO Executive Council (Hong Kong)
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FRG Federal Republic of Germany
FSBR Financial Statement and Budget Report (‘the Red Book’)
G7 Group of Seven
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GLC Greater London Council
GLCM Ground-launched Cruise Missile
GM General Motors
GM school Grant-Maintained school
GNP Gross National Product
GP General Practitioner
H Home Affairs Committee of the Cabinet
HAT Housing Action Trust
HMI Her Majesty’s Inspectorate (of schools)
IDU International Democratic Union
IEA Institute of Economic Affairs
IGC Inter-Governmental Conference
ILEA Inner London Education Authority
IMF International Monetary Fund
INF Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces
INLA Irish National Liberation Army
IRA Irish Republican Army
ISTC Iron and Steel Trades Confederation
ITC Independent Television Commission
L Legislation Committee of the Cabinet
LEA Local Education Authority
MCAs Monetary compensation amounts
MEZ Maritime Exclusion Zone
MIRVs Multiple independently targettable re-entry vehicles
MLR Minimum Lending Rate
MNF Multi-National Force
MoD Ministry of Defence
MSC Manpower Services Commission
MTFS Medium Term Financial Strategy
MO Monetary base
£M3 Sterling M3
NACODS National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputiesand Shotfirers
NADs National Armaments Directors
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCB National Coal Board (later British Coal)
NCC National Curriculum Council
NDLS National Dock Labour Scheme
NEB National Enterprise Board
NEDC National Economic Development Council (‘Neddy’)
NGA National Graphical Association
NHS National Health Service
NICs National Insurance contributions
NIO Northern Ireland Office
NIS National Insurance Surcharge
NRC National Reporting Centre
NUM National Union of Mineworkers
OAS Organization of American States
OD Overseas and Defence Committee of the Cabinet
OD(SA) Sub-Committee of OD which ran the Falklands War
ODA Overseas Development Administration
OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
OECS Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OUP Official Unionist Party
PLO Palestine Liberation Organization
PPS Parliamentary Private Secretary
PSBR Public Sector Borrowing Requirement
PSDR Public Sector Debt Repayment
QL Queen’s Speeches and Future Legislation Committeeof the Cabinet
QUANGO Quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization
RHA Regional Health Authority
RPI Retail Price Index
RUC Royal Ulster Constabulary
SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
SAS Special Air Service
SDLP Social Democratic and Labour Party
SDP Social Democratic Party
SDI Strategic Defence Initiative
SLCM Sea-launched Cruise Missile
SNF Short-range Nuclear Forces
SSA Standard Spending Assessment
START Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
SWAPO South West Africa People’s Organization
TASM Tactical Air-to-Surface Missile
TEZ Total Exclusion Zone
TGWU Transport and General Workers’ Union
TSRB Top Salaries Review Board
TUC Trades Union Congress
UAE United Arab Emirates
UDM Union of Democratic Miners
UDR Ulster Defence Regiment
UNSCR United Nations Security Council Resolution
VAT Value Added Tax
WEU Western European Union
The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.
NOTE: Government Departments and Ministries are grouped together under the heading Departments and Ministries
Abdul Rahman, Tunku, 502–3
ABM treaty (1972), 465, 467, 471, 473
Abrahamson, General James, 476
Abu Dhabi, MT’s visit (1981), 163
Abu Nidal, 442
Acland, Sir Antony (Permanent Under Secretary of State FCO 1981-86, British Ambassador to Washington 1986–91), 192, 214, 817
‘Action for Jobs’ programme, 421
Adams, Ge
rry, 408
Adefope, Major-General H.E.O., 76
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS), 113, 367–8
Aerospatiale, 428
Afghanistan: Soviet invasion, 65, 69, 87–8, 91, 160, 478; refugees, 167–8; Soviet withdrawal, 772, 773, 774
Africa, MT’s visits, 523, 524–9
African National Congress (ANC), 519, 520, 531–2, 533–4
Agriculture Council, see EUROPEAN COMMUNITY
Agriculture Policy Group, 565
Agusta, 428, 429
Ahtisaari, Martti, 528, 529
Albakin, Leonid, 802
Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment, 716
Alexandra, Princess, 331
Alison, Michael, 380, 382
