Cooper (Full Throttle Series)

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Cooper (Full Throttle Series) Page 13

by Hazel Parker

  Of course, I wasn’t going to lie to myself. I also just wanted to hear his voice, too.

  The phone rang a couple of times before going to voicemail, and I ended up leaving a message. I called a second time just in case, already walking back to the table. But the call was answered on the third ring, and shock filled me when I heard a familiar voice say hello.

  A familiar female voice.



  What was Honey doing with Cooper’s phone?

  There had to be an explanation, which was what had me keeping my voice steady. “Why are you answering Cooper’s call?”

  There was hesitation on the other line, followed by silence that had me stilling. Dread filled my stomach, because a person who wasn’t hiding something wouldn’t remain silent like this.

  “Honey?” I prodded. I took a deep breath, then decided to plow on, consequences be damned. “Are you guys out on a date or something?”

  “We’re not.”

  Relief poured out of me like a wine cork being popped. But the relief was short lived as I listened to her next words, only to be replaced by horror like no other.

  “Cooper got into an accident while we were on the race track. He’s on route in an ambulance to the hospital right now. I am following behind in my car.”


  I didn’t even have to put my foot down to cut lunch short with my kids, which only screamed how my face must have looked like when I told them I needed to go to the hospital. I didn’t dwell on it, instead concentrating on driving as I tried to erase all the negative thoughts from my mind. I had Cooper’s mom’s phone number and asked Honey to pass it along to the hospital staff. I got to the hospital in no time, and it was a miracle that I managed to keep myself calm and composed as I went over to where his room was located.

  I opened the door and stepped in, and the first thing I noticed was the sight of Cooper in the hospital bed, his eyes closed and bandages on his head and arm. It had my heart flying up my throat as fear gripped me tight and didn’t let go.

  The second thing I noticed, quite dimly, was how Honey was sitting at the side of his bed and holding his hand. Tightly.

  Something boiled in my stomach, hot and clenching. I pushed it off and tried to act rationally. But I must have made a sound because Honey glanced in my direction and stood up when she realized that she was no longer alone with him. But she didn’t let go of his hand, and something sour stuck in my throat at the sight.

  “Sara,” she said, her voice shaking with emotion. “You’re here.”

  “I’m here,” I said steadily. Then, no longer able to help it, I walked over to them until I was standing right by the bed. “What happened? How is he?”

  She looked like she was having trouble breathing, much less speaking. Taking pity, I ushered her towards the nearest available chair, eventually breaking off their hand-holding. Seeing how she was already on the verge of hysterics, I soothed her as best as I could.

  When Honey was relatively calmer, she finally began to tell me how something seemed weird with Cooper’s driving at the race track, only for her to realize later on that it had to do with his car. Cooper must have realized it, too, but it was too late, as he’d already lost control of the wheel and was rolling around the track before skidding to a halt on a cement wall. The impact caused the driver side’s door to become crushed, which in turn hit his head and fractured his arm in a few places.

  It sounded like such a familiar scenario that I couldn’t help but fist my hand and place it at my side to pinch myself. Almost two years ago, an accident during the Daytona 500 had caused some cars to topple on top of each other, with Gray and Cooper included in the accident. They came out bruised but fine in the end, but one of their fellow race drivers, James Kinnick, had taken the worst of it when his car rolled around before catching air and crashing. He had suffered broken bones all over his body, enough to end his career abruptly. Even now, he was said to be still in therapy, with no news on how he was doing and if he was ever going to drive a car again, much less walk properly.

  The thought that something like that could have happened to Cooper …I shook my head, realizing I was thinking negative thoughts again.

  The doctor came in before Honey could explain any more.

  “I’m Dr. Brent, and you are…”

  “I am Sara and this is a close friend, Honey, who was with Cooper at the crash site. Has Cooper’s family been notified?”

  “Yes, I spoke with his mother and she said you were a close family friend. I believe they are on the next available flights. She also said you were his local contact.”

  Well that is sweet. My heart sang a little.

  “Yes I am. Tell me what’s going on with him please.”

  Relief came when he assured that the fracture was minor, though Cooper was prevented from doing any exertion using his arms during the next few weeks. That included driving, of course. I knew Cooper wasn’t going to like it, but the doctor confirmed that he would be back to normal with some rest in 4 to 6 weeks.

  When the doctor left, Honey looked like she was about to burst into tears but trying very hard to contain it.

  “I shouldn’t have let him ride,” she said, misery in her tone. “I knew he was preoccupied. But I let him, anyway.”

  If the hand-holding didn’t confirm anything, then this did. I could practically hear the affection in her tone, along with something else—something that I should have suspected from the very beginning. Or maybe I already did suspect. I knew Cooper’s charm was bound to make women fall in love, but I hadn’t witnessed it firsthand until now. I thought she just had a crush when I heard her wistful tone before during our lunch session, but it looked like I was wrong.

  I took Honey’s hand, waiting until she looked up and met my gaze. Then I squeezed.

  “He’ll be fine,” I said firmly. “This is not your fault. You need to go home and get some rest.”


