Amanda's Young Men

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Amanda's Young Men Page 9

by Madeline Moore

  But she did! Roger had boasted that his cell phone did everything but make his coffee – and it had a camera function. Amanda ran, naked, downstairs to her bag. A door in the hallway was ajar. Through the crack, she could see a desk. Amanda strained her ears. Tom was still snoring softly upstairs. She gave her head a shake, appalled that she’d only thought of the camera in relation to pictures of Tom. There were other, much more important uses for it. Amanda tiptoed into the room and pulled the deepest drawer of the desk open. Bingo! It was filled with hanging files. The first one held bank statements. That would be a good place for a spy to start. She spread them over the desk and started to study them.

  Tom’s plaintive voice called out, ‘Ms Garland?’

  Damn! No time to study, but she had the cell-phone camera. Quickly, she took snaps of as many of the documents as she could until the camera was full, then shoved them back into the drawer, dropped her phone back into her bag and hurried into the hallway.

  Jesus! Tom was halfway down the flight, wrapped in a towel.

  ‘I was looking for the kitchen,’ Amanda told him. ‘I’m thirsty. I’d like a glass of water.’

  ‘Look,’ he said, as he proudly pulled his towel away.

  Her eyebrows rose. Obviously, the short nap had totally refreshed Tom. His manhood was once more fully erect. Amanda announced theatrically, ‘Why drink plain old water when I can sip from the Fountain of Youth? Back up those stairs, boy!’


  AMANDA SQUIRMED AGAINST the leather of her Lexus’s seat. Her pelvis seemed heavy, like it was full of trapped energy, and she felt squishy inside, puffy and squishy and needy. Good God, what was happening to her? She must have stored up a hell of a lot of repressed lust during her long marriage to Roger. In the brief time since she’d entered the business world, she’d had sex with three callow boys and one virile man – one of the boys not more than an hour ago – and she was already starting to ache for more.

  Should she be worried? What if she was turning into a nymphomaniac? That had always seemed, to her, to be a sentence worse than death. To need it all the time and never be wholly satisfied … Amanda shuddered. Then again, while she was with Roger, she’d masturbated daily as well as enjoying sex with him every couple of weeks. Since she’d become, well, ‘sexually active’, she hadn’t masturbated once. Poor Mr Buzzy. Poor Rabbitty Rabbit and Rolphy the Dolphin. Her sex toys, once so important, lay abandoned in her bedside drawer. She simply didn’t need them any more. She’d outgrown them, and that was a damn good thing! There was no downside, none at all, to her sexually charged lifestyle.

  Amanda signalled, pulled out, passed the pokey driver ahead of her and smoothly slid back into her lane. She liked driving and she was good at it. Ever since the day she’d received her first driver’s licence, which had been the very day she’d been eligible for one, she’d had a set of wheels, progressively more impressive wheels, until she’d finally landed the Lexus – her baby, her pride and joy.

  The leather-covered steering wheel was smooth in her hands, though not as smooth as any of the three sets of boy-balls she’d recently fondled. If only the shoe stores weren’t in such dire straits, she’d be able to immerse herself in a sybaritic lifestyle – though she wasn’t doing too badly as it was. Amanda wondered what she’d find when she downloaded the contents of her cell phone. Something useful, she hoped, though she hadn’t managed to snap a photo of Tom, sleeping like a baby, no, sleeping like a man, sated by sex. And she’d been responsible for it. She’d taken command of the situation, of him, and made it happen exactly as she’d wanted. Heady stuff.

  Amanda had done a lot of dominating, lately. Nothing but, in fact, with all three young men. What she fancied now was something different – submission, perhaps, like she’d enjoyed with Trevor, the security man. Perhaps he’d force her to bend over and then bugger her, no matter how much she begged him not to? She’d developed quite a ‘to do’ list, and being sodomised was right at the top! Amanda giggled. Second was girl-girl sex. The first was quite the opposite of the second, she mused, but both were very hot. She squirmed again, the leather seat pleasantly smooth against her bottom but providing no stimulation. She dropped one hand from the steering wheel into her lap. Should she?

  No, she decided. She’d stick with her new lifestyle – masturbation with a partner, not instead of one.

