Dazzle: The Billionaire's Secret Surrogate (Contemporary BWWM Romance)

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Dazzle: The Billionaire's Secret Surrogate (Contemporary BWWM Romance) Page 6

by Destiny Davis

  He paused as he walked closer, drinking in the sight of her graceful form lying in his bed, a surge of masculine satisfaction firing through him at the thought. She looked so beautiful, so carefree now that the relaxation of sleep had soothed the troubled lines that had marred her expression just a few short hours ago.

  It was hard to believe that he had just known this woman a day. It felt like the most natural, wonderful thing to come to bed, and find her in it. He wanted more days like this, and especially nights, he grinned to himself as he measured the steady rise and fall of her chest as she slumbered.

  Archer couldn’t take his eyes off her, her beauty astounding him, but it was so much more than that. She was so much more. Everything about her: her strength, her spirit, her optimism and refusal to quit in the face of so much hardship all attested to the beauty that lay inside. He’d never met anyone quite like her.

  “Poor girl,” he whispered, as he climbed in and wrapped her gently in his arms, careful not to disturb her peaceful sleep. “You really must be tired from all of this. And you’re probably scared as hell, too.”

  And with those words, Archer soon drifted off to sleep as well, too tired even to wonder what the morning would bring.

  Chapter 13

  When Kady woke up the next morning, her body was on fire. She felt a pair of lips exploring her collarbone, and she moaned softly, bringing her fingers up to slide through the softness of Archer’s long, brown hair. Her brain returned the fact that he must have untied it, and she found herself eager for a look at him with it cascading down instead of drawn back away from his face.

  Was it possible for a man to look even more handsome than ever just because he had been sleeping? The drooping eyelids and lazy downward tilt of his lips did wonders for her already revving libido. Who knew that simply waking up to him would have her feeling like this? She was still too sleepy to even be frightened by the reaction.

  As soon as he was aware that she’d opened her eyes, Archer cast his bedmate his most winning smile and moved up slightly so he could kiss her. His lips found hers, and one of his hands smoothed down her side until it reached the bottom of her nightshirt, an old t-shirt of his that was about three sizes too big, then deftly snuck under the fabric at her hip and smoothed upwards again, taking the shirt along for the ride.

  Kady groaned at the simple yet highly effective touch. If it worked so well on her, she wondered, how well would that work on Archer? Shyly, she did it back, making him groan even louder than she’d done. But she also got more than she’d bargained for, because he then slid one of his legs over both of hers, bringing his lower anatomy into sharp contact with her thigh. His cock was huge, and ready, and panic was her middle name.

  “Archer!” she gasped, trembling with sudden fear as much as with desire.

  “Hush, Kady,” he said softly. “I want you to get used to me. My body is yours. To touch, to taste, whatever you want. Here, give me your hand.”

  Kady let Archer guide her hand down to touch him, but her first reaction was to gasp and snatch it away as soon as she’d felt him beneath her fingertips. “That’s—that’s huge, Archer!”

  “Thanks,” he chuckled.

  “No—but I mean—it’s so big, how does it…well, you know?”

  “It works, believe me,” he replied, this time with a full belly laugh that had her humiliation ratcheting despite her attempts to stay calm. “And this one in particular would really, really like to.”

  “Um, I—really, really?”

  “Very much,” he said huskily, kissing her again. This time, he slid his tongue between her lips, and Kady’s insides caught fire. She was beginning to see why kissing was such a popular activity. She tried to match Archer’s tongue movements, and when he realized it he started to show her other movements to try out.

  “You haven’t kissed a guy either, then?” he asked softly at some point.

  “Only once for a photo shoot, but not like this.”

  Archer sighed as he kissed her again, this time just a gentle peck of the lips. Then he tossed the blanket down by their feet as he sat up and started unbuttoning Kady’s pajama top.

  “Archer!” she gasped, though she didn’t do anything to stop him, immobilized by shock, or lust, or maybe a combination of both.

