Dramatic Affairs

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Dramatic Affairs Page 15

by Fredrica Alleyn

  She continued chatting to the reporter in this vein for some time but was extremely grateful when at last Damon crossed the room to rescue her. ‘Esther, there you are,’ he said with unusual warmth. ‘There’s someone who’s absolutely dying to meet you. Do excuse us,’ he added with a smile at the reporter, and then, putting one hand beneath Esther’s elbow, he guided her to the side of the room.

  ‘You looked as though you were getting a bit tired,’ he said, his tone unusually gentle.

  ‘I was,’ said Esther. ‘Do you know, I don’t think I’m dressed quite right for this evening.’

  Damon’s eyes moved slowly up and down her figure and she felt her cheeks starting to go hot. ‘You look great to me,’ he said at last. ‘Classy too, not like some over-dressed tart.’

  ‘I’ll take that as a compliment,’ said Esther.

  ‘It’s certainly the nearest I’ll ever get to one,’ Damon conceded. ‘Have you eaten anything yet?’

  Esther confirmed that she hadn’t and together they went across to where the buffet was laid out on a long table. Unfortunately, just as they’d started talking, Rebecca arrived and led Damon away to meet someone who was ‘anxious to talk to him’. Esther was bitterly disappointed. It was the first time that Damon had been even remotely civil to her and she had definitely seen admiration in his eyes when he’d looked at her. Despite the incredible sex that she’d recently had with Christopher, she knew that it was still Damon she really desired, but she also felt certain that they were never going to get together.

  Eventually the evening came to an end and shortly after midnight all the actors returned to their rooms. The next day was their final run-through, so each of them knew how important it was that they got a good night’s sleep. Because it was important, Esther found it more difficult than usual to drop off and at three in the morning was still wide awake. In the end she picked up a magazine from the bedside table. It was mainly about agricultural developments in the twentieth century and this finally proved sufficiently boring to send her to sleep. However, when she awoke in the morning she still felt tired and thoroughly unrefreshed.

  They worked hard all day Sunday. They had to get the set up, test the lighting, work out where they were to change and in addition give their first performance on a stage since they’d begun rehearsing. Even the ever cheerful Rosie was subdued by the time they finished at eight o’clock and when Christopher said that they’d been invited to join the Clifford family for an evening meal there were groans all round.

  ‘I’m certainly not going to sit there and eat for their entertainment like some kind of tame monkey,’ snapped Damon. ‘I’m going into town and having something in a local pub. Does anyone want to join me?’

  Esther felt very tempted but then Christopher looked over at her. ‘You’ll join us, won’t you, Esther?’ he asked anxiously.

  ‘Of course,’ she said brightly, inwardly fuming at her own weakness but knowing that it was important that she still remained close to Christopher if she were to achieve her goals. She saw a fleeting look of distaste cross Damon’s handsome features and then, without another word, he was gone.

  By eleven o’clock that night, Esther knew that Damon and Ellie had made the right decision. Mary and George had also gone with them, which left the other eight to be bright, cheerful and optimistic. Esther was beginning to wish that she’d never heard of Time and the Conways as she explained for the third time that evening to one of the other guests exactly what the play was about while at the same time trying to disguise the twists and turns that were meant to make it entertaining. At this stage she was beginning to wonder if it was actually entertaining at all and if anyone would gain any pleasure from it. She knew, however, that was the way actors usually felt just before they opened in a play.

  At last they were all free to go back to their rooms and it was with a sigh of relief that Esther, slipping on a short satin nightshirt, slid between the thick damask sheets and laid her head back on the soft pillows ready for a good night’s sleep.

  Esther wasn’t certain what it was that woke her; what she was certain of was that she had been asleep for some considerable time. As she started to drift back into consciousness she was startled to realise that there was someone else in the large double bed with her. Just as she was about to scream she felt a hand cover her mouth in the darkness of the room and then Christopher’s familiar voice was whispering in her ear.

  ‘It’s all right, it’s only me.’

  As he withdrew his hand Esther gave a sigh of relief. ‘You really frightened me,’ she said accusingly.

