Atlantis - Return of the Nation

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Atlantis - Return of the Nation Page 17

by Steven Cook

  The Atlantians smiled in pride as the effect of their city awed their companions.

  ‘This is the lesser wall.’ commented Jarak, ‘we will be entering the city through the Third gate. That is the one that corresponds to the territories controlled by the Fifth and Sixth Realms.’

  They fell into a scattered line as they approached the gate. Warnett noticed that Saraph was frowning at the slow speed that people were entering the city. He looked ahead to the gate.

  An opening wide enough to accommodate twenty armed men marching side by side broke the seamless brass wall. A pair of large blisters protruded from the wall above and to the sides of the gate. Warnett could see that several archers were stationed in them, closely watching the crowds below.

  Beyond the gate area he could see the gates themselves. They were attached to a mechanism that would allow them to be swung quickly into place, maintaining the security and integrity of the walls.

  In the area immediately inside the portal was a courtyard surrounded by high walls. There were no openings as ground level, only a couple of arches leading out of sight. Warnett presumed that they would also be gated. Even with primitive weaponry the area would be a killing zone, if the gates could be breached.

  ‘I think we will have to be on our best behaviour. The guards are Sixth Realm. They seem to be taking their duties rather seriously.’ Saraph snapped Warnett out of his pondering.

  They slowly approached the gate. Twenty feet ahead of them the squad of guards were inspecting the cargo of a wagon being drawn by a pair of oxen. As one of the guards walked around the rear of the wagon he caught sight of the waiting group.

  He signalled to the squad leader and the pair approached the waiting group. The wagon was waved through and the remaining guards started to show idle curiosity.

  ‘You are with the Fifth?’ It wasn’t really a question, the insignia on Saraph’s shoulder clearly showed his allegiance.

  ‘Yes. I am Saraph, First Captain of the Fifth Border Phalanx.’ Saraph stood easily.

  ‘First Captain, we have been instructed to hold you and your men.’

  ‘On whose authority?’ asked Saraph.

  Danny noticed that Eraz and Jarak had moved to flank Saraph. He was aware that the guard had noticed it too. He looked at Fitz and Warnett and noticed that they could sense the tension.

  ‘Citizen Carathrides, of the Outer Sixth District has so asked it.’ replied the guard, nervously watching Saraph.

  Saraph smiled in apology to the guard.

  ‘I am afraid I am under standing orders to report to General Ilissus of the Fifth. These orders supersede those of Citizen Carathrides. As such I cannot comply with his wishes at this time. Please extend my apologies.’

  Saraph turned to the others.


  He stepped around the stunned guard, closely followed by the others.

  ‘Let us get out of his sight before he figures it out,’ he whispered as they casually entered the city.

  As they turned a corner, Eraz cast a quick look back to see the guard in deep discussion with the squad leader. The guard pointed in their direction. Immediately the squad leader ran after them, gathering additional guards as he did.

  ‘They are on to us.’

  ‘Go!’ shouted Saraph.

  At once the men broke in to a run, following the fleet footed Jarak. They pounded over the streets, shouting at the crowd in front of them.

  Mercifully the crowds melted out of the way, providing them with a clear route.

  They quickly ran underneath an arch, and Danny was surprised when Jarak stopped running, almost causing him to run into him. He stopped with the others and turned to look back over the street they had run.

  The gate guards had stopped just beyond the arch. Saraph was standing barely two feet from them. His arms were crossed over his chest and he wasn’t even breathing hard.

  ‘What’s happening?’ Fitz whispered to Eraz.

  ‘We are safe now. This is Fifth territory. Beyond the arch is neutral territory. They cannot step beyond the arch without an invitation.’ Eraz had a huge grin on his face.

  The frustration on the face of the Guards was apparent. The squad leader spat at the ground near to Saraph’s feet.

  ‘We will be waiting for you as soon as you step outside,’ he sneered.

  Saraph slowly looked down at the spittle on the floor. He moved his foot away from it and raised his head to look at the archway they had passed through.

  ‘I hope you realise your life is forfeit. You have transgressed into the Fifth Realm without invitation.’ He lowered his eyes and looked directly at the squad leader.

  ‘You men,’ he directed his words at the guards behind the now visibly pale squad leader, ‘take this man and confine him. He will be presented before the magistrates in the morning. Provide him with a blade so he has the opportunity to do the honourable thing.’

  Saraph turned and without a further word walked deeper into the Fifth’s territory. He didn’t look back as the guards followed his instructions, seizing their officer and dragging him away.

  Eraz and Jarak followed Saraph. Eraz stopped when he realised that the others weren’t following. He walked back to them. They were watching the guards retreat with their leader in bonds.

  Danny looked at Eraz and spoke what the others were thinking.

  ‘Has Saraph just told them to give him a knife so he can kill himself?’

  ‘He has dishonoured himself.’ Eraz stated simply in explanation.

  ‘But to kill him, just for spitting.’

  ‘It was not for the spitting, it was for the lack of respect he showed to the Fifth Realm. It was a violation of territory. Saraph could have ordered him stoned on the spot but he gave him the option to regain his honour and wipe the shame.’

