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Tania Page 3

by Warren Thomas

  "Um," I said. "How did… I mean, there must be two Tania Dragonslayers. It's a common name where I'm from."

  I had a bad feeling they were going to do really bad things to me. Like torture. My dream was turning into a nightmare. Or was Shikira right? Even she wouldn't say it wasn't a dream, but insisted my soul, my essence, was pulled from my real body and came to this time and dimension to inhabit Tania's body. Death wasn't necessarily a release from the dream, or a way back to my real body.

  I had to complete the task assigned before I could be released.

  Which brought me back to it being a dream. There was no rational reason I could be chosen to reanimate Tania's body just to kill an underworld crime lord on a primitive planet. Had to be a dream, but it was feeling very real at that moment.

  I might've kind of pissed myself. Yeah, it went right down into my thigh boots. Sucked.

  "Bagh!" he said. "I have spies in the king's court. I know he promised to pay you a great bounty for my head, and I know that you have a very good reputation for collecting those kinds of bounties."

  "I fail sometimes, and this feels like one of those times," I said. "I think a quick departure from this hell hole would be in order. Set me free and I'll leave."

  His cruel eyes narrowed and he sneered at me. Really, it wasn’t a good look on him. Sent a chill through me, too. The hands holding my arms tightened.

  "We'll set you free," the King of Shadows said. "We'll set your soul free. Draw and quarter her. Right now. Right here."

  I noticed the prospect of seeing me killed so brutally really excited the King of Shadows. He got a very obvious woody. The men around me looked almost as excited.

  "What are you guys crazy?" I cried. "Look at me. You want to slice and dice this body? What are you, gay or something?"


  "Homosexual," I said. I bowed my back, thrusting out my naked tits. "Look at these tits! Imagine them in your hands. Imagine sucking on those sweet nips. And my pussy is so hot, wet, and tight men would pay money to fuck it."

  The shadow men started to look more horny than murderous. Oleric, not so much. So I caught his eyes, held him a long second with a look full of wicked promise, and then bit my lip. I know I was always a sucker for a sexy lip bite. The look in Oleric's eyes changed, and I saw need and desire start to bleed in.

  "You want us to use and abuse you?" he asked. "We will not be gentle, woman."

  "Hey, stop teasing me," I said, wagging my brows. "I like it rough."

  Dark desire filled this intense gaze. I looked meaningfully at his woody, still trapped in his thin pants. He might be crippled, but his dong was huge. I suspected he could tame my bitch if given half a chance.

  "Fuck her," Oleric said.

  I groaned as my loincloth was pulled off, and men started untying my legs. They left my wrists tied behind my back. Dammit. Then someone yanked my hair, pulling my head way back, and he claimed my lips in a deep, hungry kiss.

  "Mmmm," I groaned.

  Hands were all over my tits and ass, groping my pussy. They poked, pinched, and grabbed me all over. Then I was lifted off my feet and my legs were pulled wide. I sucked in a breath, and felt the first man thrust into me.


  "You asked for it," the redhead said. "Whore."

  "Better bred than dead," I said, voice strained.

  That expression surprised me. It came from Tania's past, from her native land. Any woman captured in the tribes' constant wars was taken into the home of her captor to be one of his wives. Honor demanded the captured woman submit to him, and serve him loyally as a wife. What kind of dream had that kind of detail? Maybe Shikira was right.

  I finally got a look at the guy fucking me. It was the cutpurse. The little man was humping me like a madman. He looked so happy. Poor fellow probably didn't get much pussy. He was small, in every way, but that didn't seem to matter. I felt his cock profoundly.

  "Oooooh," I sighed. My body was responding. Every thrust pushed me closer and closer. All of that molestation on the trip over left me primed and ready. "Oh, yes. Yes."

  Where did that come from? It was Tark all over again. I shouldn't enjoy it, but I was. My body started to writhe and buck, and hot tingles filled my lower belly. Then he caught and held my eyes, our gaze sizzling. I swear, I felt that gaze in my soul.

  "Ugh!" I cried, feeling that rush to climax. "Oh my – Aaaggh!"