  ‘Sorry,’ apologised Christopher. ‘I had this sudden irresistible desire to make love to you while you were asleep. Unfortunately, you woke up before I could.’

  ‘I prefer to be awake,’ said Esther, still feeling less than happy.

  ‘Well you are now so that’s OK, isn’t it?’ responded Christopher, and she felt one of his hands start to slide up her leg until it reached the hem of her satin nightshirt. To her annoyance her body instantly started to respond to him and she turned on her side to allow him easier access.

  Christopher gave a low laugh and drew her closer to him. ‘It will help relax you before tomorrow,’ he promised her as his hands continued their upward movement and began to softly stroke the undersides of her breasts.

  At his words Esther remembered that tomorrow was the big opening night and suddenly she wasn’t sure that this was a good idea. He seemed to sense her doubts because immediately he started to carefully massage each of her breasts in turn while at the same time pressing his erection between her parted thighs, allowing it to brush across her pubic hair before easing its way between the cleft at the bottom of her buttocks.

  Esther’s pulse was quickening now and suddenly tomorrow didn’t matter – tonight was all that counted. She started to reach out for the bedside lamp but Christopher quickly stopped her. ‘It’s exciting in the dark,’ he whispered.

  Esther had to agree with him. There was something very arousing about feeling his hands moving over her and having his lips trail across her neck and face without there being any eye contact between them. It enabled her to feel even less inhibited than she had the first time they’d made love. Reaching down, she started to caress the head of his penis before letting her hand slide lower to begin to massage the root of his erection. Christopher’s response was to start nibbling at her earlobes and then they were rolling around in the double bed together until finally they finished up with her pinned beneath him.

  Esther was longing for him to remove her nightshirt and she was just about to say so when, all of a sudden, the room was flooded with light. With a startled exclamation Esther pushed herself upright and stared over Christopher’s shoulder to see Rebecca framed in the bedroom doorway.

  Rebecca’s eyes were blazing but what astonished Esther the most was the other girl’s outfit. She was wearing thigh-length leather boots and a figure-hugging micro dress, also in black, which ended about an inch above the top of the boots so that a tiny area of flesh was exposed. In her hand she carried a riding crop and, as Esther continued to stare, Rebecca closed the bedroom door behind her and walked further into, the room.

  ‘What does she think she’s doing?’ asked Esther in astonishment.

  ‘She’s come to join us,’ replied Christopher, his beautiful voice almost a caress in itself.

  ‘I’d rather she went,’ said Esther firmly.

  ‘Don’t be so narrow-minded,’ said Christopher. ‘You’ll enjoy yourself, I promise.’

  ‘Not if she intends to hit me with that riding crop,’ said Esther.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ said Rebecca, ‘the riding crop isn’t for you. It’s for Christopher later on.’

  Esther frowned, bewildered, but, before she could ask any more questions, Rebecca strode across the room and pulled the duvet off the pair of them. Again, Esther gave a cry and attempted to grab the duvet back, but it was no use. It was beyond her reach. Christopher was now crou
ching over her unfastening the buttons of her nightshirt and peeling it off her, just as she’d wanted earlier, only now the whole atmosphere in the room had changed.

  Christopher too had changed. He no longer seemed the gentle caring lover that he’d been the first time they’d had sex together; instead there was a strange kind of frantic excitement about him and Esther felt that it was Rebecca who was controlling the whole situation.

  ‘Did you bring everything we needed?’ Rebecca asked Christopher, totally ignoring Esther as she lay naked and exposed on the bed.

  ‘Yes, it’s all in the box over there,’ replied Christopher. ‘The trouble was I woke her up before I could get properly started.’

  ‘It doesn’t matter,’ said Rebecca. ‘You’re not going to make a fuss are you, Esther?’

  Esther, who was now pinned to the bed by Christopher’s hands gripping her shoulders, didn’t quite know how to reply. ‘I might do,’ she said defiantly.

  ‘I doubt if anyone would hear,’ said Rebecca, ‘and, anyway, what on earth would Damon Dowden think?’

  ‘Why should I care?’ asked Esther, but the uncertainty in her voice gave her away.

