Shadows of the Night (Kingdom Key Book 2)

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Shadows of the Night (Kingdom Key Book 2) Page 9

by TylerRose.

  “He did, placing her under his immediate and direct personal protection. If your father attempts to do anything to her, he will have the entire armed forces of Voran rammed up his virginal ass. Don’t tell him anything yet. I want that honor myself. I want to see the look on his face when I inform him he cannot touch her and I will hold him personally responsible for anything bad that happens to her. I will be there tomorrow for a few hours.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  Shestna returned to the bed to find her coming back from the bathroom. He took her into his arms for a warm embrace.

  “I’m sorry, Femina. I assumed the water was proper. I didn’t even see you drink any of it.”

  “It’s not your fault. I just feel really shitty right now. Can we go back to your place?” she asked, pulling away and sitting on the bed.

  “We cannot. We are commanded to attend worship tomorrow morning.”

  “No way. Not with what the thing did to me tonight. Why does it do this? The one Jerome had didn’t.”

  “He had already absorbed the energy. It was one with his chi and you were supposed to be with him. Consider it your starter crystal. Others are far larger. Some are positively charged, negative or neutral. The one on Sistair is positive and you can tolerate it. This one is negative and it clashed with your own energy. It dampened and inhibited your abilities. It’s very uncomfortable. I have a hard time with it myself, which is why I try not to be here at worship times.”

  “So let’s go now and we avoid it entirely,” she said.

  “We cannot without angering our Father.”

  “He is your father, Sta. He is temporarily my father-in-law. I am not comfortable here. I want to go back to your place.”

  “I’ve said we cannot. That is the end of it. Do not teleport away just because you don’t like the situation.”

  “Don’t like the situation? Fuck a duck! I was poisoned by the water, can’t eat a fucking thing, and the crystal is trying to kill me, and you think I don’t like the situation?! Exactly what part of it am I supposed to be okay with, hubby?”

  The door chimed, stalling his hand from reaching out to strike her and leaving her glaring at him with heavy, red-rimmed and bloodshot eyes.

  “Mother, now is not a good time.”

  “Nothing is ever a good time with you, my beloved son. Where is your bride. I will see for myself that she is on the mend.”

  They heard her retching in the bathroom. Going to it, the Empress found a Neverseen holding back Tyler’s hair while Tyler purged stomach juices turned green by the pill that was supposed to be helping.

  “This is why you’re supposed to remain in bed until morning, my dearest,” Alila said, crouching to take the place of the Neverseen. “And not exert yourself. Shouting at your husband counts as exertion. Shestna, call the doctor back.”

  Which got him out of the room so Alila could shut the door. She knelt next to Tyler and wiped her ashen face with a cool, damp cloth.

  “My poor child, come here and let me comfort you,” she said, all but lifting Tyler from the toilet to lean against her. “You are having a most wretched day. I’m so sorry I didn’t make sure your water was proper. Will you forgive me?”

  “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “It was. It was my fault and Pisod’s and Encito’s and Shestna’s and Dorn’s fault. It was the fault of every server who came to the table. Not one of them remembered. We are all tremendously shamed by our negligence.”

  She looked up to the Neverseen still present and awaiting orders with eyes that showed her worry.

  “Bring hot plain tea. Make sure it is made with distilled water. And those crackers I like. Bring them to the bed.”

  “Yes, Empress.”

  She was gone and the Empress was alone with her newest daughter.

  “You’ve not had a mother for a very long time. I will be that mother now.”

  “What do you know about my past?”

  “Cluck cluck, no sharp tones. Shestna has told us that you have been on your own for many years, not just since the attack on Earth. He has done all he can to gain the Emperor’s sympathy and support for you, and that sometimes means telling more than you might want told. I can see well enough for myself. Aside from an occasional lover who cared for more than his own joys, you have had no one to look after you and to love you. It’s all good enough when your betterment is within their joy; but it takes one such as my son to see past his own pleasures to do what is best for you and you alone. We will deal with worship time when worship time gets here. Might be you won’t be well enough to attend anyway, so fussing about it has no purpose. For now, daughter, you must be abed to lie still, and not be excited and overexerted. It is not an arbitrary order. You will do yourself harm in this instance if you ignore what is best for you. You’ve already seen that it makes you worse again. Let’s get up and get you into night clothes. I will see you get some soothing tea into your belly.”

  Calmed, fatigue coming down on her, Tyler only nodded against Alila’s breast.

  “Be seen Neverseen.”

  “Your command, Empress?” ask the male voice.

  “Help my daughter up and to the bed.”

  “At once, Empress,” he replied, stooping to take Tyler’s arm and help her to her feet.

  For being so slight of build, he was remarkably strong. Another Neverseen came into view. A female. She brought a night gown and helped Tyler out of the purple gown and into the other. Into bed and the Empress pulled up the blanket, tucking in her newest daughter for the night and suspecting she’d not been tucked in by a mother for far too long.

  Resting against the pillows with another under her knees, Tyler let it go. She was too tired to continue to fight.

  The doctor came back and gave her another pill to replace the one she had vomited out. Then Alila, the Empress herself, sat at her bedside and spooned warm tea into her mouth.

