Heysel Football Stadium riot, 413
Hindawi, Nezar, 510
History Working Group (National Curriculum), 595–6
homelessness, 603–4
Homestart, 630
Honda, 116, 438, 439
Honecker, Erich (East German Head of State 1976–89), 789
Hong Kong: MT’s China visit (1982), 259–62; Joint Declaration, 466; concern for future, 487; Executive Council (EXCO), 491, 492; Joint Liaison Group, 491–2
Hoskyns, John: Policy Unit, 30; ‘Stepping Stones’, 42; quoted, 56; trade union reform, 104; monetary policy, 133, 135; Central Council, 138; Cabinet reshuffle, 152; successor, 278
hospitals, see health
housing: council house sales, 39, 279, 306, 563, 602, 604, 605, 623; private rented sector, 39, 563, 600, 601, 605, 670–1; mortgages, 315, 600, 602, 671, 674, 698; benefit, 563, 600–1; tenancy reforms, 571, 599–601, 671; manifesto (1987), 571, 577, 589, 600, 602; reforms, 599–601; home ownership, 600, 601, 604, 605, 623, 671; local authority housing accounts, 600, 601; ‘flexi-ownership’, 602, 604; Scotland, 602, 621, 623; ‘Rents to Mortgages’, 602, 604, 623; homelessness, 603; Estate Action programme, 605, 621; council estate unemployment culture, 671; market (1988), 674, 706
Housing Action Trusts (HATs), 571, 600–1, 605
Housing Associations, 571, 599, 604
Housing Corporation, 599
Howard, Michael (Employment Secretary 1990–92), 422, 755, 849, 852
Howe, Derek, 285
Howe, Elspeth, 37, 380, 381, 757
Howe, Sir Geoffrey (Chancellor of the Exchequer 1979–83, Foreign Secretary 1983–89, Leader HC 1989–90): Shadow Chancellor, 15; Chancellor of Exchequer, 26; budget (1979), 31, 42–5, 50; Chequers lunch, 37; public spending cuts, 51, 53, 127, 149; budget (1980), 55, 95; trade union reform, 100, 104; BL, 118, 120–1; economic strategy, 123, 125–6; friendship with Leon Brittan, 131; budget (1981), 132–7; Cabinet discussions, 148; Party Conference (1981), 154–5; Falklands, 188; budget (1982), 270; public expenditure review (1982), 276–7; Family Policy Group, 279; election manifesto (1983), 281, 283, 284–5; election campaign (1983), 288, 293, 294, 297; Foreign Secretary, 309–10, 418; defence spending, 316; Lebanon MNF, 326, 333; Grenada, 330, 331; EC, 335, 736; Brighton bomb (1984), 380, 381; Anglo-Irish Agreement, 405; Northern Ireland speech, 409; Biffen relations, 420; Westland, 428; US bombing of Libya, 443, 445; Gorbachev visit (1984), 460, 461; US visit (1985), 469; Hong Kong negotiations, 489, 491–2; South African issues, 514, 515, 518; South Africa visit, 520; EC budget, 537; Milan Council, 548, 550–1; Strategy Group, 565; style as Chancellor, 672, 673; exchange rate concerns, 688–9; ERM question, 691–2, 693, 695, 697–8, 704, 709–12, 750; relations with MT, 704, 711–12, 718, 757, 758, 839–40; Madrid ambush, 710–12; resignation threat, 712; Leader of the House, 715, 757, 834; European elections (1989), 749; suitability as successor to MT, 755, 756; Foreign Secretary dismissal, 756, 757, 834; refuses Home Office, 757; Deputy PM, 757; single currency statement, 832–3; resignation, 834–7; Commons statement, 838, 839–40
Howell, David (Energy Secretary 1979–81, Transport Secretary 1981–83), 140–2, 151, 283, 307
Hua Guo Feng, 260
Huddleston, Bishop Trevor, 514
Hughes, Bill, 621
Hume, John (Leader SDLP 1979-), 404
Hungary: MT’s visit (1984), 454–8; Austrian border open, 789; MT’s visit (1990), 809
hunger strikes (Maze Prison), 388–93
