A New Life Series - Finisher Set

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A New Life Series - Finisher Set Page 53

by Samantha Jacobey

  Michael moved over to her, his arms sliding around her and pulling her against him firmly. Squeezing as hard as he dared, he breathed into the mass of dark curls, “You’re going to be fine. It’s a drug; like any other.”

  Allowing him to hold her, she fumed in a scathing torrent, “I hate you! I don’t know why I married you. That’s why they won’t. Because of this stupid ring. Because of you!” She expected her words to drive him away, some sick plot in the back of her mind that they could break up, and then Mason would take her.

  Michael only squeezed her tighter. “Yup. Funny how things sometimes work.”

  Struggling to free herself, Tori grabbed her bedroll and headed down the road, ready to sleep away from the group that had disappointed her. Stopping in front of Enrique, she looked him in the eye, “You coming?” He wasn’t her first choice, but he would do.

  His eyes darted around at the other men, and he shoved his hands in his pockets. Fuck me. They think I’m banging her as it is. He had never cared what others thought about him, and never thought he would turn down the chance to be with her; she was his addiction, plain and simple. Pursing his lips, he knew he wasn’t the one she really wanted, and he needed to be wanted. “Naw, I’m not gonna be your last resort.”

  “Fine!” she tossed her chin into the air, “I’ll sleep alone.” She marched down the path, dropping onto the ground and leaning against a small tree a few hundred yards from their camp.

  To her surprise, her mate arrived next to her, carrying his own pack a few minutes later. “What the fuck are you doing?” she demanded as he began to unroll his sleeping bag.

  “Getting ready for bed,” he replied calmly without looking up. He spread his bag flat, creating the bottom of a double sized bed. Reaching for hers, he unrolled it and began to smooth it out over his, to form the top.

  “I’m not sleeping with you!” she spit curtly.

  “Yes, you are,” he lifted his face to stare at her, on all fours in front of her. “You’re my wife, and you’re going to do your part.” Turning to sit, he removed his boots, then moved to his belt, “Get your clothes off, and let’s get on with it.”

  Tori stared at him, mouth open wide as she struggled to breath, “You’re not serious.”

  “The fuck if I’m not,” he hoisted his shirt over his head, “You’re not the only one who’s different out here. I told you; I’m not the nice guy you think I am.”

  Tori didn’t move; her thoughts swirling. He’s putting on a show. He wants the rest of the guys to think he’s tough. Slowing her breathing, she struggled to bring her heart rate under control, “All right, I can play along.”

  “This isn’t a game,” he was down to his white cotton briefs when he turned, reaching for her. Tori stiffened against the bark behind her, his hands gripping her muscled biceps and pulling her onto the makeshift bed.

  “Kick your boots off,” he commanded.

  She lay on her back, staring up at him, her pulse in her throat as she struggled to comply. “Please don’t do this,” her bottom lip began to quiver as soon as the cool air reached her feet through her socks.

  “Do what?” he demanded with a growl, “I’m going to fuck you. That’s what you wanted. You made it quite clear you were in the mood, offering yourself to everyone in the whole fucking crew!”

  Removing her jacket, he reached into the pocket, tossing her tube on the corner of their mat and the leather aside, “What?” he eyed her startled expression, “You thought I didn’t see you take it?” Grabbing the button on her jeans, he freed them and began yanking them down her legs.

  Tori didn’t argue, allowing him to remove the denim and lift her shirt over her head. She felt no tenderness in his touch as he unhooked her bra and removed her panties in an equally brusque fashion. Flipping her over onto her belly, he pulled her onto her knees, so that her rear end was at a more comfortable height, and pushed himself into her warm hollow.

  “See? Dripping wet. Filthy whore,” he berated her as he smacked against her. He grasped a hand full of her dark locks and pulled her back against himself more firmly. “You want to hate me; I’ll give you something to hate me for.”