  He looked at them.

  ‘You have to understand the customs of Atlantis,’ He explained, ‘loyalty is to the City, but over that is the loyalty to your faction. Honour is paramount. If you insult another person or realm they have the right to satisfy their honour.’

  ‘So that’s why Hildar killed the Ranger on the beach. He called him a bastard.’ said Warnett.

  Eraz winced.

  ‘Insulting somebody’s parentage, especially somebody as proud of their heritage as Hildar, is tantamount to suicide. He will do anything to get satisfaction.’

  Fitz looked at the others.

  ‘So we’d be best not swearing in the presence of anybody. Just in case.’

  ‘If it makes you feel any better, you can call me a bastard.’ said Eraz.

  He looked at their stunned faces.

  ‘Well I am.’ He laughed and walked off. They followed quickly behind him.

  The area around the gate opened up into a wide boulevard. The buildings on both sides were several storeys tall. Although they were blocking out the rays of the late afternoon sun the polished marble facings were reflecting the remaining light down. A team of men were supplementing this by lighting street lanterns.

  The people on the streets seemed to be winding down the business of the day. The group came across an open market place. From the remnants on the stalls it appeared that everything was on offer, from fresh fruit and meat to elaborately finished gowns.

  Danny and the newcomers looked in wonder around them. The people were all pale skinned and seemed to be relishing the late afternoon sun. Clothing tended to be white or earth coloured tunics for the men and long flowing gowns in pale pastel colours for the women. The sailors drew the occasional curious glance due to their strange dark clothing.

  The buildings rising alongside the street appeared to be constructed of marble. Fitz deviated from the centre of the street to run his hand across the material.

  ‘Amazing,’ he said to himself, ‘you
can’t feel the join. It’s astounding.’

  He rejoined the others and continued to voice his joy at the sights that were unfolding before them.

  Saraph turned from the main thoroughfare and led them down a main street. Slowly the road rose up, taking them over a major waterway. Looking down they could see one of the famous canals. A number of boats were moored below, and tethered to the bank of the island they were heading to was a Bireme.

  Danny and Fitz stopped for a moment to examine the vessel. Looking down they could see it had a slanted oar bench to each side, enabling two banks of oars to be manipulated at one time. To the bow of the ship there was Orichalcum shod ram just below the surface of the canal. Above it on a raised platform was a pair of small catapults fitted to a turret that could be rotated.

  ‘Come on,’ said Jarak.

  The two sailors took one look then quickly caught up to the others.

  ‘Nearly there,’ said Saraph.

  The bridge descended to the first ring island. Surrounding the perimeter was another wall. This was slightly higher than the outermost wall. It was sheathed in polished tin. There were towers and a sturdy gate at the end of the bridge to provide protection for the inhabitants of the second ring.

  The gates stood open, but were guarded by members of the Fifth Phalanx. They greeted Saraph and his colleagues cheerfully.

  The buildings here were even more elaborate and larger than those on the outer ring. Although they were still encased in marble, they also had carvings in the walls, and small turrets and minarets stabbing into the sky. Private walls enclosed many of the buildings.

  There were fewer people around, and those who were had more elegant clothing. Tunics were adorned with beading and braiding, and the gowns were composed of many light layers instead of a single opaque stretch of cloth.

  The warriors and their charges stood out by their plain armour, and the pedestrians gave them a wide, respectable berth.

  Saraph lead the group towards a gate. It swung open silently before them to let them into an estate with an extensive garden. In the centre of the garden a large sprawling villa stood. Saraph made his way straight towards the front door of the villa.

  As they approached the door opened and a tall woman strode out. Behind her a man of average height followed, limping slightly and using a cane. Saraph stopped a few metres from her.

  ‘General Ilissus,’ he nodded his head in salute.

  Lifting his head he smiled.

  ‘Mother,’ he stepped forward and the two embraced.

  Breaking the embrace they stood apart. Ilissus brushed Saraph’s cheek with her fingers, smiling fondly at her eldest son. Saraph stepped past her and embraced the man patiently waiting behind her.

  ‘Father,’ the two men thumped each others back in obvious affection.

  Saraph finally stepped back. Embarrassed he turned and indicated the rest of the group.

  ‘Mother, father, may I introduce Able Seaman Danny Morehouse of H.M.S. Daring, Seaman Shane Fitzpatrick of U.S.S. Boise and Lieutenant Commander Andy Warnett also of U.S.S. Boise. You know Eraz and Jarak of course.’

  Each of the men nodded at the two Atlantians as they were introduced.

  Saraph reciprocated the introductions.

  ‘This is General Ilissus, Commander of all Fifth Realm Forces,’ he indicated the lady.

  ‘And this is Eridanus, my father.’

  ‘Welcome to you all. Please come inside. We can discuss everything that has happened.’ Eridanus stood aside to let them enter.

  ‘There is a lot of speculation taking place.’ Eridanus spoke to the sailors.

  ‘It has raised interest in the outside so much that a delegation has been sent to Poseidon asking for clarification. They found the Temple priests have been slaughtered. The ceremony has been completed. That is why we have not descended again.’