  “No buts. I’ll take care of him.”

  I didn’t necessarily emphasize the last part, but some of my emotions may have come out, anyway. I watched Honey’s eyes widen as realization set in. Denial flashed for the first few seconds, followed by hurt brimming on the surface. Then she took her hand off mine and took a step back, visibly trying to wrestle with her current feelings following my indirect declaration.

  It made me feel bad. But then again, I didn’t want to lie to her and pretend that there was nothing going on between me and Cooper, which in turn would be unfair to her. I even expected some kind of scathing remark from her. But Honey nodded her head instead, telling me in a tight voice that she’ll check up on him again after her shift.

  “That would be great,” I said softly.

  She left.

  When she was gone, my shoulders slumped as I finally allowed myself to breathe. I went to Cooper’s side immediately, watching his sleeping form as worry seeped inside me.

  Which meant it was up to me to take care of him until his family arrived.

  I took his hand, feeling his warm and calloused palm against mine. I held it for a long time, closing my eyes and praying that he would be fine in the long run. I knew how much racing mattered to him, a passion that couldn’t be forgotten nor denied in the long run.

  I didn’t know how long I had my eyes closed. All I knew was that I opened them as soon as I felt his fingers move—a slow, gentle stroke over my palm that was almost like a soothing caress. I caught him just as his eyelashes fluttered, right before his eyes opened and stared at the ceiling. They weren’t focused at first, even when they drifted over to me.

  Then they cleared, and a small, dimpled smile came that had my heart stumbling.

  “I must be in heaven,” he drawled.

  Oh, Sara.

  You’re in big trouble now.



  The first thing that came to mind when I realized I was in the hospital and saw Sara was jus
t how pretty she looked, worrying her bottom lip like that and making it look all swollen and kissable. I was clearly on some damn good meds ‘cause shit did I feel good.

  Then reality kicked in as I began to remember what happened before I lost consciousness.

  I didn’t panic, because that would get me nowhere. But I did grow wary, especially when I still didn’t know what happened.

  I straightened as slowly as I could even while lying down, trying to determine if anything hurt. My shoulders did, and I saw that there were bandages on my arm.

  All over my arm.

  Just as I was about to attempt to sit up, Sara removed her hand from mine and placed it gently on the center of my chest.

  “I wouldn’t advise that now,” she warned.

  “I can sit up,” I told her softly. “Just sit up and nothing else.”

  She seemed reluctant at first. But she trusted me enough to nod her head and watched as I did so, using her arms as to brace myself. I gritted my teeth as discomfort zinged in my body, but we both took care not to move my bandaged arm at all. Still, I didn’t miss the pinpricks of pain that shot up, disappearing quickly when I finally settled into the new position.

  It felt like I had just run a marathon, and I had to take deep breaths to get my heartbeat back on track. When I was relatively calmer, I turned to look at Sara, who still looked pretty worried but was trying her best to hide it.

  “So can I still walk?” I asked lightly.

  She choked on a laugh, effectively slicing through the tense air. It wasn’t that I wasn’t worried. Hell, I was. But there was no point in pouting over it when I didn’t even know the situation yet, so I told myself to calm down and get it from her straight.

  Sara took a deep breath. I ushered her beside me until she was sitting at the edge of the bed, our skin touching. I inhaled her warm scent in as she spoke in soft, clear tones, telling me word for word what the doctor told her and easing my worries bit by bit. I had a fracture and needed to rest, but I would recover in time.

  Which meant I could still race.

  Contented with the news, thankful that I was alive, I used my good arm to pull her in and wrapped it around her waist. She was wary at first, but when she saw that I wasn’t in pain from that side, she leaned against me and kissed my cheek.

  I turned my head, capturing her mouth in mine. An ache slid inside me as I realized how much I missed kissing her—even the soft kisses that we almost never shared, or at least almost never lasted because we were often too randy for each other. There was no tongue involved in this one kiss, but it felt as intimate as sharing one’s soul.

  Right. Apparently, getting injured was turning me even more poetic than before.

  When I eased her back reluctantly, we were both breathing hard, and her body practically hummed against mine. She licked her lower lip, drawing my gaze right there as she spoke.

  “Did you want me to update your family about this?” she asked, the tremor in her voice making my body stir.

  “About the kiss?”

  Her mouth quirked. “About your condition.”

  I shook my head. “I’d rather they not know, especially if I’ll be fine in a few weeks.”

  “Oh well they know already. I think your mom is on her way,” I hope he doesn’t hate me.

  “Quickly call her for me and tell her not to come! I am fine.” As she reached for her phone and dialed the number.

  She held the phone to my ear as I spoke to my mom. Easing her mind and convincing her to cancel her flight. Finally she reluctantly agreed.

  “Yes Mom, Sara is with me. I promise I am fine. It was a small crash. I will be as new in no time. Please don’t come. Okay. Love you too.”

  “Okay.” She tilted her head, frowning, deep in thought as she threw her phone back in her pocket. Then she turned back to me, and the expression she had was now determined. “That does it.”

  “Does what?”

