Bad Boy: You Are Not Alone

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Bad Boy: You Are Not Alone Page 9

by Kelli Walker

  “Yep. Sounds like a fantasy,” I smirked.

  “You’ve got it, too! Falling back in love with your college sweetheart whom you left before he could leave you. You kept yourself closed off and cold until his body and his heart melted your icy walls and pulled out the scared little girl who just wants her mom to approve of her life. That’s textbook fairytale.”

  I was staring at her with wide eyes and suddenly I felt something wet hit my cheek. I brought my finger up to my face and saw that I was randomly crying in the middle of the restaurant, and then it hit me that it wasn’t random at all.

  I was crying because she hit the nail right on the head.

  “I love Kevin,” I whispered.

  “I know,” Madeline urged, “I saw it in your eyes when you were coming up on the boat.”

  “You wanna take a trip back to the island with me?” I asked.

  “Oh, do I ever!” she exclaimed.

  I threw some money down onto the table and grabbed her hand. As fast as we could, we ran through the streets of the small Italian city underneath the pale moonlight and the twinkling stars, and when the Captain saw up coming he scurried back onto the boat.

  “Ready to go back, ladies!?” he exclaimed.

  “Yes, and step on it!” I shrieked.

  Madeline and I trembled in excited anticipation while the boat quickly made its way back to the shore, and when the illuminated dock of the island finally came into view I saw all the lights in the top part of the house click on. I knew that meant Kevin had been watching out, but when I saw them all click down on the bottom as well, I took Madeline’s hand and squeezed it tightly.

  “They were watching out for us,” I smirked.

  “How do you know?” she asked.

  “Just trust me on this one,” I whispered.

  The boat began to dock and I heard the doors of the house crack open in the distance, and just as the Captain helped us disembark onto the smooth wooden platform, we both heard people screaming our names in the distance.

  Two people, to be exact.

  And we watched Kevin and Spencer run their asses all the way down to the dock.

  Chapter 13


  When the boat finally started coming back to shore I jumped out of bed. I knew she’d heard that entire fight I’d had with Spencer, and I was fucking petrified that she wasn’t coming back.

  “Spencer! The boat’s coming!”

  Spencer was hoping that woman would come back with her. I didn’t really know if she would, but I had a feeling Tina might try to talk her into coming back if only to stick it to Spencer real nice. That’s what she would’ve done in this situation, and she would wanna go all “women empowerment” on her.

  My concern was that she was also coming back drunk.

  We cut on all the lights in the house and searched around for our shoes, and then we started running for the dock. We ran as quickly as our feet could carry us, and when we finally got there we saw not two, but three individuals on the boat.

  The Captain, Tina, and Spencer’s woman.

  “Oh my god, she came back,” Spencer breathed.

  I patted him on the back before giving him a stern “don’t fuck it up again” look, and when the boat finally docked we ran to help the women off the boat.

  I was surprised when Tina threw her arms around me, but nonetheless I took the hug. I saw Spencer giving that woman kisses everywhere on her face, and that’s when I also noticed she was wearing a different outfit. Spencer was muttering “I’m sorry” over and over again, and the woman looked to have a massive smile on her face.

  And Tina just held me as close as she could get me.

  “I was petrified you weren’t coming back,” I murmured.

  “Hold that thought,” Tina smirked. She pulled back from me and turned to Spencer, and that’s when Madeline smiled and nodded lightly in her direction.

  “Spencer! This is Madeline. Also known as Gabbie Marie. She’s got two doctorates, she’s a hell of a writer, she’s a speed-reader, and she’s absolutely brilliant. Setting aside the fact that she’s drop-dead gorgeous, she’s also very into you… which doesn’t happen often. Stop being an insecure fuckwad and go pin her to your wall. And then your bed. And then your shower wall. And then? Get her number, never stop thinking about her, call her in two weeks, and give this woman the fairytale ending she deserves.”

