Atlantis - Return of the Nation

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Atlantis - Return of the Nation Page 40

by Steven Cook

  The clash of weapons, the screams of agony and the throaty war cries and challenges started to affect the seasoned warriors. Their pace increased slightly and they began to chant.

  ‘For the First! First are First! First to Fight. Fight The First.’

  With Gravioran in the lead the First Heavy Infantry turned a corner into a plaza within the Eighth Realm and saw the shattered remains of the Gate and its barricade. In a rough crescent around the gate were several hundred warriors of the Eighth Realm.

  Pushing through the gates was a never-ending tide of Minoans. In their centre stood Alcyoneus. The Gigante had armed himself with a twelve-foot long sword that it was swinging with devastating effect in both its hands.

  With each swing the black blade was tearing through the warriors ranging against it. The strange material was smashing through Orichalcum shields and swords to rip into the bodies of the warriors.

  The Minoans were using the Gigantes attack as an opportunity to form up ready to charge.

  Gravioran looked around to assess the situation. The Gigante seemed immune to the injuries inflicted by those Eighth Realm warriors who got close enough to strike.

  From the corner of his eye he saw a strange site.

  ‘Periclosus, can you see that Minoan?’ he pointed.

  One of his warriors stepped forward and peered in the indicated direction.

  ‘Yes Sir. He has one of the Outworlders weapons and tunics.’

  ‘I thought so too. Take as many men as you need and get that equipment.’ Gravioran ordered.

  Periclosus gathered a squad of tem warriors and waved at a unit of archers who were shooting at the Gigante.

  ‘When I tell you I need you to redirect your aim at those Minoans.’

  The archers paused in their shooting and stood ready.


  As Periclosus charged towards the Minoan the archers shot their arrows in a low trajectory over the squad’s heads into the Minoans. Their target was peppered by several arrows and collapsed to the floor. Before its colleagues realised what was happening the Squad charged into them.

  While his men protected him Periclosus drew his knife and slashed at the strap of the M4 to free it from the Minoan. He remembered how Atkinson had put the magazines into the pouches on his vest and rummaged in them as well. After pulling out two magazines he got to his feet and began to withdraw, taking his men with him. Looking at the Minoan he quickly stepped forward and yanked a strange chain from around its neck.

  As soon as he was back behind the front line Periclosus rejoined the General.

  ‘How does it work?’ Gravioran asked.

  ‘He pushed something to make this bit come out.’ Periclosus turned the carbine over in his hands, looking at the strange symbols on it.

  ‘I think… yes.’ The magazine slipped out of the housing and dropped to the ground.

  Taking one of the full magazines he had taken from the combat vest he matched up the shapes and gently pushed it in. Looking through a hole in the side he could see the shiny black round. To one side a strange lever was sticking up.

  Cautiously he pushed it. Instantly the bolt snapped forward, stripping off a fresh round. Periclosus looked at the general.

  ‘What now?’

  Gravioran looked at the weapon.

  ‘Pass it here.’ He accepted it and held it gingerly.

  ‘I think they held it like this, which would suggest that this flipper makes it work.’

  Gravioran looked at the Gigantes wading its way further into the plaza. A wave of arrows bounced off the creature.

  ‘Here goes nothing.’ The general held the weapon in the direction of the Gigantes and twitched his finger onto the trigger.

  The unexpected recoil of the three rounds caused the barrel to rise. In a perfect line the three round burst caught the Gigante in the chest.

  As with the reaction with Orichalcum the ceramic-coated projectile negated the effect of the Gigantes immunity. The light bullets tore through the flesh of his shoulder, causing the creature to stop still.

  Slowly the pain reached its brain and it bellowed in agony. Its deeply set eyes flicked from side to side, seeking the cause of its discomfort. It instantly spotted Gravioran and Periclosus standing in a circle of calm. Drawing back its sword Alcyoneus strode in their direction.

  ‘Again General.’

