Pemberley Tales

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Pemberley Tales Page 6

by Aurora Fairfax

  Elizabeth curtsied briefly while Mr. Pool and his companion bowed slightly then she came over to Darcy's side. She accepted his offered hand with a welcoming and happy smile that caused his heart to jump slightly with delight.

  He startled slightly when Mr. Pool joined them, ready to begin their lesson.

  Darcy listened carefully while the young dance master explained the steps and demonstrated them. They weren't too complicated but he drew up when he realized just what this new dance meant and how close they would be. He glanced over at Elizabeth who was watching and listening with rapt attention. Her cheeks colored slightly when Mr. Pool explained the position they both would have to assume for the first set and the second. She looked up and met his eyes.

  A bright light flared deep in her brown eyes and Darcy's breath caught. Scandalous indeed. But tempting as well.

  Mr. Pool directed them to face each other and clasp hands so that they could practice the basic step. The music started out slow and Darcy silently counted while they moved through the steps and then tried a twirl.

  Facing Elizabeth the whole time was a new experience and one he decided he enjoyed immensely. Even more so when his eyes dipped lower to where her cross rested between the swell of her breasts and seemed to beckon him even further down. With a silent admonishment, he wrest his eyes away.

  On the next repeat, Mr. Pool had them move closer together so that Darcy was able to take hold of Elizabeth's elbows. He was beginning to understand just why people considered this unseemly. It was very intimate and he was glad that the lady he was dancing with was indeed his wife and not a stranger.

  To imagine Georgiana dancing like this with a man she was barely acquainted with caused him to grit his teeth. Same with Elizabeth. It was a good thing that she was already his wife. He wouldn't be able to stand watching another man dance this Waltz with her and assume he had any right to her.

  "This is the more genteel version," Mr. Pool explained. "But most people prefer the ... less socially acceptable form."

  "Less socially acceptable?" Darcy repeated while he wondered what that might entail.

  Mr. Pool looked rather nervous and discomfited. "In the other form, the gentleman places his left hand on the lady's waist or even on her back." He demonstrated the hold. "And the lady would place her right hand on the gentleman's shoulder or on his upper arm or elbow." He shifted so that he could demonstrate the position. "They then clasp their free hands."

  Darcy drew up in surprise at this explanation. He glanced at his wife who was looking thoughtful before she turned her head to look at him. Her smile was both challenge and encouragement.

  He bowed slightly.

  "Madame, if you would do me the honor."

  He followed Mr. Pool's instructions and stood facing his wife, offering his left hand and once she'd placed hers into his, he clasped her around the waist with his right hand. Mr. Pool slowly walked around them and corrected the placement of their hands.

  He stared down at Elizabeth. There was still distance between them but it was much smaller than Darcy was used to. He barely noticed Mr. Pool and his gentle corrections, too distracted by the woman in his arms.

  Elizabeth's cheeks glowed with pleasure and her brown eyes were bright and full of life. She smiled at him and the temptation to close the small distance between them and kiss her was almost overwhelming. Her faint lavender scent reached his nose, tempting him even more. He could feel her warmth under his hand and the way she breathed. It was all very distracting.

  Luckily, Mr. Pool chose that moment to continue with his instructions.

  "Mrs. Darcy, you will have to step forward when Mr. Darcy steps back. And back when he steps forward. And please, pay heed not to step on each other’s feet."

  Elizabeth laughed at that request from Mr. Pool. "Is that bound to happen?"

  He nodded. "Yes, unfortunately, more often than I would like. The Waltz brings people in much closer contact than they are used to and as such, it is easy to misjudge distance and foot-placement."

  Darcy glanced down, noting how close they were standing, and agreed with Mr. Pool. It would be easy to treat on Elizabeth's feet and he was glad that he'd exchanged his boots for dance slippers.

  "Good. We will start with the basic step again," Mr. Pool said and clapped his hands once. "Music please."

  The man at the piano started to play again. Darcy slowly counted to three and then started to move back and Elizabeth stumbled right into him. Laughing, they drew apart.