Alliance: opinion polls (1981–2), 264, 265; policies, 265; ‘Falklands factor’, 265–6; by-election gains (1982–3), 266; election campaign (1983) 287, 291, 303–4; gains (1985), 416; leadership, 573; policies, 573; assault on (1987), 574, 577; manifesto (1987), 576; election campaign (1987), 578, 581
Alliance Party (Northern Ireland), 387
Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers (AUEW), 116, 117
American Economist, 715
Amersham International, 678
Amin, Hafizullah, 87
Anaya, Admiral Jorge, 176
Ancram, Michael, 647
Andreotti, Giulio (Italian Prime Minister 1972–73, 1976–79, 1989–92), 70, 549–51, 762, 765, 766
Andrew, Prince, 181
Andrew, Sir Robert, 399
Andropov, Yuri (Soviet President 1082–84), 321, 450, 453, 455–6, 458, 469
Anglo-Irish Agreement, 385, 402–6, 410, 413, 415, 421
Anglo-Irish Inter-Governmental Council, 393
Anguilla, ‘invasion’, 8
Annenberg, Walter, 36
Antall, Jozsef (Prime Minister of Hungary 1990–), 809
Antelope, HMS, 226
Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABM), 464–5
anti-satellite (ASAT) capability, 462
Antrim, HMS, 205, 330
Arab-Israeli dispute, 322, 487, 507–12, 526, 827
Arab League, 816
Archer, Jeffrey, 422
Ardent, HMS, 225
Argentina: Falklands policy, 174–6; Falklands invasion, 177, 187; US relations, 176–7, 179–80, 188, 323; embargo, 190–1, 223; Haig negotiations, 193–200, 202–4, 206–8, 210–11, 217, 222, 224, 229–30; Belgrano sinking, 214–16, 217; Falklands engagement, 225–35; Falklands surrender, 235
Argonaut, HMS, 225
Armed Forces Pay Review Body, 32
Armenia, MT’s visit (1990), 807
Armilla Patrol, 91, 164, 506, 816
arms sales, 163
Armstrong, Sir Robert (Cabinet Secretary 1979–87 and Head Home Civil Service 1981–87), 395, 396, 398
arts, 632–4
Arts Council, 633
Ascension Island, 187, 200, 201, 202, 208, 213
Aspen, Colorado: MT’s speech (1990), 800, 819–20; MT-Bush Kuwait talks, 816–20
Assisted Places Scheme, 39
Associated British Ports, 678
Astiz, Captain, 208
A-Team, see Strategy Group
Atkins, Humphrey (Northern Ireland Secretary 1979–81, Lord Privy Seal 1981–82), 151, 179, 186, 387, 394
Atlantic Conveyor, 227–8
Attali, Jacques, 734, 759
Attlee, Clement (Labour Prime Minister 1945–51), 5
Audit Commission, 616, 643n
Austin, General Hudson, 328
Austin Rover, 438, 439, 440
Australia: MT’s visit (1988), 410- 11, 504, 505–6; role, 501–2
Autocue, 258, 286, 382, 468, 568
Autumn Statement (1982), 271
Aviation Weekly, 464
Babangida, General Ibrahim (President Nigeria 1985-), 524, 525, 526
Bagehot, Walter, 446–7
Baker, James (US Secretary of State 1989–92) MT’s meeting (1988), 782; European policies, 783, 795; NATO, 785, 788, 811; Gulf War build-up, 820–1, 826, 828
Baker, Kenneth (Education Secretary 1986–89, Conservative Party Chairman 1989–90): Industry, 131; IT, 271; Environment, 420; local authority propaganda battle, 562; community charge, 563, 647, 650–1, 652, 656, 657, 658; Education, 563, 589, 651; ‘opted-out’ schools, 578; election campaign (1987), 578, 580; national curriculum, 593–7; teacher training, 598; Party Chairman, 656, 714, 756, 758, 836; suitability as successor to MT, 755; Gorbachev meeting, 773; Howe’s resignation, 835; by-election results discussion, 838; leadership election campaign (1990), 841, 846–7, 849, 851, 853–4; MT’s resignation, 856, 857
balance of payments deficit (1988–9), 706
Balfour, Arthur (Conservative Prime Minister 1902–5), 5
Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD), 464–5, 467
ballots, trade union, 99, 274, 276, 284, 572, 669
Ballygawley bomb (1988), 411
Baltic States, 767, 801
Bancroft, Sir Ian (Permanent Secretary Civil Service Department and Head Home Civil Service 1978–81), 47–8
Banda, Dr Hastings (President of Malawi 1966-), 527–8
Bank of England: ‘corset’, 125; Polish crisis, 254; Westland, 426; Hong Kong currency, 489–90; ERM question, 691, 695; exchange rate intervention, 702; Lawson’s proposals, 706–7
bankruptcies, 52
Barnett, Joel, Lord, 637
Basnett, David, 372
BBC: pay levels, 102; Falklands reporting, 181, 214; unilateralism, 267; Milltown Cemetery film, 408; election results forecast (1987), 588; licence fee, 634–7; advertising question, 636; independent producers, 636, 638
Begin, Menachem (Israeli Prime Minister 1977–83), 510n
Begun, Iosif, 484
Beirut bombings (1983), 327–8
Belgium, cruise missiles, 241, 243
Belgrano, see General Belgrano
