Dazzle: The Billionaire's Secret Surrogate (Contemporary BWWM Romance)

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Dazzle: The Billionaire's Secret Surrogate (Contemporary BWWM Romance) Page 12

by Destiny Davis

  “Three whole months,” Kady groaned, unable to fathom how she could possibly last that long without him by her side. “I think I’m going to die!”

  Chapter 28

  The following day Kady headed for the prison to visit Archer in person. They could only talk to each other through the glass on a phone, but it was better than nothing at all. It took about half an hour after she signed in to even get to see him, and then they were given only half an hour. However, she was allowed to repeat the process three times before they made her leave, and she intended to take full advantage of the fact.

  “Archer, your eye!” she gasped as soon as she saw him, her concerned gaze sweeping over the heavy dark ring that circled his left eyes, and the various other scrapes and bruises marring his handsome face. Kady spoke into the receiver with low, sharp words. “I hope a big gang of bullies takes out whoever did that to you.”

  “Settle down, Kady,” he said. “You know that they listen randomly. If they hear you talking about violent acts they might make you leave, and that’s the last thing I want to have happen.”

  “Sorry,” she said contritely. “I’ll try to behave myself—for now.”

  “Good—I think,” he said. Both of them laughed, and then he asked, “So what have you been doing all week, anyway? I know you wouldn’t just sit around watching television.”

  “How do you know that?” she smirked.

  “Because you start itching for something to do after one sit-com,” he chuckled.

  “Oh! I don’t either,” she grumbled as she suppressed a smile. She loved that he knew her so well.

  “Let’s see what you came up with,” he teased. “I know you brought it.”

  Kady laughed. “Fine, spoil sport,” she said as she pulled her sketch book out from behind her back and set it on the counter. This wasn’t the first time she had brought it there, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. She flipped through numerous pages to show him all her designs.

  “You really do have a rare talent,” Archer said with a nod when she closed the book again. “Mother has been hounding me to enroll you in some more classes.”

  “Well, she just asked me to model a few maternity clothes next week,” said Kady, biting at her lower lip. “I know you don’t really want me to work right now, Archer, but with your accounts frozen I’ve been relying entirely on your mother, and you know how much I hate that.”

  “Wouldn’t you technically still be relying on her, though?” he pointed out.

  “But at least there it’d be easy,” she said. “You know I couldn’t go get up on some runway in my condition. Besides, I really don’t want to go back to it unless I really have to. If I do a few shots for your mom and then take the classes in fashion design, maybe by the time the dust settles I’ll be doing what I really enjoy.”

  “You’ve got a point,” he agreed. “And if it’s you who wants to take those classes, I’m all for it. But I think you should apply for financial aid again, though. I don’t want my mother to think she owns you or your talents once you get done. You should be free to go anyplace you want afterwards.”

  “Hey Archer, I don’t know why you’ve got so much pent up frustration where you mother is concerned, but she really is only trying to help,” Kady pointed out. “Would it hurt you greatly to show her just a little appreciation for everything she’s done for you? And for me and our baby? Some mothers might not have even gotten you a lawyer at all.”

  Archer was frowning by the time Kady had finished her little speech. “She’s really gotten into your head, hasn’t she?” he wanted to know. “What do you want to do, become her little lap dog and perform tricks for her? Trust me, the more you give, the more she will take.”

  Kady sighed. “I don’t want to be caught in the middle between you two, and it’s not–” she paused and took a deep breath before explaining what had happened between her and her own mother. “I called her to talk to her, you know? To fill her in on all the amazing things that happened in my life the past few months, and she called me…” Kady had to stop again, the pain cutting through her as she remembered the words.

  “She called me nothing but a gold-digger, a– And a slut.” She finished the words on a whisper, still disbelieving that her once loving mother would ever say something like that to her own daughter. Archer’s frown was even deeper now as he watched her solemnly through the glass.

