Conquering Her

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Conquering Her Page 8

by Rachel Blinkman

  The raider’s desperate lunge had him off balance and Randal found just the opening he needed. He lanced his blade under the overlapping leather strips of the war chief’s armor, stabbing him under the shoulder with the cold steel of his sword. He withdrew his blade right away and watched the larger man drop to his sword from a nerveless hand and sink down to his knees. Hagarth cursed out loud and held his shoulder to stem the rich flow of blood. The knight touched the sharp end of his sword on the beaten man’s broad neck.

  “You… arrgh… have won fairly, knight.” Hagarth conceded to the fact that he had been bested by a better man. “Perhaps on another day this triumph might have been mine. Aye, you can take her… and be gone.”

  Hannah felt ecstatic and distressed at the same time. She looked at Randal walking up to her. It was hard to meet his gaze. She wasn’t ready to see him again. He stood before her and looked right at her with a smile on his fine-looking face and concern in his pale gray eyes.

  “Princess, … are you well?” He asked with a slight blush on his face.

  She looked up at him, steeling herself to stare into his eyes. She could see the innocence there and she felt that his concern was pure; his devotion for her well being was true. He would never desert her, or even use her for his own need. Yet she also knew he might still be duty bound, despite his growing love for her. Randal could still desire to take her to Westamblin, for her to wed another man.

  “I am recovered now, kind sir.” She said softly, reaching up to caress his cheek.

  “Why did you leave the inn, if I may ask…?” He said quietly as her touch lingered.

  “I was taken hostage by a wanted rogue and…” She whispered the lie, looking away. “Far away from you.”

  “Let us make haste, Princess, we have days of travel ahead…” The gallant knight nodded. “And the journey is far from safe.”

  She took one last look at Kaenen; he was still to be the raiders’ prisoner. He would not take kindly to the lie she told Randal about her being taken hostage by him. The rogue would probably find his way out of this for that in fact was the best of his skills, and that skill alone made him very unpredictable as well as unreliable for a woman of her standing to depend on. She just had to leave him to his fate, no matter how much it pained her.

  “The journey back to Westamblin…” She looked up into Randal’s eyes. “…where you will deliver me to wed another man?”

  “My Princess… honor bounds me to.” He replied as he helped her mount one of the horses. “And yet, my heart tells me that what honor compels me to do… is wrong.”

  “Oh, Randal… you will have doomed yourself… if you decide to not ride for Westamblin.” Hannah said sadly and yet she reveled with the surge of joy rushing through her.

  “I cannot… I will not delude myself any longer, Princess,” Randal confessed as he mounted his horse. “I am besotted… helplessly smitten… all I want is you… I cannot eat... or sleep or do anything… you are… you have taken over my senses, sweet Hélène.”

  “Oh, Randal…” Hannah said with a sharp intake of breath. She wanted to bed him right there and then. Never had she felt so hot for a man before.

  But he spoke no more and instead kicked his horse into a gallop. She followed his lead and rode on beside him.

  “Randal… Sir Randal… you can never fathom how happy I am to hear this of you.” Hannah gushed as she leaned over and caressed his strong muscular arm over his chainmail. ”But where shall we go… they can surely find us…”

  “We will go forth to the very last place they will ever consider to look.” His mouth was a hard line of grim determination.

  “Oh, and where might that be… across the great sea?” Hannah ventured with the thrill of adventure coursing through her.

  “Nay, sweet Princess…” He shook his head slowly, “we shall find refuge in your own castle.”

  “At Dras-Ornel! That is a clever idea.” Hannah nodded, suppressing her doubts.

  It took three days and nights of hard riding before they arrived back home to her father’s castle in Dras-Ornel. Along they way, though she tried to get close to her gallant protector, he preferred to keep vigilant and kept a sharp lookout for signs of ambush or being followed. Though it disappointed her, Hannah felt her love for him growing with each passing moment.