  Spencer was gawking at her and Madeline couldn’t stop giggling, and I had to admit that her outburst was the last thing I expected from her.

  “You’re perfect for one another, so stop being a scared little shit,” Tina nodded.

  And there she was. My foul-mouthed, to the point little Tina.

  “I could say the same about you,” Spencer smirked.

  “Well, if you give me a moment,” she breathed, “I’ll stop, too.”

  “Wait, what?” I asked.

  “Come on,” Madeline urged, “why don’t we give them some privacy, Spencer?”

  “Maddy, I’m so sorry,” Spencer breathed.

  “According to Tina, you guys are on the island for a couple more days?”

  “That’s right,” Spencer smiled broadly.

  “Well, then you’ve got two whole days to make it up to me,” she beamed.

  The two of them held hands and walked back up to the house, but my attention was completely and totally on Tina. I knew my eyes were wide with shock because I had no fucking clue what was coming, but when Tina turned back to me and took my hands she had a massive smile on her face.

  And I realized that she didn’t smell like alcohol.

  “Are you alright?” I asked lowly.

  “I am now,” she breathed.

  “I know you heard that fi-”

  “Sssshhhh… just listen,” she urged. “I heard the fight. And at first, I was sick to my stomach with anger. I ran back to the boat and decided I was going to go back to the mainland and just… stay there. But, Madeline and I went shopping and I got her a dress she could actually shove herself into, and we got to talking.”

  “That woman is incredibly well-endowed, isn’t she?” I chuckled.

  “But she is beautiful,” Tina sighed.

  “Not as beautiful as you.”

  She looked at me with happiness in her eyes, and for the first time since I’d met her she had that happiness despite the alcohol.

  “I’m curious to know what was talked about over dinner. You seem… different.”

  “I feel different,” she smiled. “Look, Madeline brought up some really good points, and we aren’t as different as we look.”

  She proceeded to tell me everything about dinner. About how their mothers were alike and why Madeline was alright with wearing her emotions on her sleeve for everyone. She told me they gabbed about college and tears rose to her eyes, and I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close.

  “I know that’s why you left, Tina,” I whispered.

  “You… you did?”

  “Yeah. I knew that you wanted to run before you got burned, and I get it. I also knew I wouldn’t be able to talk you out of it.”

  “Why didn’t you try?” she whimpered.

  “I don’t know. I guess… maybe I should’ve. But, I didn’t. And I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry, too,” she breathed.

  She stayed tucked into my body for quite some time, and the two of us simply stood on the dock. My arms held her as tightly as they could and her body continued to shiver into mine, and then a question dawned on me that I was actually curious to know the answer to.

  “You’re thinking about hiring Madeline, aren’t you?”

  “Hell yeah, I am! Dear go-... do you know how much fucking paperwork and how many damn transcripts I have to read and take notes on? Sometimes it takes me weeks, and that’s when pulling all-nighters! That bitch could do it in days, Kev! Days!”

  “You’re insane,” I breathed.

  “Kevin,” she began, “I honestly have no idea what’s gonna
happen to us after this vacation is over. I know you’ve got one more night and all, but I just-”

  “It’s alright, Tee,” I said, “it really is.”

  “Let me finish, would ya? Jesus, that’s a shit habit you have.”

  “Sorry,” I grinned.

  “I do know that I don’t wanna go back to not talking until the next vacation. I don’t want three or four more months to go by before I hear your voice again. I miss you during my days sometimes. A lot. And, I think that’s alright to admit.”

  “It’s more than alright to admit,” I urged. My heart was floating on cloud nine right now. Tina wanted to keep in touch after this vacation was over, and I would take anything I could get right now. I’d missed the hell out of her for years, and even if we just stayed friends with the occasional vacation benefits, it would beat the hell out of dreaming about her and never having her.

  “Well, I do have a small private plane I could fly to DC every once in awhile,” I offered, “and it could easily get you to Seattle, if you wanted.”

  “And if you came, I’ve got a home that’s more than big enough for two…” she trailed off.