  Grasping the blanket tightly, she suppressed the urge to cry out, the feel of him inside her driving her mad. Her mind stuck in Florida, on the first time he had taken her like this, she recalled how good he was when he fucked her angry. Her pulse quickened as she realized she wanted more. “My God, baby, please don’t stop,” she breathed into the cloth before calling out, “Hurry up. We need to get some sleep…”

  Catching her hair next to her scalp, he pulled her head back, “Shut up! I’ll take all God damn night if I want.” He nuzzled her ear through her ebony locks. Biting at it, he could feel her tremble beneath him. Sliding his hand from her hip, across her belly to squeeze her breast, he moaned. “I don’t know if I can do the rest… I thought I could, but…” he sobbed slightly, his grip on her hair relaxing a bit.

  “It’s ok, love,” she breathed, “Do what you like.” She placed her hand over the back of his, squeezing herself with his hand, “You feel so good, baby… please don’t stop.”

  He grinned at her praise; his strength renewed. Sliding his hand down her smooth skin, he gripped her fur covered mound, pressing it against the bone beneath it. Sliding in and out of her with firm stabs, he drove her as hard as he could, listening to her cries grow louder and aware that the rest of the group could more than likely hear them.

  Continuing his assault on her wet folds, he could feel the sweat forming over her silky flesh, the cool air of the night around them. His knees growing tired, he wasn’t ready to finish, and pushed himself in deeper to rest, panting into the back of her head once more. “Jesus Christ,” he begged, “Rollover and get on top.”

  Pushing him out of her, she was more than willing to comply. “Lay down,” she commanded, ready to take the upper hand.

  Throwing her leg over him, as if he were a fine leather seat, she pushed herself down upon him and ran her fingers through the hairs that hid her name. An unexplainable joy tingled her flesh as the waves of ecstasy washed over her a moment later, and she could feel the weakness sap her strength as she called his name into the darkness.

  Tugging at her mane as it cascaded down her back and over his hand, he allowed his own release within her, his groans equal to hers in strength and volume. “My God, you’re killing me,” he breathed into the dimple of her neck when she stretched out across him, her heart pounding against his.

  Laying over him, she ignored the comment, focused on the inhale and exhale that caused her nostrils to flare. Her fingers crept up the side of his face to grasp his golden curls and tug at them firmly, and then relax as her strength slowly returned. “You’re a real asshole, you know that,” she teased.

  “Yeah, I am,” his white teeth flashed in the dim light. “And you’re my bitch. Don’t ever fucking forget it.”

  Back to Chicago

  Tori awoke the following morning to find the sky was shifting into the fuzzy gray of early dawn. She was vaguely aware of her husband’s body pressed firmly against hers, the weight of his left leg holding her down as it draped across her. Reaching up, she traced the line of his left arm that dangled on her chest, her fingertips moving daintily through the hairs to massage it.

  A faint smile curled her lips, the peace she felt within her unmatched in weeks. He wasn’t able to go all the way, she mused, but he damn sure got close enough. Her mind sifting through their rough encounter, she realized, he won’t ever be as wild as I am, and she would never be as tame as him. But the parts where they overlapped were perfect.

  She could feel him shifting slightly, her caress bringing him into the realm of consciousness. She shuddered as a soft hi filtered through her hair to reach her ear. Sliding her fingers along the appendage until they found the end, she wove her fingers with his, a deep sigh escaping her lungs; “Hi.”

  He grinned, pushing himself up onto his elbow while maintaining his claim on he
r body, hand sliding down her front to rest on her belly between her navel and her pubic bone. “You feel better, I take it?”

  “Yes,” she exhaled again, “I don’t see how you do it.” Her fingers encircled his once more, and he returned his palm to her breast. “What would you have done, if one or more of them had given in to me?” she asked, tilting her head enough to see his outline against the glow of the sky above them.

  “I told you not to worry about that, didn’t I?” he smiled, no hint of anger in his voice. “You do what you need to do, and be who you need to be. Don’t worry about whether or not I’m going to judge you.”

  “You know that doesn’t make sense,” she offered. “I told you before; men don’t let their wives fuck other men. Not if they can help it.”

