A Story Of River

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A Story Of River Page 7

by Lana Axe

  She turned to find the spider who had tossed a web at her lying dead just a few paces away with an arrow sticking out of its head. While one sorcerer was busy extending a beam towards a third downed soldier, Thinal took the opportunity to move in closer. She crept towards him, using the trees as cover. All of a sudden, the wildcat noticed her and roared. The sorcerer's concentration broke just as she hurled herself from behind a tree and swung hard with her sword. With a thud, the sorcerer landed hard on the ground, clutching at his nearly-severed thigh. She finished him off quickly, before he could cast any more spells.

  An arrow landed in the wildcat's neck and it reared wildly as blood poured from the artery that had been hit. With its last strength, it charged toward her, but a second arrow hit the back of its head and stopped it permanently.

  She caught sight of the second sorcerer, who had apparently realized he couldn't handle enemies that would fight back. He turned his wildcat and headed back off into the forest, followed by the remaining two spiders. In all, five of the city guard had been taken down and been subjected to the purple light beam of the sorcerers.

  Mel ran to Thinal. “Are you hurt?” he asked, breathing heavily.

  “I'm just a little dirty,” she replied.

  “Should we go after them?” he asked.

  “I think we should go find Mi'tal. He's going to want to see these creatures and the sorcerer too. Maybe he's learned more about what's actually going on here.”

  A crowd had begun to gather around the site of the attack. Seeing the last of the monsters flee, they had decided to come and have a better look. Pushing through the crowd was Mi'tal, followed closely by Loren.

  “Are you two alright?” he asked hastily.

  “We're fine,” Mel said. “What in hell are these things?”

  “I have no idea,” he replied. “I've never heard of such a thing, and there have been no previous attacks on Duana.”

  Loren knelt next to a fallen city guard. He brushed away the webbing and turned the man onto his back. His face was twisted into an expression of terror and pain. Whispering a prayer, Loren brushed his hand over the man's face to close his eyes. Next, he observed the carcass of the slain spider. He looked back at Mi'tal, tears in his eyes.

  “I have never seen such horror,” he said, wiping away a tear.

  “Come, all of you,” Mi'tal said. “I'll have the bodies brought into the city, and we can have a better look there.”

  The surviving members of the city guard carried away their fallen comrades. Duana's apothecary and his apprentices came to claim the bodies of the spiders, wildcat, and sorcerer. They would be taken to his establishment where the local doctors and mages would be able to study them.

  “I need to change into some clean clothes before I do anything else,” Thinal declared. “I smell terrible, and I can't imagine how disgusting I must look.”

  “We'll stop at the inn,” Mel said.

  “Meet us at the city hall as quickly as you can, then,” Mi'tal said. “I'm sure the mayor will have many questions about what you saw. He will also want to thank you.”

  Mel nodded and set off toward the inn with Thinal. Another crowd was forming along the road past the inn. Horsemen with banners were arriving as the crowd began to cheer. King Aelryk had arrived in Duana.

  Chapter 16

  Morning in the Vale brought a beautiful sunny day. The weather was mild, the birds were singing, and the smell of flowers filled the air. Lenora waited patiently on the bank for her life mate to finish his ritual. A yellow butterfly floated lazily and landed upon her shoulder. She smiled at it and turned her gaze back to River, who was emerging from the water.

  Helping him don his robe, she said, “I need to gather some healing herbs. Would you walk with me?”

  “I'd be delighted,” he said, and he kissed her cheek.

  She grabbed her basket from the silver bench nearby and slipped her arm in his. The two walked slowly along the bank of the river.

  “Perhaps we should speak with the dryads. They may have helpful information for us,” he suggested.

  “I'd enjoy that. I haven't visited with the ladies in some time now.”

  Smiling, she turned her face toward the sun. She enjoyed the warmth for a few seconds and then laid her head on River's shoulder. He kissed the top of her golden head, and they continued on along the bank.

  She stopped at a small bunch of heart-shaped leaves growing on a vine. Clipping two leaves, she placed them inside her basket. A fallen log offered a few brown mushrooms that would serve nicely as medicines. Ahead of them in the forest, they spotted Rogin on his patrol.

  “Good morning, Mother, Father,” he said, waving to them.

  Lenora hugged him and kissed his cheek. “Good morning, son,” she said. “How is everything today?”

  “We haven't noticed anything unusual. Are you heading out into the forest?”

  “We are going to visit with the dryads,” River responded.

  “I haven't spotted a single dryad since we found the one injured. Please don't travel too far.”

  “We'll be safe,” Lenora said, brushing Rogin's dark hair away from his eyes.

  River knelt to the ground and placed a hand on the soft earth. Closing his eyes, he sensed the water deep beneath them. Following it, he detected the deepest roots of the trees in a nearby area of forest. Dryads are creatures of the trees, and their roots run deep as well. He could feel their presence as well as the source of water they were using to sustain themselves.

  “I have located them,” he said, returning to his feet. “They've moved a little more south, but it isn't very far.”

  “I will bid you good journey, then,” Rogin said.

