Everlasting Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 3)

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Everlasting Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 3) Page 7

by Stephany Wallace

  I was mesmerized.

  She stopped a few steps from the table, and gazed at us. Her full lips stretched into a loving smile, at the same time that glimmering tears welled in her eyes. She opened her arms and my heart stopped. Kyr and Ash rushed towards her, accepting her embrace, and kissing her cheeks. I just stood by my chair, frozen. My gaze roamed her features while she cradled my brothers’ cheeks and kissed them, then hug them once more, and the blood raced through my veins as my breathing faltered. It occurred to me then, that she had been ill for so long, I couldn’t remember what she looked like well.

  Tears had fallen from my brothers’ eyes during the exchange, while my throat ached. Mother wasn’t just “well,” she looked anew. Not even in the scarce memories I held of her before the curse, had she looked so vibrant, refreshed, alive, I concluded, while my glasses slid further down the bridge of my nose.

  “Nyx…” Mother tentatively called on me, once my brothers left her arms, yet they remained close to her, as though afraid it was all an illusion, and the image of her healthy, would soon disappear.

  My gaze briefly went to my friend, my fated, who nodded with an encouraging smile. Her eyes too, brimmed with tears. Swallowing the anxiety threatening to take over and fighting to maintain a clear head, I strode towards my queen. “Mother,” I finally greeted with a head bow, and her lips twitched while she opened her arms to me.

  “Will I get a hug?”

  I cleared my throat and nodded, pushing my glasses back in place. My cheek rested on her shoulder, my hands gripping her waist while her arms wound around me, tightly. My eyes stung. Taking a deep breath, I turned my face, and placed a kiss on her cheek, then stepped out of her arms, already uncomfortable with the show of emotion.

  She chuckled, recognizing my unease and kissed my forehead. “I’m sorry I never told you the truth.” Her words reached my brothers and I as her smile faded. Father took her hand in his and intertwined their fingers, kissing her temple.

  “There is much for us to talk about, but perhaps we can enjoy breakfast together before we begin.” Avra intervene. “Your mother needs to nourish herself.”

  “Of course,” My brothers and I replied in unison, and we stepped back. Ash and Kyr chuckled, while I huffed.

  “My queen.”

  Avrielle’s delicate voice reached us and I turned to see her curtsy to Mother. Kah was by her side, showing her reverence as well. Mother smiled and walked closer, then pulled them each into a brief hug, kissing their cheeks.

  “You have become such beautiful women, I’m glad you are in my sons’ lives.” Her gaze briefly connected with mine, knowingly, and then went to Ash, who had returned to the table.

  “Mother, I would like you to meet Gabriella, the woman I chose to love.”

  His words were clear. He chose to love her. The meaning in them seeped through me as Gabriella suddenly stepped out from behind him. She seemed to be hyperventilating a little, and the irony wasn’t lost on me. At least it was someone other than I. The fabric of the olive green gown she wore shimmered under the magical flames of the chandeliers, she stepped closer while Ash walked by her side. She reached our mother and kneeled, not quite sure what to do. I doubted her nerves had allowed her to perceive the way Avrielle and Kah had greeted the queen.

  The ladies of our court simply needed to curtsy, while the men knelt. I was about to point out the difference, when Ash knelt next to Gabriella, and intertwined their fingers, kissing her cheek. I frowned. He had clearly done it in an attempt to spare her feelings and prevent me from speaking. Ash glared at me, daring me to speak. I huffed, straightening. If I didn’t correct her, how would she ever learn? After promising bodily harm with his eyes if I opened my mouth, Ash’s gaze left me, and he smiled endearingly at his mate.

  I decided this wasn’t a teaching moment after all, and observed as Mother took Gabriella’s hand, pulling her up and embracing her like she had Avrielle and Kah.

  “I’m pleased to meet you. Thank you for showing my son what true love is.”

  Gabriella smiled as a tear escaped her, and my brows furrowed. Was she taller? My appraisal of her was interrupted when Father purposely cleared his throat, bringing our attention back to him.

