Sex & The Immortal Bad Boy

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Sex & The Immortal Bad Boy Page 8

by Stephanie Rowe


  “You’re creepy when you’re in shadow form.”

  He couldn’t help but smile at her word choice as the cab stopped and he opened the door. “Creepy? Haven’t heard that used to describe me before.”

  “Yeah, well, I know you were going for ominous and deadly, but it didn’t quite work.” She ducked under his arm and climbed into the cab and immediately tugged off her sunglasses, blinking at him. “But what’s with the evil mojo? You’re completely different when you’re in human form.”

  He shoved in next to her, barely able to fit his legs in the small area in front of the seat. He gave the driver an address on the Lower East Side, tensing as he settled back in the seat and thought about where they were going. “Back when shadow warriors guarded the gateways, we went into shadow form to kill anyone who crossed the threshold. It’s difficult for me not to kill the nearest being when I’m in that form.”

  She stared at him, her eyes wide. “So, it’s like being me, then, having to resist the urge to kill.”

  He rubbed his jaw. “Yeah, I guess. In a way.”

  “So, how do you resist?” She turned sideways and draped her legs over his and let her head rest against the seat so she could watch him.

  He rested his forearms on her legs, drumming his fingers on her shins while he thought. “I guess I just shut it down. I don’t think about it much anymore.”

  “But how do you shut it down? Do you think about happy things? Reasons to live?”

  He gave a small snort at her question. “Sweetheart, there’s not a whole lot of stuff in my life that’s happy. I just drill it down to discipline. I refuse to kill.” He shrugged and idly traced the seam on her jeans with his index finger, enjoying being close enough to her to scent her. She smelled like woman, like some flower he had no chance of identifying but he knew he’d smelled at some point in his life.

  “Discipline, huh?” She chewed her lower lip. “I don’t really consider myself disciplined.”

  “Easy to fix.”

  She gave him a hopeful look. “Really? How?”

  “Just decide you’re going to do something, and do it. Don’t think about it, don’t get bogged down in the emotions of it. Just shut everything else out and do it.”

  She cocked her head and studied him. “If you take all the emotions out of it and shut out everything else in your life, then what’s the point?”

  “The point is that you don’t kill anyone by mistake.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” She sighed. “But the thing is, I like having emotions. I like my life. I wouldn’t want to shut them out.” She narrowed her eyes. “Oh . . . I get it. That’s why you can do it. You don’t want to live the life you have, right?”

  He leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes. “My life is fine. I have a couple things to sort out, is all.”

  “Like what?”

  “Nothing that concerns you.”

  “So what? I want to know. You’re in my life now. That means you get to have me care about you. So, what’s up? What’s bugging you? It’s the Junior thing, huh?”

  He opened his eyes and turned his head to the side so he could see her.

  She smiled at him, a smile of such genuine warmth and interest that he felt something twist in his gut. He couldn’t remember anyone ever looking at him like that. Like they actually cared. He raised his fingers and traced them down her jaw, then clenched his fist in her hair. “You’re for real, aren’t you?”

  “I’m me, if that’s what you mean.”

  He tightened his grip in her hair and tugged gently.

  She let him pull her toward him, her eyes getting wide as she neared him. “You’re going to kiss me now, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah.” He paused with his lips over hers. “Is that a problem?”

  “No. As long as we don’t have sex.”

  He smiled. “I think I can refrain from taking your virginity in the back of a cab.” Then he lowered his head and brushed his lips over hers. Her mouth was warm, and she tasted like fruit. “Strawberries?”

  “The lip gloss was a freebie since I bought the hat and glasses.” She lifted her face to his. “Kiss me like you did on the street last night.”

  He brought his other hand around the back of her head and pulled her closer, and this time he didn’t hold back. Her lips opened for him and he caught her mouth in a kiss that drove thought from his mind. Her tongue reached enthusiastically for his, and he caught it and suckled it, and he felt her shudder in his arms. Then he thrust deeper, and drank in all that he could take, as she offered him all that she was.