  Ignoring the comment, he explored the line of her jaw, his digits finding their way into her hair before he leaned over to kiss her. As soon as their lips touched, he grew stiff. Ready to take her, he pushed himself up, grabbing her legs and making his way between them, she moaning at his assertiveness.

  “I trust you,” he nuzzled her face, “Or maybe I like the thought of you being with them. I’m not sure which, and you can take your pick.” He folded her legs and drove himself against her full force.

  It only took a few minutes before he quivered from his release. She lay flat onto their bedding, wrapping her arms around him to prevent his getting up. “You said I was your bitch.”

  “You are my bitch,” he poked his name. “But you did the marking for yourself.” He grinned at her squinty face and laughed, “What? It’s the truth.”

  “I need you to take the rest of the group on to Chicago today. There really is something I have to do.” She played with his curls, waiting for him to respond.

  Pushing himself up, he sat back on his heels. Staring down at her naked splendor, her skin unmarked in the light of daybreak, he agreed, “Ok, I can do that. The guys know where we’re going, that cabin they talked about.”

  “Yes, I’ll meet you there in a day or two.”

  He didn’t want to move, returning his hand to her belly for a brief moment. “Be careful, ok?”

  “I’m always careful,” she grinned, catching him and pulling him down to her for another kiss. “I love you.”

  “You love me, huh?” he chuckled. “Someday you’re going to make up your mind.” Pushing himself up, he stood, looking around for his clothes. Dressing quickly, the pair rolled up their bags and returned to find the rest of the group still slumbering.

  Situating her gear, she turned to her mate, “I’m going to head out. You can wake them and be on your way.” Standing next to him, she was overcome with regret, an odd feeling that something dark lay in their future. “You know that I meant that, don’t you?”

  “I know,” he looped his arm around her, pulling her tight against him, “And we have a lot to discuss, you and I. But now is not the time. We have work to do. So get out of here.” Slapping her on the rear, he kissed the tip of her nose.

  Kicking her leg over her ride, she flickered a brief smile and then she was gone.

  Watching her grow smaller in the distance, Michael slid his hand across his chest. Finding the spot he knew held her name, he pressed his palm flat against it, a deep sigh escaping him noisily.

  “Well, I guess you two had a good night,” Mason called out to him, rolling over to get up from his sack.

  “Yeah,” Michael agreed absently, pulling his eyes away from the road, “We’re supposed to meet her at the cabin in Chicago in a few days.” Glancing around, he could see that everyone was awake. “Where’s Eli?”

  “In the car,” Enrique laughed, tugging his shirt over his head. “What a pussy, can’t even sleeps on the ground.”

  “You’re kidding me,” Michael glared over at the vehicle, then strolled over to pound on the glass, “Hey, time to get up, princess.”

  Eli sat up from his curled position in the back seat, waving at the other man. Slipping on his shoes, he climbed out, “I don’t suppose we have any coffee.” He stretched in an exaggerated fashion, his joints popping as he moved.

  “No,” Brett informed him flatly. “However, we’ll pull in at th’ first diner we see so we can have that an’ some food. We’re gonna ride hard, so we can get t’ th’ cabin an’ get set up.”

  “Great,” Eli muttered. “I never liked camping when I was a kid, so I can tell riding around with you lot is going to be a real blast.”

  Michael laughed out loud, muttering the word camping under his breath. It only took a few minutes for them to stow their gear.

  Michael and Brett exchanged stares a few times as they moved, the older man somewhat bothered that she had chosen to give her orders to her husband and not himself. Climbing onto his bike, he knew they would have to decide who was, in fact, her second, one way, or another.

  You’re the Man

  Tori followed the same route she knew the guys would take; but traveling alone, she made much better time. Eventually cutting across to St. Louis, she decided she needed to make the call. Spotting a payphone outside of a convenience store shortly before dark, she went inside to get a roll of quarters and returned to the device.

  Reaching for her wallet, she pulled out the small card that Geek had presented to her the night they brought justice to the Scorpions; the same night that Debra Paisley had been murdered. Pushing her sorrow aside, Tori dropped in the coins and punched the buttons to complete the connection. After a few rings, a woman’s voice picked up the line.

