SEAL of Honor

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SEAL of Honor Page 32

by Gary Williams

Kristensen, Suzanne


  land-warfare training

  leadership advice and training

  Lee, Gary

  live-fire immediate-action drills

  log PT

  Lone Survivor (Luttrell)

  Loo, Mike

  Lucas, Jeffrey Allen

  Luttrell, Marcus: ambush of and attack on; Capitol Building visit; deployment of; early life, training, and expertise of; Hall of Heroes induction; Hindu Kush terrain; live-fire IAD; Lone Survivor; Medal of Honor ceremony; Medal of Honor eyewitness; Medal of Honor Flag ceremony; media inquiries; on Michael; mission assignment; mission briefing; mission execution; mission planning; Navy Cross award; orientation briefing; Oval Office meeting; QRF loss; ramp ceremony; rescue operation


  M4A1 rifle

  Maggipinto, V. Anthony

  Maguire, Joseph: funeral for Michael; live-fire IAD; Medal of Honor award; Medal of Honor ceremony; memorial services; memorials to Michael; mission details; rescue operation

  McCabe, Barry

  McCombie, Ryan J.

  McEachin, James

  McElhone, Eddie

  McElhone, John

  McElhone, Linda

  McGreevy, Michael M., Jr.: Arlington National Cemetery ceremony; awards and decoration; burial; early life, training, and expertise of; mission briefing; mission execution; mission planning; rescue operation; respect for; SEAL Team Ten assignment

  Medal of Honor: ceremony and reception; delay of awarding; preparations for; recommendation signing; selfless devotion of recipients of; speculation about awarding of; tickets for ceremony

  Medal of Honor Flag

  media inquiries: information about Michael; Medal of Honor

  Michael Murphy

  Michael Murphy Trophy

  military honors

  military training tests (MTTs)

  MK-8 SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV)

  MK-9 SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV)

  MK-16 dive rig

  Moden, Patrick

  Mogadishu, Somalia

  Monsoor, Mike

  Monster Mash

  Mother’s Day

  Mountain Tigers

  Mountain Warfare Training Facility

  Muralles, Marcus V.

  Murphy, Dan: Arlington National Cemetery visit; Capitol Building visit; casualty call to Murphy family; death of Michael, notification about; dinner with Rougheads; early life of Michael; Ewa Banas meeting; Father’s Day message; funeral for Michael; good and bad in people; graduation of Michael; Hall of Heroes induction; injury during Hell Week; location of Michael, knowledge of; Medal of Honor ceremony and reception; Medal of Honor, preparations for awarding; Medal of Honor, speculation about awarding of; memorials to Michael; Michael’s remains, return of; missing status of Michael; Navy Cross ceremony; news story about attack on SEAL team; opposition to military service for Michael; scholarship foundation; support network for; text message from Michael; Vietnam service of

  Murphy, John: Arlington National Cemetery visit; Capitol Building visit; casualty call to Murphy family; death of Michael, notification about; evening plans with father; Father’s Day message; funeral for Michael; graduation of Michael; Hall of Heroes induction; memorials to Michael; Michael’s remains, return of; military career decision of Michael; news story about attack on SEAL team; scholarship foundation; support network for; uneasy feeling about Michael

  Murphy, Karen

  Murphy, Maureen: Arlington National Cemetery visit; Capitol Building visit; casualty call to Murphy family; death of Michael, notification about; dinner with Rougheads; early life of Michael; Ewa Banas meeting; Father’s Day message; funeral for Michael; funeral preparations; graduation of Michael; Hall of Heroes induction; information about Michael, access to; injury during Hell Week; location of Michael, knowledge of; Medal of Honor ceremony and reception; Medal of Honor, preparations for awarding; Medal of Honor, speculation about awarding of; memorials to Michael; mental and physical strain on; Michael’s remains, return of; Navy Cross ceremony; news story about attack on SEAL team; scholarship foundation; support network for; text message from Michael

  Murphy, Michael Patrick: academic achievements; athletic abilities; birth of; cellulitis and Hell Week; character of, xix-xx; death notice; death of; death of, notification of family; early life of; education of; final visit home; Fitness Report and Counseling Records; identification of remains of; legacy of; live-fire IAD; memorials and tributes to; memories and stories about; military career decision; missing status of; optimisim of; promotion of; protector role of; remains of, return of; respect for by fellow SEALs; SEAL career of; text message from; vision surgery; water, love of; wedding plans; work ethic of

