A New Life Series - Finisher Set

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A New Life Series - Finisher Set Page 28

by Samantha Jacobey

  Her tongue tracing the line of her lips, Tori became taken by the urge to toy with him. She dashed away from him, giggling merrily and swinging her hair back and forth so that the ends danced above the swell of her naked rear end.

  Her small black Dragon mark played peek-a-boo with him for several seconds before he caught up to her. Encircling her with his muscular arms, he pressed himself against her from behind and moaned deeply into her hair covered ear.

  Reaching around to grab her fur coated flesh, he grasped the mound and used it to push against her roughly. Finding his way into her moist hollow, he knew she liked it that way and did his best to please her.

  She squealed as he moved forcefully against her. “Oh my God, Michael!”

  He grinned at the sound of her calling his name, and the pair quickly became lost in the rough excitement of their favorite shared past time.

  Brian cast a knowing glance at the door to the couple’s quarters, then made his way to the center stairway and down into the kitchen below. Yeah, that was a mistake. I should’a insisted they take the far end of the hall, rather than letting her choose the room right next to mine. He knew she had done so out of a desire to be close to him, in case he needed anything, and the idea brought a small smile to his lips, despite the sleep he would lose.

  Tori became quite attached to me in the month that I lived with her, in their little house. He considered his younger sibling fondly, she was such a pain in the ass when we were kids. But now things were different, and her genuine concern meant a great deal to him.

  He opened the fridge to poke around, then allowed it to close half-heartedly. She was dead almost twenty years to the day, so I’m glad that I’ve got her back, noisy or not. I’d give just about anything to keep her here, and fuck whether her old man likes it. He can go home alone, for all I care.

  “Maria!” he called down the tiny hallway that led to her quarters and waited for her to appear. “Cook us up some grub, eh babe?” grabbing a bowl of fresh grapes to munch on while he waited.

  “Si, senor,” Maria smiled, accustomed to his whims.

  He had heard the faint sounds of their bump and grind die away, and he felt certain they would be joining him shortly for a late night supper. Fucking always makes me hungry; I can’t see why they would be any different.

  A stab of jealousy stung him for a moment as he realized he would like to have what his sister and her husband shared. After all, that’s what everyone wants; to be loved and accepted by the one who cares for them. To have that one to share a lifetime with.

  Brian had had no such luck in finding his special girl, and had become content to take as many of them as he could get along the way in his search. He had a voracious appetite for sex, and even in his injured state, the sound of what had been taking place next door made him long for female company.

  A short time later the couple appeared. Yeah, smoke ain’t the only thing that gives people the munchies. Good sex does, too. He grinned, “Well, nice to see you two are enjoying yourselves,” he teased.

  Their satiated smiles gave them away, and they were pleased to see the delicious meal of meat and vegetables almost ready. Brian eyed her as she took her seat, and it made Tori’s stomach flop, aware he must have heard their commotion. “Yeah, well, we’re married; you can’t expect us not to have a romp.”

  Brian laughed, pushing the bowl of grapes towards her to share. “So, what’s the plan, besides you two bumpin’ uglies?”

  Michael laughed at his crudeness, “I’ll be taking my bride shopping in the morning, so we can get that swimsuit she needs unless she intends to go naked,” he played into the younger man’s juvenile behavior.

  Brian laughed at the thought, well aware she was the kind of girl who would not bat an eyelash at showing herself to the neighbors and himself if she had a mind to. Nodding in an exaggerated fashion, he agreed to the trip, “Yeah, I have no desire to check out my sister’s toys. So, I guess you better get her something to swim in.”

  “Well, damn. Ya know, I’m not shy about showing off my goods,” she teased with a giggle, “But if it makes you uncomfortable, I guess I can play nice.”

  Michael joined in the laughter, hoping that she had been kidding. Two weeks of this shit and we’re out of here, he promised himself.