  “I’m so sorry, Kady, I don’t even know what to say, except…” He shook his dark head, trying to find the right words to make it better, but failed, “I’m just so sorry, that’s a terrible thing to have your mother say.”

  Kady took a deep breath and continued.

  “But I do want to break into the fashion industry, and like it or not your mother is already in it. She knows all the ropes and pitfalls. I could do worse than to learn from somebody like her.”

  “How come you’re always so damned level-headed anyway?” Archer sighed, then broke into a grin despite himself. “Fine. I will tell my mother how much I appreciate everything she’s doing, and I won’t even complain about your upcoming photo shoot. Better?”

  “Much,” said Kady with a grin, feeling relieved now that everything was out in the open. “What do you think of teddies?”

  “Mm, I think they are really hot,” he grinned, his eyes taking on a devilish sheen making her laugh.

  “No, Archer, I mean teddy bears,” she said. “For the baby’s room.”

  “Oh,” he said with a blush. “I think they’re great. But so are the other kind, too. You should totally get some of those to wear after you give birth to the little dear.”

  “Do teddies come with breastfeeding flaps?” Kady wondered with a flash of inspiration, already imaging a line of post pregnancy lingerie geared at making women feel sexy and being practical at the same time. “Maybe I could design something like that, too!”

  “Yeah, those classes are most definitely your idea,” Archer chuckled warmly. “God, you’re beautiful when you’re ready to draw. Go ahead, I miss watching you.”

  “They don’t let pencils or pens come in,” she reminded him. “I’ll do it during the break.”

  They talked for the next fifteen minutes, keeping the conversation light and laughing often until the officer buzzed in, telling her that her visiting time was up for now. She went to the break room with ideas swirling in her head, already itching to get the drawings down on paper.

  And so that’s exactly what she did, and by the time she returned the third time, she already had created an entire line of clothes for the mother and infant and was just itching to color them in. “Your mother will love these, don’t you think?”

  “Don’t give them to her,” he grumped. “You could start your own line.”

  “Think, Archer,” Kady scoffed. “Your mother has the resources for fabric, sewing machines, models and warehousing already in position. Why would I want to waste that much of a good thing like that? That would be like you telling me not to buy shares in a growth industry because they won’t print their stocks with recycled paper.”

  “Damn,” he laughed. “You’re even sexier when you figure out the best way to convince me that you’re right. You have no idea how desperately I want to kiss you right now.”

  “Well, it has been a while,” she smirked, desperately aching for the exact same thing. She missed his kiss, his touch, being wrapped in his strong arms and feeling completely safe and protected from anything the world could throw at her.

  “When I get out of here you’d better have a teddy and a bottle waiting.”

  Kady snickered at this. “Okay, I will.”

  “I don’t mean a teddy bear and a baby feeding, Kady,” he smirked as well.

  “Okay everyone, time’s up,” the guard announced.

  “Damn,” Kady said as she hung up the receiver. Then she kissed her fingers and set them on the glass. Archer pretended to take the kiss and put it onto his lips, then waved good-bye as she backed away for the last time that da
y. Kady had to wipe a tear from the corner of her eye.

  Chapter 29

  Kady had not returned to Dazzle since the day of the interview that she had walked out on. The place was a lot less crowded this time, and the décor was just as nice. Also, Athena or perhaps her secretaries had added a few more personal touches here and there. She walked over to the bulletin board and had a strange urge to run her hand over the spot she’d found the ad that had brought her and Archer together that day.

  Unfortunately, the place was usurped by a carelessly placed copy of a newspaper clipping about Mia and Archer’s expected bundle of joy. Angry beyond words, Kady grabbed the paper and ripped the offensive article off the wall and threw it into the nearest waste bin. “I hate her! Mia has seriously got to get committed for some kind of psychiatric evaluation, I swear!”

  “Miss?” the secretary called when she saw this, giving Kady a strange look as she watched her complaining to herself in the middle of the expensive lobby.

  “Oh, sorry,” said Kady as she turned to look at her at last.