  “I don’t think I need to repeat myself, do I?” He said sternly, and before I realized it, his words pushed us into motion. My brothers and I walked back to our places at the table.

  The back of Mother’s hand connected with his chest chidingly, as he stood behind her. “I hate bossy men,” she whispered to the girls and they chuckled, taking their seats. Avra’s lips twitched as he kissed Mother’s hand and pulled the chair for her.


  As we ate, I couldn’t help the smile that stretched my lips at the sight of our mother and father together. There was such difference in their dynamic than what it had been with the king. They were naturally drawn to each other, reaching for one another either unconsciously or otherwise—as though they needed to feel the other close. I wasn’t sure if it had to do with the time they spent apart, or if it was their bond, yet Avra’s gaze connected with hers every few minutes, and every time his lips kissed her temple, you could see him physically relax, as though she gave him peace. Mother’s cerulean eyes twinkled every time.

  A similar exchange occurred as Kyr and Avrielle contentedly enjoyed their meal, Ash and Gabriella’s dynamic was akin, yet she stuck her tongue out at him every so often, to which he responded with his signature smirk and peck on her lips every time. My chest filled with unease as my gaze settled on Kah. I wasn’t exactly the touchy type, and even if I were, no one knew of our bond yet. Her gaze connected with mine and she smiled amusedly at my unease. Relief coursed through me, although briefly as she silently set me at ease. I didn’t believe Kah to be the touchy type either, and her eyes said that she was content to just be next to me. Still, I briefly wondered if she deserved more.


  Father took a deep breath, taking Mother’s hand in his, and kissing it once the table had been cleared. We remained seated while his arm went around Mother’s shoulders, pulling her to him.

  “I assume there are many questions in your minds at the moment,” He spoke to my brothers and I. “We will answer as many as we can, without overwhelming you with information.” His gaze briefly went to me, his eyes filled with consideration. “Yet, I think your mother should be the one to begin.”

  “Maybe I should step away,” Gabriella offered, unsure, while looking at us. “This is a family matter and maybe it’s best if I give you some privacy.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Kah added, standing from the table. “I’ll be in my room.” She informed me with a small smile and turned.

  Before either of them could move, Avra’s hand lifted, signaling them to stop. “Please, we would like the two of you to stay.” He motioned for them to sit once again.

  “You are a part of our family now,” Mother confirmed with a smile, shifting in her seat so her back partially rested on Father’s chest. He held her closer, kissing the top of her head. “We want no more secrets.”

  Kah and I exchanged a glance and she sat next to me once again.

  “Okay, sorry to interrupt, but what exactly is happening here?” Ash questioned, motioning to Kahina and I. “I’m used to your freaky silent communication by now, but the whole ‘inseparable’ thing is new.”

  My breathing faltered with his question and my gaze nervously roamed the table, finding the same inquiry in everyone else’s faces, except for Father’s. When I looked at Kah, she smiled and slowly shrugged as though saying it was time to share our secret. Her secret. All eyes went to her, yet she briefly regarded Avra. He nodded encouragingly. Kah stood, and faced away from the table. Her lustrous midnight hair fanned the width of her back, where I knew her royal marking resided. The others stared at her, confused, until her fingers reached for the strands and swept them over to the front of her body.

  The sounds of amazement resounded around us, yet she looked over her shoulder
at me, offering me an enchanting smile. My lips stretched in response, as I agreed with the statement her eyes conveyed. I liked that this had been something she had entrusted me with, something so important to her yet we had both shared her secret. My gaze shifted, traveling over her skin. The back of her dress was low cut, revealing her body all the way to her lower spine, and encasing the gorgeous bursting star that I had already seen.

  “How is this possible?” Kyr questioned, baffled by the discovery. “Are you…?”

  Kah let go of her hair and faced us once more. “I am Kahina Startay. Starlight Princess, and future ruler of the Startay Astri Daeuthay”—The Stardust Kingdom.

  “Oh my God, I need that tattoo… like pronto.” Gabriella gasped.