  He smirked devilishly while he continued what he was doing. Then he deftly unfastened her bra as well, making Kady gasp again. Loudly. She was sure shock was winning when his lips came down, claiming one dark nipple with a questing tongue. Kady’s hands instinctively flew up into his hair and gave a little tug, but this served only to increase the intensity of his touch.

  “Mm, sweet chocolate,” he hummed against her breast, making her giggle.

  “So lame,” she told him.

  “So beautiful,” he countered, cupping her face between his hands.

  “Archer…” she said softly, and he moved up to kiss her again. This time as he did so, his hand came down to the button on her pajama bottoms, expertly pulling it open with just two of his fingers. “God, what are you—Archer!”

  His fingers were inside her pajamas, rubbing downward. They found the sweet, wet slit they were looking for. Kady thought she might go delirious at the gentle touch. Such a noise as she’d never heard come out of her mouth escaped, high pitched and decadent sounding, like she had just gotten her first taste of ambrosia or something. She thought she probably had.

  “That’s nice, isn’t it?’ said Archer soothingly. “You like that?”

  “Y-y-yes!” she stammered out. Her hips were wriggling despite her best intentions to keep them still. Archer moved so that his cock was rubbing her thigh again.

  “It’d feel better without those bottoms on,” he mentioned between his heady kisses. Amazingly, there was nothing Kady wanted more than for those damned pajama pants to disappear right that second. She scrambled out of them so fast it would even put her fellow models to shame.

  Archer laughed as she pounced back onto the bed beside him. “Eager girl,” he teased. “Let’s see if we can make you sing for me, eh?”

  He put his hand back again, rubbing and circling his way down to the opening, then slid one finger up inside her tightness. Suddenly, she could feel all her inhibitions disappearing with each touch . “Archer, come on, do that! Yeah! That’s so nice!”

  “Do you know what I’m going to do, Kady?” he whispered against her lips.

  “Make love to me?” she asked, her tone slightly nervous.

  “Nope, I’m just going to make you want me to.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because then you’ll be thinking about it all—day—long—“ he teased her. “And that’s a good thing, since that means you will be so wet for me at bedtime, won’t you?

  “Archer!” she groaned, any thought at a comeback obliterated by the touch of his talented fingers, making her body feel things she had never felt before. She felt electric.

  “So wet, and so ready to find out what the fuss is all about,” he added, his words soft murmurs against her skin, stroking her faster as he bent his head down taking one of her nipples into his mouth.

  “Archer!” she groaned again, but he didn’t stop the gentle torture, and he didn’t let her come either. Every time she neared that edge, he would pull back or change his rhythm just enough to keep her going ever up and up. She thought that one of them was going to die, but she was pretty sure it wouldn’t be her. She’d be the one who had killed him for making her wait.

  Chapter 14

  That afternoon Archer had finally convinced Kady that there was no reason to leave any of her things in the storage unit she had recently paid for. Still being of the mindset that it was wasteful not to use the month up, she convinced him that they should at least find somebody else who would be able to use it and let them put their stuff inside.

  “Thank you so much!” said the woman who had benefited from Kady’s charity. “You won’t regret this. I’m going to make sure and keep my things now. You don’t
know how worried I was about where to put them after I rescued them from here! You truly are an angel!”

  “Don’t worry about it,” responded Archer with a smile. “I’ve gone ahead and paid for another three months for you. You should have plenty of time to pull things together before then.”

  “Oh, that’s so nice of you!” she gasped. “Thank you so much!”

  On the way back, Daryl was smirking.

  “What’s so funny?” Archer demanded sternly.

  “You’re becoming quite the philanthropist,” he commented dryly.

  “No I’m not,” he grumbled. “This was all for Kady. And you can have the evening off, by the way. I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere else for the night.”

  “Yes, sir,” replied Daryl, smirking even more knowingly than before.

