Uncaging Wolves (Shifter Country Wolves Book 4)

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Uncaging Wolves (Shifter Country Wolves Book 4) Page 4

by Noir, Roxie

  From behind, Chase held her hips tightly against him, his lips close to her ear.

  “You should see where that goes,” he growled.

  Scarlet hooked one finger beneath the waistband of Gavin’s pants.

  “You know anything about that?” she asked Chase.

  “I could write a book,” he said.

  With a tug, she undid the button on Gavin’s pants then slid the zipper down, his erection tenting it out as she did. Scarlet bit her lip, arousal pounding through her whole body.

  Thank god I’m female, she thought. I’m not gonna last thirty seconds with these two.

  Gavin hooked his thumbs under his pants and slid them off, and as he lifted one foot to pull his jeans over them, Chase lifted Scarlet off of her feet, took a couple of steps forward, and tossed her onto the couch.

  She landed with a thud, and the wooden feet screeched as they slid an inch across the floor. Then Chase was on top of her, pulling her jacket off and tossing it onto the floor. At last, she wrapped her legs around his thick frame and squeezed, his erection pressing right between her legs, sending a bolt of pleasure through her body as his hands pushed at her shirt.

  Just before he lifted it, Scarlet caught sight of the bandage on her arm.

  Don’t let them see your tattoo, she thought. If they know what it is, that would kill this pretty quick.

  “Don’t bother,” she gasped at him. “Just get my pants off.”

  She pulled his shirt over his head, and he slid his fingers beneath the waist of her pants, tugging it so hard she lifted off the couch a little. Then he pulled her jeans and underwear off in one motion, tossing them to the floor, kneeling on the couch.

  Before he could get back on top of her, Gavin was behind him. He took a fistful of Chase’s hair in his hand and turned his mate’s head to one side, kissing him hard. His other hand slid into Chase’s pants until Chase moaned.

  Scarlet felt like she might explode, and then Gavin pulled out Chase’s cock. It was the first cock she’d seen in years, and watching Gavin stroke it turned her on more than she could have imagined.

  “I think she likes watching,” Gavin growled into Chase’s ear. Chase just moaned softly.

  For a moment, Scarlet tore her eyes away from the two of them to find her jacket on the floor. The tile was cold beneath her bare feet as she searched through her pockets to find the two condoms, bringing them out with a grin.

  She tossed them to Gavin and Chase, and in a flash Gavin had unrolled one onto his long, thick cock. Then he sat on the couch, grabbed her by the hand, and pulled Scarlet toward him until she was straddling him, facing the back of the couch.

  “You came prepared,” he said. His fingers dug into her hips as she knelt over him, her desire throbbing and obvious even to her.

  “I’m practically a boy scout,” she said, leaning down and kissing him hard, biting his lip again. “Now how about you shut the fuck up.”

  For once, he did.

  Scarlet put the tip of Gavin’s cock against her opening and savored the moment for a second, looking down into his bright, lusty eyes, listening to the growl in his throat.

  Then she slid down, steadying herself with her hands on his shoulders.

  “Ohh,” she moaned.

  It felt better than she remembered, this feeling of fullness and satisfaction, like he was pressing against every nerve ending in her body. She squeezed Gavin’s shoulders even harder, her nails digging in, and he chuckled.

  She slid up and then back down, and this time fireworks lit behind her eyelids and Scarlet licked her lips. An involuntary shiver passed through her, every hair on her body standing on end, her nipples hardening until they were just visible through her bra and shirt.

  “You like this, huh?” Gavin said, his own voice even more gravelly. He leaned forward, just barely, as Scarlet began to work her hips back and forth, moving faster and faster.

  She dug her nails into him harder and shoved him against the couch as she rode him furiously.

  “Try not to talk too much,” she grunted, even as her eyes fluttered closed. “Fuck,” she whispered, feeling herself get close. She was half-angry that it was him making her feel so good, this guy who delighted in egging her on, but the other half didn’t care. It just wanted more.