  My body pulsed with intense pleasure. He continued to thrust into me, becoming wilder and wilder. He came out by accident, and then came all over me. His dick was small, but he had an amazing amount of cum.

  "Yes," the redhead cried. She quickly replaced him between my legs, licking eagerly. "Mmmmm."

  "Eat me," I begged. "Please, eat me. I can come again."

  She ignored me. All she was interested in was the cum. But she finished quickly, and the men took over again. Part of me wasn't happy, but for the most part my body was eager to play. Like with Tark, I wondered if this was just dream fucked up fucking, or if I was being told something by my subconscious. I kind of hoped this was one of those dreams I didn't remember afterwards.

  My feet hit the ground, and they forced me to bend over at the waist. One of the shadow men thrust into me from behind, while another forced me to go down on him. I was sucking, moaning and groaning, even before what I was doing fully registered.

  "Ugh. Ugh," I grunted as they thrust and thrust into me. "Ugh. Ugh."

  The guy I was sucking off swept my long, blonde hair to one side. I think he did it to give Oleric a nice side-view of my ravishment. The King of Shadows was at the edge of my vision, standing and stroking himself. My weapons still lay on the ground between us.

  I worked my lips and tongue, trying so hard to make that man come in my mouth. Barely gave it a thought. Both of the men fucking me were already at the verge of coming. I was just starting to feel it, and it felt great. Part of me wanted them to last long enough to give me a happy ending, but another part was eager for them to just finish.

  I had something to do.

  "A-ha!" the guy behind me cried, and I felt him coming deep inside me.

  Such a feeling of accomplishment flowed through me. I swear, that pushed me closer to climax than his cock. Before I could fathom why that was, I got a mouthful of hot, viscous cum.

  "Mmm," I moaned, and swallowed.

  They both pulled out and I fell to my knees. I saw more men moving towards me, eager to fuck my beautiful body. I looked at Oleric, held his eyes a second, and then looked at his huge cock. It was scary big. I wanted it so badly, yet knew I had to avoid it at all costs.

  "If my hands weren't tied behind my back, I'd crawl to you, master," I said, voice as sex-drenched and sultry as I could make it. "I would suck your cock until you exploded."

  His breath caught. I knew I had him. Oleric just had to give the order before he made himself come, or some other shadow man claimed me.

  "Release her hands," he said. Someone came up behind me and cut the rope. Oleric and I shared an intense gaze that left both of us breathless and tingly. Well, I was all tingly. "Crawl to me like a pathetic slave girl."

  "Yes, master," I whispered huskily.

  Dropping to all fours, I started a slow, sensuous crawl. I slung my long blonde hair and wiggled my butt. Oleric wasn't the only man to moan with desire. I kept my eyes locked with his as I crawled. When my hand came down upon my sword, I didn't hesitate. The hilt was in my hand in a flash, and the rasping sound of that blade being pulled from the scabbard filled the underground chamber.

  "Die!" I cried, leaping to my feet and swinging the sword. Tania's sword knowledge came into play, and I brought that keen-edged blade around savagely, and sliced through his neck like hot butter. "The King of Shadows is dead!"

  The shadow men and women were screaming and shouting even before Oleric's head hit the ground. One of them charged me, and I easily skewered him. He had the most embarrassed look on his face when I put my booted foot on his chest, and kicked him
off my sword. Then I slashed left and right a long moment, before the shadow man all turned and ran for their lives.

  "The King of Shadows is dead!" they wailed. "We're doomed!"

  I cleaned my blade as I watched them fighting to get up the stairs. There had to be twenty or thirty of them, so they had the advantage. My sword would take a few out, but the rest could easily bury me. Of course, I wasn't unhappy with their panic.

  I didn't sheath the sword until I was alone. After cleaning up the best I could, I put my skimpy warrior woman outfit back on. I put Oleric's bloody head in a sack and headed for the palace.

  Shikira's warning about King Khaffin, and my ultimate fate, filled my thoughts.

  Chapter 5

  I walked up the middle of the street with a sassy strut. My left hand rested on my sword's hilt, while a heavy sack hung from my right. Blood dribbled from that sack, and everyone seemed more interested it in than my sweetly jostling tits.