  When they finally headed for Archer’s bedroom sometime after dinner, they hadn’t even made it all the way there before he was kissing her hotly, and Kady thought she would die if her clothes were not soon removed from her body.

  “Damn you, what did you do to me?” Kady wanted to know as he kicked the door shut behind them and took her more fully into his arms.

  “What do you mean?” he asked innocently, sliding his fingers with tantalizing precision over her nipple.

  “My panties are dripping,” she admitted, and his hand slid lower, rubbing her clit through her clothes.

  “Just the way I want them,” he grinned. “Now, take off all your clothes, sweetheart. I want to see you. All of you. Yes, just like that. You are so damned beautiful!”

  “Archer!” she gasped, as he kissed her naked breasts. “Come on, fair’s fair, let me see you too!”

  Archer didn’t waste time shedding his own clothes, and as soon as he was done, he picked Kady up and carried her over to the bed, tossing her gently down onto it and joining her there. His hands sought and found plenty of ticklish spots on their quest to map her body, making Kady giggle and shudder as she reached out to touch him too.

  “Let’s see this spot now,” Archer said, rubbing her clit. She moaned urgently into his mouth, making him laugh again. “Oh, that spot’s been wanting to be touched, has it?”

  “Yes!” Kady gasped.

  “If you touch me too, maybe these two spots could get acquainted with each other,” he suggested, making her giggle again. He brought her hand to his cock, and this time he showed her what he wanted her to do with it, moving her hand as he covered it with his own, then groaning softly when she tried to copy it. “Yeah, Kady, just like that. He really likes it.”

  “I can tell,” she giggled.

  Archer slid two fingers up inside her and moved them open and closed slightly, gently stretching her, readying her. He also moved them in and out as if it was his cock inside her, and Kady started to moan softly into his mouth, enjoying it.

  “There,” he said as he took his hand away. “Let’s see if it fits now.”

  Kady was so hot and so wet that his words barely even registered in her head. She just knew that she wanted that feeling of fullness back. When he got on top of her and pushed himself inside, replacing the digits that had just been moving so deliciously, she sighed gratefully at first, until the much wider stretching had her gasping instead.

  “Ow!” she cried, smacking Archer’s ass. He laughed, and paused, allowing her body time to adjust to the width of his cock before starting again. He pulled out slightly, and moved more slowly as he worked his way inside. “That’s better,” she sighed, when he’d finally gotten all the way in. “Now be careful, will you? I told you that thing is big.”

  Grinning wryly, Archer leaned in and kissed Kady just to shut her up. She giggled, knowing that was his reason, and then the two of them clung together as they moved, wrapped in their own little world.

  “Archer, yes!” Kady breathed as his hand slid between them, intent on making her come. “Yes, yes, do that! Mm, I can’t believe I’m really doing this! God, that’s good!”

  After they’d finished their task, the two of them clung together, panting, sweaty, but happy. They had no idea if they had made a baby, but Kady was certain that they had made a mess, and she found that she didn’t care one bit.

  So, this was what it was like to be with a man, she thought. It was wonderful, and frightening, and exhilarating, and she had no idea what would happen in the future, but there was one very important thing that was all consuming at that moment, and she wanted to see to it right away.

  “Mm, Archer?”

  “What’s that, sweetheart?’ he asked softly, his hands still sliding along, finding interesting bits of anatomy as they cuddled together.

  “Would it be greedy of me if I told you I wanted to do that again?”

  Grinning, Archer turned to look her more fully in the face. “It would be,” he informed her then. “It would be very, very greedy.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” she said with a deep, frustrated sigh.

  “But you know, there’s one other thing about lovemaking that I must have forgotten to tell you,” Archer added as he rained kisses on her face.

  “Oh? What’s that?”

  “When it comes to lovemaking, greedy is good,” he told her. “Greedy simply means that you’ve found a partner who excites you, and you just can’t seem to get enough of him. Understand?”