  I glared at her. “It is not a tattoo. It’s her royal marking, denoting Kah’s noble blood and her place in the royal court.” My scowl swiftly turned into a frown as I realized Gabriella was wearing bright pink glasses that appeared to be much too big for her face. “You use glasses?”

  “Oh, yeah. But just to read or be able to see certain things clearly.” She turned to look at Ash, taking off the glasses and handing them to him. He slipped them into the inside pocket of his vest, keeping them for her. “Detailed things like this awesome tattoo, I so need! You know, cause I’m his Star.” She grinned, eyes sparkling.

  “You’d be so sexy with that on your back…” Ash answered, smirking.

  A loud throat clearing resounded in the room, and all eyes went to Father. “You were saying…” He motioned for Kah to continue.

  “Sorry,” Gabriella mouthed and leaned back on the chair, almost shrinking next to Ash. Yet, I couldn’t shake this odd feeling that something was different about her. She seemed taller, although I knew it to be impossible.

  “My aunt, Shaleigh, was part of the Dragon Lord’s private guard—an honor bestowed upon only the best warrior of each kingdom, and one I now proudly share.” Father smiled at her, eyes filled with appreciation and love. “After my parents died at the Dark King’s hand—a few months after the war where Queen Serene was attacked—my aunt begged Avra to keep me safe until my time to rule arrived.”

  Kahina’s words were casual, yet I knew the pain that lay just beneath them.

  “I was a newborn back then, barely a week had passed since my mother had given birth to me. Yet she stood with my father to fight the Dark King, and protect her kingdom. My Aunt knew it would be much easier for him to take me and magically strip my right to the throne as a baby, and she couldn’t defend me and our grieving kingdom by herself, so she sought the Dragon Lord’s help.”

  My hand reached for hers, just as I noticed Gabriella’s eyes brimmed with tears. Ash had mentioned she was an orphan. I guess now they had that in common.

  “He declared two other warriors from his personal detail as my guardians, which he had already infiltrated into the Dark King’s castle.”

  Kah squeezed my hand for strength as she continued.

  “Kitha and Calic—my parents for all intents and purposes—raised me with the truth, brought me to the Dragon Lord to become part of his guard as well, and told me that one day the Dark King would be brought to justice for everything he had done, and I would take my place as ruler of the Stardust Kingdom. I long for the day I can return, meet my people, my home, and rule it justly and freely like my parents did.”

  “I’m truly sorry about your parents,” Gabriella offered, wiping a tear from her cheeks.

  Ash dried the rest with his handkerchief, and I couldn’t help but be taken aback by the attention he showed her. I had never seen my brother act that way with a woman before. Hell, I didn’t even know he owned a handkerchief.

  “What did you mean by ruling freely?” Gabriella inquired, resting her head on Ash’s chest as he pulled her to him.

  “The Stardust Kingdom is part of The Winter Court.” Kyr was the one to answer. “The Dark King—” he paused, and shook his head, remorseful. “We ruled it.”

  “Nothing the Dark King has done to our people is on you, Kyr. Remember that.” Kah reassured him and his jaw clenched.

  I knew my brother. He was blaming himself for the death of her parents, and everything that had transpired in her lands after, even if all of this had begun before he even took part in royal matters, or seized his place as Commander of the Dark Army. It was everything he had done after, and his association to the Dark King, that fueled Kyr’s guilt.

  Gabriella nodded in understanding. “So, if you guys are able to bring back the kingdom Ash’s grandparents had, Kyr and Avrielle will rule the realm, but you’ll still be able to rule your people. I understand that correctly?”

  “Yes,” Mother answered this time. “In the Rising Kingdom, my parents ruled Kalithdor—the realm—however, each land had its own monarchy, and although they all abided and respected the decrees of our Court, they still had their own laws and took care of their people. We were all part of the same land. There were no enemies, we were neighbors, we enjoyed a brotherhood of lands that supported each other, instead of trying to break each other apart.”

  Mother’s eyes glistened with sadness while she spoke of the home she once had, and we all remained silent, trying to imagine what it would be like to live in that place, without war, without threats.

