Conquering Her

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Conquering Her Page 6

by Rachel Blinkman

  “Well, she pretends to play the part so she may find a husband among the nobility.” The anger in Kaenen’s voice sent a shiver down her spine. Hannah never had a man standing up for her before, and by heavens, it was quite a blessed feeling.

  “It doesn’t matter now; all of you here are my slaves… to be sold far to the south.” The larger man removed his helmet and grinned. “Give me no trouble, and you may yet live to meet your new fate.”

  “We would much rather be dead than slaves for you to sell.” Kaenen said in a cold hard voice and in a sudden blur of movement, he had two wicked looking hunting knives in his hands.

  “You are a fool, boy.” The other man’s eyes were hard as stone and yet his lips were twisted in vicious smile. “Brave, but foolish.”

  Hannah felt a sudden jolt of fear mingle with her excitement. Men had never done anything for her ever before, let alone fight over her. She was quite eager, for a reason she didn’t understand, to watch these two men fight, but simple logic told her that Kaenen was indeed being as much a fool as the chief of the raiders declared. Kaenen was no match for the other man, not in size or strength, and neither did he possess the fearsome weapons to match the barbarian’s great sword. And of course the raiders had the upper hand and a hundred percent advantage here. She had to do something, but what? Then suddenly it came to her, or at least to her in-game persona, the Princess Hélène.

  “Wait, please wait.” She cried out, drawing all eyes on her. “Please, let me have a say…”

  The swarthy leader of the raiders gave her a cold hard look. “And what do you have to say, my pretty?”

  “Spare him, spare all of them… and I shall come freely with you, as your slave.” Hannah uttered those words with a courage that even surprised herself. It seemed as if another was doing the speaking for her. Princess Hélène.

  “And who are you to warrant so high a bargain?” The large man snorted and jabbed his greatsword into the ground.

  “I am…” Hannah looked right at him with her head held high and her chin out.

  “No… my… my sister! No, don’t!” Kaenen cried out. He had a look of incredulity on his handsome face.

  “Fear not, my love… I have to do this.” Hannah gently touched his arm and then glared right back at the chief of the raiders. “I am the Princess Hélène of Dras-Ornel, on my way to the mighty kingdom of Westamblin, to be wed to King Albrecht. ”

  She stood up straight and clasped her hands over her belly. She pressed down on her dress to reveal her enticing cleavage and shook her head to let her lustrous hair bounce in swirls around her shoulders. She bent one knee slightly and struck a very feminine, yet submissive pose.

  “The Princess of Dras-Ornel.” The barbarous man looked her up and down. “And even if you were as you claim, what good are you to me? I buy and sell women like you by the wagon load.”

  “All the wealth in the world could never buy you even my shadow, great warrior.” She stuck out her chin at him. “And if I had to tell you what good I am to you, maybe you are in the wrong business, raider.”

  “Ah, I like you, girl.” The chief raider laughed out loud, some of his swarthy men joining him in his mirth. “I can almost believe you are what you claim.”

  “I am Princess Hélène of Dras-Ornel.” Hannah stared right back at the man. “And who am I being addressed by, if I may?”

  “Ah, pardon my manners, your royal highness.” The man grinned wide and gave her a mocking bow. “This humble soul is Hagarth, chieftain of the Northern Clans of Cairngorm.”

  “And what have you thought about my proposition, Chief Hagarth?” She inquired.

  “Taking for granted that I accept your claim, girl.” Hagarth robbed his bearded chin with a gleam in his eye. “Your ransom would be worth a year’s long raiding. But then it is not only for the loot that we raid these parts… it is the joy of battle, the hunt that we do this for?”

  “I can give you that and more, Chief.” She leaned in closer and kept her voice low enough for only him to hear. “The ransom you require and more.”

  “And what more is it that you think I require, my pretty?” His whisper, loud enough for only her to hear, sent a chill through her.

  “Anything that your heart desires, anything that any part of you desires.” Hannah whispered back, licking her lips seductively. “Anything at all.”