  Behind her, Chase stepped up, his erection against her back. Gavin reached around Scarlet lazily, and then his hand was wrapped around Chase, pumping slowly up and down.

  Scarlet turned to look for a moment, and the sight pushed her even closer.

  “You like to watch,” Gavin said.

  “Shut— ohhh...”

  Chase’s hand wrapped around her and between her legs, his fingers finding her pleasure button almost instantly, and Scarlet could feel herself move beyond the point of no return at the same time.

  “Oh my God,” she moaned, her eyes shut. Her hips bucked back and forth, and she felt like a nuclear blast couldn’t have stopped her at that moment. There was a slow-moving river of lava moving through her, burning from the inside, a river that nothing could quench, searing her again and again as her body shook.

  At the same time, Gavin groaned and his eyes rolled back in his head. Scarlet was vaguely aware that he was holding her as hard as he could, but she could hardly think of anything besides how good it felt.

  At last, the feeling subsided and Scarlet opened her eyes again. From behind, Chase kissed her hard, his tall frame leaning over her, even as Gavin was still inside her. Scarlet kissed back, not sure what else to do, Gavin panting on the couch.

  “Get up,” Chase whispered into her ear. “Just onto your knees.”

  Scarlet did. Spent, Gavin watched her kneel over him again, and she felt Chase’s hand slide between her legs, slowly rubbing her clit, dancing softly over her lips until she moaned quietly.

  “Got another round in you?” Chase asked, his voice in her ear again.

  “As long as you’re offering,” Scarlet said. She grabbed the back of the couch with both hands, and behind her, she heard the sound of a condom being unwrapped.

  Then Chase was inside her, one hand on her shoulder as he thrust in smoothly, making her cry out in pleasure. Somehow, he hit exactly the right spots, the spots in her channel that made her world go fuzzy.

  Below her, Gavin grinned. Scarlet wished he’d stop doing that, but damn it all, he was sexy.

  “You like watching, too,” Scarlet said, her voice coming in gasps.

  “Hell yes,” Gavin said.

  Chase thrust again, and another noise came out of Scarlet, a noise she couldn’t even identify, but it felt so good that she couldn’t stop herself from making it. He went slow and hard, filling her completely with every stroke and staying there for a moment, letting Scarlet really feel him there.

  His eyes still on hers, Gavin reached his hand up and stroked her sex with two fingers, from her clit to her lips and back, Chase sliding against him.

  Then he squeezed his fingers together, Scarlet’s clit between them, and she saw a flash of pure, blinding white.

  She grunted, squeezing her eyes shut, and Gavin pressed his fingers together harder, just barely moving them, Chase still pumping hard and slow.

  “I’m gonna—” Scarlet said, but then she came, white exploding over her vision and a low moan coming from somewhere deep inside. She felt like every muscle in her body clenched and released with the perfect, delicious tension, and she rocked back and forth on the couch, thrusting against Chase as he tried to hold her still.

  Just as she finished, his grip on her shoulder got harder, and suddenly he pushed himself even deeper than he had before, to some primal, new place that made Scarlet gasp, and he did it once, twice, and then stayed buried in her, his low groan resounding through her.

  After what felt like hours, he pulled out and stepped away.

  Scarlet wasn’t sure that she could move. She felt drained, exhausted, almost melted, but satisfied. Oh so satisfied.

  Chase offered her his hand and she took
it, getting to her feet and then collapsing onto the couch next to Gavin, as Chase collapsed next to her.

  For a few minutes, no one spoke or moved, and then Chase grabbed his pants, pulled his phone out, and checked the time.

  It was almost two in the morning.

  Suddenly, seeing the time made everything real. It was two in the morning, and she’d borrowed her brother’s car without his permission — which, technically, was stealing — gone to a show an hour from home, and then picked up two other wolves and banged their brains out.

  She’d told Gavin and Chase that her name was Sarah.

  And of course, she’d neglected to mention that she’d just gotten out of prison.

