A New Life Series - Finisher Set

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A New Life Series - Finisher Set Page 64

by Samantha Jacobey

  Pushing her forward, onto the bed, he sprawled across the top of her, and she breathed, “That wasn’t making love, was it?” panting heavily against the bed.

  “Making love? Hells no,” his words were separated by the need for air, “That was good ol’ fashioned fucking, why?”

  “Because, that’s what Michael told me,” she fought to push herself up slightly, “He didn’t want me to make love to you.”

  Enrique burst into laughter, sliding over to the side and allowing her to get up, “No worries baby girl; remember we tried that once. Wasn’t so great. We sticks to what we’re good at.” He got up, pushing her over onto her back and spreading her legs, his juices oozed out of her, and he grabbed himself, waiting for his need to be renewed.

  Staring up at him, she placed her palm along his jaw, her breathing slowing, “I think I’ve had enough, baby.” She smiled, sad that she couldn’t go longer.

  Catching her hand, he brought it around and pressed the fleshy pads to his lips, inhaling the scent of her, “No worries, baby girl. I’ll take what I can gets.”

  Laying over her, he smoothed her hair, entwining his fingers with hers. “I’m jealous ya know,” he kissed and nuzzled her lips and face. “You wear his ring and took his name.”

  “Yeah, well, you get me a ring, and I’ll wear yours, too,” she teased. “The name, I’m sorry, but I can’t really help that.”

  “You’re gonna wear two rings on your finger?”

  “No silly,” she giggled, “I have other fingers. It’s what’s in your heart that counts. A ring without love… is just a ring.”

  He nodded, staring down at her and wondering how she could always make things so clear. “I love you, Tori,” he sighed, kissing her forehead. “And I’ll do that; I’ll find one that’s special to me, to give to you.”

  “Oh, baby,” she replied softly, pushing him up so that she could slide between the sheets. Spooning up behind her, he allowed her to face the window, sprawling slightly across the center of the bed. Looping her fingers with his, his heart flopped heavily when he heard the unmistakable sound of her sweet voice whisper into the darkness, “Yes baby, I love you, too.”

  You Don’t Say

  The following morning, the members of the household were unusually quiet when they gathered in the kitchen. Stella prepared a large breakfast, and everyone fixed their plates, sitting around the table to eat and discuss their course of action.

  “I guess the band is back together,” Brian tossed out, smiling at the petite blonde who took her seat next to him.

  “Yeah,” Tori agreed quietly, her mind still trapped in the darkness and the greedy sex she had shared with Enrique. Neither of them had mentioned their encounter to Michael, and he would never ask, as there are some things you don’t say. Reaching over, her mate caressed her back, and she sat up straighter in her chair, giving him a small smile, grateful for his understanding.

  “I still need to be gone for a few days,” she reminded the group. “After that, we’ll know if I will be able to do it. I hate to make any real commitments until we know more.”

  “Are you still sick?” Brian’s face grew dark. “Last night, you looked pretty healthy when you were taking care of those guys.”

  “No, Danny; I was never really sick,” she admitted in a quiet tone, aware that only the men who were with her on their quest knew of her condition.

  “So what’s going on, then,” he demanded.

  “She’s pregnant,” Enrique blurted, overcome with a surge of joy at the awareness of it, even if the baby wasn’t biologically his.

  An awkward silence followed, the gathering staring at the three of them. Tori and Michael gave him a concerned look.

  “Sorry,” he apologized. “That really wasn’t my news to shares, was it,” he flushed slightly, stirring his eggs nervously.

  “How can you be pregnant?” Lindsey asked in shock, “I thought you couldn’t have babies.”

  Tori smiled at her friend, wishing she wasn’t still upset that she had been there. “I’ve been seeing a doctor, who was trying to help me heal so that we could try. And it looks like he was successful,” she grinned shyly, flicking her gaze at Enrique, “And it’s ok, baby; I know you’re happy, too.”

  He nodded in an exaggerated manner, “Very happy for you, baby girl.”