  Her arm went around his neck and pulled him down toward her, her kiss getting more frantic and more demanding, and he let her take control, gave in to her needs and demands, basking in the small noises she made as she let him into everything she was.

  He groaned and slid his hand down her neck, tracing her collarbone as he deepened the kiss, unable to stop himself from responding to her call, to her invitation, to her utter trust of all he was. His hand slid to her breast, and she shuddered as he flicked her nipple through her shirt and her arms tightened around him.

  He felt his body respond, and he knew he was close to the edge. With a groan, he dropped his hand and broke the kiss.

  Paige’s eyes opened, and they were hazy with desire that made him even harder. “I hate stopping.”

  “Yeah, me too.” He slid his fingers through her hair, not quite able to let go. “But it’s dangerous. I can go only so far before I’m not going to be able to stop.”

  She grinned, a mischievous light in her eyes. “Because I make you so hot?”

  He laughed softly. “You could put it that way.”

  She smiled and nestled against his chest, her fingers toying with the front of his shirt. “You almost make me forget my problems.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head. “That’s why it’s dangerous.”

  She sighed, and he felt some of her energy sag. “I hate to agree with such a negative statement, but you’re right. I don’t have time to be distracted by kisses that melt my innards into a bubbling cauldron of hormones.”

  He chuckled at the Paige-ism. “‘A bubbling cauldron of hormones’?”

  “It was the best I could do, but I’m sure it didn’t do it justice.” She shifted her weight so she could get closer to him. “Zeke’s running up against a brick wall in the search for the scientist, so I need to go to hell to search Satan’s files and see if I can find out the address of his scientist who created the wraith. I’m meeting my friend Theresa tonight to see if we can find an angel to save me, but seeing as how well that went last time, I’m not feeling confident. I’m getting a little freaked out by how much my calf hurts, so I don’t want to waste my day sitting around doing nothing. I still think the scientist is my best chance, if only I can find her, and it looks like I’m on my own for that. I know you said you have an errand, so maybe we should split up.” Even as she spoke, her hand twisted in his shirt, as if she were anchoring herself. “You do your thing, and I’ll go to hell.”

  Jed thought about the power he’d felt from her when she’d nearly killed him. “I don’t think you should be alone.”

  She mustered a weary grin. “You’re just saying that because you’re hoping for another kiss.”

  He met her gaze. “I’m saying it because it’s true. You’re dangerous, Paige, and unless you can figure out how to manage it the way I do, you shouldn’t be alone.”

  Her smile faded, replaced by quiet determination. “How come when everyone else says that, I feel like a leper, but when you say it, all it does is make me get serious and concentrate?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe because I don’t think you’re a leper.”

  She studied him. “Or maybe it’s because you get an erection when you kiss me.”

  He couldn’t help but laugh and he hugged her. “God, I could get used to you.”

  She beamed at him. “You have t
he best hugs. I forgive you for telling me I’m too dangerous to be left alone. But how are we going to manage it? I know I said I’d go with you, but I’m kind of freaking out here.”

  He touched her face to calm her. “My errand will take only about twenty minutes, but it’s critical. Let’s take care of that, then we can go to hell and do your thing and pick up the money for Junior while we’re there. I’ll be with you the whole time if your wraith wakes up, okay?”

  She raised her brows. “Critical? What’s more critical than the fact I might turn into a wraith at any second?”

  “We’re going to see a shadow warrior that’s retiring.” He leaned forward and rested his forearms on his thighs, his knees bouncing restlessly as he thought about the importance of this visit. “He’s killing my brother.”

  “Oh.” She leaned back against the seat and folded her arms over her chest. “Okay, you win. Family should always take precedence. Family’s important.”

  There was a wistfulness in her voice that caught his attention. “Yeah, they are. Especially when it’s my fault they’re in trouble.”

  The cab rolled to a stop at a traffic light. “How is it your fault?”

  There was a sharp rap at the window and they both turned to look.