  Gravioran gripped the M4 tighter and aimed again. This time he was ready for the recoil. The three round burst stitched across the Gigantes chest. The first and third rounds punched straight through, but the second clipped one of the creature’s ribs, causing it to spin.

  The round was also deflected into the left side of the chest cavity, where it shredded its way through the heart and lungs of the Demigod.

  The battle paused as all combatants turned to watch the Gigantes slowly drop to one knee. It coughed once, spraying a little blood. Coughing again a flood of frothing blood exploded from the creature’s mouth.

  Slowly Alcyoneus folded onto the ground. A final gush of blood accompanied his final breath.

  ‘First to Fight,’ called Gravioran.

  ‘Fight the First!’ roared his men.

  As one the Heavy Infantry charged forward past the Eighth and slammed into the Minoans. After seeing the indestructible Gigante killed their morale was shattered and they began falling back, taking heavy casualties.


  Seventh Realm of Atlantis 27th May

  Topper and Mud dragged the badly injured Lieutenant Atkinson between them as they raced along the parapet. Behind them Jazzy and Chick followed at a slower pace, snapping shots at the Minoan warriors that were tracking them.

  ‘I need to stop and check his wounds,’ called Mud.

  ‘OK. Make it quick,’ Chick replied.

  ‘I’m running low,’ said Jazzy.

  ‘Me too,’ Chick responded, ‘Topper, what ammo have you got?’

  ‘I’ve got two standard mags and one full box after this one is empty,’ he replied after a quick check.

  ‘Chuck us the mags,’ said Chick.

  Each of the Rangers accepted a magazine. After tapping it against their weapon they switched them with the current magazine. Jazzy handed his half empty magazine to Chick.

  ‘You take these. I’ve got about twenty rounds for the Barrett.’

  Chick nodded then considered the two half empty magazines. After weighing them he started stripping rounds from one magazine to load them into the other to give him a fuller single magazine.

  ‘Topper how’s the LT?’ said Chick over his shoulder.

  ‘I’m still here,’ came the rough reply.

  ‘His vest took the worst of it. He has a bullet lodged in his shoulder and a nick on the neck which I’ve glued shut.’

  Atkinson grunted in pain as Topper tugged the knot on the sling he had fashioned for his shoulder.

  ‘What’s the tactical situation?’ he gasped.

  ‘We’re down to five. That includes you. There is a bunch of Minoans tracking us slowly along the parapet. We are low on ammo.’

  Atkinson slowly got to his feet and looked around. Not far behind them he could see a small fortification. Looking back the way they had come he could see the horns of several Minoans sticking out above the low inner wall of the parapet.

  ‘We have to stop them getting control of the fort. If they get that they will have another line of attack.’

  ‘What’s the plan LT?’ asked Mud.

  ‘We pull back to the fort and see if there’s anything inside we can use to barricade the parapet. Then we hold it for as long as possible.’

  The remaining Rangers nodded in acceptance of his orders.

  ‘Let’s go. Jazzy, take point. Topper, you follow with the SAW.’ Atkinson hefted his M4 in his left ha

  Jazzy jogged ahead, M4 held high and the Barrett slung over his back. The others followed at a slower pace. As he approached the fort a squad of warriors filed out and presented a row of spears in his direction.

  ‘Steady on guys. I’m on your side. There are Minoans coming this way. We need to build a barricade to slow them down.’ Jazzy stopped short of the spears.

  The officer ordered his men to raise their spears.

  ‘Tell your men to hurry.’ He turned to one of his men. ‘Raise the barrier.’

  Jazzy waved for the Rangers to hurry. They picked up the pace. Jazzy heard a grinding noise and the parapet beneath his feet shuddered.

  Looking down he realised that a whole section of the parapet was rising. Slowly a two-foot wide section was lifting to build a barrier. The Rangers raced over it and turned to look back.

  The Minoans had realised what was happening and had abandoned their slow approach and were now charging forward. Topper opened the M249’s bipod and rested it on the rising wall.