  ‘It’s all right,’ Christopher assured her again. ‘We’re all going to have a great time, I promise you.’

  Then he straddled Esther’s prone body and, still keeping her fixed to the mattress with his hands, began to move his buttocks so that he was caressing her with his lower body and the tip of his penis. As he pushed himself higher up her body he moved his hands and pressed her breasts together so that they surrounded his glans. She could feel his velvety flesh between her soft round globes. Despite herself she was becoming aroused and was both alarmed and excited when she felt a hand between her thighs.

  ‘You’re getting very moist,’ said Rebecca with amusement. ‘It seems Christopher’s right and you are going to enjoy this after all.’

  Esther wished that she could deny it but her treacherous body was already betraying her and her excitement was mounting rapidly.

  ‘These white damask sheets are perfect,’ Christopher remarked to Rebecca as his lover placed a large cardboard box beside him on the bed. He then turned to look into Esther’s blue eyes. ‘You’re going to be our picnic table,’ he explained.

  ‘Picnic table?’ asked Esther, totally out of her depth.

  ‘That’s right. Think of yourself as an enormous plate. Rebecca and I are going to spread the food around on your body and then we’re going to eat it. But we aren’t going to use knives and forks, just our lips and tongues. It should be delicious for all of us but you have to keep quite still or else the food will fall off. Anyway, tables don’t usually move around when you’re eating off them, do they?’ He laughed with obvious delight.

  Esther allowed the other two to spreadeagle her and then she lay there fascinated as Rebecca carefully began to spread various types of food on different areas of her body. She spread some special body chocolate across Esther’s belly and, above that, slices of fruit: pears, bananas and small segments of satsuma. Then, as Esther fought to stop herself from trembling in her excitement and so dislodging anything, Rebecca spread some soft cream cheese over Esther’s swollen breasts, taking care to cover the nipples entirely.

  ‘Remember now,’ said Christopher, ‘you must keep absolutely still, which means of course that you mustn’t have an orgasm.’

  Esther was unbearably excited by his words, which she knew were designed to make everything even more difficult for her, and once again she fought to subdue the treacherous trembling and quaking of her muscles as she became more and more aroused.

  The true depth of the exquisite torture, however, only became apparent when Christopher and Rebecca began to eat. Rebecca chose to lick the body chocolate from her stomach while Christopher bent his fair head next to his lover’s dark one and, with almost unbelievable delicacy and precision, slowly nibbled at the segments of fruit. Every now and then his teeth would graze Esther’s soft white flesh beneath and she would catch her breath as hot darts of pleasure spread through her erogenous zones.

  It was when the other two parted and sat each side of her, slowly starting to lick and suck at the cream cheese that was covering her nipples, that her orgasm really threatened to take over. As she tightened in anticipation Christopher, sensing the danger, nipped sharply at the soft underside of one of her breasts to remind her that it was forbidden.

  As the cream cheese was slowly removed, so the sensitive flesh of Esther’s nipples was freshly aroused by the touch of the cool air in the room. They stiffened and extended and she heard Rebecca’s soft laugh as the other girl, sensing the huge struggle that was consuming Esther, took hold of her left nipple and very lightly tickled it with the end of one finger. Immediately, Esther flinched and Christopher swiftly slapped her lightly with the back of his hand across her belly so that she was still once more.

  ‘We haven’t finished eating yet,’ he reminded her. ‘What on earth would our host and hostess think if they found food all over their damask sheets?’

  ‘I can’t help it,’ murmured Esther. ‘Not when Rebecca does things like that.’

  ‘Leave her alone, Rebecca,’ said Christopher. ‘You’re only meant to eat food, not touch her in any other way.’

  ‘I couldn’t resist it,’ confessed Rebecca. ‘She looked so hot and needy. Is that how you feel, Esther?’

  Esther groaned in acknowledgement and Rebecca pretended to be sympathetic. ‘You poor thing,’ she said sweetly and then, to Esther’s horror, she took a small jar of honey and very slowly and deliberately poured the liquid between the crevice of Esther’s thighs. Esther could feel the sticky substance trickling over her sex. The honey slid between her buttocks and formed a small pool on the sheet beneath her.