Belize, British presence, 248
Bell, Tim: election campaign (1983), 287–8; miners’ strike (1984–5), 354; election campaign (1987), 570, 585; community charge discussions, 658; leadership election campaign (1990), 841
Belstead, Lord, 851
benefits, see social security benefits
Berlin disco bomb (1986), 443
Berlin Wall, 263, 759, 789, 793
Berrill, Sir Kenneth, 30
Berry, Sir Anthony, 381
Beswick, Lord, 108
Biffen, John (Chief Secretary 1979–81, Trade Secretary 1981–82, Leader HC 1982–87): Chief Secretary to Treasury, 26; public spending cuts, 50; BL, 117; MTFS attitude, 130; Trade, 131; Leader of House, 187; relationship with Howe, 420; quoted, 422, 440, 589; BL, 440; leaves Cabinet, 589
‘Big Bang’, 311
bill mountain, 695, 696
Birmingham Six, 409
Birt, John, 637
Bishop, Maurice (Prime Minister of Grenada 1979–83), 166, 328–9
Bismarck, Otto von, 791
Blackhawk helicopters, 428
Black Monday, 700, 710
Bluff Cove, 226, 233
Boomibol, King of Thailand, 506
Botha, P.W. (South African Prime Minister 1978–84, State President 1084–89), 514–15, 520, 522, 529
Botha, R.F. (‘Pik’) (South African Foreign Minister 1977-), 514, 529, 532
Boundary Commission, 286
Brandt Commission, 169
Bretton Woods system, 703
Brezhnev, Leonid (Soviet General Secretary 1964–82): invasion of Afghanistan, 88; arms control proposals (1981), 159, (1979), 241–2; SALT II Agreement, 245; ‘Brezhnev Doctrine’, 258, 790; cartoon, 324; rise of Gorbachev, 453; Reagan correspondence, 455, 462; era, 458
Brighton Grand Hotel bomb (1984), 368, 371, 379–83, 399, 414
Brilliant, HMS, 225
Bristow, Alan, 425–6
British Aerospace (BAe), 428, 433, 678, 679–80
British Airways, 283, 678, 679
British Antarctic Survey, 180, 640
British A
ssociation of Colliery Managers (BACM), 366
British Gas, 284, 681–2
British Leyland (BL): steel supplies, 101, 112; Edwardes Chairmanship, 114; Corporate Plan, 115–17, 118–19, 120–1; industrial relations, 117–18, 119–20; Wakeham involvement, 311; privatization, 284, 419, 437–41, 678; Varley-Marshall assurances, 438, 679; Rover Group, 679–80
British Medical Association (BMA), 616–17
British Museum, 632
British Nationality Bill, 161, 260
British Petroleum (BP), 50, 316
British Rail (BR), 347, 353, 686–7
British Rail Hotels, 678
British Shipbuilders, 284, 678
British Steel Corporation (BSC): coal supplies, 101; strike (1980), 103, 108–14; costs, 127; privatization programme, 283–4, 678, 679; Ravenscraig steel works, 361–2, 622; miners’ strike (1984–5), 342, 347, 353; dock strikes (1984), 355, 361
British Telecom (BT), 283, 306, 678, 680–1
Britoil, 678
Brittan, Leon (Chief Secretary 1981–83, Home Secretary 1983–85, Trade and Industry Secretary 1985–86, Vice-President EC Commission 1989-): Chief Secretary, 131, 309; Home Secretary, 307–8, 418; ‘end-year flexibility’ suggestion, 317; miners’ strike (1984–5), 345–6; Party Conference (1984), 368; Brighton bomb (1984), 381; DTI, 419, 426; Westland affair, 426–36; BL, 438–9; broadcasting, 646; attitude to ERM, 693, 710
Brittan, Samuel, 138
Britto, Keith, 266
Brixton riots (1981), 143–4
broadcasting, 634–8
Broadcasting Act (1989), 636
Broadcasting Standards Council, 636–7
Brogan, Colm, 12
Brooke, Peter (Conservative Party Chairman 1987–89, Northern Ireland Secretary ’989–92), 414, 749, 756, 852
Brown, Harold, 246
Brownlow, Lord, 23
Bruges speech (1988), 742–6, 749, 755, 833
Buckton, Ray, 372
budgets: (1979), 41–5, 50; (1980), 55, 95–6; (1981), 132–9; (1982), 270–1; (1983), 271; (1984), 673, 694; (1985), 673; (1986), 673; (1987), 673; (1988), 673–4; (1989), 674–5; (1990). 622, 675
Bukovsky, Vladimir, 452, 480, 813
Bundesbank, 690, 696, 720, 740, 763, 814
Burke, Edmund, 26, 753, 859
Burnet, Sir Alastair, 291
Burnham, Forbes (Prime Minister then President of Guyana 1964–85), 167
Bush, Barbara, 845
Bush, George (US Vice-President 1981–89, President 1989–93): Hungarian visit, 455; nuclear talks, 473; G7, 754, 763–4; relationship with MT, 754, 782–3, 793, 794, 820; Presidential election (1988), 768; administration, 782–4; German reunification, 793, 794, 795, 798–9; attitude to Yeltsin, 804; MT Bermuda meeting (1990), 810; NATO discussions, 810–11; achievements, 813; Kuwait invasion response, 816–21; Gulf War build-up, 823–4, 826; CSCE Conference (1990), 842, 845; MT’s resignation, 857
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