  Mud and Chick joined him on either side. They rested their elbows on the wall to give a steady aim.

  ‘Shoot at will,’ said Atkinson.

  The M249 roared as Topper opened up on full automatic. The three round rattles of the M4’s punctuated it. As the Minoans attack stalled the wall continued to rise. At a height of four feet another section started to rise, creating a four-foot section behind the wall to act as a walkway. A section also rose on the outside of the wall to provide cover from external attack.

  The barrier finally locked into place, creating a six-foot high barrier across the parapet. The Minoans realised they had little chance of breaching the defence and retreated.

  The Rangers held their fire to conserve ammunition. The Atlantian officer stepped up onto the barricade.

  ‘We will be able to hold them off now. Your presence is requested by General Ilissus in the Fifth Realm. One of my men will guide you.’

  ‘Thank you,’ said Atkinson.

  The five Rangers followed the guide back into the fort and down to the streets.

  ‘That barricade was impressive,’ Mud commented.

  ‘Imagine if they had them in the streets. They could section off areas of the city to funnel attacking forces wherever they wanted them to go.’ Jazzy added.

  ‘If they had them I wouldn’t like to attack, even if you had armoured vehicles.’ Mud replied.

  ‘Fat chance of that,’ said Topper.

  The Rangers went silent and followed the guide, weapons held ready.


  Atlantis Sixth Realm 27th May

  For the first time in centuries the forces of two Realms fought side by side. All political and personal agendas had been put aside as the inhabitants of Atlantis fought to regain control of their city.

  General Ilissus was pleased at the level of integration between the warriors of the Fifth and Sixth Realms. The more solid set approaches of the Sixth created a strong base of support for the more fluid tactics of the Fifth.

  As the lines of the Sixth moved forward in a solid line small units of the Fifth flowed in and out at will, attacking isolated groups of Minoans before retreating behind the spears of the Sixth. This unpredictable attack formation had the Minoans constantly off balance and they were being driven back at a steady pace, never getting chance to brace themselves.

  ‘We will have them backed against the gates soon General,’ commented Captain Damosarian.

  The General looked sadly at the death and destruction being caused.

  ‘Give them the opportunity to withdraw,’ she ordered.


  ‘Order our lines to hold their positions. Signal the Minoans for a Conference. Inform Lord Atlas that I am attempting to get them to withdraw.’

  ‘Yes General.’ He signalled a messenger.

  ‘Herald, with me.’ Ilissus moved towards the lines.

  It took several minutes for the message to pass through the infrastructure of the opposing armies. Slowly the forward lines disengaged. Within the city bands of Minoans suddenly found themselves free of the warriors hounding them.

  Each individual band was invited to pass safely through the Atlantian forces to rejoin the main army. Many accepted this offer but others remained in their groups, nervously watching the warriors surrounding them.

  A select group of Minoan heroes and Atlantian nobility gathered in a hastily cleared area in the Seventh Realm.

  An honour guard selected from the First Heavy Infantry accompanied Atlas, Gravioran and Ilissus. Facing them were several heavily armoured Minoans.

  ‘Why have you stopped this battle?’ asked one of the Minoans.

  Atlas ignored the question.

  ‘I am Atlas, Lord of Atlantis. These are my Generals, Ilissus and Gravioran.’

  The Minoan snorted.

  ‘I am M’Protun, Hero General of this Minoan army. These are M’Lunath and M’Towan.’

  ‘Thank you,’ smiled Atlas.

  ‘What do you want?’

  Atlas indicated Ilissus.

  ‘Ilissus has a proposal for you.’

  The three Minoans turned their attention to the diminutive General.

  ‘What is it woman?’

  Ilissus ignored the venom in the tone.

  ‘We know that the reason you have attacked the city is to create a distraction for Minotaur to travel to the Temple of Zeus. We know he hopes to petition Zeus so that the Minoan race becomes ascendant throughout the world.

  ‘You should also understand that we have a team in the process of tracking down Minotaur to stop him.’