  It was a blissful sensation and she gave a tiny cry of pleasure. Christopher and Rebecca began to lap at the honey, both licking and sucking on her at the same time until finally it was impossible for Esther to follow their instructions. The bottoms of her feet flattened against the mattress. She felt her legs bend at the knees, almost against her own volition, and then she was thrusting her pelvis upwards, trying to force their insidiously gentle tongues to stimulate her harder. As she moved, the first wave of her climax began to ripple through her, building to a huge crescendo until suddenly her whole body was racked by a spasm of release that went on and on while Rebecca and Christopher watched in silent appreciation.

  When Esther was finally still, Rebecca disappeared into the adjoining bathroom and then came back with a sponge and towel which Christopher used to wash and dry Esther’s body. When he’d finished, she fully expected the pair of them to leave but, instead, Christopher pulled her upright until she was in a sitting position and then very softly he stroked the side of her face.

  ‘You did enjoy that, didn’t you?’ he asked her earnestly.

  Esther nodded, unable to admit out loud how delicious it had really been.

  ‘That’s good,’ he continued, ‘because now I want you and Rebecca to really please me. Will you do that?’

  ‘Of course,’ said Esther in some surprise.

  ‘Does she know what it is that you like the best?’ Rebecca asked abruptly.

  Christopher shook his head. ‘No, I thought I’d leave you to explain that.’

  ‘I rather imagine my outfit’s already done it,’ said Rebecca, looking Esther directly in the eyes for the first time. ‘Have you got the picture, Esther?’

  Esther frowned. ‘Well, I …’

  ‘Oh come on,’ Rebecca said irritably, ‘Christopher likes to be dominated. I don’t wear this for my own amusement, you know, although it is quite a turn-on in the end, as I’m sure you’ll learn.’

  Esther swung her legs over the side of the bed and watched in some surprise as Christopher suddenly threw himself down on the bedroom carpet. Rebecca stood over him, her hands on her hips and her legs on either side of his. He was entirely naked and propping himself up slightly on one arm, looking up at he
r with an expression of submission on his face.

  Esther could hardly believe her eyes. This wasn’t the Christopher Wheldon that she’d seen on the stage, or the man who’d shared her bed a few nights before. This showed an entirely different side to him, and one that she found far less appealing.

  ‘Come on,’ said Rebecca. ‘We’re in this together you know. It’s a pity there’s nothing you can wear that’s suitable, but you could blindfold him. Have you got anything that would do?’

  ‘I’ve got a scarf,’ Esther suggested.

  ‘That’ll be fine,’ said Rebecca. Christopher turned his head to see where Esther was going and Rebecca swiftly grabbed hold of his hair, pulling him into a sitting position. ‘Stay right there,’ she said angrily, pressing the hard leather riding crop firmly against the naked skin of his spine as he remained with his head between her parted thighs, his mouth level with the hem of her mini dress.

  As Esther returned with the scarf she saw that Christopher’s tongue was busy trying to lick at the flesh of Rebecca’s inner thigh. Rebecca realised this at the same moment as Esther, and she swiftly raised the riding crop and brought it down with considerable force on Christopher’s shoulder. ‘Don’t you dare do anything unless you’re asked,’ she hissed.

  As Esther stood over the prone actor in order to blindfold him she saw that he was already fully erect and there was a tiny drop of clear fluid hanging on the tip of his penis. He was clearly very excited and this gave Esther the courage to tie the scarf over his eyes. She tugged hard at the knot, taking a perverse satisfaction in the grunt that he gave as she did so.

  ‘I think you could get quite good at this,’ drawled Rebecca.

  Esther rather doubted it but, nevertheless, when Rebecca ordered her to tip Christopher’s head back and then start kissing him, she did enjoy the sensation of power, especially when he twisted and turned in her grasp and she had to press her hands firmly against his ears before lowering her mouth and then thrusting her tongue deep inside his mouth. It was clear that he was delighted by her action. She felt his tongue clash with hers and then their lips were almost glued together, only there was nothing soft and sensual this time. Esther realised that it was like having a male sex slave and the sheer thrill of this realisation was an aphrodisiac in itself.


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