  You know everyone got out of my way. Fast.

  Why can't my life be like this every day, I thought.

  The royal palace sprawled atop a hill before me. It took up the entire hill, with a twenty foot stone wall surrounding it. The palace was constructed of a deep, golden-hued marble, with a grayish-red tile roof. At the top of the hill was a thick round tower, which was the most defended section and held his residence and his seraglio.

  While the city was hot and dusty, the palace grounds looked lush with fruit trees rising above the walls. I remembered my one trip inside, when King Khaffin tasked me with killing the leader of the city's underworld. Man-made streams gurgled through lush gardens and courtyards, with fountains shooting water. They even devised a system were water was sprayed in a mist from the rooflines to cool the arid desert air.

  "Halt!" big, heavily-armed and armored guards barked. Fierce dark eyes stared suspiciously under shiny steel helmets. They were all armed with six foot spears and curved swords. "Declare yourself."

  "I am Tania Dragonslayer," I said, stopping to strike an arrogant pose. "The king hired me to do a deed for him. I come to claim my bounty."

  The officer in charge, looked me over, and then glanced at the heavy looking sack. His eyes narrowed as he frowned. When he looked me up and down, and his eyes finally came to rest on my boobs, I knew he wasn't going to make it easy. There was lust in his eyes.

  "You'll have to surrender your weapons, warrior," the officer said.

  I gave him a curt nod. "And you are?"

  "I am Akbar al-Koffel," he said proudly.

  I nodded. That meant he was related to King Khaffin. Al-Koffel was a family name or something. I really didn't understand how they came up with their names. Where Tania came from, you were given a single name. Then you added who was your father. So I was officially Tania Gilsdatter. And if I needed to be more specific, I added my village name: Tania Gilsdatter of Stagford-on-the-Rykker. In that region of the desert, they were all al-something. Sometimes a couple of al-somethings stringed along. I asked Tark if that mean "of-some place" but he said no. He did not elaborate.

  "Give me your weapons belt," Akbar demanded.

  "Why? I haven't been given permission to enter yet," I said.

  "Are you defying the King's Guard?"

  King Khaffin had a bad reputation for finding ways to not pay his debts, including arresting those he owed money on trumped up charges. Odd how they always died in captivity.

  "Fine," I said. I set the sack on the ground and slowly unbuckled my belt. I handed it over and picked up the sack. "How long before I'm allowed to see King Khaffin?"

  "Not long," Akbar said, while examining my sword. "This is an exceptional blade, warrior. Who did you steal it from?"

  "I claimed it as a trophy after my first death duel," I said. "He was a prince who misjudged me to his detriment."

  Akbar took offense. I knew he would. The other guards also tensed up, tightening their grips on their spears. They were looking me over like they expected the king to give me to them after he was through. I knew that very well could happen.

  It was not a good idea to taunt those men. I never understood that so profoundly as now, being a gorgeous half-naked woman. An unarmed woman. No family around to protect me. Yes, very foolish, but not that dangerous either. I fully expected to "die" in that palace. One way or the other, my soul was going away. Hopefully, it would return to my world and my real body.

  Or I'd just simply wake up from a dream.

  "Your purse is almost empty," Akbar said. He would know, since I forgot to remove it from the belt. I still only had a dozen quid, though I'd cleaned out the excess stones after dealing with the shadow men added Oleric's meager purse to mine. "How will you pay us for helping you?"

  He expected a bribe? Why was I surprised? Visions of Tania's early visit, and the bribe she paid, came unbidden to my mind. Visions of kneeling and sucking off the guard commander on duty and his officers came to me. My mouth watered with the memory, and I could almost taste them again. Unfortunately, those unsavory recollections got my body all hot and bothered. Hot slickness spread between my legs and my insides got all hot and mushy.

  "Damn," I whispered. Akbar grinned. It wasn’t a sweet kind of grin either. "What do you want? Blowjobs for you and your two lieutenants?"

  "That's a good start," Akbar said. He pressed up close, cupping one of my tits and giving it a firm squeeze. "You are about to receive a great reward."

  "What exactly does that mean?" I said. "You want more? Does that mean sucking more men? Or you want money, too?"