  Peering at them through the window was Satan Jr. He flashed his perfect white teeth at Jed in a triumphant smile, his eyes dark with anger, his short black hair slicked back, Wall Street style. “You owed me one dead Rivka an hour ago.” His gaze flicked to Paige. “And who’s the girl?”


  Jed cursed and rolled down the window as Paige quickly disentangled herself from him. Junior knew perfectly well there hadn’t been a deadline on Becca’s death, not that there was any point in arguing with him. Not when he controlled Rafi’s fate.

  Junior was wearing a handmade Italian suit, dress shoes, and a monogrammed tie. Gone was the gold jumpsuit he used to wear. Ever since Junior had met up with Satan and been able to spurn Satan’s paternal overtures, he’d taken it as a personal challenge to dress better than his old man.

  Apparently, he’d also taken it as a personal challenge to use up the world’s supply of expensive cologne.

  “The girl’s cash,” Jed said.

  “Cash?” Satan Jr. rested his forearms on the door frame, shooting a sharp glance at the cabbie to not start driving even though the light had changed to green and the cars behind him were laying on the horn. “Continue.”

  “She needs a bodyguard and is willing to pay me a hundred grand a day to guard her. Stolen from Satan. It’s all yours.” He held off mentioning the wraith, not wanting to expose Paige’s issues to Junior if he could avoid it.

  “Like it. This won’t interfere with your services to me, I assume?”

  Jed ground his teeth. “I need to put off killing Becca Gibbs for a few days, but she’s out of town, so I figured that’s cool. I’ll kill her when she gets back, and in the meantime, you can have money stolen from your dad.”

  Satan Jr. narrowed his eyes. “Indeed.” Then his gaze flicked toward Paige, who was muttering profanities under her breath, then he snapped his fingers at her. “Hey. Yo. You look familiar. Have I had sex with you?”

  Paige leaned across Jed so Junior could see her clearly. “Not a chance.”

  Satan Jr.’s face darkened. “You’re the bitch who fireballed me at the Penha camp last week. My left pectoral still hurts when I go to the gym.”

  “You’re the asshole who tried to have sex with me when I was under the influence of Penhas. That would’ve been rape, big guy.” Paige’s hand flexed as if she were readying a fireball and Jed felt dark anger rising in him.

  “You tried to rape her?” Jed began to slide into shadow form. Into assassin mode.

  “He tried. I kicked his butt, though.”

  Jed faded further into shadow form and embraced the darkness as it began to take over.

  “Jed. Anything happens to me, your brother is mine,” Junior said, his voice mild, but his eyes sharp. “It’s in the contract.”

  Fuck. Jed closed his eyes and tried to tamp down his rage, called back his human form.

  “Not my contract.” Paige flared up a fireball.

  Jed caught her wrist. “Don’t.”

  She looked at him, her face softening, then she crushed the fireball in her fist. “Family first,” she muttered.

  He flashed her a brief smile. “Thanks.”

  She nodded, then scowled as Junior opened the door and started to slide into the cab. Both Jed and Paige quickly moved to the other side of the seat. Paige went for the door, but Junior stopped her with a question. “Are you Satan’s new Rivka?”

  She rolled her eyes. “As if I need to answer your questions. You don’t have my brother.” She opened the cab, climbed out, then slammed the door shut, stepping in front of a zooming cab that had to slam on its brakes to keep from hitting her.

  “Nice rack, good ass, and an attitude to boot,” Junior mused. “I want her. Get her for me.”

  Jed clenched his jaw so hard he felt it crack. “She wants to kill you.”

  “I know.” Satan Jr. stroked his clean-shaven jaw, staring off into space. “I find that so sexy. Plus, she’s a Rivka. I like that. Steal her from my dad. So, you failed to kill Becca Gibbs?”

  Jed faced Junior and met his gaze. “Becca quit her job. She’s no longer working for Satan.”

  Junior stared at him. “That’s impossible. She can’t leave him.”

  “She did.”

  Junior’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “So, Paige must be his new favorite Rivka. Damn. She must be killed then. Kill her.”

  “She doesn’t work for him either.”