Hunt, David, 657
Hunt, Sir John (Cabinet Secretary 1973–79), 31
Hunt, Mavis Amanda, 234
Hunt, Rex (Governor Falkland Islands (1980–82, Civil Commissioner 1982–85), 180, 187, 196, 234
Hurd, Douglas (Northern Ireland Secretary 1984–85, Home Secretary 1985–89, Foreign Secretary 1989-): Northern Ireland Secretary, 399; Anglo-Irish Agreement, 405; Home Secretary, 419; Foreign Secretary, 531; South Africa sanctions issue, 531; Strategy Group, 565; broadcasting policies, 636, 637; community charge, 666; EMU question, 726; suitability as successor to MT, 755; Kohl meeting, 765–6; German reunification, 793; Gulf crisis, 816–17, 822, 824, 827, 834; leadership election campaign (1990), 840, 844, 847, 850, 851, 852, 853, 858, 861; MT’s resignation, 856, 857
Hussein, King of Jordan (1933-): Falklands crisis, 183; MT’s visit (1985), 508–9; peace initiative, 508–9, 512; Gulf crisis, 816–17, 822, 824
Hussein, Saddam (Iraqi ruler 1979-), 91, 769, 817–22, 823–8, 831
Hussey, Marmaduke (Chairman BBC Board of Governors 1986-), 637
Hu Yaobang, 493
Hyde Park bomb (1982), 394
Ibbs, Robin (Prime Minister’s Adviser on Efficiency in Government 1983–88), 48, 118
ICI, help to USSR, 480
Iliescu, Ion (President of Romania 1990-), 802
immigration, 307, 553, 555
imports, 689
incomes policy, 14, 42, 93–4, 126
Independence, USS, 329–30
Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), 637
Independent Television Commission (ITC), 637–8
India, MT’s visit (1981), 161–2
individualism, 626–7
Indonesia, MT’s visit (1985), 503
Industrial Charter, 12
inflation: rise, 8; control, 33, 123, 673, 690, 694, 709; (1979), 42, 52, 53; (1980), 123–126; (1981), 136, 153; (1982), 272; (1983), 315; US, 322; role of taxation, 673–4; first term success, 688; effect of Lawson’s policies, 691; (1986), 698–9; (1988–9), 706–7, 710, 714–15, 718, 830; (1990), 675, 724, 831
information technology (IT), 271
Information Technology Year (1982), 271
INF treaty (1987), 771, 773, 774, 784
Ingham, Bernard (Chief Press Secretary 1979–90): relationship with MT, 20; public expenditure discussions (1980), 130; coal dispute (1981), 140; TSRB recommendations (1985), 417; Nigerian visit (1988), 525; leadership election (1990), 835, 843; MT’s resignation, 856
Inkatha, 533
Inner London Educational Authority (ILEA), 590, 650, 652–3
Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), 465
interest rates, see MONETARY POLICY
International Democratic Union (IDU), 499–500
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 42, 169–70, 522, 525, 526–7
International Transport Workers’ Federation, 103
interventionist policies, 6, 8, 92–3
Intrepid, HMS, 248
investment: state direction, 8; opportunities, 671; state-owned industries, 677
Investment Income Surcharge, 673
Invincible, HMS, 179, 181, 185, 202, 228
IRA: Mountbatten murder, 56; Warrenpoint bomb (1979), 56–7; Irish-American support, 58, 166, 384, 415; Brighton bomb (1984), 368, 371, 379–83, 399, 414; terrorist problem, 383–4; hunger strikes, 389–93; Chelsea Barracks bomb (1981), 393; Hyde Park and Regent’s Park bombs (1982), 394- 5; Harrods bomb (1983), 397; Mill Hill bomb (1988), 410; Ballygawley bomb (1988), 411; broadcasting ban, 412; Deal bomb (1989), 414; Gow murder, 414–15
Iran: fall of Shah, 42, 156; US hostages, 69, 86–8, 156, 825; London embassy siege, 89–90, 826; war with Iraq, 91, 162, 163–4, 487, 824