  My questions shocked me. They just rolled out before I thought. Did I just commit myself to more sex? I swear, I've already had more sex that day than I usually got in a month. Did Tania fuck everyone she met?

  I don't care what Shikira says, this has to be a dream. No woman strong enough to become a warrior submits to sex this much, or even wears heels. Please. Even I'm not that stupid.

  Akbar's thumb started strumming my nipple through the soft leather of my skimpy top. I realized then that my nipples were erect, hard as rocks, and really, really enjoyed the attention he was giving. I realized Tania had always preferred to pay with sex over hard specie.

  I might need to see a therapist after this.

  The Captain of the Guard's other hand stroked my hair, and then slid down my back, over my butt, and then grabbed my upper thigh.

  "Oh," I gasped. That bold hand then came back up, only it went under the back flap of my loincloth. His fingertips dipped into my butt crack and caressed my butt hole, before grabbing a big handful of butt cheek. "Oh my."

  I almost dropped my sack.

  "Let's stepped inside the gatehouse to discuss the arrangements," Captain Akbar said.

  "Okay," I said.

  My head was spinning, and my body was raging. I'd never been so horny in my life, and I didn't know why I was at that time. Akbar reclaimed my full attention when he pressed his hand into the small of my back and made me start walking towards the gate. The other soldiers were watching with amused, lusty eyes, nodding and grinning.

  I am so going to get the crap fucked out of me, I thought. I hope. Wait. What?

  I think my head was broken. Maybe aspects of Tania Dragonslayer were asserting themselves, like her deep love of fucking. Again, I wondered if it really was a dream. I had my doubts. Everything was so real. Also, Shikira made it sound like this was a real place, and that my soul was moving between bodies, maybe between universes or dimensions.

  That's impossible, I thought. It has to be a dream. It better be a dream.

  "You're very beautiful, Tania," he said as soon as we passed through the palace wall's main gate. He copped another feel of my butt, and then turned me towards an open door into the gatehouse. That was where Tania gave blowjobs to the other guard commander and his lieutenants the previous day. Was it just yesterday? My mouth watered and my pussy started throbbing with achy need. "We're going to have a lot of fun today."

  My skin goose-fleshed and I bit my lip. I sw
ear, I could feel my body getting ready for sex. I didn't think he'd be satisfied with just a quick blowjob. That man fully intended on fucking me long and hard.

  Akbar ripped my halter off. I think he damaged it beyond repair, but it didn't matter. My time was almost up. He stopped me before we reached the door, and then buried his face in my cleavage. I pulled off his helmet and dropped it to clank loudly on the cobbled ground. The captain tugged the knot loose on my loincloth, and pulled it away. Akbar sucked in a hard nipple at the same time his fingers plowed into my achy pussy.

  "Aaiiee!" I cried, head rolling back. I finally released the sack, so I could comb my fingers through his long black hair. "Yes, milord. Yes. Yes."

  He rubbed his bearded face all over my tits. His whiskers looked soft, but I felt them profoundly. They scraped across my warm, soft skin, and it hurt good. He kissed, licked, and nibbled on my tits and nipples for the longest time, while his fingers plunged into my needy pussy over and over and over. Akbar took me right to the edge of climax, and stopped.

  "Hey!" I cried.

  He yanked my hair and claimed my lips in a deep, passionate kiss. I pushed into that kiss, desperately clutching at his armored body. I threw a leg around him and humped his leg. I'd never been so horny in my life. I had to have it. Now!

  "Please, baby, please," I begged. "I'm almost there. Don't stop."

  Akbar's hand tightened in my hair, he kissed me again, and then fast walked me through the door. "Help me out of this armor."

  "Yes, milord," I whispered.

  We got him out of that armor pretty fast, and then he slammed me back against the wall. Akbar swept my legs up so that they hung over his shoulders. It felt weird to be squeezed between him and the wall like that, but very sexy too.

  Captain Akbar thrust into me.


  "Better?" he said, smirking.


  He thrust again, stretching my little hole out so well. He was a big boy. The previous day Tania's jaw ached after sucking the guard officers off. This was even better.


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