  “Hey, you’re that girl!” she gasped. “The one Athena’s been looking for.”

  “Yes, well, she’s found me,” Kady replied with a smirk, thinking of all the many coincidences that led to them being thrown in one another’s paths. “She wants me to do a pregnancy shoot for her.”

  “Uh, wait,” said the secretary, scrunching her nose in confusion. “Athena said that I should be watching out for Archer’s girlfriend. Isn’t that the one whose picture you just tossed into the trash?”

  Angry all over again, Kady bit her lip and rolled her eyes. She read the woman’s name tag, and in a carefully calm voice she said, “Ellen, let me tell you something. Mia is not, nor has she ever been, Archer’s girlfriend. If she comes in here again, you should make her leave immediately. She has no place anywhere near Archer, Athena, or myself.”

  “Seriously?” she gasped, her face going red. “Because I’ve seen her come here practically every day for weeks now. If she hasn’t been meeting with Athena, then who in this building does she actually know?”

  “I’m not sure,” Kady said, her mind whirling with the new information. “But I think it would be a really good idea to find out.”

  The secretary led her behind the giant front desk, and reached for the little white button that connected all the rooms with a speaker system.

  “Athena, your missing model slash future daughter-in-law is here, and we have a huge question for you,” Ellen said into the intercom.

  “Oh? What might that be?” came Athena’s response, crackling back at them over the speaker.

  Kady spoke instead the next time Ellen pushed the button. “Did you know that Mia has been coming to this building for weeks, according to your secretary? You haven’t been meeting with her, right?”

  “Why would I want to meet with that gold-digging, lying little trollop?” Athena demanded hotly. “Ellen, have you been letting her come in here?”

  “I thought she was Archer’s girlfriend all this time,” Ellen apologized, still looking confused as she tried to untangle the story that Kady was telling, and the one all the newspapers and gossip rags were telling. “I assumed she was meeting with you.”

  “Well, that’s what you get for thinking, then,” Athena said, and Kady could almost see her shaking her head, her French twist shaking back and forth. “Bring Kady into the shooting room, will you? Alfonso’s been waiting for her there. I’ll join you as soon as I am able, Kady, and the three of us can have an early lunch to discuss this matter. And Ellen, next time you aren’t formally introduced by me to a person, you should let me know they’re here and have me come down to make sure they are who they say they are. Got that?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” she said, flipping the off switch again. “Come on, Kady—Ross, is it? I remember the name well enough after the search we were put through.”

  “Really?” Kady asked curiously, remembering what Athena had mentioned about searching for her, but she had never heard the whole story.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I’m the one Athena sent out to your old apartment, but the landlady said you had moved out,” she explained. “I even called your mother as well. She called back here about a week ago trying to find you.”

  “Why would she—“ Kady began.

  “Sounds like her husband heard about your change in fortunes,” Ellen scoffed. “She said she’d heard you got a rich boyfriend, but I had no idea what she was talking about Archer. Well, come on, follow me. You’ll love Alfonso, he’s a real sweetheart.”

  Kady’s stomach dropped at the news that Ellen had casually dropped. So that’s why her jerk husband had tried to call. She knew it was about the money, but she had held out some small flicker of hope that they cared about her, and were worried. She laughed cynically to herself. She guessed not.

  When they entered the room, they found a bald white guy in a gold silk shirt and some tight-fitting white jeans. He wore jewelry everywhere but on his hands, which were noticeably devoid of rings. Curious, Kady stared for a moment as she tried to figure out why.

  “Girlfriend, the rings get in the camera’s way,” he chuckled as he saw where she was looking. “But as soon as I’m done here, I guarantee they’ll all be right back where they belong.”

  “I see,” Kady replied with a laugh, instantly like this man.

  “Well, especially the one from David,” he added. “He hates it when I take it off, but I can’t stand anything to hinder my hands at all when I’m working. This room is my canvas, and you, sweetheart, you are my work of art. So, how far along are you anyway?”