  “You may not feel as daughter to us; but I assure you that I do feel as mother to you. I will see to your best needs myself if I must, in order for you to be well.”

  She put the cup and saucer down, seeing the drowsiness from the pill coming forward. Best to take advantage of the first rush. She placed a hand on Tyler’s cheek, gently turning the face to be supported by the pillow.

  “Rest a while, daughter. Close your eyes and be at peace. You are safe with your Mother Empress.”

  The soft, gentle silence of sleep enveloped Tyler and, at long last, the dreadful day ended.

  She awoke all at once with a beam of light shining in her eye. A reflection off a silver picture frame on a desk across the room. Sitting up, stretching muscles that hadn’t moved all night, that horrible nausea and the heavy oppression in her mind both gone, she felt exhilarated. To the toilet, teeth brushed with her own implement brought to her hand, she smiled that her abilities were there and working perfectly fine.

  “How are you feeling?” Shestna asked, having awakened while she was gone.


  She pulled her nightgown up and straddled him on the bed.

  “The sex was great but can we try not to have the rest of the crappy day that happened yesterday?”

  “We should wait for the doctor’s approval.”

  “Yes, I’m sure we should,” she slid down his legs and pulled the bed shorts down, and performed the second thing Pisod had told her about.

  A push of her thumb behind the testes stimulated his penis and forced it out. For the first time in his life, Shestna experienced the excruciating pleasure of a wet mouth on his skinless, wet member. She used the slickness of the back of her lips to slide up and down, causing his fists beat the pillows to either side of him as he struggled to maintain control over himself. A cry that surprised even him tore from his throat and she stopped to look at him. A smile and a giggle, she pinched his manly nipple hard enough to annoy him.

  He sat up, turning to pin her to the bed, and mounted from behind to give her the harder riding she had want
ed the previous day. If briefly.

  “That’s to hold you over until we get home,” he said with a hard spank to her bottom. “Get dressed. We have to go to the morning meal in court. With luck, I will be able to get us out of here before worship.”

  She already knew she would not be attending, no matter what action she had to take. Brushing her hair, thinking a moment what would be appropriate, she brought to her hand the dress he had bought for her. Blue but looser with one shoulder strap. There was no wearing a bra under it, the Emperor’s appreciative smile on seeing her telling her why Shestna had selected this particular gown for court.

  “You are feeling better this morning, First Daughter,” Encito declared.

  “Much better, thank you,” she said without bowing or curtsying. “The Empress was kind to help me herself last night.”

  “That is my First Wife’s highest station. All things to do with the health of our children and grandchildren are under her domain.” He took Alila’s hand and kissed it, smiled at her. “I could not have chosen a better First Wife if I had looked for another thousand years.”

  “That’s quite enough, husband. Pick another young one and make more children. You don’t have enough yet.”

  Encito laughed and kissed his First Wife’s hand again, the love and passion between them, the mutual understanding and respect, beyond obvious.

  “With your permission, Father, we will return to my Principality,” Shestna said. “I have much business to attend that has been pushed off the last day and a half.”

  “After the worship you may go.”

  “If you will please excuse us from the service, Father, it would be much to Tyler’s benefit. Part of her illness last night was caused by the crystal already so invigorated from the service.”

  “We have already bent too many traditions for your temporary bride. We bend no more. The worship service is to be attended by all in court and you may not leave until after you have both attended the service. That is the end of it. Take your places,” he pointed to left and right, meaning Shestna on the Emperor’s left with the rest of his brothers and Tyler on the right with the other wives.

  Tyler heard Shestna exhale that certain sigh that meant he could not do anything about it and was about to capitulate and obey his father.

  “No,” she said, and turned around to walk out.

  “Do not walk away from me,” the Emperor said.

  She halted and turned to look over her shoulder. “Fine.”

  She teleported away, the court gasping its shock at such blatant disobedience. Encito’s eyes landed an accusation on Shestna.

  “It seems she is indeed fully recovered. She returns to your home, no doubt. Dorn will accompany you as witness and you will punish her severely and in the traditional ways for this unwarranted rudeness. A rudeness made all the more impudent in the wake of our generosity on her arrival and compassion through her illness. You will obey me in this, First Son, or it will be you who is next punished.”

  “Yes, Father,” Shestna bowed, and took several steps back before hurrying out of the chamber.

  Dorn halted him in the outer corridor. “Wait a moment, Royal Brother. Calm yourself. Punishment performed in anger is not appropriate.”

  “I’m not angry with her, Dorn. I’m angry at myself. I had wanted to keep their meeting brief and get back home to prevent this sort of thing. Another plan blowing up in my face.”

  “Still it is anger, whether at yourself or her. Let us drive back to your home to give you time to calm down. Call your Neverseens and let them know. Have them prepare a breakfast for us. I’ve not eaten either and I’m starving.”

  “You should not be here with me. You should be with your wife. Her birthing time draws near, I know.”

  “My wife knows well her duty, as I know mine. My vehicle is in the side garage.”