  Her most loyal servants met them discreetly, and prepared for her the secret chamber that was built under the southern wing of her father’s castle for her stay. These hidden underground rooms were built to withstand raids and sieges, well stocked with food, drink, water and fresh linen. She felt safe there though she was now a refugee and fugitive in her own home. But with Randal near her, those fears and misgivings soon evaporated. The knight had nowhere to go either, just as her, and all they had was each other. An opportunity she had long been waiting for.

  Hannah sent away her servants with a warning of never speaking of this to anyone. Her father, the king, must never come to know of this. If he did, he would turn her out and have Randal drawn and quartered; and decree the same for anyone else who helped her.

  “This refuge is but a safe haven only for now, Princess.” Randal sighed deeply with an exhausted look about him. “We must leave here once things have settled down…”

  “Yes, Sir Randal, I agree, but then where ever shall we go?” Hannah asked him, searchingly staring at his handsome face. She couldn’t wait any longer. And neither did she need her in-game character to initiate the first move. Hannah wanted him badly enough on her own.

  “We can ride east… to climes warmer than here…” He gave her a loving look that served to further her arousal. “I hear the lands far east are quite exotic and rich.”

  “Yes, as have I… and think of all the adventures that await us there…” She caressed his dense forearm.”You and I... together.”

  “Indeed, Princess…” He blushed deeply and Hannah’s heart skipped a beat as he shyly eyed her taut and aroused body.

  Hannah was rapturous, at last his defenses were down… in that haven of safety and seclusion. Hidden away from the prying eyes and ears, and the wagging tongues of the world, she had Randal the Righteous all to herself at long last. She caressed his flushed face, smiling encouragement, and for the first time she experienced his willing touch of desire as his hands slid along the sexy curve of her hips.

  “Oh yes, Randal… long have I waited for this.” She encouraged him as she grasped at his broad shoulders. The strength of his being, the power of his presence filled her with unrestrained eagerness and lust.

  “As have I, sweet princess…” He hoarsely whispered and moved his hands along her waist, over her belly and up to gently cup her aching breasts.

  Hannah moaned with pleasure at his explorative touch. She controlled the hot rush of lust about to erupt from within and instead let its warm swathe overcome her. This moment she could make last forever, and cherish and enjoy it to her heart’s content.

  Randal gently peeled away her torn dress, his eyes feasting with innocent wonder at her womanly nakedness. His face was aglow with anticipation and his enthusiasm heightened her own as Hannah laid herself down on the overlarge yet soft bed.

  “Come to me, my handsome knight…” She called for him brazenly. “Take me for your pleasure.”

  “Princess…” His voice wavered with his burgeoning desire. She watched him with smoldering eyes as he divested himself of his armor and chainmail shirt. She reached out her slender fingers for his densely muscled thighs and clawed at the chainmail over his leggings. Hannah desperately longed to release the bulging thing that was straining under his loincloth.

  Randal moved up and over her to meet her offered kiss. Hannah closed her eyes, tasting his lips on hers for the first time. She felt a thrill of excitement run through her and the air in the little room felt warm and comfortable. The seasoned Knight smiled boyishly and removed the last of his clothing. He leaned back and thrust his pelvis toward her. His thick uncut cock stood up in full attention.
It throbbed and pulsed invitingly in the warm light of the room. Hannah stared at it with unabashed lust, sucking in her breath. Her eyes met his and he blushed furiously, making her smile.

  “Has a woman ever… given you pleasure with her mouth…” She asked him cautiously.

  “No, never… I… I’ve never even been so close to a woman before.” His face reddened further. “Except for you… by that stream, five days gone…”

  “Oh, yes, that blessed day… and do you now want me to… um… pleasure you orally?” She met his gaze and he nodded shyly and twitched his erect cock at her for emphasis.

  “I would love to.” She licked her lips and reached for the throbbing erection waving before her eager face. She stared lovingly at the surging erection. Ever since she had swallowed down Hagarth’s enormous member, Hannah had been thinking about how good Randal’s cock could taste. “Randal, I am going to love sucking your cock.”

  “You honor me, Princess.” His shy grin stretched from ear to ear.