  “No? She left too? How interesting.” Junior leaned back in the seat and slipped his hand between the buttons on his shirt so he could stroke his stomach. He sat up suddenly, staring out the window, his eyes wide. “What is she doing? Is she right in the mind?”

  Jed whipped around to see Paige working her way down the crowded sidewalk, ducking and darting and twisting to avoid brushing against anyone. Her movements were jerky and a little desperate. His fingers dug into the door handle and he had to will himself not to get out and help her. “Yeah, she’s a little disturbed. You wouldn’t want her.”

  “No, indeed. My women must be top condition in all levels—”

  He stopped talking, and Jed’s gut dropped as Paige tripped and bumped a small tree with her shoulder. The tree instantly turned black and exploded in a burst of ash. Paige plunked herself down on the curb and pressed her palms to her face as she took several deep breaths. Then she stretched her hands up toward the sky, as if she were trying to drink in the sunshine.

  “Holy crap,” Junior whispered. “He did it.” Junior studied Paige, his voice breathless with excitement. “You see her fight it? She doesn’t want to change.” He leaned forward, nearly on Jed’s lap as he watched Paige. “Convince her to be loyal to me, and then force the change.”

  Jed cursed to himself, but he had no choice but to play that hand now. “That was my plan. I found her when I went after Becca, and I thought she’d be a better deal. Release me from my orders to kill Becca and I’ll deliver Paige to you instead. Your own personal wraith.” Just saying the words ground in his throat, even though he had no intention of following through. All he needed was some time to figure out how to deal with the situation.

  Junior snorted. “You think you can negotiate with me? You failed to kill Becca for a second time. By the terms of the contract, I have already recalled Rafi to my chambers.”

  Shock rattled through Jed. “You can’t afford to call Rafi in. I have no reason to do a damn thing for you if Rafi’s already . . .” He stumbled on the words. “. . . Being tortured. Even five minutes in there will kill him. Once he’s dead, you lose control of me.” He shimmered briefly into shadow form, unable to stop himself. “And then I come after you.”

  Junior held up his finger as he pulled out his phone. “Hang on.” He dialed a number, t
hen spoke into the phone. “I have someone who would like to speak to Raphael Buchanan. Put him on.”

  He held out the phone. “For you.”

  Jed grabbed the phone. “Rafi? Where are you?”

  But all he heard was a horrible bellow of pain, the kind of pain that ripped a man’s insides from his body and destroyed him forever. His grip on the phone tightened, until it snapped in his hand. He hucked the remains back at Junior. “You lose now, asshole.” He dropped his shields to welcome his shadow state. To finally end it.

  “He’s still alive,” Junior said quickly. “New contract. Paige for Rafi. Agree quickly and I’ll return Rafi to the Afterlife while you work on Paige.”

  Jed cursed and slammed his shields back up again. “I need time.”

  Junior nodded. “You have three days to turn Paige wraith and make sure she is loyal to me. I heard she’s hardwired to be loyal to my dad, so you’ll have to get her to fall in love with you. Love trumps everything else when a woman is involved.”

  Three days? Not enough. “Five days.”

  Junior smiled. “Two.”

  “And Rafi’s free?”

  “Back to his holding tank the minute you agree.”

  Jed ground his teeth. “Deal.”

  Junior reached over him and opened the cab door. “There she is. Clock’s ticking. And I’ll be watching.”

  Paige was standing on the street corner, her arms folded over her chest, glaring at the DON’T WALK signal. She saw him, and her face brightened, spilling over with her natural high. He was supposed to betray her? Hell.


  Paige felt the tension emanating from Jed before he even made it to the sidewalk. She frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  He took her elbow and flagged for a cab. “Detour. I have to check on my brother.”

  She winced at the depth of pain in his voice. “Yeah, okay. Hell can wait for another few minutes.”

  The cab stopped and he practically yanked the door off he opened it so hard. She scooted inside and he landed next to her, his jaw working, his knee bouncing in agitation as he gave a new address to the driver.


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