  “And there are many hotels in the downtown Seattle area that have spa packages to help us relax without leaving the area,” I grinned.

  “God, I really love Seattle,” Tina breathed.

  “And it really loves you,” I murmured.

  I slipped my arms around her body and picked her up into my arms, and she squealed with delight before she buried her face into my neck. She felt so good curled up into my arms, and I walked her across the island and through the foliage until we dumped out at the gazebo. The stars were twinkling and shining bright and the moon was full and luscious with its weight in the sky, and when I sat us down with her in my lap I placed my lips close to her ear.

  “I could never regret anything with you. Not one second,” I whispered.

  “Me neither, Kev. You-... you mean too much to me.”

  I leaned in to kiss the side of her head, but she turned and I captured her lips. They were soft and pillowy, and I couldn’t help but slide my tongue out over them. I was surprised when she parted herself so easily for me, and before I knew it she was straddling my lap and cupping my face. I could feel my solid dick growing underneath her body, and when she trailed her warm lips down my neck, she nipped at my pulse point.

  “You’re gonna kill me, Tee,” I groaned.

  “Don’t die. Not a necrophiliac.”

  “Jesus, you’re crazy,” I chuckled.

  She slid down to her knees and worked my dick out of my pants, and when I looked down she licked that beautiful tongue of hers all the way up the length of my cock. I buried my hand into her hair and guided her mouth to my cock, and when she took it all to the back of her throat I felt something inside of my snap.

  “Jesus, that mouth of yours, Tee.”

  She hummed around my dick and the vibrations set my limbs on fire. I felt her tongue dancing around the tip and I leaked onto her tongue, and when I heard her audibly swallow the offering I had for her I began to thrust my hips into her face. Her hands cupped my balls as they filled with salacious need, and my grip tightened in her hair while she sucked as hard as she could.

  “Fucking chri-... jesus, Tee. Oh, god. Like that.”

  She took me to the back of her throat and hummed, and that was my singular undoing. I raised my hips off the gazebo bench and my body shivered with delight, and as my balls pulled up into my body it shot hot streams of my love for her down her throat. She gobbled it up, hungry for what I could give her, and when my orgasm was finally done crashing around my body I flopped back down onto the bench and heaved air into my lungs.

  “Holy fuck,” I breathed.

  She let my dick go with a pop and kissed the insides of my legs, and when she sat beside me she tilted my head towards her and gave me a slow, sensual kiss.

  God, I loved it when I could taste myself on her lips. Just hers. No one else’s.

  Only Tina’s.

  I reached up and cupped the back of her head, and I knew then and there I had to taste her. I stood up and stuffed myself back into my pants, and when I kneeled down in front of her she was all too ready to spread those thick legs for me. I could see the wet spot from her juices that were staining the crook of her pants, and when I pressed my face to it and sniffed she shivered in anticipation.

  She would always smell exactly as I remembered, and there would never be another woman whose scent captured me the way hers did.

  I reached up and grasped her pants, and I slowly peeled them down her body. I slipped her feet out of them before I kissed back up her thighs, and when her legs threw themselves over my shoulders I could see her pussy glistening in the moonlight. I groaned at the thought of lapping her up, but I wanted to tease her.

  Tease her until tears rose to her eyes.

  I nipped and licked at the excess she held in between her legs, and when her hands wrapped themselves into my hair she pulled me deep into her body. My lips collided with the sweet honey she had been making just for me, but all I did was slowly run my tongue around the inside of her pussy lips. She bobbed and weaved her body, desperate to get me exactly where she wanted me, but I wasn’t playing her game tonight.

  Tonight, she would play mine.

  I slowly teased a finger at her entrance and she tried to buck down onto my hand, but all I did was use it to lap up the wetness that was pouring from her pussy. I looked up at her and licked my sweet dessert from my finger, and the way she whined and moaned in anxious anticipation was nothing short of pornographic. She was shivering while she bared herself to me, and I wanted her begging before I threw her over the edge.