  Tyler saw the table set for three, a Neverseen in the kitchen preparing the meal, and went to see what was going on. However fast the servant worked, foods could only cook at their own speeds. Thus the Neverseen was always seen during the cooking portion of a meal.

  “Did Shestna call?” Tyler asked.

  “He did, Mistress, while you were in the shower. He arrives by ground vehicle with Prince Dorn and asks that breakfast be prepared for the three of you, as you did not take the meal with the Emperor.”

  Tyler considered what all that meant. Dorn coming…he was still to witness their fucking. Her leaving the court so rudely was bound to have some consequence he was to witness as well.

  “I’ll help you.”

  The meal was ready to be dished up into serving bowls when the two men came in the front door minutes later. She smiled, waiting by the table as Shestna came to her for a kiss.

  “What is he sent to witness?” she asked, tossing a glance to Dorn.

  “Our coupling.”

  “And? I can’t imagine there’s not more.”

  “The Emperor commands I must punish you for so rudely leaving his presence without permission,” he told her. “Severely, and in the traditional ways.”

  One corner of his mouth lifted in a bit of a smile Dorn did not see as he gave her an image of what it would look like.

  “Oh? And how’s that to be done? I’m sure there’s some commonly used implement or something.”

  “There is. Would you prefer to endure it before breakfast or after?” Shestna asked.

  “Oh, I always prefer to eat after. Work me up a good appetite,” she replied without a hint of comedic tone or expression.

  “Go to your room. Change into something like that peach piece. Smoke your pipe a moment. When you are ready to accept your punishment, come to me.”

  He watched her go, admiring her nakedness under the gown as the sun from her open door passed through it. Wanting complete privacy, he told the Neverseen to put all the food into dishes and cover them, then go home until morning He went to his own room to retrieve two implements.

  When she came out of her room some ten minutes later, she was nude. She went directly to him on the sofa, saw he was also nude. Ignoring Dorn on the far end of the circle, she straddled her husband’s thighs. A tight grip in her hair pulled her head back and his penis shot up into her. Her grunting groan and motion in riding the cock that filled her was proof of penetration. He took himself to his own climax in a matter of minutes.

  “Is that satisfactory for consummation, Royal Brother?” he asked.

  “It is. Now Father’s punishment.”

  “In a while. I have a punishment of my own to dispense first.”

  “What did I do?” she asked, pushing up from his chest to look at him.

  “During our arguing last night, you called me hubby in a most deliberate manner intended to insult and anger.”

  She grinned. “I did, didn’t I?”

  “Get off me but stay in this position.”

  She moved to her right, placed her arms along the top edge of the sofa while he got up. Hand sliding under the cushion on which she knelt, he grasped whatever implement he was going to use.

  “Brace your arms out full length, wife. Prepare yourself,” he said, moving her hair around in front of her shoulders. [And share it with me.]

  A leather strap landing hard and smart on her shoulder blade startled her into a small shriek of surprise. A hundred and more, all over her upper back, buttocks and thighs, hard and fast with some getting a noise from her. He moved in close, a hand sliding down her buttock to lift her higher off her knees.

  “I am not nearly done. Stay up tall on your knees. You called me a very bad name last night. This is what you will get whenever you use that word, regardless the context.”

  “I understand, husband. Might I suggest this?”

  She stepped forward on her knees to bend over the top of the sofa and rest her arms on the floor surrounding, flipped her hair out over the floor as well, and placed her head on her forearms.

  “We will see if it pleases me,” he said, taking position and testing
his reach.

  He found he liked it very much, and proceeded with the second, much harder, round. The occasional yelp aside, she took it in near silence. She’d not had a good beating – a pleasure beating — in far too long, and let him feel every stinging smack of the wide leather belt. The sting radiated outward and through her, the high of endorphins enveloping her mind to calm and quiet the chaos within.

  She let him feel that particular bliss of sighing out her last remaining vestiges of resistance, and lay limp over the back of the sofa. The throb of her sex, the tingling of her nipples, both begging for equally harsh attention. Her thighs gave out and she slid down to sit on her calves.


  Instead, he issued three more and stopped.

  “Two thousand five hundred strikes, all well-laid. To remind you, this is what you will get whenever you call me that word.”

  “Hubby,” she sighed.

  “I’ll add that one onto Father’s punishment,” he said, pulling her down from the sofa to sit on the floor between his thighs.

  Her hot, somewhat welted back against his chest was a new sensation for him, one he enjoyed immensely for feeling her sink into him and knowing the quiet bliss she floated in. She did not try to pull away from the touch of his skin on her abraded back.

  “Now for Father’s punishment,” he said, and dragged a cold something across her breasts.

  She opened her eyes to see a round cord as thick as her pinky finger. It formed a loop as he took both loose ends into his hand. He shivered with the thrill racing along her skin on seeing the simple implement. His fingers gently stroked her nipples, setting her to squirming back against him. One strike, lighter force to be sure of his aim, and then five more intensifying in force until she gave that same yelp. Then the other breast. Increasing in number and force, he stopped when the cord landed on her nipple and she gave a full and spontaneous scream. His soft fingertips soothing whipped flesh brought a new sort of sound and sensation that he found as arousing as anything he’d ever done with a woman.


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