  His dark eyes shone as he seemed to regard what she had said to him. She eyed him carefully, with interest as she noted that he didn’t look as abhorrent as she had first thought, when fear had a tight grip on her heart. Up close like this; she realized that Hagarth was rather handsome, in his rugged and uncivilized sort of way. And that sent another wave of heat and excitement through her. Here was a man the likes she had never been near before and it kindled feelings within her that she had never even dreamed existed.

  “Hm, I do prefer these odds.” Hagarth pinched his nose and nodded at her. “But I will spare only three of these craven men for you. Send them as your envoys to fetch the ransom.”

  “And what is it you want as the ransom?” She studied her fingernails without a seeming care.

  “Just three times your weight in gold and silver.” Hagarth gave her an equally nonchalant shrug.

  “Let me send ten men, and you will get five times my weight in gold, silver and castle forged steel.” She gave him an innocent smile. “And as long as we wait for the ransom to be delivered where ever you require; everything else that you desire of me is yours to have.”

  “You drive a hard bargain, my lovely.” Hagarth gave her a wolfish grin. “Aye, it is agreeable. Send your men… do it quickly.”

  Hannah nodded and turned toward the seething Kaenen. His eyes were bloodshot and held daggers for Hagarth. She took his face in her hands and kissed him. That somewhat calmed the young man and he looked sadly into her eyes. She felt something in her heart, a pang of regret, some pain. Was it love? But none of this was real, wasn’t it?

  “Kaenen, my darling, my love.” She whispered softly. “You have to go… get away from here.”

  “I… I cannot leave you, my… princess.” He looked hurt and dejected. “Let me fight this man, I will kill him.”

  “No, you will not.” She told him. “Even I, with no knowledge of the world, can tell that Hagarth is a very dangerous man, and besides, his men are many and as vicious as he. You must do this for me, my handsome rogue… you must ride back for the riverfront, and find this man… the knight, Randal. Yes, I know he and the militia are seeking to arrest you… but you must find him, speak to him, tell him of my need and bring him with you here, with what ever forces Randal can muster… to save me.”

  “I cannot leave you here…” The frustration in his voice tugged at her heart. “…with these, these barbarians.”

  “You have little, it any choice, Kaenen.” Hannah bit on her lip and held back her tears. “And I cannot bear to have you die for me. Randal is a man of great honor and skill… he will listen to you and he will do what is right.”

  “Princess, I…”

  “No more, my love.” She kissed him again. “Do this for me, before Hagarth changes his mind and hauls us off to some slave market to the south.”

  Kaenen looked away, and it ripped her heart to shreds to see the hurt in his eyes. But she could not afford to risk anyone else, even if it was all make believe here, for her sake. And though this was just a game, she had to keep in mind that being in control was the key. She had to be in control to win this game, and perhaps then she could find her way back to reality. Even if at times she didn’t quite feel the need to ever get back to the dull dreary life of hers.

  Hannah watched with some relief as the grim highland raiders released the nine men of the trade caravan along with Kaenen and let them free. She looked at the young rogue as he dejectedly walked away, heading back west. He didn’t turn back to look at her at all and she felt a misery she couldn’t identify with. For a moment she considered calling out to him, but resisted the urge.
She turned around instead, to watch the raiders take apart their caravan and set everything up for a journey back up the hills that was their northern homeland. A cold dreary place, she had been told, and soon to be her home for a while.

  After what seemed to be a long ride for many hours, her captors halted for a break. Darkness swiftly fell upon them, along the craggy passes of the mountainous landscape they were riding through. Hagarth hadn’t bothered her at all, all the way, but now he came striding towards her, with a large flagon of some strong drink in his oversized hand. She felt another chill go down her back, fear and anticipation flooded her mind. Was this going to be another intimate encounter, she wondered, and by the look in the large Northman’s eye, she could tell it was going to be.

  “Ah, my pretty princess.” His voice was loud and scary. “My humblest pardons for not attending to your needs until now. What can I say, I am a man of many needs; needs that keep me very busy. But now, aye, now I must be busy with you.”

  But there was no privacy there. They were out in the open, in a makeshift camp, where all of his men, and his prisoners were going about their tasks or seated around cook-fires. Surely he didn’t mean to ravage her in front of all these leering eyes.