  “So we may not play together after all,” Collin spoke up, running his fingers through his hair. “I have to say; things around here were a hell of a lot calmer before you came along.”

  “Yeah, I bet so. Anyways, Michael and I are going back to Texas this afternoon, and will stay there until after my appointment, and we’ll let you know what we find out,” she informed them non-committal.

  “You know we’re going with you,” Enrique spoke up, no longer afraid of making his feelings known. “I mean, that’s what I thought we would do.”

  “Actually,” Brett interceded, “Since we’ve officially been relieved o’ duty by th’ FBI, I was thinkin’ o’ remainin’ here. You know, t’ stay on as security for th’ band, since your other guy quit last night an’ all.”

  His comment sent the group into fits of laughter at the tantrum Pete had thrown before storming out of the house. “We won’t miss him much,” Cody declared. “And I think you would be great, if anyone wants my opinion.”

  “Yeah,” Brian agreed, “You sure you don’t want to stay, too?” he shifted his gaze over at Enrique. “Give these two some time alone together?” he indicated his sibling and brother-in-law with his fork as he spoke.

  Tori shifted in her seat, aware that the man to her right had grown tense, obviously trying to decide how to protect her from being outed about their relationship. To her surprise, her husband spoke up.

  “Enrique’s going with us. We’re going to put him to work in the shop, aren’t we, love?” he winked at his wife, giving her a half grin.

  “Sure,” she replied softly. “Always things to do around there,” she returned his smile.

  “Uh-huh,” Brian grunted, almost letting it go. “You know, you three… are weird. I just want you to know that.”

  Angry, Tori pushed herself back, ready to go upstairs and prepare to leave, “Why are we weird, Danny? Because it’s a girl and two guys? I guess it’d be ok if Michael and I had decided we wanted to bring another girl in with us.” Her eyes flicked to her young friend, aware that she may have been clueless as to what was going on.

  Michael and Enrique shot each other a look, and then both began to protest, but she cut them off. “Stop, ok? I know what you guys are going to say, and that’s not the point. The point is; it’s our choice. Who cares if we are or if we’re not, because in the end, it’s our business, and the rest of you fuckers can just stay out of it.” She had made it to it to the stairs, headed up and not bothering to look back.

  Tori sorted through her clothes, deciding what she might like to take home with her when her husband joined her. “I’m sorry,” she blurted as soon as he stood beside her. “I know that we embarrassed you.”

  “You didn’t embarrass me,” he defended easily, “In fact, I’m quite proud of you, and the way you stood up to them. You’re right; it’s no one’s business. I guess you enjoyed yourself last night?”

  Her face shot up to stare at him, son of a bitch. I guess he’s going to ask after all. “I’m sorry; I didn’t think you would want to know about it,” she stammered.

  “It’s ok,” he shrugged. “I can tell you’re more relaxed. I’m glad.”

  “You know, it doesn’t mean that I don’t love you,” she tossed out eagerly, terrified there might be a price for it in the end.

  “I know, baby girl,” he laughed loudly. “I know you love me. And, I know you love him, too. I would almost say you have feelings for Brett, but I think he’s a little old for you.”

  She stared at him, rolling her tongue for a moment. “How do you know that?” she finally demanded. “I never said, so what makes you think that.”

  “I don’t kn
ow,” he shrugged. “You didn’t kill him when you took out the Scorpions. I’ve seen the way he looks at you and touches you sometimes, and you respond to him. Genuine things, not like when you’re, I hate to say manipulating; but yeah, when you’re not doing that.”

  “You think that I manipulate people?” she stared at him, the air pressing tightly against the walls of her chest.

  “Come on, love, don’t do this. I don’t want to have a fight with you.”

  “Then tell me why you said that; that I manipulate people.”

  “Because you do,” he kept a straight face. “You’re damn good at it. You are one of those liars that can put the truth in one hand and a straight up lie in the other, and no one can tell them apart. Sometimes, not even you.”

  “Well, I’m glad I finally get to know what you really think of me!” she sputtered.