  Her fingers sliding hungrily along Archer’s smooth white flesh, Kady said, “Yeah, Archer, I really think I do!”

  “Good,” he growled as he moved over her body again, his big cock already starting to harden in arousal despite its recent release. “Because I’ll never get enough of you.”

  Chapter 15

  Six weeks later, Kady was still blissfully happy with the decision she’d made to be with Archer. She had been enjoying every minute of the time they spent together. However, she also knew that Archer’s court date was looming ever closer. They had been having plenty of sex in an attempt to try to make a baby together while at the same time saying they would just have to see how things went.

  Because his mother had told the judge that Archer had a pregnant girlfriend at home, he’d gotten an extension before receiving a sentence, but he had already been charged with complicity thanks to his employee’s actions. Now, the closer they got to his day in court, the more Kady wished that it was over and done with, and that he’d be free to turn their relationship into something more.

  It was sort of like the elephant in the room between them, and she was certain that Archer was feeling the pressure of it as well. But because she didn’t want to ruin the last two weeks they knew for a fact they had, Kady couldn’t bring herself to say a word.

  She was sitting in the living room with Dee, the maid, waiting for Archer to return from a shopping trip, when they heard a knock on the door. The pair looked at each other curiously, since no one was expected.

  “I’ll get that,” said Dee with a little frown. “It’s probably just another salesman or something.”

  When she opened the door, three women practically pushed their way inside and they found Kady lounging on the couch. One was Asian and the other two were white; they were well dressed and perfectly made-up, and she recognized them immediately.

  “What are you three doing here?” she wanted to know, rising from her reclining position on the couch to confront them.

  “We came to check up on Archer,” said Mia with her slight accent. “You don’t look like he got you pregnant, Kady. Maybe he should try with one of us instead.”

  “Um, we decided to become a couple instead of doing the surrogate thing,” Kady informed her hotly. “But anyway, Archer told me that he sent you three away. What are you doing back again?”

  “We came to see if he'd changed his mind yet,” she answered with a smirk. “And why do you have your feet all over the furniture? Don’t you know you will make the couch dirty?”

  “Like that makes any difference to you, it’s really none of your concern.” Kady snapped. “I’d like you three to leave.”
r />   “Not until Archer asks us to, this isn’t your home, you can’t just order us out. Besides,” Mia replied snidely, “our business is with him.”

  “What business is that?” Archer asked from behind the women.

  “Oh, Archer, there you are!” Mia cooed, turning from sour to sweet in a heartbeat. “We just stopped by to see how things were going with you and your little surrogate.” Her words dripped with disdain. Kady couldn’t help the surge of immense dislike that tightened in her stomach like a lead weight. “Can you believe she thinks she is your girlfriend now?”

  “She should believe that, since that’s exactly what she is,” Archer replied nonchalantly, as he stepped over and bent down to kiss Kady’s lips. “How is your ankle now, sweetheart?”

  “I’ve been resting it all day, but it’s still pretty sore,” Kady replied.

  “What about her ankle?” Mia wanted to know, her concern obviously false as she tried to pretend innocence.

  “She tripped on the bottom step, not that it’s any concern of yours,” Archer said. “And next time she asks you to leave, you’d better do it. I don’t recall inviting you to come here again to begin with, whereas Kady has every right to decide whom she wants to let in while I am gone. Now, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you three to leave, and don’t pester Kady anymore. Understood?”

  “But Archer?” Mia wailed, the sweet act dropping away like it had never even existed at his rejection. “Why would you want her for a girlfriend?”

  “Firstly, because she doesn’t sound like a banshee on helium when she’s protesting,” he said meanly. “Secondly, because she has yet to protest to any great extent in the first place. And thirdly, because she’s the girl I wanted and you were not. Now march right back out that door.”

  “Well fine, but don’t think that you’ll be able to come crawling to me later without seriously making it up to me,” Mia pouted. “Come on, girls.”


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