Rescue Me

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Rescue Me Page 9

by Kira Sinclair

  And not just for one night.

  Looking down to where Duchess sat at the bottom of the stairs, Finn simply shrugged. He dropped the sheets on the floor and went back down, making a circuit of the house to double check that all the doors and windows were secured. He’d done that with the officers once already, but he wouldn’t be able to sleep if he didn’t do it again.

  Confident that everything was as tight as could be, he told Duchess to curl up on the sofa in the living room. He’d set out bowls of water and food for her earlier. Normally, she slept in the same room with him, but he wanted her downstairs, their first line of defense should whoever broke in show up again.

  It took him about five minutes to put the sheets on the bed, dump the pile of decorative pillows and smothering comforter into a corner and strip. Finn let out a sigh of relief when he finally crashed onto the soft mattress.

  He was out within minutes.


  SHE COULDN’T SLEEP. It was so stupid. She was exhausted, her body so tired that she physically ached with it. But her mind just wouldn’t stop spinning.

  Crystal meth. In her bar.

  The role she’d agreed to play and the way it made walking away from Finn impossible. He made her nervous. Uncomfortable. Hell, he stirred all of her senses and made her want.

  Which only made the lie she’d told him when he first found the drugs worse.

  Then there was the break-in.

  She wasn’t naive enough to think drugs had never found their way into the Rose before. Her team had caught kids popping ecstasy in the bathrooms once or twice. Another time, they’d even found some asshole trying to slip GHB into a woman’s drink. And she had no doubt some patrons walked in the door high.

  But she’d been secure in the idea that her team was at least keeping dealers from using her place as their turf.

  And the break-in only made her realize the problem was bigger than she’d first thought.

  It was probably too much to hope that the incidents were coincidental. The timing was too perfect. She really wished Finn had been wrong when he hypothesized someone had come looking for their stash. But she really didn’t think he was.

  Not that it mattered. The result was still the same—Finn was right now down the hallway, sleeping in her guest bedroom.

  Finn. God, he was so irritating and amazing. Protective and infuriating. Sexy as hell with that dangerous edge that she always seemed to find attractive.

  The story he’d told her about his had broken her heart. And explained so much about the man who had steamrolled his way into her life.

  She was honestly impressed by the way he seemed to have handled the tragedy. He’d taken the worst moment of his life and turned it into a driving force. A purpose.

  But he was so dictatorial and commanding. Like she needed that in her life. She was too strong and independent to deal with that kind of bullshit. Like him demanding to stay at her place.

  Okay, so there was a part of her that appreciated the reassurance of knowing he was down the hall. And, as much as Duchess made her skittish, she had to admit that knowing she was downstairs—she’d heard Finn tell her to stay—helped settle her nerves.

  Maybe she should give in to whatever this was between them, let the pent-up energy find an outlet. And hope that it burned hot and bright and then disappeared.

  And, God, the longer she lay there, staring at her ceiling in the dark, the more her body buzzed with the need to do just that. She wasn’t normally the kind of woman to be ruled by her libido. But right now, she couldn’t seem to get a grip.

  She was restless and edgy, her mind spinning uncontrollably.

  Damn him for kissing the hell out of her. For waking her up and making her want. For sending that flare of need shooting through her body.

  All she could think about was what would’ve happened if they hadn’t been interrupted. She had no doubt that Finn McAllister knew his way around a woman’s body. He’d proven that with just his mouth. Tucker couldn’t imagine what he could accomplish with his hands and that long, thick ridge of an erection in the mix.

  No, that wasn’t true. Her imagination was pretty damn good—capable of sinking any good intentions she might have.

  She wanted him. It was that simple. Finn had made it clear he desired her. Who knew how long they’d have to play this little charade?

  The reality was she’d barely survived one day without caving. Eventually, her body would overrule her head. Better to be in control of the capitulation than to explode into a messy situation that might feel damn good, but would end hella complicated.

  Besides, tonight, after everything, she didn’t want to be alone.

  Before she could change her mind, Tucker bounded out of bed. Her feet smacked the floor, ankle twinging a reminder that she was still injured, and she padded down the hall.

  She didn’t bother knocking on the closed door. It was her damn house. And if she found him already naked that would just make things that much easier.

  Pushing the door open, Tucker’s gaze shot around the dark room.

  “Tucker?” His voice came at her, a low, deep pulse running through the single word.

  Closing the door behind her, Tucker let her body sag against the hard panel. Her hand was still a fist around the knob...just in case something changed her mind.

  “Hey. What’s wrong?” She heard the shift of the blanket and sheets. Saw the shadow of him as he rose from the bed. “I promise you’re safe. Duchess is downstairs guarding the place. If anyone comes back they’ll have to get through both of us before they get to you.”

  Out of the darkness, his hands clasped her shoulders.

  And that was all she needed.

  Grabbing for him, Tucker went up onto her toes and somehow managed to find his mouth in the dark. His muffled sound of shock ricocheted through her, but wasn’t nearly as devastating as the groan that followed. She wasn’t even sure if the sound was his or hers.