  Eating hungrily, the conversation lulled, everyone lost in thought as their situation unfolded with new quandaries to be considered. Reaching the end of their meal, Tori dared to inquire if he had given any thoughts as to how the band would handle the missing member and the ceremony.

  “You know, you’re gonna miss your best friend’s memorial if we stay here, as I assume he will be buried in Nebraska,” she prodded gently.

  Shaking his head, he agreed, “Yeah, I know, but we’re gonna stay put. I told myself grandpa’s funeral would be my last, and I don’t feel the least bit guilty about saying my goodbyes from here.” His voice almost chipper, he hid how deeply the loss of his friend tore at him on the inside.

  “As for the band,” he ploughed on, “I’m not sure what Cody and Collin will want to do, but, I for one, think the missing spot will be filled and the band will go on our tour in April as planned.”

  Pursing his lips, Brian appeared deep in thought. “You know, Collin is as good at playing the drums as he is the bass. And, he’s never been shy about his desire take over the spot. It sucks that Chuck is gone, but this may be his chance.”

  Playing with his fork, “It may come down to his making the switch, as the band could just as easily find a new bass player instead.” Staring at his sister while she ate, or guitar player, and I know just the one.

  Continuing the thought, he sighed audibly. Unfortunately, she’s eager to take care of me, ‘cause I need her, but I’m pretty sure they’ll be wanting to get back to their home in progress as soon as I’m all healed. He knew he needed to play it cool if he hoped to succeed.

  Giving a faint grin, he chose his words carefully, “The future’s pretty fluid at the moment. We’ll have to wait and see.” As soon as the meal had been finished, he excused himself and made his way upstairs, hoping to be asleep before his overly zealous roommates were able to begin round two.

  Alone together in the kitchen, Michael reached for his wife’s hand. Lightly stroking the back of it, “Wanna go for a walk?” he suggested, eager to take her away some place private.

  Smiling, Tori agreed, “Mhmm, down on the beach?” she laced her fingers with his and led him out the glass front doors and onto the deck.

  Following the railing, the couple made their way over to the wide wooden stairs that dropped down to the private stretch of sand that ran around the edge of the lake. Kicking off boots and socks, Tori curled her toes into the cool earth, her white teeth flashing brightly in the moonlight.

  “What a night,” Michael breathed, taking up a spot a few feet above the water. Dropping onto the ground next to him, the couple leaned against one another, their hands gently probing in the darkness.

  Laying her back, her long tresses brushed off to the side, Michael moved half on top of her and stared down into her eyes, watching as they roamed the stars above and beyond him. “What’re you thinking?” he asked in a quiet tone and waited for the long pause he knew she would take before giving her reply.

  Michael liked that about his wife. She’s always thoughtful in her words and actions, seldom acting too rushed or quickly. Brushing the hair that caught and floated up in the slight breeze, he watched her lips breathe her reply.

  “I’m so grateful that my brother wasn’t taken from me.”

  Nodding his agreement, “Yeah, me too.”

  Giving her a small kiss, he parted his lips while she caressed the back of his neck, appearing eager for more. The couple took to heavier petting, but he refrained from removing their clothing in a public place. Damn boats on the lake at midnight, Michael lamented mentally, easily able to see her disappointment in his choice.

  Resting his forehead against hers, he nuzzled deeper int
o her hair. Holding her left cheek in his right hand, he allowed his thumb to touch the area he knew to be the lower edge of her scar, I’m such a lucky man. “When will you be able to see the doctor?” he asked in a quiet voice.

  Tori’s heart began to thump with excitement. Smiling modestly, “The follow-up appointment has already been set for the first week of February, before my six months of birth control runs out. After the visit, we get to start making real plans.”

  He gave her an evil grin at the thought of fucking her with the purpose of planting his seed, and he swelled against her thigh. He muttered a low growl, his lips grazing across hers in the dim light.

  Driven heavily by deeper desire, he became more willing to risk being seen, and grasped her pants to remove them. An easy task, since she already missed her boots and socks, she eagerly helped him work her denims down in the darkness, trying to move so that they did not draw too much attention from anyone enjoying the night nearby.