  “I’m clearing my schedule for the week.”

  “There’s no need—”

  “And I’m staying over at your place. No arguments.”

  I blinked. Then I stared, unable to believe what she was saying. I knew she was saying it with the best intentions in mind, but suddenly my mind was elsewhere—particularly naughty things that I shouldn’t even be thinking about right now.

  But I couldn’t help it, and I smirked.

  “No arguments from me.”


  The discharge from the hospital and transfer to my apartment was surprisingly easy, with Sara by my side every step of the way to make sure everything went smoothly. If this was how she ran a boardroom, then it was guaranteed that nothing could go wrong considering how meticulous she was. I asked about her kids, but Sara assured me that they were fine with her staying here and taking care of me—something I didn’t believe for a second.

  Which hopefully meant she put her foot down and told them to stay out of her love life.

  For some reason, it made me extremely happy, lending to my good mood when we got to the apartment and she fussed over me. It lasted until noon when she ordered lunch for us both and joked about how she didn’t want to cook right now and send me to the hospital all over again.

  It was in the afternoon when the guilt finally slid in as I remembered that this was probably what Sara had to do when her late husband had been sick, too. I brooded over the thought but was shocked when she saw right through me and told me that my situation was different and not to worry. I tried not to, watching some movies and trying to stretch my muscles as Sara set up a table beside me and decided to work from home instead of not working altogether. It lent to a nice atmosphere, especially when she finished up, turned the couch into a bed, and snuggled beside me under my good arm.

  We lasted a few days in bliss, right until the seventh day when I began to grow restless. I could stand up on my own, but my legs were still weak from lack of mobility, and I stumbled a few times while trying to walk—enough for Sara to scold me and me to feel irate over it.

  “Stop pushing it. It won’t help.”

  “Yes, it will,” I shot back. She was sitting at her desk and frowning at me, and it bothered me so much that I ended up shooting her an even deeper frown.

  Sara sighed. Then she stood up and walked towards me, stopping only a few steps away to fold her arms. She gave me a disapproving look, one that had me sure there would a lecture coming in a few seconds.

  I was right, of course.

  “Why do you think pushing yourself so hard when you aren’t ready is a good idea?”

  She said it in such a pleasant, calm tone that I couldn’t help glaring at her. Then, realizing how stupid it was when she did nothing wrong, I hobbled my way back over to the couch, almost stumbling again and stifling the curse that was about to come out. I landed with a hard plop on my butt, gritting my teeth as my bad arm brushed it and pain reverberated.

  Pride stinging, I looked down and rubbed my casted arm. The cast itself wasn’t so bad, though it itched from time to time. But it was a constant reminder of what I couldn’t do at the moment, and Christ knew driving was one of the few things that relaxed me. I was just getting restless. Sick of being sore.

  I felt weight sink the couch beside me, then watched out of the corner of my eye as Sara’s fingers moved to rub my shoulders soothingly. That only made me feel even worse, considering how grumpy I was. Her finger lifted my chin up, making me sigh reluctantly.

  “Christ, Sara, I’m sorry—”

  My words were interrupted by her mouth pressing against mine—a soothing touch as she urged me with her lips to open my mouth for her. I did so easily, willingly, feeling her sink into the kiss as she climbed on my lap. I chuckled, but the chuckle died into a soft groan when she began to move her hips, grinding that pert ass against my lap until my erection became more prominent and throbbed for her.

  I tried to grab her closer. But before I could, she was already sliding out of my lap and making me groan in protest. I tried
to reach out for her, but Sara swatted my hand away and laughed.

  Then she slid down on her knees.

  I stared down at her. She stared up at me, her eyes glittering with intent as she slowly, purposely slid her hands up my knees. I was only wearing sweatpants and nothing underneath, and her gaze gleamed when she saw my bulge and how it stood at attention.

  “Sara…” I breathed out. “I’m not asking you to…”

  “But I want to,” she whispered. Her palm settled on top of the bulge, and I closed my eyes at the sensation it ignited inside me.

  Sara didn’t stop there, and my body was slowly set on fire as she slid my sweatpants down. I opened my eyes just in time to watch her lick her lips while she eyed my cock, the hunger in them apparent. Her pink tongue came out to lick the tip, and I gritted my teeth as I burned.

  For the life of me, I couldn’t describe what happened next anymore—particularly when Sara opened her mouth wide and leaned down to fully take me in. I was torn between choking from the pleasure and begging for more, but she satisfied all my needs with her gentle lapping and hard sucking.

  I thought she would take it all the way. But Sara stopped halfway, standing up. I remained quiet as I watched her remove her shirt, the movements like a slow, erotic dance. Then she shimmied out of her shorts and panties, shaking her head until her curls went wild around her face. A small smile played on her lips as she straddled me, one that was bordering on a smirk.

  “You’re trying to torture me, aren’t you?” I asked.

  Sara nodded her head. Then wrapped her hand around my cock again and guided it inside her, sinking down on me slowly until I was surrounded by her tight, wet sheath. I groaned out my approval, then groaned out some more when her hips started moving.


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