  Heat suffused her, flashing up from the bottoms of her feet to consume her in a flame that was so strong. She hadn’t felt this way in a very long time. Maybe ever.

  Tucker’s hands raced across his chest, over his shoulders, across his ribs. She encountered the waistband of his boxer-briefs and realized he’d been lying when he said he slept naked. Wasn’t that a shame.

  Curling her fingers into the band, Tucker went to yank them down, but before she could, Finn’s hips shot back. His mouth disengaged and his hands tightened around her shoulders, holding her at arm’s length.

  “Whoa, kitten. Take a breath.”

  “I don’t need to breathe,” she panted, each word a gasp that echoed in the throb between her thighs.

  “Maybe not, but I do. This is one hell of a one-eighty. Yesterday you slapped me, tonight you’re ripping my clothes off. What’s changed?”

  “Nothing. No, everything. I don’t know.”

  Tucker squeezed her eyes shut and begged her brain to clear so she could make sense. Dropping her head back, she let it bang against the door.

  “You’ve been trying to get in my panties since we first met, Finn. Are you telling me now that I’m offering you’re turning me down?”

  “Hell, no. Right now I’d give anything to have you flat on your back in that bed, coming apart beneath me while I thrust deep.”

  “Yes.” That’s what she wanted.

  “But, despite what you apparently think of me, I’m not the kind of man who takes advantage of a woman who’s just been thrown for an emotional loop.” Reaching up, his fingertips slipped across her cheek, tangling in a piece of hair that had fallen over her shoulder. He tucked it behind her ear, his movements soft and gentle.

  No. That wasn’t what she needed. Not right now. She needed wild passion. She needed exhaustion so her brain could
shut off. She needed for her body to feel something—everything—so the rest of her could

  “You’re not taking advantage. I’m a big girl and I know what I’m doing. Tonight, that’s all that’s on the table. I don’t want more. Not with a man who demands more than he asks. Not with someone who has no problem forcing his way into my life.”

  His lips ticked up in the smallest of smiles. “Kitten, the only man you’d let into your life is one that blasted his way through those walls you’ve built sky high. And, trust me, I’m more than happy to give you a physical outlet whenever you need one, but not tonight. And not like this.”

  Tucker growled in the back of her throat. Embarrassment at his rejection rolled up through her chest. Her skin flushed warm. Thank heaven for the darkness hiding her humiliation.

  Tucker tried to move out of his grasp. Her hand, still tucked against the small of her back, tried to turn the knob. But Finn wasn’t letting her go and the knob wouldn’t cooperate.

  “Oh, no, you don’t.”

  Without asking permission, Finn bent and scooped her up into his arms. It was only a few steps from the door to the bed. He set her down, but almost before her back hit the mattress she was scrambling up again.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Giving you what you really need.” Finn landed on the bed beside her, wrapped an arm around her waist and used the weight of his own body to pull her back down onto the bed.

  Stretched out behind her, he tucked her small body into the shelter of his big one. His legs tangled with hers, holding her hostage.

  Tucker struggled. This was not what she’d had in mind when she’d decided to go to him. How had this gone so terribly wrong?

  Sure, she didn’t have a lot of experience seducing men, but she had a front row seat to the best training ground there was. She thought for sure she’d learned enough to get the job done.

  Apparently not.

  His fingers swept her hair out of the way, exposing her neck. She could feel the warmth of each breath across her skin. The solid weight of him at her back. He surrounded her. His heat. His scent.

  His strength.

  “It’s okay, Tucker. I’ve got you.”

  His words, whispered into her ear, broke something inside her she hadn’t realized was dammed.

  A shudder rolled through her, shaking her entire body from toes to crown. And then she relaxed, every muscle just...letting go.

  “That’s it. You’re strong for everyone else. For yourself. There’s no weakness in leaning on someone every once and a while.”

  “Says the big, bad military man.” She attempted a chuckle, but the sound came out broken.

  “Have you seen my dog downstairs? She’s an extension of me. I depend on her. She depends on me. It’s a two-way street.”

  “She’s an animal, Finn.”

  “Don’t tell her that. Sometimes I’m convinced she thinks she’s human. Who do you let in, Kentucky Rose?” he asked, brushing his fingers down her arm, to tangle with her fingers.

  No one. She let no one in. And that was the way it was going to stay. Because people left. Moved on. Change was the only constant in life and she knew herself well enough to realize she didn’t handle it well.

  “Go to sleep. If you still want sex in the morning, we can talk. Or not talk...”

  Inexplicably, a grin curled across her lips. “Bastard.”

  She felt his shrug, but he said nothing more.

  And, to her utter surprise, this time, when she closed her eyes, her brain didn’t spin. Instead, exhaustion pulled at her and she was asleep in seconds.

  * * *

  FINN WOKE UP to an inferno. It rolled through his gut and throbbed at the center of his soul.

  No, wait, that was his dick.

  There was a warm body draped across him. Silky hair tickled his chin and chest. The soft, subtle smell of a woman filled his lungs. And his hand was currently curved around a naked hip.