Iraq: war with Iran, 91, 162, 163–4, 487, 824; invasion of Kuwait, 164; 816–22; British hostages, 823, 827
Ireland, see Irish Republic, Northern Ireland Irish Commission for Justice and Peace (ICJP), 392
Irish National Liberation Army (INLA), 396
Irish Republic: Falklands stance, 191, 216, 225, 394; EC, 337, 539; Anglo-Irish summit (1980), 390; Anglo-Irish relations, 393–6; Anglo-Irish Agreement background, 396–402; Anglo-Irish Agreement, 402–6, 409- 10, 413–415
Iron and Steel Trades Confederation (ISTC), 103, 106, 109–13
‘Iron Lady’, 65, 184
Israel: EC discussions, 90–1; peace talks, 322; Lebanon, 326–7; refuseniks, 460, 476, 484, 510; ‘land for peace’, 507, 511; Gulf War, 507; MT’s visit (1986), 510–12
br /> Italy: economy, 7; Falklands crisis, 191, 223; nuclear policy, 241; IGC plans, 549–51, 555; Rome European Council, 765
ITV, 588, 634–7
Ivashko, Vladimir, 807
Jaguar, 438
Jakobovits, Immanuel, 510
Jankowski, Father, 781
Japan: trade balance, 64; G7, 164–5, 738–9; Falklands, 191, 231–2; MT’s visit (1982), 259, 496–7; role, 487; trade negotiations, 495–6; MT’s visit (1986), 498–9; MT’s visit (1989), 499–501; business investment, 668; agricultural policy, 738–9
Jaruzelski, General Wojciech (Polish Prime Minister 1981–85, President 1985–90), 251, 253. 777–82, 789
Jay, Douglas, 6
Jayewardene, Junius Richard (President of Sri Lanka 1978–88), 503–4, 517–18
Jenkin, Patrick (Health and Social Security Secretary 1979–81, Industry Secretary 1981–83, Environment Secretary 1983–85), 55n, 151, 294, 420, 644, 646
Jenkins, Roy, Lord (President European Commission 1977–81), 84, 266, 298
Jenkins, Simon, 841
John Brown Engineering, 254
John Paul II, Pope, 390, 778
Jones, Colonel ‘H’, 229
Jones, Michael, 840
Jopling, Michael (Chief Whip 1979–83, Agriculture Secretary 1983–87), 25, 151, 288, 460, 840–1
Jordan, MT’s visit (1985), 508–9
Joseph, Sir Keith (Industry Secretary 1979–81, Education Secretary 1981–86): political beliefs, 7, 14, 312; Industry, 26, 131; Chequers lunch, 37; monetary policy, 53, 135, 421; trade union reform, 104; steel strike, 107, 111; steel industry, 109, 113; BL, 115, 117–121; public spending debate, 149; Education, 151, 277, 279–80, 420; IT, 271; Family Policy Group, 279; manifesto (1983), 283; retirement plans, 420; departure, 562; education voucher system, 591; teacher training, 598; telecommunications reforms, 680; attitude to ERM, 691; Social Market pamphlet, 751
Jumblatt, Walid, 327
Kádár, János (Hungarian General Secretary 1956–88), 454–7
Kaifu, Toshiki (Japanese Prime Minister 1989–91), 499–501
Kano, Emir of, 525–6
Karmal, Babrak (President of Afghanistan 1979–86), 87
Kaunda, Kenneth (President Zambia 1964–91), 74, 76, 516, 520, 521–3, 530
Keating, Paul (Australian Prime Minister 1991-), 505
Keays, Sara, 310, 311
Kennedy, John F. (US President 1961–63), 517
Kenya, MT’s visit (1988), 524–5
Keyes, Bill, 113
Keynesian economics, 6, 51, 70, 123, 136
KGB, 776
Khalifa bin Hamad al-Thani, Sheik, 164
Khrushchev, Nikita, 453, 456
Kiev, ‘British Days’ Exhibition, 806
King, John, Lord (Chairman British Airways 1981–93), 679