  Trevor. How easily he’d slipped from her thoughts, given what a big impression he’d made on her at the time. The man was a marvellous lay, although, now that she thought about it, she and Trevor hadn’t actually had sex, yet. Not the ‘tab A into slot B’ kind, anyway. That was a serious omission. Next time they got together, she’d get him to do her both ways, if she could persuade him it was his idea, not hers. There’d be no bossing him around, she was sure of that.

  At the next lights she made a left turn and headed back towards her office building. It was getting late. So Trevor would soon be on duty.

  When she walked into Forsythe Footwear’s darkened offices, there were vertical slits of light showing between the slats of her blinds. Had someone decided to do some snooping of their own? She crept over to the window and put her ear against the glass. There were some muffled sounds but she couldn’t make them out. Squinting through a slit showed her a subtly moving shadow but no more. Amanda stepped out of her pumps and tip-toed along the window-wall to her office door. It was closed but half-glazed. She peeked in with one eye.

  There was a couple tangled in an embrace by her desk. The man, in his immaculately pressed striped shirtsleeves, had his back to her so she couldn’t tell who he was but the girl had hair like a pink dandelion. Nola! The cheeky little trollop! Just because she’d been in the habit of messing around with Amanda’s husband in that office didn’t give her the right to entertain her boyfriends there. That was disrespectful to both Roger and Amanda!

  The couple disengaged long enough for Nola to peel her skinny-fit ribbed turquoise sweater up over her head and off. She was braless, of course. Nola needed no support, not with those childish little boobs, hardly more than bee-stings. Amanda had to admit they were pretty, though. The girl’s puffy nipples were about the same shade of shocking pink as the inside of Amanda’s pussy. The colour made them look vulnerable.

  Nola pulled the man’s head down to the nipple of her diminutive right breast. Doing so half-turned him. He was Rupert, Amanda’s new retail supervisor! The bastard! The bitch! Her hand closed around the doorknob. She’d fire them both!

  Nola’s head tipped back, a look of pure ecstasy on her face. Amanda hesitated. True, Rupert was her boy-toy, but it wasn’t as if they’d promised to be faithful to each other. She’d only had him the once, that time in his shop. Amanda really had no business playing the betrayed damsel. She let go of the doorknob.

  Rupert sucked and nibbled his way from Nola’s breasts up her neck to take her mouth in a long lascivious kiss. His hand slid up under her short slit skirt. It looked as if they weren’t just going to neck. The way they were going, before very long they’d be making out like minks right in Amanda’s office. It might be fun to watch …

  Amanda’s fingers popped her skirt’s studs at her hip. Her hand stole into the slit. She found the crotch of her bikini panties and worked her fingertips inside.

  No! Hadn’t she just decided not to masturbate alone any more? Why should she lurk outside her own damned office and finger herself while her employees got all the action? Without another thought, Amanda threw the door open and marched in.

  ‘What the hell do you two think you’re doing?’ she demanded.

  The cliché ‘They sprang guiltily apart’ came to life. Amanda suppressed a laugh.

  Rupert spluttered. Nola flushed and buried her face in her hands. The girl’s shoulders quivered and she made sobbing noises but Amanda was sure the little slut was putting on an act.

  Rupert said, ‘Nola said you were gone for the day.’

  ‘And that’s your excuse?’

  ‘No – I mean …’<
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  ‘And you aren’t even doing it right, not for her.’

  Rupert looked blank. Nola raised her head, wide-eyed and confused.

  ‘You’re being gentle. Nola likes it rough, don’t you, Nola? She likes to be dominated, to be forced. This randy little whore likes a bit of pain to spice up her pleasure.’

  ‘How do you …? What are you saying?’ Rupert spluttered. ‘I don’t get it.’

  ‘I think I’ve been abundantly clear, Rupert.’ Amanda softened her tone. ‘You’ve so much to learn about girls. I suppose I’d better teach you. Here, give me your tie.’

  Bewildered, Rupert did as he was told.

  Nola asked, ‘Are you going to fire us, Ms Garland?’

  Amanda considered using the threat of dismissing them to ensure their obedience but decided against it. That was the sort of dirty trick stuffy old men used to control their underlings. These two would do what she wanted, exactly what she wanted, because that was their natures. They needed to obey, just as she needed to command them – and just as she in turn sometimes craved to be dominated. She knew just how exciting it was to willingly submit and she wanted nothing less for Nola and Rupert.

