Everlasting Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 3)

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Everlasting Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 3) Page 1

by Stephany Wallace



  About the Author

  Written by Stephany Wallace

  Next from Stephany Wallace


  Chapter 1. My Kingdom

  Chapter 2. Fated

  Chapter 3. Our Secret

  Chapter 4. Answers

  Chapter 5. Complications

  Chapter 6. If I Only Knew

  Chapter 7. The Man I Am

  Chapter 8. Mine

  Chapter 9. Allies

  Chapter 10. Enemies

  Chapter 11. Revenge


  A note from the Author




  Reproducing this book without permission from the author or the publisher is an infringement of its copyright. This book is a work of fiction. The characters, characters’ names, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real or used without written permission from the author. Any resemblance to any actual events or persons, living or dead, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright © 2018 Stephany Wallace

  All rights reserved.


  Edited by Stephany Wallace.

  Cover Design by Stephany Wallace. All Rights Reserved. Interior Design and Formatting By Stephany Wallace. All Rights Reserved.


  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical

  articles and reviews.

  An S.W. Creative Publishing publication: June 2018



  Bestselling Author Stephany Wallace, published her debut novels Hidden Magic, (Paranormal Romance) in late 2016. However, she has actually been writing since she was about 12 years old.

  Thanks to the influence of her Literature Teacher who was also a poet, she began to write Poetry, which allowed her passion for writing to grow. Writing songs followed as her love extended to music. An artist, at heart and soul, she enjoys all forms of Artistic expression and occasionally indulges in drawing, playing her guitar, singing, and of course writing.

  As any die-hard Star Wars and Disney fan would naturally do, she moved to Orlando to be closer to Disney a few years back, where she lives happily ever after with her family.

  Shortly after her NPR debut, she won two awards as Best Debut Author 2016, Hidden Magic won the award for Best Debut Novel and her “Oh so #CynfullyDelicious” character Cynwrig Bresall won Best Book Boyfriend From Another Country.


  She is currently writing Dragons of the Temple, the fourth book in her brand new series, The Winter Court Chronicles. A story of the three princes of the Winter Court, their journey to discover the truth about their past, and conquer extraordinary love. #Fae #Dragons #Magic #Love

  She has several books in the works for publication in 2018

  So stay tuned!

  You can stalk her, I mean follow her here, to know a bit more about her and her upcoming books:

  Join her Newsletter!



  New Adult Paranormal Romance


  Ancient Magic Series:

  *Renewed Magic, book 2.

  *Unwanted Magic, Eisha’s story, book3.

  *Worthy of Magic, Art’s story, book4.

  *Absolute Magic, book5.


  Runes Universe: (Kindle World)

  *Forsaken Souls,

  A Runes Universe Novella


  The Winter Court Chronicles:

  Forgotten Kingdom, book1.

  Broken Kingdom, book2.

  Everlasting Kingdom, book3.

  Dragons of the Temple. Avra’s story, book4.


  Adult Contemporary Romance

  A Love Through Time Series:

  *Chasing Time, book 1.

  *Destined Time, book 2.

  Somewhere Inside Series

  *Somewhere Inside My Mind, book 1.

  *Somewhere Inside My Past, book2.

  (Coming May 2018).

  To check out Steph’s other books feel free to visit her Author Pages:

  Paranormal Romance:

  Website | AmazonUS |Amazon UK

  Contemporary Romance:

  Website |AmazonUS |Amazon UK




  The Winter Court Chronicles, Book4

  Coming July 27th 2018






  For Avra, Son of Zunyth, being the Dragon Lord and protector of the realms comes at a price, one he has willingly paid.

  When friends turn to enemies, Avra will be forced to do whatever necessary in order to protect Kalithdor—the Fae realm. Even go against his own race.

  Yet his vow to the Goddess may be the one thing keeping him from his true destiny, and from a love that could one day save them all.


  This book is recommended for readers 16 and over due to extra sexy book boyfriends.

  One-Click today!

  Exclusively on Amazon, FREE on KU!


  To those brave enough to fight

  for the right to love,

  regardless of race, religion or sex.

  You are the only one who can decide who your heart belongs to, don’t let anyone else choose for you.


  To the person that listened to my crazy ideas, for hours and shared with me his love about the beautiful Fae. Thank you so much Shawn Wood for being with me at the beginning of this journey, and staying with me through every step. I Love you #SawnieLove


  To the group of unexpected friends life has gifted me. Thank you for believing in me, supporting me and helping me through this journey every day. Kallie Kennon, Jaime Lingerfelt Rodriguez, Hollian Rickman, Shawn Wood, Andie Ryder and Meghan S. Johnson. THANK YOU. You have no idea how much you mean to me. I love you all.


  To my Omega Reader: Andie Ryder. Thank you for helping me clean the story of crazy typos.