  Opening his jeans, he only pushed them down far enough to work himself out, and then rolled on top of her to find his way inside her wet hollow. Obviously, making love outdoors excited her immensely, as he slid easily into her folds of flesh, the wet warmth a sharp contrast to the cool air around them. Driving himself against her, Michael finished rather hurriedly, then helped her re-dress.

  Having never had sex on the beach before, the couple quickly discovered the unpleasantness sand could cause and soon abandoned their lover’s nest to retreat to the shower. Laughing happily as they climbed the stairs, the pair noticed they were making a mess on the floor. It occurred to her how swiftly they could become spoiled to such luxuries as that house and the maid that came with it, along with all the other things that money can buy.

  The warm cascade falling over their naked bodies, he fondled his wife’s breast, while his fingers lightly traced the petals that bore his name. She had branded herself, more or less, by choosing to place it there, and in the bright glow of the large incandescent lights, she felt more than happy to be owned by such a man.

  Leading her out to lay her down on the luxurious bed, he placed his face against her trimmed hairs and began to search for her hard flesh. He easily pushed her growing excitement, toying with her hidden treasure.

  Tori loved the way he did this for her, and allowed him to work her along, her hands and fingers massaging his scalp and hair excitedly.

  While his tongue danced against her, causing her to breathe in short heavy pants, she wondered what it would be like to have such a life, where money came easy and left more time for such things as making love. After all, a little more money and a little more time; that is what everyone wants.

  Lap of Luxury

  Tori needed little convincing to take several of the suits that she tried on, having Brian’s credit card in hand. Thinking back to the breakfast conversation, she had been reluctant to accept his paying for things for her in that manner. However, he had insisted, even tossing in that if she didn’t spend at least a few grand, there would be hell to pay.

  Doing her best to comply with his request, she bought some lighter outfits, as well as the swimwear. Having not worn shorts since she had been inducted into the Dragons, she took the opportunity to buy a few denim pairs. Jeans or naked, that’s how it’s been for years. Not the least bit shy about her smoothly shaven legs that were as equally scarred as her arms, she modeled them for her husband.

  “What do you think?” she looked over her shoulder, long hair swirling down her back, to display her rounded rear end.

  Tori felt satisfied, seeing the hungry leer in his eyes as they shifted up and down the long length of her. She had chosen a few half shirts that exposed her belly button beneath her full chest and could easily see how her new ensemble put him into an awkwardly visible condition.

  “Yeah, those’ll do,” he teased playfully.

  Smiling to herself as she changed back into her jeans, it made her heart soar that she could evoke such a strong reaction from him, even though they were married. Tori had never had a problem arousing a man, but considering this one loved her for more than what she did in the dark, she felt overjoyed. Taking the items to the counter, she bought them all and set off to locate shoes to match her new wardrobe.

  Finding sandals in a variety of colors, she decided to take three pairs, and felt deeply gratified to see that her total expenditures had topped $3K. Surely Brian would be happy with that.

  Next, the couple made their way over into the men’s department, where Michael needed no encouragement to choose garments that would complement the ones his wife had procured. After all, he would be silly to walk around dressed in boots and jeans when his girl looked so damned cute in her skimpy new outfits. Also taking a couple of swim trunks, he suggested they pick up matching beach towels to wrap up in or lay out on as well.

  Eventually, they climbed into the limo that had been stuffed with their acquisitions, and sat leaning against one another as it wound its way back to the house. Seeing the wide grin on his face, Tori thought he looked quite happy, in the lap of luxury. Why did he resist so hard, when Brian had wanted to bring us into his life more fully a few short months ago?

  Arriving at the house, her brother came out to help them carry the large number of bags inside, eager to peek at their purchases. Tori shyly admitted, “We spent a bit over five thousand,” as she produced the plastic to return it.