  "Did I hurt you?" Darcy asked and felt relieved when Elisabeth shook her head.

  "No, you just surprised me."

  "Ah, if I might interrupt," Mr. Pool said, appearing at their side once again.

  Darcy raised an eyebrow at the younger man who looked flustered. He was probably more used to much younger ladies and gentlemen and felt slightly intimidated and out of his depth.

  "A bit more forceful, Sir. You lead and you decide the direction. Mrs. Darcy will have no choice than to follow your lead," he explained, casting an apologetic glance at Elizabeth, almost as if he was already very familiar with her headstrong spirit. "So, when you step back, you will have to pull her with you, especially during the turns but without dragging her all over the floor."

  Darcy looked at his wife. The idea of her meekly following him filled him with mirth and he barely refrained from smiling. Her glare was full of amusement and promised retribution for laughing at her.

  "On the dance floor, my dear," she offered sweetly.

  He accepted her threat with all the grace he could muster and again offered her his hand. They managed to get back into the proper position and this time Darcy counted just loud enough that Elizabeth would be able to hear him. He nodded slightly and moved. This time she moved with him and they made it through several repetitions of the basic step.

  "Very good," Mr. Pool cried out. "Now, try a turn."

  Darcy followed the instruction and felt victorious when they smoothly moved into the twirl, but in the last moment their feet seemed to tangle and they stumbled again. He wrapped his arm around Elizabeth's waist and pulled her close to keep her from falling.

  She leaned against his chest, her shoulders shaking and for a moment Darcy was afraid that she'd been hurt but then he realized that she was giggling. Once she'd regained her composure, Elizabeth lifted her face. Her eyes shone brightly and one tear of mirth trailed down her flushed cheek. She was utterly beautiful.

  Darcy carefully wiped away the tear and valiantly fought against the urge to lean down and kiss her.

  "I feel like a complete neophyte," she exclaimed, giggling again.

  Darcy understood only too well. He could barely recall the last time he'd felt this clumsy while dancing. Being this close to his wife and holding her in his arms, was a distraction that made the whole enterprise even more complicated. How did people manage?

  "Shall we try again?" he asked, determined to succeed in this.

  Elizabeth nodded enthusiastically and they moved back into position. At a sign from Mr. Pool, the music started again. This time they managed the first turn and the next one. Then Mr. Pool urged them to move faster. At first it looked as if they would be successful but then Darcy stumbled and nearly stepped on Elizabeth's dress. And this time, it was her quick reaction that saved him from a tumble.

  Things continued that way for most of the afternoon. By the time Mr. Pool left, they'd managed to successfully dance a few round around the room without stumbling or stepping on each other’s feet.

  Darcy sank onto the couch and stretched out his legs. His legs and feet ached from the exertion. He'd forgotten how taxing extensive dance lessons could be. Elizabeth collapsed next to him and laughed breathlessly.

  "Well, that was enlightening," she said.

  "So it was," Darcy concurred.

  He lifted his arm when Elizabeth leaned against him and wrapped it around her shoulder.

  "And? Have you made up your mind?" Elizabeth asked.

r argument, as always, has been very convincing. Very comprehensive," Darcy offered dryly. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly and he pressed a kiss into her hair when she huffed.

  "Mr. Darcy!" she exclaimed, unable to hold back her own laughter. "You are impossible!"

  He lifted his head so that he could look at her. Instead of saying anything, he just raised an eyebrow, which made her laugh even harder. She hid her mouth behind her hand and shook her head.

  "Nevertheless," she said once she'd regained some of her composure. "You will have to agree that we have to decide on what to tell Georgiana and Kitty. And if it's negative, I will send Kitty to you every time she starts to complain."

  Darcy shuddered slightly, knowing that this was not an idle threat and while he was able to intimidate Catherine into silence and less silly behavior, he was loathed to do so. It got worse when she changed tactics and pouted at him. Oddly enough, it was in those moments that she reminded him most of Elizabeth although his wife had never pouted at him. At least never outside the bedroom. She definitely had never used this method to sway him to her way of thinking.