  “Hey, stop that!” he commanded, “What I think of you? I think you’re an incredible person. You’re damn smart, beautiful; and fun to be around. I love you, and I can’t imagine my life without you. Those things are as much a part of you as the parts you’re all pissed off about, and I love them all. You are a combination of so many things, like darkness and light. I may only be able to fulfill part of that, but I would never ask you to give up the rest of who you are for me. I love you, either way.”

  She stared at him, not sure that she believed him, or why he would love her if that’s how he truly perceived her. “So, how does this thing with Enrique work,” she tossed her arms across her chest. “Since we’re being honest and putting it all out there. Are we going to give him a room at the house and everything?”

  “If that’s what you want,” he shrugged, “I have no problem with that. I really am ok with it. I wasn’t sure that I would be, but last night, when I was alone, I had some time to think about things. When you get to the bottom line, I love every crazy thing about you. Your lies, your past, your… everything. And we’re going to have a baby! Doesn’t that give you a little bit of excitement?”

  Tori looked away, a wide grin crossing her face, “Yes it does, but I’m trying to not get too excited, until we see what the doctor says. A lot of things can still go wrong.”

  “I know,” he agreed, his grin broad, his voice chipper, “But its ok. We’ll face it together. All three of us. So let’s get packed and get out of here.” Reaching over, he slid his arm around her waist, and she kissed him lightly, secretly elated to be going home.

  Stranger Things

  Leaving his wife to tend to her packing, Michael made his way down to the opposite end of the hall. Finding Enrique’s door open, he walked inside, “How’s it goin’?”

  The other man cast a wary glance, “Hey Mike. It’s going. Have to admit, I’s a little surprised you wants me to go with the two of yous to Texas. Figured you’d be ready to get rid of me by now.”

  “Naw, hard to admit, but you and I are a lot alike. More than either of us knew, until we were out on the road together.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, “Besides, she needs us both.”

  Enrique pursed his lips, not sure how to respond to such a statement, or that he could agree.

  “Anyways, I wanted you to know that we’re going to give you a bedroom at the house. And you’ll be welcome there for as long as you like,” Michael finished smoothly.

  Enrique stopped moving, his arm hanging over the pack he had been filling, “What’s the catch?”

  “There’s no catch. I think we understand each other pretty well. And we both want the same thing,” Michael smiled as he spoke. “We both love her, and that’s what matters.”

  “And you think we’re gonna all three lives together, all happy an’ shit,” the other man stared at him, still frozen.

  “Yeah,” he nodded. “Don’t ever hurt her, and don’t break her heart. And some day, I think you and I may actually be friends.” With that, he turned his back, making his way to the door.

  “And what makes you think that?” Enrique yelled after him.

  “I dunno,” Michael called from around the corner, “Stranger things have happened.”

  Taking the private plane that afternoon, the trio flew to Denver to retrieve their new bikes. The weather still cold, they would ease their way south, and that made all three of them happy. Tori had been nervous since leaving New York, watching the two men with reserved curiosity and unable to hide her joy at their new arrangement.

  Picking out a motel for the night, the three of them stood out front, the moment of truth at hand; one room or two. “Which is it going to be?” Michael prodded, prepared to go with majority rule.

  “I says one,” Enrique positioned himself behind her, arms snaking around her midsection while he grinned at the other man.

  Michael swallowed with a straight face, aware that he had no real desire to watch him with her, but not wanting to let on that he felt squeamish about it either. “Tori?” He could see the look of panic cross her features.

  “I’m good with whatever you choose,” she dumped it back in his lap.

  He eyed the two of them, chewing his lower lip for a moment. We are going to share a house, after all, he told himself firmly. “Alright, I’ll be right back.” He left the pair standing together while he went inside to get the key.

  “Are you nervous?” Enrique breathed in her ear, still holding her from behind.

  “A little bit. He’s never really been on the road; not like we have,” she explained. “Or at least, he didn’t enjoy it. I’m nervous for him.”

  His hand slid up to fondle her breast gently, “Don’t worry. I’ll go easy on him. Maybe even hold off on the fucking for the night, and just… settles in.”