  Thanks to my Beta Readers: Jaime Lingerfelt Rodriguez Kallie Kennon, Hollian Rickman, & Shawn Wood, for being excited about every single chapter and helping me with the little things I miss while creating these crazy worlds. #WriterStruggles.


  Thank you to my ARC TEAM for their support. I love you all.


  Thank you to my family for believing in me. I love you guys!




  The Dark King.

  Ruler of The Winter Court.


  4 days earlier…


  “I have no desire to hear your excuses!” I seethed.

  The rush of power coursed through my veins with my Physical Faery ability—Supernatural Strength—thriving as my fingers firmly wrapped around the general’s neck. Pure rage filled me while my heavy breathing sizzled in my chest. His eyes bulged while I lifted him, my grip tightening over his trachea until his air supply was successfully cut off.

  His mouth opened and closed, desperately trying to draw in the oxygen no longer av
ailable to him, while a purplish red hue stained his skin under the pressure of my hold. Kondar frantically attempted to pull my hands from him, but it was too late. I could feel his muscles, veins and bones trapped between my hand, begging me to tighten my hold and crush them. I leaned closer until I was barely an inch from him, and tilted my head while my gaze roamed his features, taking him all in. Glassy, panic-swollen eyes stared back into mine, and a slow, sinister smile stretched my lips. Pure pleasure flowed through my body at his reaction, mixing with my rage until I became almost entranced by it.

  I allowed myself to enjoy its effect on me while I gripped even tighter. His hands trembled on my wrists, while his fingernails ripped my skin, drawing blood. I closed my eyes while the rage, pleasure and pain all mixed within me and I took a deep breath, letting go. Kondar’s strangled scream was cut off before it even began, when my hands crushed his neck. His lifeless body crumpled to the white marble floor. My lids lifted while pure ecstasy, mixed with power, rushed over my skin, making the little hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

  My tongue slowly caressed my wrist, tasting the blood that the general’s pathetic attempt to escape had drawn out of me, and I turned to look at the other two men from his guard, who had staggered back a few steps. Their hands tightly gripped the swords at their waists, while their chests rose and fell sharply with each breath. I could almost smell their fear and horror. Good.

  “What I desire, gentlemen, is for you to find my sons and Avrielle, and bring them back to me!” I seethed, focusing on my next victim. “Even if you have to kill everyone in this damned realm to do so.”

  I gripped the edge of my Forlay Estarhur Curu—Flesh Cloak, and stepped closer. Lifting my hand, I brought the cloak to his face and grazed his cheek with the patch of skin I held. A violent shudder rocked his body, the terror shining in his eyes. My smile returned.

  “If you don’t, I promise you, Hevo, that what awaits you won’t be a swift death like your superior just enjoyed. I shall take my time with you, relish the pleasure your screams bring me, until there is no voice left in you to beg for mercy. Then, I will skin you slowly, inch by inch, with my own hands and bask in the sight as I choose the new addition to my cloak. Of course, I’ll make sure my sorcerer keeps you alive through all of this, and by the time I’m done with you, you’ll wish you had been consumed by the righteous flames of our Goddess’s hell, instead of failing me again.”

  I straightened, letting my cloak fall from my grasp, and struck his face with the back of my hand. He flew backwards from the brute force of my hit, crashing against the column behind him and cracking it in the process. “You are a disgrace to my royal guard!” I stepped closer until I was looming over his pitiful form on the floor. “My sons and daughter couldn’t have disappeared into thin air. So order the Dark Army to come with you and your men, and search every house, every kingdom, and every court until you find them.”

  I whirled around, my cloak lifting behind me, and walked back to my throne. When I faced them once more, Thurius, the remaining royal guard, was aiding Hevo off the floor. I took a deep breath, letting the ire expand within me. “And give the order that Kahina must be killed on sight. She became a traitor to the crown after kidnapping your prince, Kyr.” Thurius bowed and pulled a limping Hevo with him out of the throne room.

  “Your Majesty,” Mitah, the royal usher, stepped in; calling my attention to him while Kondar’s body was dragged out of sight. “Khet-ui, the Royal Sorcerer, is here to see you.”

  Settling on my throne, I nodded my acceptance of his visit, while the servants behind me extended my cloak over the veined stone floor. I waved two fingers, signaling for everyone to leave us, and closed my eyes, reaching for the bond I shared with my queen. Serene’s energy was frail and cold, but it was there, humming inside me. I inhaled, while the icy feeling of her spread within me.

  It had been over a month since she had last awakened, after collapsing on her throne once my sons left on that forsaken quest. It drove me mad that almost five thousand years after, she was still victim to the curse that filtered through her veins with each passing second, keeping her from me… from our love.

  Serene was weaker than I had ever seen her, dragging me along with her, which bitterly reminded me I needed to rest my power, I mustn’t use it unless absolutely needed. My head turned, and my gaze connected with the place where Avrielle had stood beside me for the last two thousand years. My Avrielle, my princess, my only daughter. A new wave of ire rolled over me. She had been taken from me and it was all Kyr’s doing.