  Seductively she leaned down, kneeling between his muscular legs. Her hands gingerly traced over the masculine hardness of his solid thighs, caressing the deep ridges and muscle definitions. She grabbed the base of his upright organ, her slender fingers gently wrapping around the thick shaft. She caressed his big hairy balls with her other hand. Inhaling deeply, savoring the strong scent of his arousal, her naked breasts jiggling, she stroked his hard cock with fervor. The hard rubbery thickness felt so good in her hand. She increased her stroking, sliding the foreskin back to expose the glossy, precum covered cockhead. Her left hand kept gently playing with his big balls bringing out deep throaty moans of satisfaction from him.

  Hannah licked her lips and eagerly lowered her wide open mouth over Randal’s hard, throbbing cock. His deep grunts and groans served as encouragement to her. Her nostrils drank in the sharp musky odor of his arousal, sending a wave of heat from her belly to her pussy. The silky smoothness of his thick cockhead on her lips made a strange greed overcome her. She closed her eyes and took the entire swollen cockhead into her mouth and another deep grunt from him sent a thrill all through her. She was in charge now, and her gallant protector was at her mercy. His trembling body begged her to pleasure him and she eagerly conformed. She was euphoric and her belly fluttered sending a rapid throb down between her thighs intensely. She took more of his rocklike hardness into her mouth, stroking the shaft and his balls with her tender fingers. Hannah drooled all over the near foot long monster, making it easier to take all of it down her throat. Hagarth’s cock was bigger, but Randal’s was a perfect fit and a whole other level of pleasure. His grunts and groans of pleasure filled her with pride and she was truly ready to give her virginity to this man.

  “Oh, Princess… oh, heavens!” He groaned out loud. “You’re so good… so good… that is so... ohhh… aahh!”

  She released his cock from her mouth, a trail of precum and saliva dribbling down her body. “I can’t stand it anymore… take me, Randal… take my virtue now. Fuck me, my shining knight, fuck me!”

  “As you command, my princess.” Randal gasped and climbed over her, his muscular body gleaming in the warm light. He held Hannah’s smooth thighs apart and stretched her wet virgin pussy. His curious fingers crawled over her receptive inner thighs and pinched her swollen clit. Hannah gasped as shivers of ecstasy rushed through her naked body. She spread her legs wider and raised her hips up for him to slide his hands under her silky round buttocks. He lifted her up to his face and kissed her pink pussy lips. Hannah moaned loudly, the touch of his tender lips set her on fire. His searching tongue swirled all over her swollen pussy lips, making her clitoris jut out from under its hood, alive and throbbing. Randal had a wondering smile as he sucked on the little sensitive bit, sending her body into a pleasurable frenzy. He inserted his forefinger into her sodden pussy, feeling his way into her secret treasure.

  “And now… for the very moment that we have waiting so long for.” Randal grinned and rose up. His thick erect cock waved inches from Hannah’s quivering pussy. It throbbed aggressively, ready to rip into her at any moment. She looked down and shivered in excitement, lustful passion and a bit of fear.

  “Oh, Randal… it’s so big…” She looked at him greedily. “Fuck me, baby… fuck me hard.”

  He nodded and placed the bulging cockhead against her tight and soppy opening. She giggled nervously as her trembling hands grasped at his taut stomach. Her mind was ready to get blown away as Randal slowly thrust his slick cockhead against her tight virgin pussy. Hannah gasped out at the sensation on the malleable resistance of her virginity about to be forever sundered. She stiffened at the touch of his searing cockhead on the protected entrance of her virginity. The gallant knight’s cockhead pressed forcefully against the membranous covering, gradually prodding its way against the resilience. Hannah smiled nervously, encouraging him with her wide excited eyes. He smiled at her and nodded, and then with a sudden jerk forward, his rampant erection plunged its way through Hannah’s natural resistance.

  A sense of eminent release filled her mind, he said something but his voice was a distant rustle of leaves. Hannah opened her eyes wide, out of focus and dimmed. Her vision blurred and her heartbeat was faster than ever. She desperately clawed at him, screaming his name, as her senses reeled and an engulfing darkness cascaded down on her.