  Tori spun in his grasp, facing him, “Not a bad idea.” She touched her lips to his, holding him and caressing his neck and hair, then smiling at her mate when he returned. “So, what’d we get?” she called playfully.

  “One,” he replied, waving the key card at her before sliding it into his pocket, “It’s this way.” He started his bike and led them around the building to their room.

  Inside their quarters, they dropped their packs on the single king sized bed. Tori’s heart in her throat, her mouth hung open, oh shit, the fear in her chest her own.

  Michael sidled up to her, watching Enrique poke around, “Close your mouth, love.”

  Tori obeyed, clamping it shut and reaching for him.

  His arm around her waist, he kissed her, “I love you.”

  “Yeah,” she breathed in short pants, “I’m scared.”

  “Scared of what?” his fingers toyed with hers.

  “I want things to be ok.”

  “Things are ok,” he reassured her, “Relax. Get ready for bed.”

  “Ok,” she nodded, removing her jeans and bra and sliding into the covers, taking the center. Lying on her back, she stared at the ceiling and breathed with puffed cheeks, her arms lying above the blankets, on top of her body.

  Enrique watched her for a moment, then pulled off his own clothing down to his briefs and climbed onto the bed on her right, laying half above the covers and holding himself up on his elbow. “You knows,” he watched the other man do the same, “I’ve never actually seen this house of yours.”

  “It’s nice,” Tori supplied, flicking her eyes over at him. “Lots of room.”

  Michael lifted the bedspread and climbed under, pushing his body up against hers and laying his arm across her. “Plenty of room,” he chimed in. “Needs a lot of work, though. We were in the process of restoring it when her brother had the wreck and everything that has happened since.” He laid his head next to hers, “Breathe, baby girl. We’re not going to hurt you.”

  Tori could feel his fingers as he toyed with her hand, fidgeting with her ring. His face rested against her ear, spewing warm air against her scalp. Cutting her eyes over, Enrique’s brown orbs were studying her. “We didn’t turn out the light,” she pointed out, her voice small.

  “No,” her husband whispered into her hair. “Do you want
it off?”

  “Are we going to sleep?” she queried, unsure how she felt about it.

  “I got some gel,” Enrique offered. “In case you wanna lets me use it,” his finger grazed the cheek on his side.

  Michael shifted, and she could feel his hardness pressing against her thigh. “I’ve never been between two men because I wanted to be,” her chest heaved. “Red and Eddied used to tie me… hang me from the roof, and…”

  “I know,” Enrique’s voice soothed, his fingers catching a whiff of hair, “I saw. In Florida, the first time I tasted you. But, we’re not them, baby girl. I think we need that safe word… even if you never use it.”

  “No,” she shifted, “I’m safe. I know I’m safe,” she curled her fingers with Enrique’s. “But I think I need you guys to take the lead. I’m so petrified; I’m doing good to work my lungs.”

  Using a free hand, Michael seized the covers, pulling them down to reveal her shirt. Grabbing it, he pushed it up to expose her breasts, and used a delicate touch to outline her nipples, and caress her rose. “Promise me you’re not going to hurt her,” he lifted his eyes to meet Enrique’s. “I’ve never used gel on anyone before. It looks like it hurts.”

  “Of course it hurts,” Enrique countered. “That’s why she likes it.”

  Tori flicked her eyes between them, her bare skin catching fire. Releasing her lover’s hand, she bolted up, pushing Michael over onto his back and snatching the cotton tee to lift it over her head.

  Removing her panties eagerly, she straddled his legs and yanked at his briefs, working them down so that his hardened manhood stood up before her. Grasping the shaft, she took the head of him into her mouth, toying with him and tracing the edges with her tongue before sliding him down her throat.

  Emitting a quiet moan, she became lost in her desire, pouring herself over her mate. Her fingers gliding across his hips and groin, she became eager to please him.

  While she toiled, she could feel Enrique behind her, his fingers gently exploring her, then becoming rougher as he applied the gel. Swaying as the digits worked her, large clumps of her mane fell forward, covering her husband’s chest in a thick carpet of ebony locks.


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