  I was going to punish him for this. He had to pay for what he had stolen from me.

  The wood under my palm splintered as my grip tightened, while the gruesome scene returned to my mind. He had disgraced his own sister, made her his without regard to anything or anyone. It was an atrocity, and frankly, he deserved to die for it. It was his actions that had instigated all of this. Ash and Nyx had always followed him blindly, like mindless animals, unable to reason or think on their own. They would also face my wrath, as soon as I got my hands on them. Ungrateful, insignificant, self-centered Princes of the Winter Court. The only one ever worthy of my time had been Kyr, and this was how he repaid me? They would all pay for what they had done, and learn once and for all, the Dark King was not to be trifled with.

  “My king,” Khet-ui’s voice brought me back to the present.

  My head whipped in his direction. The pieces of shattered wood I had ripped from the armrest fell to the floor while he walked towards me. The leather sole of his sandals slapped the stone floor while I wiped my hands clean, and dragged them over my head, smoothing my long hair, regaining my composure. My gaze followed the sorcerer’s advance; his tall form was engulfed in the black, serpent skin robes and cloak he wore. Golden, sun-tanned skin glistened from his neck to his baldhead, as though the sun was still shining on him. Crystalline, lime green irises seemed to become transparent within the thick, black lashes that surrounded them, enhanced by the eyeliner he wore.

  Khet-ui was not from the Winter Court. He had been born and raised in the desert lands of my realm, the Otharta Satsay Staruth—Oasis of the Sun, currently known as Desolation Hollow. His civilization had either abandoned their homes in fear during the Dragon Cataclysm, or had been decimated by my Shadow Army for taking the wrong side. The Sorcerer however, was not only powerful but also brilliant. He had chosen to stand with me and help me take the Winter Court for myself. Of course, that was only after I had killed his brother, the ruler of his lands, per his request, and taken out anyone who stood in my way—including my pathetically weak parents.

  Khet-ui’s lips stretched into a brilliant white smile, his hand firmly gripping the bejeweled golden staff he carried, as he finally stood before me. I could feel the energy of his supremacy coursing throughout the space.

  “What news do you bring me?” I inquired, and watched him step closer.

  “My king, I am pleased to report that Lorcan, the Golden Elf you have been searching for all these years, has finally been found and killed by the Starhul Athdae Ossawen—Shadow Assassin I sent to the human realm.”

  My lips stretched into a pleased smile, rivaling his own, and I sighed contentedly. “You have never disappointed me, Khet-ui.”

  “You flatter me, my king. It is my humble honor to serve you.”

  “If there is anything else you wish to share, do it now,” I urged, already bored with the exchange.

  “There is.” He hesitated for a moment, and I knew I was not going to like what came next. “He wasn’t alone. A woman was in the dwelling he occupied. A human. It seemed as though it might be a companion, or his daughter perhaps, we are not certain.”

  “So he killed her as well.” I stated expectantly.

  “Not exactly, my king.”

  “What?” I roared, rising from my throne. “He left her alive, when there is a possibility Lorcan might have shared the truth with her? Is everyone incompetent in this kingdom?!” My hands clenched
and unclenched at my sides, while I stepped down towards him. Sometimes I swore that Kyr was the only one who got things done around here.

  The Sorcerer’s gaze shifted to my hands, then to my eyes. “She is just a human. I don—”

  “Just a human?!” I seethed, rage rushing through me and feeding my power. “I couldn’t care less what she is. I have fought too hard to keep this secret and my throne for the last ten thousand years. If there is even a sliver of a chance she might have been informed of the existence of our realm, and how I got to power, then I want her dead!”

  “Of course, my king. My apologies. I’ll send the Starhul Athdae Ossawen back to Earth this instant, to find the human girl, and kill her.”

  I stepped closer, stopping merely an inch away from him, and fought with everything inside me to not rip his head from his body. “You will make sure this is done, or you shall be the next to experience pain at my hands.”

  Khet-ui’s brow rose and he straightened defiantly. The emerald green crystal at the top of his staff pulsed with his energy. “It would be wise for the Dark King to remember that I am fluent in the art of magic, and I would become a formidable opponent if I so choose to be one. After all, it is because of my power and assistance during the Dragon Cataclysm that this kingdom was conquered.”

  Flames ignited within me and my vision was engulfed in a dark mist, my eyes became black. “If I were you, I would think twice before threatening the Dark King.”

  An amused gleam entered his eyes. “I would never dare threaten you, my king. I am simply reminding you of what an asset I am to your cause.”

  “Your Highness, I am terribly sorry to interrupt, but there is someone else here to see you.” Mitah’s voice danced around us as Khet-ui and I held each other’s gazes without backing down. My heart thundered in my chest, begging me to kill him, but as much as his words had irked me, he was right about one thing. He was better kept by my side.

  “What?!” I shouted, turning to look at the royal usher.


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