  Saraph explained to the others.

  ‘Normally we only rise for a day every few years to see what is going on. With the ceremony having been completed we will not be descending. The world will have to get used to us being here.’

  ‘The rest of the world is a lot more developed that when you were on the surface. There have been vast technological advances. You won’t recognise it.’ said Warnett.

  ‘And wars where millions have died,’ said Fitz.

  ‘Let’s save this discussion for the morning. I want to celebrate the return of my sons after such a long time.’ announced Ilissus.

  ‘Please follow the staff. They will take you to chambers where you can rest and recuperate before this evening. If there is anything you require just ask.’ Ilissus smiled at them, and then left them in the care of a number of Atlantians who had materialised from corridors leading off the grand entrance hall.

  Danny looked bemused as one of the servants approached him. He was attired in an approximation of Saraph and the other warrior’s tunics. A thick scar ran across his scalp, past his destroyed ear to the left side of his neck, hardening the gentle expression on his face.

  ‘Sir, I am Felaratrides. Please follow me.’ The man made a small bow.

  ‘Lead on.’ Danny smiled at the others and followed Felaratrides up the stairway.

  He was led across the gallery overlooking the hallway and down a broad corridor. They reached a door, which Felaratrides opened and then stood to one side.

  ‘Your chambers.’

  Danny walked into a large room. To one side of the room was a massive sleeping platform. It was too large to be called a bed. One whole wall was a series of shutters of deep lustrous wood; some open to show the grounds of the villa outside, the others fastened shut.

  He walked to the window and looked out over the garden. In the near distance he could see another canal, the wall on the far side of this new canal blazed with the red of Orichalcum in the waning sunlight.

  He couldn’t see much beyond the wall, but he could make out the tops of a number of elaborate buildings. One was larger than most and seemed to dominate the central island.

  Recalling what little he could of Atlantian legend he speculated that this building would be the Temple of Poseidon.

  Movement caught Danny’s eye. He turned to see a pair of attractive young women approach from an alcove. They had their dark hair bound up on top of their heads and were dressed in brief tunics.

  Felaratrides gestured towards the girls.

  ‘Sir, if you disrobe, the girls will assist you in bathing. I will arrange for suitable clothing to be brought for this evenings gathering.’

  Danny stood in stunned silence. Felaratrides took the initiative and motioned the girls forward. They approached him and started to look for fasteners. He flinched as they touched him, causing them to giggle.

  ‘Hold on a minute, I can undress myself. Just show me the bath.’ He started to remove his boots.

  The girls led him to the alcove. Felaratrides followed, picking up the strange assortment of discarded clothes, and almost walking into Danny’s back.

  ‘OK ladies, you can stay out here. We’ve just met so I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to see me naked just yet.’ He was still wearing his underwear.

  The girls stood still in surprise as Danny pulled across a curtain, obscuring their view. As an afterthought he passed his boxer shorts around the side of the curtain.

  Felaratrides waited until he heard a sigh of contentment as Danny lowered himself into the warm bath.

  ‘Ensure he is properly cleansed and rested,’ he instructed one of the girls.

  He passed the clothes to the remaining girl. She stepped elegantly towards the door whilst Felaratrides collected up Danny’s discarded equipment. Making sure he had all of Danny’s effects he backed out of the room.

  He smiled as the girl slipped past the curtain. He gently closed the door and secured it.


  Atlantis Outer Ring 23rd May

  Coran and Dingo sat quietly at a heavy wooden table shoved to one side of the common taproom. Coran had been to this drinking establishment more than once before in his guise as a member of the Sixth Border Phalanx.

  He didn’t want to be identified this time, and with Dingo’s assistance he had subtly altered his appearance. His hair, previously pale blond, was now jet-black. Additional sparing use of the standard issue camouflage blacking had given him the appearance of having sunken eyes and hollow cheeks.

  The two men were attired in the dark brown tunics of workers and were nursing tankards half filled with beer, hunched over with their elbows on the table. They were giving the impression of a couple of tired men having a drink on their way home, having been working together all day and not wishing to talk.

  Their cover gave them the ideal cover and opportunity to listen in to the more animated conversations of the off duty guards and warriors who were barracked nearby.

  They were concentrating on picking up the conversation taking place between a pair of officers sitting on the table behind them. Dingo feigned a huge yawn, throwing his head and arms wide. Now sitting upright he was able to hear better the talk.

  ‘…is due any day now. This may be the last chance we have to get a drink before we have to close the city.’

  The officer’s companion sighed loudly.

  ‘I agree with the reasoning behind what we’re doing but I hate the fact we have to put up with those animals. We have enough allies to control all the gates.’

  ‘They are useful in a fight, not many can stand against them and they could be needed to take out the guardians when they make their move on Zeus.’

  Dingo leant back on the table.

  ‘Drink up; I’m ready to go home.’ He downed the rest of his drink and stood up.

  Coran threw back his head and gulped the remainder of his. He turned in the seat and pushed forward to stand up. As he did one of the serving staff moved forward to collect the empty pitchers. Coran’s head brushed against the sleeve of the man’s tunic, leaving a black mark.


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