  Tucker. She was curled against him, taking up all the space and making him burn.

  Cracking his eyes open, Finn surveyed the situation.

  Somehow, his hand had worked its way beneath the waistband of Tucker’s shorts, hence the handful of her naked skin. God, it was so smooth and warm.

  He should probably do the right thing and pull back. But he wasn’t going to. She’d come to him last night. Yes, she’d been begging for one thing while really searching for another. But...

  Tucker’s eyelids fluttered. Her body shifted, making him groan when her hip grazed against the stiff erection currently begging him to take what he so desperately wanted.

  The dark pink tip of her tongue flicked out over her lips right before her incredible blue eyes popped open.

  The sleepy, dreamy expression on her face nearly killed him. Paired with the slow, sexy smile that curled her lips... He was only human.

  “Morning, kitten.”

  The space right between her eyes puckered adorably. “Don’t call me that,” she murmured, her voice rough with sleep.

  Unable to resist, Finn dipped his head and claimed her mouth. The kiss was easy, lingering. Just the brush of his lips against hers over and over again until he felt the rush of her sigh caress his open mouth.

  Finn pulled back, searching for some semblance of honor, but she pursued, taking and deepening their connection.

  “Nope,” she said against his mouth. “More.”

  “Are you awake, Tucker?”

  “Yes.” The single word pressed into him, making his skin buzz.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Mmm,” she hummed, stretching her body. Sharp hips and soft breasts rubbed against him in all the right places. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this awake in my life. Touch me, Finn. Now.”

  Filling his hands with her blond curls, Finn cupped the back of her head and held her still while he stared into those brilliant blue eyes for several seconds. He searched her gaze, for any sign of the uncertainty, fear and confusion she’d possessed last night. The reason he’d said no when his entire body was begging him to say yes.

  Last night, she’d wanted something quick to take the sting out of everything that had happened. And any other time he might have been willing to give her what she needed.

  But he’d known after ten minutes with her that he wanted more from Tucker Blackburn than a quick tussle between the sheets. She was the kind of woman who made life interesting and entertaining.

  Instinctively, Finn knew she’d be like a Roman candle, all spark, sizzle and beautiful flash of burning light. He wanted it. All of her. And once would not be enough.

  This first time wasn’t going to be quick. He needed to savor every second and sensation. Every inch she agreed to share with him.

  Tucker stared back at him, certainty, understanding and a twinge of disquiet filling her clear gaze. He would have been more concerned if that twinge wasn’t there. It told him she realized that this was more than the verbal parry and thrust they’d been exchanging.

  That disquiet told him she got it and felt the same kernel of apprehension that he did. Because he wasn’t sure he could handle this any more than she could.

  But he sure as hell was willing to see what happened. He’d be a damn fool to let her go before they knew.

  Trying to alleviate some of the tension curling beneath the surface, Finn let a knowing smirk tug at the edges of his lips.

  “God, sometimes I want to smack you,” she murmured.

  He had no doubt. “I’m sure. But most of the time you want to back me up against a wall and have your wicked way with me.”

  Tucker choked, “I’m pretty sure you’re the one who’s got a thing for walls, soldier.”

  He shrugged. She wasn’t wrong. Whenever she was close the
only thing he could think was how to get closer.

  “Maybe, but this morning I’ll settle for tasting every inch of you.”

  Reaching between them, Finn grasped the lacy edge of the tank that matched her tiny sleep shorts and tugged until she leaned up so he could pull it over her head.

  God, her skin was a dusky rose, warm from sleep. Her breasts were amazing, the dark pink tips of them pearled up and begging for him to taste.

  Rolling them both, Finn tucked her beneath him. He found the pulse thudding at the side of her neck and sucked. She tasted like heaven, all heady and sweet.

  He trailed kisses down her throat, across her collarbone, sucking, tasting, leaving little nips along her skin.

  But Tucker wasn’t the kind of woman to just sit and take. She wanted something and had no problems showing him. Twisting her fingers into his hair, she applied gentle pressure, urging him lower.

  Finn breathed a laugh against her, trailing the edge of his tongue along the curve of her breast. He circled her puckered nipple, never quite touching where she wanted. Her fingers tightened, skating the edge of pain as she tried to force him to suck her deep inside his mouth.

  He wasn’t an easy one to bend.

  “Finn,” she said, the single word a warning he had no problem ignoring.

  “Tucker,” he countered, switching to the other breast to deliver the same sweet torture.

  “Touch me.”

  “I am.” He had a damn hard time fighting the smile she would have felt from blooming across his face.

  “Not where I want.”

  “Mmmm,” he rumbled, the nonresponse no doubt as infuriating as his lack of compliance with her demands.

  In the end they’d both appreciate that he hadn’t listened.

  Touching her, tasting her was a treat he intended to fully indulge. Her body was a marvel, all compact muscle and lithe lines. The way she moved intrigued him and had from the first moment he’d laid eyes on her.

  He wanted to discover every secret she held...and protect them for her.


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