Marks on My Skin (Love & Ink #1)

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Marks on My Skin (Love & Ink #1) Page 12

by J. A. Howell

  “He had her cuffed to it with her back to him, and I watched, speechless as he flogged her over and over. At first it upset me…but then I felt something else. I saw the woman’s face. A few times she winced in pain. Other times she moaned and her eyes rolled back.”

  “I think I know that look yer talkin’ about.” He peered up at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. His fingers traced my opening and his tongue flicked out, brushing across my clit. I dropped my head back against the pillow and a soft moan rose up through my chest. “Ah, yes. That look.” Kieran laughed.

  I giggled, but it was cut off as he spread me open. His tongue traced its way up to my pulsing cleft and two fingers slid inside me. I reached for him but he pushed my hand away, his focus on the slow, drawn out strokes that tingled through every nerve in my body. I lifted my hips to his mouth, yearning for more.

  “Mmm, Kier…”

  “Keep going.” His words reverberated against my clit. I gripped the sheets, trying to remember where I’d left off.

  “D-Darren asked me what I thought of it…and I told him…I...I wanted to feel like her.”

  It took a huge effort to form words with his tongue tracing teasing circles against me.

  Kieran pushed my leg up over my head and buried his face against me, licking and sucking, and thrusting his fingers. I moaned, arching my back off of the bed, and he stopped abruptly.

  “What? Why?” I sucked in a huge breath and looked down at him. He lifted his gaze, eyes darkened and intent on mine.

  “Tell me.” My hips bucked with his deep growl and I whimpered. “Keep going.” He repeated.

  “He took me into another room…t-told me to bend over…t-told me to say red, if it hurt too much.” I bit my lip, clenching my muscles around his fingers. “Th-then he spanked me…over and over. And I liked it. It…it was a different kind of high.”

  This time Kieran moaned, a deep throaty sound. I reached for him again but he grabbed my wrist.

  “No.” His breath came out in a ragged huff. He let go of my wrist and pressed my thighs against the bed, sucking at my clit. His fingers thrust into me, curling and stroking my g-spot. I bit my lip as my orgasm welled inside me.

  “Kier, I’m goin to—”

  His fingers and his tongue moved with even more urgency “Do it. Come fer me, Shayne. I want ta watch it. I want ta hear it.” He moaned and flicked his tongue against my clit. His fingers pumped into me, jarring the whole bed. With a scream, I came. My fingers twisted into his hair, and this time he didn’t stop me. I rode out each wave, bucking my hips as my muscles spasmed and clenched. Kieran kept his mouth on me, moaning and sucking. I cried out his name, completely lost in the sensations vibrating through me. It felt like an eternity before I came back down.

  When I did, he pulled himself up next to me and kissed my lips, still tasting of me. He pulled me into his arms, spooned me, and his cock pressed against my ass, still rigid with need. I reached behind me, but he stopped me. His own breathing still heavy from his own exertions.

  “Just rest for a bit, love…we’ll get ta that soon enough.”

  My whole body was pleasantly sore when I awoke the next morning. I smiled and stretched under the covers. I didn’t even remember falling asleep, just Kieran touching me, fucking me, kissing me. Wisps of electricity ran through me and I shifted against the sheets.

  “Mmm, good mornin’. Ya look like a wee little kitten stretchin’ out like that.” Kieran’s deep laugh came behind me and I rolled over. Shit, I hadn’t realized he was still here. I’d meant to take him back to Liam’s. He lounged on the couch in his boxers, a book on his lap. I sat up and wrapped the bed sheet around me.

  “Is that one of my books?”

  He flashed a sheepish grin, “I was doin’ a bit of reading. Thought I’d let ya sleep.”

  I swung my legs off the side of the bed, the sheet still wrapped around me, and strode toward him.

  “So, um... what did you find in your reading?”

  Kieran’s blue eyes glimmered and he tossed the book onto the coffee table.

  “Oh, some other things we could maybe try.” He pulled me into his lap and rolled over so he was on top of me.

  “Mmm, do tell.”

  I pushed his hair out of his eyes. His lips brushed over mine and I cupped his face. I never did the relationship thing, but laying there with him, I’d never felt so content. I liked Kieran. A lot.

  “What’s with that look?”

  “What look?”

  His hand brushed my cheek and he planted a soft kiss on my lips. “Ya just got a strange look in yer eyes.”

  I blushed and swallowed hard. “Nothing, I was just...”

  “Wow, Darren was right. It is easy ta tell when yer lying.” Kieran smirked. “Seriously, what’s on yer mind?”

  “I was just thinking that I like this. I like having fun with you.” I said quietly. Kieran’s eyes widened and panic struck me. Why had I just said that?

  “Shayne. I—” He stopped, frowning at the sudden knocking at my door. I wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or mortified. Kieran pulled himself off of me, slid on his jeans, and went to the door.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I got breakfast delivered. That’s probably it now.” He said, his tone unreadable.

  “Oh.” I remained on the couch and pulled the sheet tight around me.