  Hannah sat up with a sudden start. Her head felt very light and everything around her seemed to be spinning in circles. She blinked in confusion. It wasn’t dark anymore; the pleasant warmth of early morning streamed in from the window, filling the room with a soothing glow.

  “What the hell happened… where am I now?” She spluttered in confusion. “Randal… Randal, where are you?”

  She rubbed her eyes and looked down at her body. She was naked, and sitting on a small, vaguely familiar bed. Her surroundings looked outlandish and strange to her. What was that object that lay on the bed before her, with the bright light emanating from it? Then realization hit her like a cold shower, all of this was some kind of a dream… it had to be. She remembered the electric jolt she felt when she touched the computer charger, and the computer… it still had the game running on it.

  “What the fuck happened? Why did I get thrown out of the game now… just when I was about to… oh, this sucks…” She fumed and grumbled as she reached for the laptop computer. “It was all so freaking real… I felt every damn thing in there… I remember it all… as if it really… oh, Randal.”

  On the computer screen, the words, ‘Quest Completed!’ flashed on and off and Hannah exhaled deeply, slumping her shoulders with disappointment. Why did her life have to be so cruel, why did a computer game be more meaningful than her real life… if only… if only she could go back there.

  “But I can…” Her eyes lit up. “All I have to do is fire up the game again.”

  And so she did, but instead of the game starting up, a message to insert disk for next quest kept flashing on the screen. Now where would she get the next disk from?

  “Derek, of course.” Hannah stood up and whistled. Her student. He gave her the laptop with the game. He would have the next disk for sure. “I’ve just got to get to school and ask him for it.”

  But it was the weekend; the school was closed until Monday. “What the fuck am I gonna do till then… I’ve got to have those adventures with Randal.”

  She paced around her room, naked and without a care, and then slapped her fist into her open palm. “I know, I’ll go to his house and get… but where the hell does he live. Oh brother.”

  But that didn’t deter her and Hannah slipped on a tight pair of jeans and an even tighter T-Shirt and stepped out of her room. She ran down the rattling wooden stairway and hit something hard. With all the breath wheezing out of her, she fell back and found her rump firmly slamming down on the wooden steps.

  “Oh Lordy!” A deep voice and familiar sounded over her head. “I’m so sorry, Miss Liston. Are you hurt?”

  “Huh? Who…” She
looked up at the tall superintendent of the apartment building with her mouth open. “Oh, it’s you, Mister Rand.”

  “Yes… I mean, I’m sorry again.” His pale grey eyes seemed to have genuine concern in them.

  “That’s alright… I shouldn’t have been running so hard.” She looked at him properly for the first time in the seven years she had been living there. Her experience in the game world was rubbing off into her real one. Gone was the timid mousey little woman she was and instead, Hannah, the princess, was ready to explore this word anew.

  Alvin Rand was still giving her a concerned look and a small smile curled on his narrow lips. His light blond hair fell over his wide brow and now that she was getting a good look at the man, nearing forty or not, he was quite handsome, she had to admit. She nodded her head and tightened her lips, ready to walk past him as he pressed against the rail to give her room. And then it hit her. It was him. Randal. How, she could not tell. This man was the spitting image of the Randal the Righteous character in the game she had been trapped in all night. And his name… Alvin Rand. Al Rand. Rand Al. Randal!

  Her head felt light and she had to grab onto the rail for support. She felt a strong hand gently touch her shoulder. Keen gray eyes looked at her with deep concern. “Are you sure you’re alright, Miss Liston?”

  “Yes, I am… I think.” She looked into his eyes, feeling suddenly emboldened. “Maybe if I had a drink…”

  “I have some brandy in my office.” He offered with a smile.

  It was him. It was Randal the Righteous. No matter how bizarre it seemed, Hannah was convinced now that the game was some kind of portal and it accessed her subconscious mind. But she didn’t really want to exhaust herself thinking too much into that.

  “Brandy will be fine, Mister Rand.” She said softly.

  “Sure, and please… call me Al.” He grinned at her and took her arm.

  “If you call me Princess… I mean, Hannah.”


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