  ‘No,’ she said. ‘Your jobs are perfectly safe. You are both free to walk out of my office, right now, and I’ll forget what I found going on in here.’

  ‘But?’ Nola said. Understanding dawned in her pale-green eyes.

  Amanda grinned. ‘You’d be opting out of my special “employee benefits programme.” You wouldn’t want to do that, would you?’

  ‘Employee benefits programme?’ Rupert asked.

  ‘It’s an educational one. You remember what I taught you – “just obey”?’

  He nodded. Nola looked questioningly at him, then at Amanda.

  ‘You’ll see,’ Amanda said to the girl. She took a deep breath. She’d had no doubts about her abilities to seduce and dominate her young men. Amanda was sexy and boys of their ages were horny by nature. They’d have sacrificed a testicle each for the chance to have her. Nola was different. Amanda had no idea how the girl would take to being fondled by another woman. What if she refused? Even worse, what if she went along with it because she felt she had to?

  The other problem was that, for all her bluster, Amanda had never been with a woman, while it was very possible that Nola had, which meant the girl with the candyfloss hair might be more sexually experienced in this particular arena than she was! At any rate, Nola certainly couldn’t have less experience.

  Before she could chicken out, Amanda spun Nola round by her bare shoulder, pulled her arms behind her and bound her wrists with Rupert’s silk tie. Nola didn’t struggle or protest, which was a good sign.

  Another deep breath.

  Amanda turned Nola again. The girl’s pale eyes had glazed over. Her pouty little mouth was lax, her pink lips wet and parted. Amanda swallowed. Her first lesbian kiss was waiting for her. How different could it be from kissing those boys, particularly the one she’d just had, Sophie Sharpe’s androgynous son Tom?

  She blanked her mind and put her lips to Nola’s. They were plump and soft and tasted of cherry lip-gloss. Nola leant closer, her mouth, her entire body, yielding to Amanda’s touch. The depth of Nola’s surrender empowered Amanda. Suddenly confident, she parted Nola’s lips with her tongue and invaded the sweet wetness of the young woman’s mouth. Nola moaned and writhed, rubbing her mound against Amanda’s. Amanda gripped her willing victim, one hand knotted in her hair, the other holding her chin, and ravished the girl’s mouth.

  Nola had a masochistic streak, as the pictures Amanda had found in Roger’s desk had clearly indicated. Amanda nibbled on her lower lip, then bit, not hard enough to draw blood but hard enough to hurt and, maybe, to bruise. The more Amanda’s teeth worried Nola’s delicate flesh, the more eagerly Nola squirmed and whimpered.

  Amanda drew back so she could see Rupert. The boy was dumbstruck, likely overwhelmed to see in the flesh what he’d feverishly imagined or gawped at on the internet.

  She barked an order. ‘Strip! Get stark naked.’

  Returning to the girl, Amanda released her chin and reached down to the hem of her short skirt. Nola stiffened. Was that because she felt she was about to be invaded and didn’t want to be, or in avid anticipation of pleasure? Amanda remembered what it had been like the first time a boy had put his hand up her skirt, back in her teenage years. She’d felt fearful but thrilled. Most of the fear had been about disappointing the boy, whatever his name had been, but some of it was about her intimate parts being touched by strong hands that might be cruel or, worse, clumsy.

  Amanda’s hand slid up over Nola’s stocking-top. The girl was actually quivering. That made Amanda even bolder. The skin on the inside of Nola’s thigh was warm satin stretched taut over firm young muscles. Higher, Amanda reached thin cotton that coated a plump mound. She palpitated. Nola’s knees buckled. Amanda’s fingertips felt the crotch of Nola’s panties dampen.

  This was fun! She might be faking that she was an experienced Sapphic dominatrix, but her act seemed to be working just fine. Perhaps she was a natural!

  Rupert’s polite cough reminded Amanda that he was there. She turned her head. The lad was standing naked with his hands hovering over his erection, almost hiding it.

  ‘Here!’ she said. Amanda grabbed Rupert’s right hand and pushed it up under Nola’s skirt. ‘Finger her pussy. You remember how I taught you to do it. Get two fingers up behind her pubic bone and press on her G-spot. Squeeze her bone between your fingertips and the heel of your hand. Don’t be gentle with her. Use your grip to lift her up on to the tips of her toes. I think she’ll like that.’