  “Naw, you keep it. It’s yours,” he laughed at the paltry sum. “And next time, I’ll be joining you to show you amateurs how to shop.”

  After lunch, the group went to change clothes for an afternoon of pool-sitting. Tori dressed in her new white, string bikini, perfectly at ease with having so much of her made public.

  Watching her shaking her long dark curls, Michael stared at her, stunned by her beauty. Maybe we could forget about the pool. I could simply untie her strings in the privacy of our suite, he thought with a devilish grin.

  Downstairs, they spread their towels on the lounge chairs, and he sprawled out with a cold drink in his hand, willing to waste the rest of the day watching her as she moved.

  Tori seemed restless, making her way over to dip her toes in the cool water. Not really liking the temperature, she swung her hair around and made quite a production of sitting, and then lying in various locations, allowing the sun to shine down on her and smiling all the while.

  Eventually, Michael noticed a group of men over on the balcony of the house next to theirs, and nonchalantly indicated them to his brother-in-law, who languished beside him.

  “Oh, them,” Brian blew them off easily. “That’s the son of a wealthy businessman and a few of his friends. They hang out here pretty much year round, living off the old man’s success.”

  Michael nodded, more concerned about how they seemed quite fascinated with what went on around the pool in front of him rather than their own. He wasn’t sure if Tori had noticed them, as she flouted about, but he had begun to feel pangs of jealousy as the men were obviously talking about her as they waved their hands in her direction and were laughing loudly.

  The thought of other men being interested in his wife bothered him deeply. Of course, at a distance, he could assume they were unable to see the scars that covered her delicate skin, like the scars matter. They’re simply reacting to the beautiful curves that she’s acquired as of late. Allowing the scene to play out before him, he watched her as she sat with sunglasses on, leaning back with her hands stretched behind her at the water’s edge.

  Her left leg pulled up with her foot flat on the concrete, her right dangled into the pool. Bent at the knee and flexing it, she kicked the water with her heel. She sat at an angle so that he had a good view of her profile, and as she tilted her head back, her hair fell into a dark silk cascade. Her chest pushed forward, she made a nice silhouette for her fan club across the way.

  After Michael’s comment, Brian had begun to watch his sister more intently, growing amused as she appeared to be quite into the show she put on for the o
nlookers. Shifting on the plastic furniture, he leaned closer to the other man and asked in a low tone, “You think she knows they see her?”

  His former employee grunted, “Without a doubt.”

  Rising, a bit angry at the display, Michael made his way over and took a seat to his woman’s right, between her and the men who stood gawking at her. She gave him a broad smile and removed her dark shades as he sank down next to her, and he suddenly felt guilty at his distrust of her behavior. Reaching over, he allowed his finger to trace the rose on her chest, it being clearly visible against the white cloth. Calm down buddy, she’s still yours.

  Immediately, she pulled herself up next to him, giving him a deep, open-mouthed kiss while she laid her hand over the back of his for a moment before releasing him. He slid his hand freely over her breast, then down her naked waist to flick the string that hung next to her hip. She cooed that she loved him, and he sneered, realizing maybe for the first time, what a minx she truly was.

  Ready to take her upstairs for a generous pounding, Michael could not resist the urge to look back at the group of men who stood quiet and still, watching the couple grope one another. Giving them a quick glance, he waved as he stood and offered his lover his hand.

  She grasped his palm lightly, and he helped her to her feet, turning her so that they would have a good view of the show when his hand slid down to massage her round posterior before he took her out of sight.

  Once they were safely back in their suite with the door closed, Michael tossed out a snide comment on her bad behavior, “I don’t believe I have ever seen you act that way.”

  Tori’s laughter seemed almost evil, and she informed him, “Oh, they can look all they want, my body and soul belong to you.”

  “Oh, does it,” he joined in her dark humor. Grabbing her flimsy attire, he pulled the pieces off of her hastily and turned her around in front of the bed. Standing behind her, he pushed her chest down, causing her rear end to stick out in an exaggerated manner.


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