  “I… I am honored by your attentions, great chief.” She said as he walked right up to her and took a long quaff of his drink. “Shall we find a place of seclusion…?”

  “This place is as good as any.” He growled and tossed the empty ale pitcher away. “Come, remove your clothing and let me admire your beauty.”

  “What? You can’t be serious.” She almost shrieked. “Not in front of all these men.”

  “You have nothing they have not seen before, woman.” He laughed and reached for her. “And they dare not hinder their chieftain’s pleasure.”

  “No! This is insane.” Hannah felt a rush of blood go to her head. It was fear, yet mingled with a perverse excitement at the prospect of doing it publicly.

  “You dare disobey me, your lord and master.” Hagarth roared, yet he had twinkles in his grey eyes. “Bring yourself to me.”

  “No!” She cried out, now thoroughly excited about what he would do, especially with her antics drawing every eye there at them.

  With a grunt, Hagarth grabbed her slender wrist and yanked her over to him. She felt the air rush out of her in the sudden movement. This man was really strong. She felt like a piece of fluff in his massive hands as he lifted her up and slammed her down over his thick thighs.

  “Princess, you are quite spoiled, I can see.” His laughter was loud and raucous. “Nothing a bit of good old discipline will not cure.”

  Her eyes went wide and she clawed at the dense muscularity of this thighs. She tried to push herself up, but his heavy arm had her pinned down over his thighs. She shivered as he caressed her plush behind. She heard a rip and her tight gown came loose and peeled off her as he pulled it apart from the seams. The chill draft of open air made her bare skin tingle. Laugher from the men watching filled her with embarrassment, her face going through a few shades of crimson.

  “Let me go, you savage beast.” She clenched her teeth and pounded her small fists on his thick knees and hardened shins.

  That didn’t deter him one bit and she felt his coarse, callused palm roughly knead the tender naked flesh of her plump behind. He squeezed her bare buttocks hard, one at a time, whistling and nodded his approval. His men whistled back and some of them actually stopped their work and gathered around to watch. Hannah wanted to scream and curse at him, but she was beginning to feel really turned on by this. Never would she have believed, even the day before, that this sort of thing would ever be anything more than a terrifying, traumatizing experience. And here she was, being drawn into the perversity of it, and even eager to experience it.

  “She needs to learn manners, and respect for our ways.” Hagarth roared, waving his hand high in the air. “Gather around, my warriors, and watch how a prudish little princess needs to be disciplined.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. The anticipation was killing her. She could almost taste it, this brazen need of hers to have his hand coming down hard on her soft, quivering flesh. She squirmed over his thighs, pushing her buttocks even higher for his touch. She heard him chuckle and then she felt it. A hard, stinging spank that made her stiffen with shock. The pain lanced through her body, making her shudder and cry out. She bit down hard on her lip, whimpering loudly and strangely longing for the next smack to fall.

  “Oh, ho!” Hagarth was yelling at his men. “The little tart likes this, does she? Well, let’s pleasure her even more.”

  “Yes! Yes!” She screamed as his dense palm came down hard on her butt again, sending tendrils of pain and pleasure all through her body. “More. Spank me again, you savage bastard.”

  And he did. He struck her again and again until her tender flesh stung like hell and emanated a heat that matched the reddish hue her delicate white buttocks had taken on. Her eyes watered freely, and a warm need bubbled between her clamped thighs. She could feel her juices flowing freely now, and images of Randal’s and Kaenen’s enormous members came floating before her eyes. She wondered how this Hagarth’s cock would fare. She could feel its warmth and hardness press against her belly, and could tell he was not a shrinking violet down there.

  “You love that, little princess?” Hogarth chortled.

  “Yes, yes… I do.” She screamed back. “But please… please, let me pleasure you as well.”

  “Oh, you will, girl.” He pushed her off his knees and stood up. “You will indeed.”