  Muse, Chad: casualty call to Murphy family; funeral for Michael; Michael’s remains, return of


  National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific

  national security and foreign policy

  Naval Amphibious Base, Coronado, California

  Naval Amphibious Base, Little Creek, Virginia

  Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC)

  Naval Special Warfare: agoge; community support groups; JOTC; mission of; reorganization of; rules to live by; SQT program, importance of; structure of

  Naval Special Warfare Center

  Naval Special Warfare Command

  Naval Special Warfare Foundation

  Navy Cross

  Navy enlistment oath

  Navy Memorial

  Navy officer commissioning

  Navy SEAL Warrior Fund

  New York City Fire Department

  Night Stalkers (160th SOAR)

  Norris, Tom

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)


  obstacle course (O-course)

  O’Callaghan, Jimmie: friendship with Michael; funeral for Michael; graduation of Michael; memories and stories about Michael; physical fitness training; September 11, 2001 attacks and; support network for Murphy family

  O’Callaghan, Owen: friendship with Michael; funeral for Michael; graduation of Michael; Medal of Honor ceremony; memories and stories about Michael; physical fitness training; scholarship foundation; September 11, 2001 attacks and; support network for Murphy family

  Officer Candidate School (OCS): acceptance to; challenges at; decision to pursue; experiences at; goals of; graduation from; Indoctrination; preparations for

  Olson, Eric T.

  Oster, Ron

  Ouellette, Brian


  Pahl, David

  Paro, Kent

  Patchogue Post Office

  Patton, Eric Shane

  Pennsylvania State University

  Pentagon Hall of Heroes

  Pfeiffer, Paul

  Philippine Islands

  Physical Screening Test (PST)

  Ponder, James W. “Tre,” III

  professional development (PRODEV)

  Purple Heart


  Qaeda, al-: attacks against U.S. by; Korangal Valley control; Kunar Province; Taliban protection of; training camps in Afghanistan; Whalers Operation against

  Quattromani, Jim

  quick-reaction force (QRF)


  ramp ceremony

  range safety officer (RSO) course

  Rebuilding Together initiative

  Red Cell Team

  Red Wings, Operation: ambush of and attack on; call for assistance; deaths of SOF personnel; execution of; goat herders meeting; men assigned to; mission and plan for; mission briefing; naming of; planning; priority of; quick-reaction force for; recovery operation; rescue operation; rope entanglement and cutting; Taliban casualties

  Reese, Tamsen

  Reich, Stephen C.

  Reidy, Tara

  Risotto, Beth

  rock portage

  Ronkonkoma, Lake

  Roughead, Gary

  Russell, Michael L.


  Sauers, Ben: Michael’s reaction to 9
/11; orientation briefing; QRF loss; rescue operation; respect for Michael; SDVT-2 deployment

  Sawtalo Sar

  Scherkenbach, Chris J.

  scholarship foundation

  SEAL Creed

  SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) Teams

  SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team One (SDVT-1): base and area of responsibility for; deployment of; Fitness Report and Counseling Records; funeral for Michael; Medal of Honor ceremony; men assigned to; mission assignment; orientation briefing; training of

  SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team Two (SDVT-2)

  SEAL Delivery Vehicles (SDV)

  SEAL platoon

  SEAL Qualifications Training (SQT): graduation from; preparations for; training at; training of enlisted men and officers

  SEAL Recruiting District Assistance Council (RDAC)

  SEAL squadrons

  SEAL Team Ten: assignment to Afghanistan; battle with Taliban; beacon tracking; death of members of; memorial services; missing status of; orientation briefing See also Red Wings, Operation

  SEAL teams; Team One; Team Two; Team Three; Team Four; Team Five; Team Six; Team Seven; Team Eight. See also SEAL Team Ten

  SEALs: community of; cost of training; deployment and training cycle; dive training; equipment and gear; operations and missions; predeployment work-up; primary (core) missions; rules to live by; selfless devotion of, xiii; standards to become; team concept; training dangers; warrior culture

  Senior Petty Officer Training Course (SPOTC)

  September 11, 2001 attacks

  shadow boxes

  Shah, Mullah Ahmad

  Silver Star

  Skop, John Anthony


  Sparta and the Spartans

  Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR), 160th. See Night Stalkers (160th SOAR)

  Special Operations Warrior Foundation

  squadron integration training (SIT)

  Stahl, George

  Suh, James E.

  Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) course

  Swartz, Steve


  Taliban: attack on Red Wings Operation; attacks on Afghan government; attacks on U.S. and coalition forces by; bombing campaign against; bombing of statues by; control of Afghanistan by; embassy bombings by; harboring of terrorists by; human rights violations by; Korangal Valley control; Kunar Province; QRF loss; Whalers Operation against

  Taylor, Jeffrey Scott


  terror, war on

  Thornton, Mike

  Tomb of the Unknowns


  truth and justice


  unit level training (ULT)

  United Service Organizations (USO) George Van Cleave Military Leadership Award

  United States Naval Academy

  United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)


  valor, xiii-xiv

  Van Hooser, Pete


  warrior culture

  Westin, James

  Whalers, Operation

  Widenhofer, Jeff: career and experience of; casualty call to Murphy family; funeral for Michael; funeral preparations; Michael’s remains, return of

  Winter, Donald C.

  Winters, Edward G., III


  Gary Williams is the training officer at the Warren Correctional Institution for the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction in Lebanon, Ohio, and a member of the faculty at Sinclair Community College in Dayton. He began his corrections career in 1985 at the Marion Correctional Institution and transferred to the Corrections Training Academy in Orient, Ohio, in 1995, where he served as a training officer until 2002. While at the Corrections Training Academy, he developed the midlevel leadership program that received recognition in the American Correctional Association publication Best Practices. He transferred to the Warren Correctional Institution in 2002 and published his first book, Siege in Lucasville: The 11-Day Saga of Hostage Larry Dotson, in 2003 and Siege in Lucasville: An Insider’s Account and Critical Review of Ohio’s Worst Prison Riot in 2006; the latter was rereleased in 2009.

  The oldest of five children, Williams was reared with a near-reverent respect for those who wear our nation’s uniform. His father is a decorated Korean War combat veteran. Williams holds a Bachelor’s degree in human resource management and leadership from Franklin University in Columbus and a Master’s degree in public administration from the University of Dayton. He has six children and lives in West Chester, Ohio, with his wife, Tracy.

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  The LT. Michael P. Murphy, USN, Memorial Scholarship Foundation was established by Michael’s family to provide college scholarships to senior students at Patchogue-Medford High School. Administered by a seven-member board of directors, the foundation’s principal funds are held at the Suffolk Federal Credit Union in certificate of deposits, with the scholarships funded from the interest earned. The foundation was designated as a public charity 501 (c) (3) corporation by the Internal Revenue Service on May 4, 2006.


  For a detailed description of SEAL training, there is no better source than Dick Couch’s book, The Warrior Elite: The Forging of SEAL Class 228 (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2003).


  For a complete and detailed description of of SEAL Qualification Training, read Dick Couch’s The Finishing School: Earning the Navy SEAL Trident (New York: Crown, 2004).


  Their discussion is detailed in Marcus Luttrell’s book Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team Ten (New York: Little, Brown, 2007).


  Luttrell, the only remaining eyewitness, described the epic battle in graphic detail as only a battle-tested eyewitness can in his best-selling book Lone Survivor.


  The flight crew and other 160th SOAR special operators on board Turbine 34 will remain anonymous.


  The author is unaware of any other member of the U.S. military to have achieved “Honor Man” status in both BUD/S and Ranger School.


  A Ziegler case is a galvanized metal case designed to contain a deceased person in an airtight environment, and is used to transport the remains from one country to another.
  This book was brought to publication with the generous assistance of Marguerite and Gerry Lenfest.

  Naval Institute Press

  291 Wood Road

  Annapolis, MD 21402

  © 2010 by Gary Williams

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  First Naval Institute Press paperback edition published in 2011.

  eISBN : 978-1-612-51006-4

  SEAL of honor : Operation Red Wings and the life of Lt. Michael P. Murphy, USN / Gary Williams.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  1. Murphy, Michael Patrick, 1976-2005. 2. Murphy, Michael Patrick, 1976-2005—Military leadership. 3. Operation Red Wings, 2005. 4. United States. Navy. SEALs—Officers—Biography. 5. Medal of Honor—Biography. 6. Heroes—United States—Biography. 7. Courage—Afghanistan—Case studies. 8. Afghan War, 2001—Biography. 9. Afghan War, 2001—Casualties—United States. I. Title.

  DS371.4123.O66W55 2010




  First printing




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