  “Come on, Kev,” she breathed.

  “Just be patient,” I murmured.

  I slowly licked a stripe up her juicy slit and she rolled deeply into my face. But, I stopped just short of where she wanted me and I felt her grip on my hair tighten. I did it over and over again, feeling her clit swell in size, trying desperately to reach me when I refused to come to it.

  And then, those beautiful words dripped from her lips.

  “I’ll do anything, but Christ, Kev… please make me cum. Please. Please. Please.”

  I looked up at her face and there were tears of frustration streaming down her cheeks. She looked so vulnerable and so wanton, and I paused to take in the sight before me. There were only a few times in my entire life that I saw Tina this vulnerable and this exposed, but it was the first time I had seen it while she was sober.

  And she looked phenomenal.

  I slid two of my fingers into her entrance and dove into her swollen clit. My tongue flicked it and her body physically jolted with every single one, and then I flattened my tongue out over it and her body shivered from head to toe. Her juices were dripping down my hand and covering my wrist in her silk, and her legs tightened around my head and pulled me even closer into her beautiful pussy. I drank her down, desperate to quench my thirst of her, and when I felt her walls fluttering around my finger, I decided to give her a little surprise.

  I stuck out my pinky and inserted it into her tight little asshole.

  “Oh, my god. Kev-... Kevin! Yes! Holy sh-.... What the fu-!?”

  I smirked at all her shocked sounds and I pressed my tongue deep into her clit. I crooked my fingers in her pussy just the right way and gave her clit a few more fast flicks, and before I knew it she was falling apart in front of me. Her body shook and her legs convulsed and her holes were clamping down onto my fingers and her pussy was drenching my hand. I looked up and her jaw was peeled open in silent ecstasy, and as I sucked her clit between my lips and slowly rode her orgasm out with her, I saw her entire body flush red before I slowly slipped my digits out of her.

  She was heaving and wheezing for air, so I got up off the ground, licked her off my hand, and pulled her quickly into my lap.

  “Just breathe,” I urged. “Just take nice, deep breaths.”

  “What the fuc
k was that?” she choked out.

  “An orgasm,” I smirked.

  “Don’t be a dick,” she panted.

  I held her in that gazebo while she came down from her dizzying high, and when she nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck I knew she had finally pieced herself back together again. Her arms slipped around my waist while I stroked my fingers through her hair, and I was about to ask her how she liked my little surprise…

  … until I heard light snores coming from her lips.

  Chapter 14


  The vacation was coming to an end and it had been a wild one. Madeline ended up riding out the rest of it with us before Spencer offered her a ride home on the plane, and she was all too eager to take it. He took her back to the mainland to pack up all her things, and when they returned the plane was landing on the tarmac of the island. Madeline’s eyes were wild with shock and wonder, and I saw that Spencer couldn’t help but watch her.

  “That’s how I felt about you last night,” Kev murmured into my ear.

  “Oh, shut up,” I said.

  Kevin and I rode out the rest of the vacation in each other’s rooms. If we weren’t eating, drinking, or watching a movie, we were rolling around naked with one another trying to find various compromising positions we could try out. My body was officially exhausted, and I could still feel my legs shaking underneath me from the night before.

  I held his hand close while we all boarded the plane, and I couldn’t help but notice that Brady and Brit seemed a little more cozy than usual.

  “Hey, Brit!” Kev called out. “Is Brady feelin’ cuddly because you finally got good at that blowjob!?”

  “Shut your fat face, Kev,” she spat, “but yes. I finished my job just fine.”

  I could see the shock on Madeline’s face, but then Spencer leaned in and I could tell he was explaining the story. Her face reddened in embarrassment before she started to laugh heartily, and I saw a shoe flying across the plane that missed Spencer’s head by only an inch.

  “Shut up! I was drunk, alright!? It’s not like the two of you were necessarily quiet that entire day.”


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