  "So, have you decided?" Elizabeth asked again.

  He hesitated then inclined his head. "Yes, I have. And I meant it when I said that your argument was very convincing. Maybe even too convincing."

  "Too convincing?"

  He could hear Elizabeth's surprise in her words.

  "Facts from various sources as well as a physical demonstration. Very thorough. I might have to send my steward to you for lessons. His business proposals aren't this thorough."

  Elizabeth shook her head. "I only went what with what you said once, that you would prefer argument over persuasion."

  He leaned over and grasped her hand, pulling it up so that he could press a gentle kiss against her knuckles. "In your case, my love, persuasion would have been more than sufficient. But to answer your question. I concur with you. While I can see why many consider this dance scandalous, I can also understand why it's becoming so fashionable." He sat back, keeping her hand in his and gently caressing it with his thumb. "I would ask you though to be present at all lessons as a chaperon, together with Mrs. Annesley. I assume that you will also be asked to provide the music. Mr. Pool might be honorable yet n impressionable girl could easily develop an infatuation."

  He didn't voice the part where he wasn't worried about Georgiana getting too attached but had his doubts about Catherine. The young Miss Bennet might have grown less silly but was still plentiful silly. Falling for her dance instructor sounded like something she might do.

  Elizabeth glanced at him through her lashes. "I'm sure we could use the practice as well."

  His whole body tensed and for a brief moment his face was blank then a faint frown crossed his brow and he mock-scowled down at his wife. "Should I worry about you becoming infatuated?"

  "Oh, it's much too late for me and it has gone beyond mere infatuation," she offered with a giggle. "I have been fully and truly ensnared.” She leaned up to press a kiss against his mouth. "Luckily, he asked me to marry him a second time after I was foolish enough to reject him the first time."

  Without waiting for an answer, she jumped to her feet. "Come. We should inform the girls. I think by now they have languished in uncertainty long enough."

  Darcy followed her at a much slower pace.

  "As they elicited your help, I think, you should also be the one to inform them. Maybe during dinner?"

  Elizabeth turned back to face him, considered his statement for a moment then concurred with a brief nod. "Very well."

  Chapter 5

  Darcy held Elizabeth's chair while she seated herself and smiled down at her. Her fine eyes danced with mirth and he had to forcefully school his expression into something composed and calm. The humor and laughter she'd brought into his life was a gift he treasured highly.

  Her eyes lost some of their amused sparkled and turned warmer and more serious when he smiled at her. He had to draw in a deep breath to calm himself. The earlier dance instruction had left him shaken and eager to retire. But first, they would have to get through dinner and a discussion with the young ladies.

  He had been startled when he realized just how good it felt to have a partner at his side when it came to decisions involving Georgiana. And conspiring with his wife to tease the young ladies for a bit, was something he hadn't considered before but now challenged him to keep his expression schooled. It wouldn't do to give everything away before they'd even gotten started.

  He found his seat and nodded a greeting at the other three ladies already seated the table. That was the sign for the servants to bring in the food.

  As they currently had no guests staying with them, dinner was served in one of the smaller, informal dining parlors. The atmosphere was less stiff and much more intimate than in the main dining room. Elizabeth had once told him that it reminded him of the boisterousness of her childhood home. Despite his misgivings where especially Mrs. Bennet was concerned, he tried to make things easier for Elizabeth, knowing that the sheer size of Pemberley sometimes was still overwhelming for her.

  The food was served and once everyone had helped themselves, conversation started to flow.

  Darcy listened silently while Elizabeth asked a few leading questions about the shopping trip to Lambton and soon Georgiana and Catherine were talking excitedly about the things they'd seen and bought, and the people they'd met, including several invitations for visits. Elizabeth glanced over at him, questions in her eyes. He nodded, indicating that he would talk to her about the different invitations and which ones were important and needed immediate attention and which ones could wait. He wanted her to feel at happy and at ease in Pemberley and make friends.