  They continued on their way, stopping occasionally for Lenora to gather leaves and flowers. Her basket was nearly half full, and she was quite pleased at the abundance of the herbs she needed. She glanced over to her left and saw an almond tree in full bloom. Smiling at her life mate she proceeded toward the tree. Almonds were his very favorite food, so she picked a handful and placed them in her basket.

  “That's very thoughtful of you,” he said.

  A few miles through the forest, the trees became more dense. River stopped and raised a hand in the air, listening. Opening his eyes, he peeked around a tree to the right. He caught a glimpse of a dryad observing the two of them.

  “Greetings, sisters,” he said. “We've come to speak with you.”

  Four dryads emerged from their trees and approached them. They were each tall and slender with bright green eyes. Three had silvery skin, while one was tawny. Their hair matched their skin, with strands of leaves woven throughout it.

  “Greetings, River and Lenora,” the tawny dryad spoke. “We are pleased that you have come here.”

  “We are so sorry about the loss of one of your sisters. It was an unspeakable evil,” Lenora said.

  “Your condolences are appreciated,” the dryad replied. “It was a great loss.”

  “Did you witness the attack?” asked River.

  “I did not, sadly. I wish with all my heart I could have been of assistance. None of us here saw what happened, but we felt it.”

  “We found the body of the creature responsible,” River said. “It was a hybrid created using a human and a wolf. Someone had bound their essences and ordered them to kidnap a dryad.”

  “I pray to the Earth that the person responsible is stopped. Free creatures live on in agony once their souls are bound.”

  A loud growl thundered through the air, startling them all.

  “Behind me, ladies,” River commanded.

  Lenora and the dryads obeyed, moving close behind River. The roar sounded again, this time followed by footsteps. Three of the wolf creatures were running towards them.

  Extending his right arm, his palm facing outward, River created a shield wall of water between them and the creatures. They ran into his shield, attacking it wildly. Despite their best efforts, they could not penetrate it.

bsp; With his left hand, River sent a blast of blue energy into one of them, knocking it unconscious. He did the same with the other two. When all three lay unconscious, he lowered the shield.

  “Can you release them from this spell?” a silvery dryad asked.

  “I can try,” he said, placing a hand on one creature's forehead. He leaned in close, placing his ear near the creature's face. He listened as the essence trapped within began to tell him its tale.

  “Once this creature was a young man from a village called Enald in Na'zora,” River began. “He remembers his village being attacked, and he tried to help the women and children escape. He grabbed a hay fork and charged at the attackers. They were sorcerers. He remembers a flash of light and then waking up in this form. He was taken far south and placed on a ship. After a few days, he was released with three others upon this coast and commanded to bring back dryads, nymphs, and any other creature of magical design. He does not know the name or location of his true master. He begs for the release of death.”

  “Is there any way to save them?” Lenora asked, kneeling next to the pitiable creature.

  “Both man and wolf are already dead. I cannot release their souls on my own. The enchantment is far too strong. Joining powers with a second elemental could help, but I do not sense any nearby.”

  “Fire lives in a tower only a few days from here,” offered one of the dryads.

  “He will not help. I know him far too well to ask. None of my more benevolent brothers are near enough. Our only chance is to give them to the river. There, they may find peace with the Spirit of the water.”

  Three more dryads appeared from their trees and helped carry the sleeping bodies to the bank of the Blue River. Slowly, they placed them on the surface and watched as they sank and disappeared. A gentle rain began to fall as the Earth mourned. The evil that had corrupted the creatures held no more sway. The river had freed them, and the wind carried in it a sense of relief.

  “We should head back,” Lenora said.

  “A gift, Lenora, before you go,” a russet-colored dryad said. “Take this bark for brewing as tea. It is difficult to find and has excellent medicinal qualities.”

  Lenora accepted the gift and thanked the dryad. With all four creatures accounted for, the dryads would be safe for now. They said their goodbyes as the dryads returned to their trees.

  Together, River and Lenora walked along the river bank back toward the Vale. The sun was setting, and the sky was filled with orange and pink. A few birds still sang, hoping to get in one more song before nightfall. Fireflies blinked in the distance.

  As they arrived home, Alyra waved and called out to greet them. She ran to River, who picked her up and hugged her.

  “It's bedtime for you, little one,” he said.

  “I know, but I was waiting for you.”

  “Outside in your nightdress,” Lenora added.

  River carried her inside and tucked her into her bed. Once she was settled he sat at the edge of her bed and sang softly to her.

  The sun has gone down, and the birds cease to peep.

  Let the sound of the water drift you to sleep.

  The stars shine brightly, and the moon sends her beams.

  It's time to enter the world of dreams.

  I'll keep you safe throughout the night

  and wake you again at morning's first light.

  Alyra yawned and drifted off to sleep. River kissed her forehead and took Lenora's hand. Outside under the stars, he held his love tightly in his arms. A cool breeze blew in and rustled the leaves as frogs sang softly to the night.

  Chapter 17

  “Fool! Idiot!” Ulda shouted as he slapped the cowering Soulbinder across his face.

  “Mercy, master!” the elf cried.