  Quickly, Tori asked to speak to Kevin, becoming surprised at the other female’s resistance. “Kevin doesn’t live here,” she replied abruptly. “May I ask who’s calling?”

  Perplexed, Tori hesitated a moment before deciding to proceed with her plan, “I’m sorry, I realize it’s probably late. I’m an old friend of his, and I’m going to be passing through Kansas tomorrow. I was hoping he might meet me for lunch. Or dinner. Whenever he might be free.”

  “I see,” the voice replied, “But you still haven’t given me your name.”

  Grasping the headset tighter, her hand slid down the metal rings of the cord, Jesus woman, just tell me how to find him. “My name is Tori,” she breathed softly into the device.

  “Tori! Oh my God!” her tone became shrill, clearly having heard of the girl. “Here’s his number. Be sure to call him right away. He works nights and will be leaving any minute, and you’ll miss him if you don’t.”

  Thanking her, the girl quickly ended the call and hung up, eager to dial the new extension. A moment later, she could hear the young man’s voice on the other end as it bade her hello. “Hello, Geek,” she replied softly.

  “Holy shit! Is that you?”

  “Who else’s gonna call ya Geek?” she mocked him with a flicker of southern. “I need to see you if you don’t mind. It’s urgent.” She didn’t dare discuss business over the phone, and knew her best chance of persuading him to help would be in person.

  “Yeah, I understand,” his words hinted of eagerness. “When and where?”

  “I’m in St. Louis,” she explained. “I decided to call rather than showing up at your mom’s house unannounced.”

  “Well, it’s a damn good thing,” he replied crisply. “’Cause I’m not in Kansas anymore.”

  Tori could feel the air catch in her lungs, son of a bitch. It never occurred to her that he might have moved. “Jesus Christ. So, where are you?”

  “I’m in Springfield, Illinois. Actually, I’m going to school here, at the Midwest Technical Institute,” he supplied with obvious pride.

  “Never heard of it,” she almost shouted with relief. “But at least you’re not too far away. How do I get there?”

  “Take fifty-five and it’ll bring you straight into town. There’s a coffee shop on the corner of Peoria and Garfield. I’ll meet you there at six-thirty when I get off work.”

  “Thanks, Geek,” she smiled to herself, “How long will it take me to get there? I need to get some sleep
if I can.”

  “It’s about a two hour trip,” he advised, “And don’t worry. If you’re late, I’ll wait for you.”

  “Thanks, Geek,” she breathed a second time. Hanging up, she trotted over to her bike, ready for a hotel, a hot shower and a nap before she made her way to meet him.

  Her check in went smoothly, and she lugged her bag into her room. Dropping it on the bed, she kicked off her clothes and unleashed the spray of the shower, moaning as the warm cascade splashed across her body. Washing her hair and tired frame, she remained in the tub when she was finished.

  Placing her forehead against the plastic coated wall, she enjoyed the feel of the water running down her back. Lifting her hand, she stared at her silver ring, her mind returning to her mate. Her thoughts had scarcely been of little else during her ride, even though she had repeatedly tried to redirect them to the matter at hand.

  You really don’t love him enough; she allowed herself to ponder for a moment. Reaching to cut off the water, she wrapped herself in the towel, recalling the time she had spent with her brother at the diner in Texas, and had confided in him that she never had actual feelings of her own. I borrowed them; she confessed to herself, dropping the cloth on the floor and rummaging in her bag.

  I know he didn’t understand. No one really did, and she had been turning the idea in her mind. I felt like a mirror, only capable of reflecting. Whatever emotion I was given, I returned. No more, no less. The only real emotion she could claim was anger, and it was still the one she felt the strongest.

  Flicking off the light, she slid between the sheets, the exhaustion taking its toll. She groggily considered Enrique, and some of the others, and the emotions that passed between them. I’m not reflecting anymore. Closing her eyes, she focused on clearing her mind, a sadness settling over her. “I can’t let anything happen to any of them; I love them too much,” she whispered into the darkness.


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