  M’Protun looked at her for a moment before nodding.

  ‘Therefore we must all understand that whatever happens in this battle is secondary to the efforts of Minotaur and our team.’

  Again M’Protun paused before nodding.

  ‘Good. I propose that we cease hostilities until we determine the outcome of their endeavours.’

  M’Protun thought for a moment.

  ‘Why do you suggest this? You understand that Minotaur has two hundred hand picked warriors joining him at the Temple.’

  Ilissus’ face would have gone pale, but the lack of natural sunlight had already achieved the effect.

  ‘Never the less, there is no need for us to fight. Whatever happens at the temple will decide the outcome, not a battle between thousands. We can make a decision here that will save thousands of lives.’

  The Minoan considered her words.

  ‘My warriors seek glory in battle. How can I take that chance away from them?’

  ‘We hold contests between our warriors,’ Atlas suggested. ‘A maximum of twelve fights between your selected warriors and the best of Atlantis.’

  A sly look came over the Minoan’s face.

  ‘I will accept you offer. However, my forces stay within the confines of the Seventh Realm until the fate is decided.’

  ‘That is acceptable as long as you allow all Atlantians to move out of the area into the other Realms.’

  ‘They can leave.’ M’Protun announced.

  ‘Good. We will determine our heroes.’ The Generals prepared to withdraw.

  ‘One more thing,’ said M’Protun.

  ‘Yes?’ asked Atlas.

  ‘You three must be within the list of twelve.’

  ‘Why?’ asked Gravioran.

  ‘They want the glory of defeating the Leaders of Atlantis,’ said Ilissus.

  M’Protun nodded.

  ‘Then you and your two companions must also fight.’

  ‘It was always my intention. The fights are to be hand to hand, no throwing weapons or missiles.’

  The three Atlantians realised it would put their warriors at a se
vere disadvantage.

  ‘Understood. Minoan against Human.’

  Atlas noticed a slight look of disappointment.

  ‘You may not call up the Gigantes,’ he ordered.

  ‘It will not be necessary,’ stated M’Protun.

  ‘Is three hours after noon enough time to prepare?’ asked Atlas.

  ‘We will be ready. Where do we battle?’

  ‘The plaza in the Seventh Realm near the entrance to the Sixth Realm. There is ample viewing space.’

  ‘We will be there.’ The Minoan turned and strode away.

  The three Atlantian Leaders looked at each other.

  ‘Do we choose or ask for volunteers?’ asked Gravioran.

  ‘Spread the word for volunteers,’ ordered Atlas.


  Seventh Plaza Atlantis 27th May

  Ilissus looked at the thirty or so Atlantian warriors standing before her. Many were faces she recognised from her duties and interactions with the other Realms. The rest she knew by their reputations from the regular games held to keep the warriors in peak condition.

  ‘I want you all to think one last time about what is involved. Should you be chosen you would be fighting against a Minoan Champion. They are not the run of the mill opponents you have been fighting against. You will not have the support of your colleagues. It would be down to you. They will not be fighting to first blood, but to the death.’

  Ilissus watched them carefully. Some of the warriors shuffled their feet nervously. She noted which ones did this, and also noted the ones who smiled confidently.

  ‘If you have changed your mind you may leave now. There is no dishonour.’

  She stood quietly for a few moments. None of the warriors moved.

  ‘Alright, there are several of you whom I know are capable. The rest will be selected by lots.’ There was murmured agreement.

  ‘In addition to Atlas, Gravioran and I, the automatic selections are Meleager, Autolycus, Deiphobus and Periclosus. The rest of you select a ball from this bag.’ She held up a bag and shook it. ‘Inside are five white stones. The rest are dark.’

  One by one the remaining warriors stood forward and selected a stone from the bag. Those with a white stone stood alongside the chosen warriors. Ilissus was surprised to see disappointment on the faces of some of the more nervous warriors, and relief on the faces of those she considered stalwarts.


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