  “Twenty-two weeks,” Kady said with a smile.

  Glancing at her body, he said, “You’re having a boy, I see.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” she said, wrapping her hands around the swell of her stomach as she shook her head. “I didn’t want to spoil the surprise.”

  “A conventional kind of girl, huh?” he smirked. “Well, anyway, all the clothes were selected for your size, and they are waiting in the dressing stall. Why don’t you go ahead and pick one out.”

  “What, you don’t have a particular preference then?” Kady asked.

  “No, honey, go ahead.” He grinned at her, “I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise.”

  With a nod and a chuckle, Kady did exactly that.

  Chapter 30

  Kady, Ellen, and Athena sat together in a booth at a nearby restaurant waiting for the waitress to serve their food. The atmosphere was a bit snarky but somehow also rather lively as the three discussed Archer’s problematic fan-girl in depth.

  “I mean, the only time I ever saw Archer anywhere near that girl was at the restaurant one time, and Kady has already confirmed that he went home with her that night,” Athena pointed out. “Where does she begin to believe that she’s going to convince anyone that she’s having his child when she isn’t even showing—assuming she is pregnant at all?”

  “How do you know she’s not just waiting for Kady to have her baby so she can steal it?” Ellen pointed out, not helping Kady’s frame of mind at all.

  “Oh, I really did not need to hear that!” Kady protested. “I’m stressed out enough as it is.” She had to let out a forced chuckle as a thought occurred to her. “Besides, the baby will be half white, and half black. Not even a little bit Asian. Don’t you think people would notice?”

  Ellen conceded the point with a slight shrug of her shoulders.

  “You are right about the stressed part, though,” Ellen smirked, remembering what she’d done at the office upon her arrival there. “But the good news is that since you’re the one sitting here at this table with me and Archer’s mother, it’s pretty apparent which one of you is the real girlfriend, at least to my way of thinking.”

  “I just wish I could get her to stop printing lies in the papers,” Kady complained. “You would think that was a violation of the restraining order, wouldn’t you?”

  “I believe it must be,” Athen
a agreed, and Kady could practically see the wheels in her head turning as she thought it over. “I’m going to have Samuels look into that right away. By the way, Kady, there’s another matter I need to mention that he told me about. You know that Archer was attacked the other day, yes?”

  “Yeah, don’t remind me,” Kady frowned, remembering the awful black eye and numerous scrapes that she saw on his beautiful face on that day she had visited him. “I’m just glad he’s okay.”

  “Well, it sounds like his employee, Parker Chou, was a bit disgruntled that Archer refused to admit to any complicity in the skimming, and I guess he’s really been holding a grudge. Anyway, Samuels is also a bit of a detective as well, so I had him spy on Mia,” she explained. “The woman has been visiting with Parker Chou every week since he was sentenced. That means she must have known exactly who Archer was before she ever went to his home.”

  “Well, who is Mia to Parker then?” asked Kady with a frown, trying to make the connection, but failing.

  “The documentation lists her as his sister,” Athena said.

  “So, the sister of a man who attempted to ruin Archer’s business is now in hot pursuit of him?” Ellen asked. “God, this big business stuff is so weird.”

  “So the real question is, why would Mia become involved in a scheme with her brother—assuming that’s who he really is—that targeted Archer?” Kady pointed out. “What good could it possibly do her to go after a man who can’t even access his own money thanks to her brother?”

  “Maybe it’s not about his frozen accounts,” Athena speculated. “Maybe she knows about his offshore accounts. Parker would know about those, wouldn’t he?”

  “Why does Archer need offshore accounts?” Kady wanted to know.

  “I’m the one who started them for him, truthfully,” Athena admitted. “You see, all my life I was surrounded by wealth, and everyone I knew had accounts in other countries to keep part of their money safe. So I made sure Archer had them as well. His first one he’s had since he was sixteen years old. But I suppose that might make him look suspicious to the government if you think about it.”


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