  I’ve got to leave, she thought. I’m not who they think I am. Not at all.

  She jumped to her feet, finding her underwear and pants and tugging them on.

  “So fast?” Gavin said, still in exactly the same position.

  “I’ve, uh,” she said, fumbling for something. “I’ve got work in the morning. I should go.”

  “Give us your number,” said Chase. He stood as well, his phone in his hand again. “Please?”

  Scarlet nodded, just to buy herself time, thinking frantically.

  You cannot give them your number, she thought. No matter how good this was, it was a one-night stand, because you’re in no condition to have a relationship right now.

  Also, you lied about your name. Once they find out who you are, they’re not going to want anything to do with you.

  “One second,” she said, jerking her thumb over her shoulder. “I gotta pee real bad.”

  “When you get back?” Chase asked, his sexy smile taking over his face. “I’m not gonna take no for an answer, Sarah.”

  The name sent a pang of guilt through Scarlet, and she bent to grab her jacket.

  “When I get back,” she said, forcing a smile.

  As soon as she was in the hallway, she ran. She didn’t stop running until she got to her car, and then she sped all the way back to the Red Sky Ranch, sneaking in the front door and tiptoeing up the stairs.

  Oh God, she thought, lying in her bed, staring into the dark.

  How bad did I just fuck up?

  Chapter Five


  Chase tossed his phone onto the couch, face up, and then pulled his clothes on again, quickly tossing his condom into the trash. He felt like he was still vibrating with the sheer magnitude of what had just happened, and he couldn’t quite believe that it was real. One minute, he’d been playing the guitar on stage, and the next he’d looked out into the audience, only to see the most beautiful girl he’d ever laid eyes on tearing into his mate.

  He hadn’t been worried. Gavin could more than take care of himself.

  Chase grabbed Gavin’s clothes off the floor and tossed them to his mate, who yawned.

  It was almost two-thirty in the morning, and Gavin wasn’t twenty any more. He stood from the couch and got dressed quickly. Chase watched his paw print tattoos disappear beneath his shirt, then reached behind Gavin’s head to tuck his tag back in.

  “She fall in?” Gavin asked, frowning.

  It was the same joke he made every single time someone took a little too long in the bathroom, so Chase had heard it a thousand times.

  “I hope not,” he said. “She didn’t give me her number yet.”

  Gavin leaned against the counter and crossed his arms in front of his chest, fighting against another yawn, then saw Chase looking at him and stifled a laugh.

  “Past your bedtime, old man?” Chase teased. He leaned against the counter next to Gavin, and Gavin put an arm loosely around his waist.

  “I’ve got work tomorrow,” Gavin said. “I’ve got a meeting with an ex-con who’s going to explain why he skipped our last meeting and didn’t ever call me about it.”

  “I hope he’s got something good,” said Chase. “I’d hate to fuck up on your watch and then have to tell you why.”

  He yawned as well.

  “They never have good reasons,” Gavin said. “When they have good reasons, they call as soon as they can to reschedule. They don’t force someone to chase them down.”

  “Maybe it was aliens,” Chase offered.

  “I told you about the time someone tried that, right?” Gavin asked. He leaned into Chase, kissing the other man’s shoulder.

  “She said that she’d been walking along some highway in the daytime, and then a giant bird made of light took her away, right?” Chase asked.

  Gavin chuckled.

  “Wrong nutcase,” he said. “The woman with the light-bird was abducted by Jesus and his angels, and taken to heaven for a week so that she could come back down and teach us all to live right.”

  “Meth is a hell of a drug,” said Chase.

  “The alien abduction was a man,” Gavin said. “He was just walking along the highway, when suddenly, he was tractor-beamed up to a spaceship, and they kept him drugged and trapped while they grilled him about the TV show Full House for two weeks.”

  “Clearly, one should never walk along a highway,” Chase said. He checked his phone again.

  Ten minutes had passed, and he felt his heart squeeze in his chest.

  Is Sarah okay? he wondered.