King, Tom (Environment Secretary 1983, Employment Secretary 1983–85, Northern Ireland Secretary 1985–89, Defence Secretary 1989–92): election campaign (1983), 293; Employment, 312, 420; miners’ strike (1984–5), 346, 357, 372–3, 376; Northern Ireland Secretary, 403, 420–3; Anglo-Irish Agreement, 403, 405, 421; IRA options, 408; local government finance review, 646; Ballygawley bomb (1988), 411; Environment, 424, 644; Defence, 756, 812; Gulf crisis, 822, 825–6, 827; leadership election (1990), 854
Kingman Committee Report, 595
Kinnock, Glenys, 580– 1
Kinnock, Neil (Labour Leader 1983–92): election campaign (1983), 301; miners’ strike (1984–5), 359, 363, 367, 374; Labour leadership, 360; Westland debates, 434, 435; debate on US bombing of Libya, 448; nuclear defence policy, 568; election campaign (1987), 580–1, 583; attack on MT (1990), 837; speeches, 858; MT’s resignation, 858–9
Kinsley, Michael, 312
Kipling, Rudyard, 82
Kirkpatrick, Jeane (US Ambassador to UN 1981–83), 180, 232
Kissinger, Dr Henry (US National Security Adviser 1969–75, Secretary of State 1973–77), 488
Klaus, Václav, 808
Knight, Andrew, 447
Knight, Sir Arthur, 116
Kohl, Helmut (German Chancellor 1982-): EC, 61, 312–14, 337, 537–41, 552, 554, 555–6, 557, 760–1, 763, 767; Chancellor, 257; MT’s visit (1982), 263; MT’s visits (1983), 319, 335; nuclear policy, 323, 335, 587, 747, 774–5, 784–7; US bombing of Libya, 446; Soviet policy, 477; South African debate, 519, 534; Chequers visit (1985), 549; CAP and German farmers, 731, 732–3, 734, 736, 766; London visit (1988), 735; EMU discussions, 740; MT’s visit (1989), 747–8; German reunification, 759, 793–5, 796–7; Hurd meeting, 765–6; MT Frankfurt summit, 785–6; London visit (1990), 799; achievements, 813; CSCE Paris summit, 842–3; MT leadership question, 842–3
Kollek, Teddy, 510–11
Kosygin, Alexei (Soviet Prime Minister 1964–80), 65–6
Krenz, Egon (East German Head of State 1989–90), 793
Kryuchkov, Vladimir, 802
Kuwait, Iraqi invasion, 164, 769, 816–22
Labour Governments: Callaghan’s 3–4; Attlee’s, 5, 12, 355; incomes policy, 42, 126; public spending plans, 51
Labour Party: philosophy, 6; attitude to trade union reform, 40; leadership, 41; EC entry–‘renegotiation’ policy, 62; steel policies, 108, 109; SDP, 153, 265; Falklands policies, 210; Foot leadership, 265, 298; political levy, 274, 275; manifesto drafting, 281; election (1983), 290; manifesto (1983), 290–1, 295; election campaign (1983), 292, 296–7, 301; changes, 298; hard Left, 339; coal nationalization, 340; miners’ strike (1984–5), 359, 360, 362, 367, 374–5; Kinnock leadership, 360; attitude to Prevention of Terrorism Act, 415; opinion poll lead (1985), 416; US bombing of Libya, 446; defence policy, 449, 568, 580; opinion poll lead (1986), 560; public relations, 566; Party Conference (1986), 566, 567, 568; election campaign (1987), 576, 579–80, 583; education testing, 595; health policy, 617; Scottish support, 619; community charge, 661; view of Labour Party–cont. nationalization, 676; opinion poll lead (1990), 832, 836
Lambsdorff, Count Otto von, 68, 69
Lamont, Norman (Chief Secretary 1989–90), 755, 758, 849, 854. 860
Land Rover, 118, 121, 438–9, 441
Landsbergis, Vytautas (President of Lithuania 1990–92), 801
Law, Andrew Bonar (Conservative Prime Minister 1922–23), 34
law and order: spending, 49; urban riots (1981), 143–7; policy group, 282; increased violence, 626, 628; community charge riot (1990), 661; see also police
Law Commission, 630
Lawley, Sue, 296
Lawson, Chris, 287