  Hannah winced as her smarting behind felt the sharp sting of the cold hard rocks on them. After the initial pinch, it did begin to soothe the burning sensation his coarse hand had ignited. She looked up as Hogarth brazenly dropped his breeches to his knees, right there in full view of his burly warriors. She gasped and covered her open mouth. Waving before her was his organ, rock hard and protruding like a lethal spear, aiming to skewer her.

  “Oh… that, that thing… it’s a weapon…” She did her best to sound amenable, to please this uncouth barbarian.

  “A weapon it is indeed… and many a fine sheath it has plundered.” He grinned at her and took a swig of more ale from a pitcher one of his men handed him.

  “Then come, my lord,” she gave him a pleading look, “here I am, turned around and bent over for you. Take your pleasure of this royal cunt to your heart’s desire.”

  “Oh, but my princess…” He shook his head and grinned at her. “You are yet unspoiled, and I am not quite ready to risk that ransom your clean virtue will fetch from your sire.”

  Hannah felt a pang of disappointment. There was no ransom coming. Kaenen was just going to find Randal and bring the royal knights to rescue her. Of course she did not want to be rescued and hauled back to her father’s castle. She didn’t want Kaenen to get killed for her either. So sending him off to find Randal and going away with this roughhouse of a barbarian was the best way out for her yet. And she desperately wanted to lose her virginity, even if it was going to be just inside a virtual reality environment. But this barbarian was smart, and was protecting his investment well. She didn’t want to disappoint him, and even less herself. She just had to have that wonderful cock that waved between his muscular thighs before her.

  “Yes, my lord, that is wise.” She fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Then let me pleasure your magnificent member with my mouth. For I am a princess and true to my word.”

  “With your mouth, huh?” He nodded and twitched his foot long erection. “I intended to plunder your other hole but it’s been a while since I’ve felt the pleasure of a woman’s willing mouth on me… and a princess’ never. Do it, girl. Suck my cock, suck it deep.”

  “Oh, your cock, it is so… so…” Hannah shivered with excitement and leaned forward to kiss and lick the glistening pear sized cockhead. The odor of his arousal filled her nostrils, igniting her most base desires and she wanted to take all of it in.

  “Ah, wench.”
She heard him groan. “Yes, pleasure my pole…”

  She went down lower on her knees and licked all around the underside of his cock and his big hairy balls. It really felt as if a deadly cudgel was resting over her head. She held on to the base, her slender fingers barely surrounding the incredible girth. It surged as if it had a life all its own, pumping blood into the wriggling veins, almost about to burst at the seams.

  “Oh, by heaven...” Hannah moaned and kissed the underside of his cockhead. “This is so fucking crazy… I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  Hagarth groaned in response as his enormous erection surged at her with its full throbbing length. He stepped back and thrust his pelvis forward, making his monster cock jut out like a ballista about to be fired. It swayed from side to side, trembling and intense, waiting for Hannah to begin her feast.

  She marveled at the thing’s size and power as it throbbed before her enthralled eyes. Hagarth’s erection reminded her of a baseball she had kept in her room for self defense. She couldn’t resist herself any longer and pounced on it, her ravenous mouth open wide and compliant. She felt the thickness sliding down her throat, inch by inch. She managed only about a third of it in before her jaws began to ache from the pressure, and yet she wanted more. Her tongue felt squashed down against her throat under the weight of his cock, but she forged ahead undeterred.

  Compliantly, she opened her mouth wider, unclenched her jaw as far as she could and forced another three inches of the huge, blood-gorged monster down. His was so much bigger and denser than Kaenen’s cock and stretched her mouth and throat to the limit. She pulled back out and swirled her tongue over the knob, coating it with as much saliva and pre-cum as she could and appreciated the groan of pleasure from Hagarth. The pungent scent of his arousal and the heady taste of his pre-cum made her a little flighty and she giggled. Her hands could barely encircle his entire girth as she caressed the hard flesh with loving strokes. This barbarian’s cock was much bigger and thicker than Kaenen’s and Randal’s organs. And even though this was not the first cock she was actually sucking, she was sure that this experience would be a benchmark for her to measure other ones up to. Silently she hoped she could have the opportunity to someday do that, especially with Randal.


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