  Ash’s frown deepened. “I apologize. I know what you have shared is very important, and I’m truly sorry about your parent’s Kah, but that still doesn’t explain why you and my little brother have been acting so bizarre for the last few days.”

  Kah squeezed my hand again and I stood beside her. It was only then that my brothers noticed our joined hands, and their eyes widened. Avrielle smiled, although shocked by the sight.

  “Aha!” Ash shouted, triumphant, getting up and pointing in our direction. “I knew it!” he told Gabriella. “They are together, and are probably having sex too.”

  “Ash!” everyone at the table scolded.

  He shrugged, turning towards his love. “You owe me three kisses and a back rub. No, make that ten kisses.” Gabriella rolled her eyes while he smirked at me. “Bold move, little brother. I didn’t think you had it in you, claiming a Dark Warrior… the best of them, nonetheless.” He cringed. “Sorry, a princess… never mind.”

  Kah chuckled, clearly amused by his antics while I fumed next to her. “Would you shut up already!?”

  “Fine!” Ash lifted his hands in surrender, and sat down again, wounding his arm around Gabriella, and mimicking our parents’ posture.

  I gazed at Kah and smiled, then faced the others. “Kahina and I are fated.”

  Their shock once again reached us, accompanied by applause from Avrielle, who seemed thrilled by the idea. Kah lifted her chin, calling me to her and I obliged, placing a small kiss on her lips. I forced myself to smile—the attention was already making me uncomfortable—yet the smile disappeared from my lips when I noticed my parents’ expressions. They seemed worried. My brows deeply furrowed as I waited for them to speak.

  Father sighed and motioned for us to sit. “I’m sorry it has taken us this long to explain things to you, I realize now that perhaps I should have found a moment to elucidate you on our ways, before it came to this.”

  “Our ways?” I inquired, briefly looking to my fated, who seemed as distressed by this as I was.

  “I’m sorry, dear, but you and Kah are not fated.” Mother looked at me as though concerned at what my reaction to her statement would be.

  “That is ludicrous, of course we are,” I contested, gripping Kah’s hand tighter while protectiveness rushed through me. “I can smell her scent, she affects me, and she can smell me too.”

  Father sighed and nodded. “I believe you, son. Unfortunately, that does not make her yours.”

  “What?” I tensed as my pulse began to race, and my anxiety flared to the surface. “What in the Goddess’ Hell do you mean?”

  Avra let out a heavy breath. “We are Drayvok. We are not paired by the Goddess… we claim.”

5. Complications



  “What?!” The screech came from everyone at the table at once.

  I stood quickly. My heart slammed against my chest so fiercely, that I feared soon I would have a hole in the place where the organ used to be. “What do you mean we are Drayvok?” I whisper-hissed at my father and he stood, Mother stood beside him.

  “Sweetheart, maybe you should sit down and work on your breathing while your father explains.” Mother sweetly suggested. My eyes flared with irritation as I turned towards her, scowling. “Maybe not.” She cleared her throat, and clasped her hands in front of her.

  “You are my sons,” Father declared. “And sons of Drayvok are Drayvok too, no matter who we claim. Our Goddess made it so; it assures the continuance of our race.” He stopped; his concerned gaze searched my eyes.

  “Are you all right, son?” He spoke into my mind, but I shook my head as though I could get him out with the simple act.

  I took a step back as my throat closed off, cold blood rushed through my veins and my mind reeled with the implication. … Sons of Drayvok are Drayvok too… his words echoed in my mind, although his presence was no longer there.

  “Does that mean you have the same powers he has?” Gabriella questioned and my head whirled towards hers.

  “Can you stop figuring things out before I do?!”

  She snapped her mouth closed, wide eyed, and made a gesture of zipping her mouth and throwing away the key, while Ash’s fists trembled with the effort he was exerting. I focused on him and noticed him shut his eyes, and he tensed his body until he was shaking.

  “What in the Goddess’ Hell are you doing?!” I snapped.

  He looked at me perplexed. “What do you mean, what am I doing? Didn’t you just hear our father? We are Drayvok. I’m trying to turn into a dragon, like him!”

  “At the table?!” I whisper-screamed.


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