Lawson, Nigel (Energy Secretary 1981–83, Chancellor of the Exchequer 1983–89): MTFS, 96, 151, 309, 566, 688; Energy, 151, 341; Party Conference (1981), 154; Chancellor of Exchequer, 308–9, 418, 693; public spending proposals, 316–17; EC budget, 336; miners’ strike (1984–5), 346; Chief Secretary relationship, 419–20; Westland, 425, 428; BL, 439, 440; Hong Kong negotiations, 489–90; ERM question, 554, 566, 691, 693–700, 709–3, 722, 750; Strategy Group, 565; policy group (1986), 566; speeches, 567; election campaign (1987), 570, 575–6; Health review, 609, 612; broadcasting policies, 636; local government finance, 647; community charge, 649–50, 652, 655, 667; shadowing deutschmark, 668, 675, 690, 697, 699–705, 710, 830; tax reforms, 672–6; relations with MT, 672, 688, 701–4, 705, 713–15, 726, 834; budget (1984), 673, 694; budgets (1985–9), 674–5, 694; gas privatization, 681; Energy Act (1983), 682; electricity privatization, 683, 684; attitude to EMU, 691, 708; resignation threat, 712; resignation, 715–18, 758, 834; suitability as successor to MT, 755; Dorneywood transfer, 757
Lázár, Gyorgy, 455, 457
Leach, Admiral Sir Henry (Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord 1979–82), 179, 251
Leader’s Consultative Committee, 15
leaks, 50, 52, 129–32, 138, 277, 317, 440
Lebanon: crisis (1982–3), 322, 326–8; MNF, 326–8, 334; Beirut bombings (1983), 327–8; US intervention, 333–4; French hostages, 730
Le Carré, John, 362
Lee, Lord, 36
Lee Kuan Yew (
Singapore Prime Minister 1959–90), 74, 491, 505
Leggatt, Andrew, 102
Leigh, Edward, 855
Leigh-Pemberton, Sir Robin (Governor of the Bank of England 1983–93), 708
Le Marchant, Spenser, 3
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 475
Lennox-Boyd, Alan, Viscount Boyd of Merton, 72, 212
Lennox-Boyd, Mark (PPS to Prime Minister 1988–90), 830
Leutwiler, Fritz, 515
Levene, Sir Peter (Chief of Defence Procurement 1985–91), 424
Lever, Lord, 113
Lewin, Sir Terence (Chief of Defence Staff 1979–82), 189, 192, 193, 214
Leyland Trucks, 438, 441
Liaison Committee, 149
Liberal Party: opinion polls (1981), 153; Alliance, 264–5; policies, 265, 578; by-election performance (1982–3), 266; supporters, 298, 578; US bombing of Libya, 446; tactics, 574
Libya: London Embassy shooting, 351, 442; NUM connection, 351, 368–9; IRA links, 384, 406, 411, 413; Fiat share ownership, 431; Abu Nidal connection, 442; US sanctions, 442; US naval action, 442; US raid, 443–9, 498, 510, 560, 564
Lilley, Peter (Trade and Industry Secretary 1990–92), 846, 849, 852, 860
Lithuania, 801, 805
Liverpool Garden Festival, 379
Lloyd George, David (Liberal Prime Minister 1916–22), 34, 36
Lloyds Merchant Bank, 431
Lloyd Webber, Sir Andrew, 580
local education authorities (LEAs), 592, 597
local government: controls, 32, 39; housing, 39, 279, 306, 563, 571, 599–601, 604–5, 671; direct labour organizations, 39; overspending, 123; manifesto proposals (1983), 284; hard Left, 339; propaganda battle, 562; finance (1987 manifesto), 572; education, 592, 597; finance, 642–7; GREAs, 643; rates, 644–7; origins of community charge, 647–51; competitive tendering, 651; spending increase (1990), 658; elections (1990), 662, 664; county councils, 663
Local Government Act (1988), 651
Local Management of Schools (LMS), 592, 593
London boroughs, 646, 650
López-Portillo, José (President of Mexico 1976–82), 169, 210, 218
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