  He added a few pointed comments when Georgiana mentioned a few fellow acquaintances. He considered himself victorious when Elizabeth laughed at his dry commentary concerning Lord Caster. Even Georgiana giggled.

  The conversation moved from potential visits to neighbors and acquaintances to news from London and Meryton. Jane and Mary had written to both Elizabeth and Kitty, and Georgiana had received not only a letter from Miss Bingley, but also some from her other friends as well as one from her cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam.

  "Oh, I wish we could go to London for the Season," Catherine said with a sigh. "Lydia said she was having so much fun."

  Darcy looked at her then at Elizabeth who was frowning in return, yet before she could say anything, he decided to use the opening Catherine had given him.

  "Mrs. Darcy has informed me of your request," he said and fixed his eyes first on Catherine before moving to Georgiana. His gaze softened slightly at his sister's startled, wide-eyed look. Sometimes, it was hard to grasp that she was almost fully grown and no longer that little girl that used to chase after him.

  Both young ladies froze under his gaze, briefly looked at each other and then at him. They reminded Darcy of little rabbits facing one of his hounds.

  Georgiana appeared flustered but then she was still trying very hard not to disappoint him. He was aware of that, just as he was aware of his wife's attempt to draw her out more. He liked the changes he could see in her. While she still was his sweet and gentle sister just weeks in Elizabeth's company had bolstered her self-confidence.

  Young Catherine Bennet, on the other hand, appeared more curious than alarmed or concerned. Of course, she was already out and had had her share of balls. She also hadn't grown up under Darcy's tutelage and hadn't benefited from good schooling and tutors. Nor was she a rich heiress who would be presented at St. James once she had her first Season.

  While Catherine was pretty to look at, her prospects were rather limited. She lacked the beauty and sweetness of her oldest sister Jane or Elizabeth's bright spirit and intellect. Darcy knew that Elizabeth still had hope that they would find a suitable husband for her, especially now that she was staying with them and away from their mother's influence. She had already improved, grown calmer and less silly, and although she w
ould never be as accomplished as Georgiana, she at least was no longer an embarrassment to her family.

  "A request concerning dancing lessons. Or rather instructions in one specific dance," Darcy mused while he contemplated the plates on the table. "One that the Times has called unseemly, while others call it scandalous or even decadent."

  Both young ladies grew very quiet and exchanged worried looks. Georgiana nervously bit her lower lips while Catherine scowled at him.

  He watched while Elizabeth picked up a piece of bread and stuffed it in her mouth. Based on the dancing light in her eyes, she was trying to keep herself from laughing. He raised an eyebrow at her and she nearly choked.

  "Lizzy? Are you alright?" he asked, trying hard to sound concerned while trying equally hard not to laugh himself.

  She just nodded and picked up her glass. "I just swallowed wrong. Please continue."

  Darcy turned his attention back to the two young ladies who were looking at him and Elizabeth before glancing at each other. Georgiana was notably growing more and more alarmed the longer Darcy spoke and even Catherine appeared suitably nervous. Mrs. Annesley, on the other hand, looked completely serene, but then she'd been informed before dinner.

  Darcy managed to keep his composure when Elizabeth's foot rather indelicately connected with his chin. He briefly glanced at her and raised an eyebrow before slightly inclining his head. Maybe she was correct and he had drawn this out enough and it was time to announce his decision.

  "After some consideration, Elizabeth and I have decided that Mr. Pool will instruct you in the Waltz. But, in addition to Mrs. Annesley, either Elizabeth or I will be present during the lessons. Consider it a precaution." He took a sip of wine and raised an eyebrow when Catherine's opened her mouth to protest. His look was enough to quell her arguments and she snapped her mouth shut, before obviously deflating.

  "At a ball, you will ask either me or Elizabeth for permission before you agree to dance the Waltz with one of the gentlemen present. This is not debatable." He emphasized the last words with another pointed look in the direction of Catherine. Young Miss Bennet was simply too used to getting her way or simply doing as she wished without facing any consequences.


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