  “Mercy? For you? You were supposed to await orders! You were never supposed to command your own attack! You may have wanted to gain glory, but all you've brought is ruin! Four ruined souls you've given me, not to mention the loss of two spiders, a wildcat, and a very promising Soulbinder!”

  Ulda was far beyond angry. Not only had this attack been a waste of lives, it had given the humans the impression that they were easily defeated.

  “Wild Elves, no less, alongside a handful of useless human guards! Not a sorcerer among them, yet you were driven back with heavy losses!”

  “Please, master,” the elf pleaded. “Let me make this up to you, please!”

  “Oh you will. Restrain him!” he commanded the other Soulbinders.

  Immediately, they all unleashed their magic upon the cowering form. He was held frozen in place, his face twisting in agony.

  Ulda placed a gem into his glowing orb and unleashed a bolt of lightning on his former Soulbinder. The elf screamed in pain and contorted his body despite being held in place by the other sorcerers. His cries lasted several minutes as Ulda had planned. He did not intend for this one to die in peace. He would serve as an example to the others. Any disobedience would be met with severe punishment.

  Finally, the lifeless elf slumped to the ground. Ulda removed the gem from the orb and handed it to one of the Soulbinders.

  “Take this to the master jeweler,” he ordered. “I want this gem set into a necklace. I will add this one's power to my own.” He kicked the former Soulbinder's corpse as he spoke. “Get rid of that,” he said casually.

  The others rushed to fulfill his commands. No one else wanted to risk facing his anger.

  Storming into the throne room, Ulda sat down hard upon his chair. Tu'vad, who had been waiting within, bowed low.

  “What news?” Ulda asked sharply.

  “Your majesty, gems have been sent up by the cartload. At your request, the smallest have been ground into dust. We still have not located any very large stones, but the miners are working very hard under my supervision.”

  “Very good,” Ulda said, sounding bored. “I need to strengthen the defenses of our hybrid creatures. Apparently the runed swords and bows of the Wild Elves have been able to penetrate the spiders' exoskeletons. Normal human weapons have proven just as useless as before.”

  “Perhaps steel armor could be runed, and your sorcerers could combine the strength of souls to the dust.”

  “Dust cannot hold an essence, and spiders cannot move freely in steel armor. Your idea may benefit our troops, however. Perhaps the dust could be enchanted through the same process and be incorporated into the runes. That just might work!” Ulda's eyes became wide with excitement. “As far as the spiders, though, we need something else. A new process for grafting the dust into their exoskeletons must be found.” Ulda hopped from his throne with a newfound vigor. “I'll be in my laboratory. See that I'm not disturbed!”

  * * * * *

  Hours passed and Ulda still stood bent over his table staring into his orb. He was pondering the idea that dust could indeed hold a soul. These dark gems were very strong, however, they still had to be cut properly in order to contain the essence. If they were fractured, they were useless. He had already tried restoring broken gems, but he had no success.

  Before turning his immense talents to mysticism, Ulda had been a master of potion-making at a very young age. Perhaps returning to his roots held the answer. Quickly, he grabbed a phial from a nearby shelf and placed a handful of gem dust inside. His alchemy equipment was rarely used, but it was of a very high quality. He moved over to the cabinets and began grabbing at different ingredients. A smile crept across his face as he realized this could actually work.

  After combining a number of ingredients and setting them to cook over a flame, he started to become anxious. He chewed at his lip impatiently, waiting for the concoction to finish brewing. Once it had changed to a pale peach color, it was ready. Now, he needed to test it on something.

  “Slave!” he called, turning his head towards the door.

  A young boy peeked inside the lab.

  “Have a spiderling sent up immediately,” he commanded.

  Setting the potion aside to cool, he began t
o pace across the room. If the young spider could ingest the concoction without dying, it would be a good start. Testing on a fully grown spider was too much of a risk. He had already lost two and didn't want to lose another without very good cause.

  After a few moments, the slave boy reappeared with a spiderling in a jar. Ulda snatched the creature away.

  “Stay put, slave,” he ordered.

  He drew a small amount of the potion into a dropper and fed it to the tiny spider. It was still for only a second before a glow spread over its entire body. It gave one shiver followed by a high pitched squeak, and then it stood perfectly still.

  Ulda could tell it was still alive, but the results seemed a little disappointing. All of a sudden, the spider's exoskeleton took on a shine. Excited that his potion was working, he opened the jar and spilled the spider onto the ground. The slave boy jumped back, his eyes wide. Ulda stomped on the spider as it fell to the floor. Moving his foot to see under it, he realized that the spider was still very much alive.

  “Wonderful!” Ulda shouted.

  He picked the spider up from the floor and examined it. It appeared to be completely undamaged. His potion had truly worked. Perhaps it would work for his wolf hybrids as well. It might work for his troops, but their souls would need to be bound first. He couldn't risk an indestructible elf or human running around that was not fully under his control. Perhaps he would need to hybridize his entire army.

  Chapter 18

  King Aelryk had perched himself on the mayor's seat in Duana's city hall. It was a surprisingly large wooden building with quite an elaborate meeting room. The beams and supports were all decorated with scrolling patterns carved into their surfaces and several fancy brass candelabras fed light into the room.


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