  Gavin looked at him, worry filling his blue eyes. Without saying anything, they walked out of the backstage room and into the bar area, where Gus was flipping the final few chairs onto tables. He nodded at both of them, without saying anything.

  Chase strode to the women’s restroom and stood outside it for a moment, listening.

  Nothing. Totally silent.

  By now, Gus was standing there and watching them, eyebrows lifted.

  “Did you see a girl with long dark hair go in here?” Gavin finally asked him.

  Gus shook his head.

  “I didn’t see anyone, but I was in the back for a while, doing the register,” he said.

  Gavin and Chase exchanged a look, then opened the door to the ladies’ room.

  “Sarah?” Gavin called, opening the door as gingerly as possible. If Chase hadn’t felt nearly sick over Sarah being gone, he’d have found the sight funny: one of the toughest guys he’d ever met, clearly uncomfortable about opening a door.

  There was no response.

  “Sarah?” Chase called, just in case.

  Still nothing. They opened the door and went in, but it took about five seconds for them to be certain that no one was there, and they stood in the middle of the bathroom, staring at each other, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

  “I thought we had a good time,” Chase finally said, baffled.

  “I thought so too,” Gavin said.

  Chase shoved one hand into his hair and started pacing back and forth, past the empty stalls of The Den’s women’s bathroom.

  “We have to find her,” he said.

  Gavin nodded, leaning against the sinks.

  “I can’t let her go,” Chase said. “It’s not — this wasn’t — argh!” he said, throwing his hands up and pacing again.

  “This wasn’t a one night stand,” Gavin said, saying the thing that Chase was trying to get out. Hearing his voice, Chase felt a little more grounded, a little more stable.

  They’d had one night stands with other women before, but after those were over they’d left, and Chase had barely ever thought about them again. But now that Sarah was gone, he felt wrecked, like she’d ripped something out when she left.

  This is ridiculous, he thought. You first saw her two hours ago.

  She was just some horny girl out looking for a little fun.

  Chase rubbed his hands over his eyes.

  “What did we do wrong?” he asked.

  Gavin shook his head, staring at the floor.

  “She seemed to be having a pretty good time,” he said. “She was the one who brought condoms, too.”

  Chase took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down. Getting upset wouldn’t help anything, and getting angry definit
ely wouldn’t make her come back.

  “Let’s just go home,” he said softly. “It’s the middle of the night. Maybe there was some misunderstanding, and everything will be fine in the morning.”

  Gavin looked up at him, then nodded.

  An hour later, next to Gavin in their huge bed, in their house in the hills outside Rustvale, Chase couldn’t sleep. Gavin didn’t sound asleep, either, but he didn’t say anything. What was left to say that hadn’t been said already? Nothing was going to make the almost-physical pain go away, especially not at three-thirty in the morning.

  Get some sleep, he told himself. When has getting some sleep not helped?

  He forced himself to close his eyes and relax.

  Years ago, Chase had discovered the best relaxation trick of all-time. He had to remember the job he’d had for six years, from ages sixteen to twenty-two. When his job was to cross-country hike from the commune where he’d grown up to the marijuana farm they kept, hidden deep inside Klamath National forest.

  He started from the back of the barn and walked toward Humpback Ridge, always keeping the rocky bumps well in sight. The trees changed, just slightly, and Chase always knew that he was going the right way. Then he hit the tree line and had to scramble a bit, up and over the saddle, down through the west side of the mountain. Across a series of freezing, glacier-fed streams, over a few rock-strewn canyons. Every time he made the trek, a few new trees had been hit by lightning, until at last, after hours of walking through the woods, he’d walk through the last couple of trees and come up on the neat rows of marijuana plants.

  He still knew the route by heart, even though the farm was long gone. After the commune’s building had been seized, someone had turned it into a bed and breakfast.

  Chase knew it was probably ironic that his family had grown so much pot on land owned by the Federal government, but the Klamath National Forest spanned thousands of square miles with no roads, no trails, not a single human. There was no better place.


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