  With one hand in Nola’s hair and the other gripping her chin, Amanda pulled the girl’s sulky little mouth wide open and spat into it. Now where had that come from?

  Amanda quickly continued. ‘She’s my toy. She’ll accept anything I do to her, or anything I have you do to her.’ She released the girl’s chin. ‘Isn’t that right, Nola?’

  Nola swallowed deliberately and licked her lips, relieving Amanda’s concern that she’d pushed too far, too fast. ‘Yes, Ms Garland, anything at all.’

  Amanda felt a rush of affection for the pink-haired harlot she held fast in her hands. ‘There’s a good girl. We’re going to have fun with this little slut, Rupert, you’ll see. Lift her up by her pussy, like I told you.’

  Amanda worked Nola’s skirt up high so that she could watch the long muscles in the girl’s slender thighs tense and quiver as Rupert’s hand raised her. ‘Bring her over to the sofa.’ Amanda undid her own skirt and let it fall to the floor before following. ‘Push her down to her knees.’ Amanda stood in front of Nola’s face. ‘Take my panties off for me.’

  With her hands bound behind her, Nola had no way to obey except by leaning forwards and taking the waistband of Amanda’s panties between her teeth. She worked her head from side to side, dragging down, gradually peeling the sodden silk lower, down her thighs and to her ankles. Amanda kicked them off and spread her legs, her naked mound inches from Nola’s mouth. She didn’t have to look to know that the pink inner lips, slick and likely still a little puffy from her afternoon with Tom, were showing.

  ‘You like to eat pussy?’ she asked.

  Nola nodded and licked her lips. Damn! Amanda had been right. The girl was more experienced than she was, when it came to lesbian loving. OK – she’d just have to keep faking it. She threw herself down on her back, on the sofa, flung one leg up on to the sofa’s back and spread the other wide, her foot on the floor.

  ‘Rupert,’ she commanded, ‘get rid of her skirt and panties. Bend her over the sofa’s arm.’

  The young man pulled Nola to her feet, stripped her of her skirt and panties and pushed her over the padded leather arm. Her cheek landed on the inside of Amanda’s thigh. Amanda took control of the girl’s head with one fist in her hair.

  Amanda said, ‘This nasty little slut has been a very bad girl, haven’t you, Nola?’

p; She whispered, ‘Yes, Ms Garland.’

  ‘You are going to punish her for me, Rupert. You’re going to spank her for me. We’ll start with twenty slaps.’ When that didn’t seem to worry the girl, Amanda added, ‘On each cheek of her bum. Cup your hand and bring it down hard. I want to hear it land. She can take it. She’s taken a lot worse than that before, haven’t you, Nola?’

  ‘Yes, Ms Garland,’ Nola admitted with a shy little smile.

  Bitch! Sure, she’d been spanked before – by Roger. Amanda fought a sudden rush of anger. It only made sense to stop abusing the girl if she really felt anger towards her, and Amanda didn’t want to stop. Her hand twisted in Nola’s hair, raising her head. The look on the slut’s doll-face somehow combined perfect innocence with eager depravity. Amanda’s anger dissolved.

  ‘Well, my sweet little fallen angel,’ she cooed, ‘are you going to be a big brave girl for me?’

  ‘I’ll try. I promise I’ll try, Ms Garland.’

  ‘And are you going to lick me nicely?’

  ‘I’ll do my best.’

  ‘Then we shall begin.’ Amanda pushed Nola’s face down and guided her mouth into the soft wet folds of her pussy.

  Unbidden, an inquisitive tongue teased Amanda’s inner lips apart. God, the girl’s mouth was so gentle, her tongue so slim, her face so smooth – it was like nothing Amanda had ever felt before. She wanted simply to surrender to the sensations, but if she did so it would likely plunge her two young sex slaves into complete confusion.

  ‘Rupert, start the spanking. Take it slow. Count out loud.’

  His hand rose and fell.

  ‘Put some effort into it! That was a love-pat, not a spank.’

  ‘Sorry, Ms Amanda. I’ll start over.’ His next slap whacked. ‘One.’

  Nola jerked. Her tongue circled, teasing the inner surfaces of Amanda’s lips. Amanda pulled her in tighter and wriggled, spreading herself over Nola’s cheeks. The girl’s tongue flickered in a way that promised Amanda’s clit pleasures to come.


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