  Kieran glanced back at me with a nervous smile and swung the door open, “Thank God, I’m starv—oh…what are ya doin’ here?” Kieran’s tone dropped and he backed into the apartment. Liam walked in, a deep brooding frown on his lips. His eyes met mine with a fiery glare.

  “Helping him make new friends, hmm?” He said to me.

  I shifted, holding the sheet tight around me. “It wasn’t a lie. We did hang out at Darren’s last night.”

  “And then ya took Kieran back here and did exactly what I asked ya not ta.”

  “Liam, lay off it.” Kieran stepped forward. “Whatever happened between us, we’re both grown adults. I came here because I wanted ta.”

  Liam wheeled around, an angry jaw jutting out at Kieran. “Grown adults?” He snorted. “Ya couldn’t bother calling me ta tell me ya weren’t coming back last night because yer too busy runnin’ around with my best friend?”

  “So that’s what it’s about? That I slept with yer best friend?”

  Liam looked between the two of us, anger flaring in his dark blue eyes. “Yes, Kier, that’s exactly it. Ya spent the night with my best friend.” He answered flatly. “And while I was sitting at my apartment waiting fer yer stupid arse, yer wife kept blowing up my phone.”

  Kieran’s eyes went wide and his face blanched. “Kendall?”

  The name was like a kick in the gut. I lowered my gaze to the floor, suddenly feeling completely naked despite the sheet wrapped around me.

  “Yes, Kendall. Ya shut yer phone off so she had no other way ta reach ya. Maybe ya should deal with that situation first before hoppin’ in ta bed with the first girl ya get the hots fer.”

  My head shot up and I fixed Liam with my own angry stare. “Excuse me?”

  “Ya heard me, Shayne. Ya’ve got plenty of men drooling over ya, but ya just had ta go fer my brother.”

  “Get out of my apartment. Now.” I stood and yanked the door open, nodding for him to leave. With a huff, Liam turned on his heels and walked out, stopping in the hall.

  “Ya comin’, Kier?”

  Kieran’s gaze shifted from his brother to me. With a frown, and an apologetic shrug, he snatched his shirt off the floor and slid on his jacket. “I’ll, um...see ya later, Shayne.” He said quietly. His eyes avoided mine as he passed me and I knew he was thinking about his wife.

  I said nothing, sadness and doubt tugging at me. I shook them away. Kieran and I were just having fun. It shouldn’t bug me if he still had feelings for his wife or that he didn’t say he liked me back. Still I stood there for several minutes, staring at the empty hall.

  No, this is fine
. We were just having fun, I told myself.


  The Betrayed

  My chest ached as I trailed behind Liam. I like you too, Shayne, I thought, glancing back at her building. But there was still Kendall. My heart wrenched at the thought of her. She’d broken my heart and ground the pieces of it under her heels when she walked out of my life. Why couldn’t she leave me alone like she’d planned to? And why the feck did I just leave Shayne’s apartment? The past couple weeks with her I’d never felt so happy. So free, as she put it. I did like her. A lot.

  This just isn’t working, Kendall’s words echoed in my memory.

  If it wasn’t then, why would it now? What had changed? Did I even want to know? Three months ago maybe…now? I didn’t know.

  “Get in the feckin’ car.” Liam hissed. I rolled my eyes and climbed in the passenger side.

  “Ya didn’t have ta be like that ta Shayne, ya know.”

  Liam grunted and pulled onto the road. “Yeah, well I told her ta leave ya alone, that ya were still dealin’ with a lot. But no, all she cares about his having her fun.”

  “Did ya ever think maybe it wasn’t Shayne that started this? I wanted her.”

  “And yer a bigger feckin’ arse fer it!” The car jerked to a stop at a light and he turned to me with a snarl. “Almost three feckin’ months since yer wife left ya, yet ya’ve not filed for a divorce. Ya sat at home, sulking and hoping she’d come back ta ya until Niall dragged yer arse here. Kendall, Shayne, ya don’t know what ya feckin’ want, do ya?”

  “No, I do.”

  “Oh, so it’s Shayne now, is it? A couple weeks with her and yer startin’ ta have feelings fer her? Ya don’t know her like I do, Kier. She doesn’t do relationships, she doesn’t do anything long term. Yer just setting yerself up. Again.”

  I kept my mouth shut the rest of the drive. I knew better than to keep fighting with Liam when he was in this type of mood. There was something more between Shayne and me. With her words and the feelings she stirred in me, it wasn’t just about the sex. I knew she felt it too. I just wasn’t sure what it was yet, but I wanted to find out.

  “Ya should get a shower and give Kendall a call so she quits callin’ here. I’m heading inta the shop in a bit.” Liam said as we walked into his apartment. I nodded and headed for the bathroom, relieved to be away from my brother at least momentarily. Shayne’s scent lingered on me. I breathed it in, thinking about last night—when Kendall was the furthest thing from my mind. When my emotions weren’t being tugged in a million different directions.

  After what happened with Kendall, I’d begged her not to leave. I’d cried after she left. Feckin’ cried. Now, my previous actions only made me ill. I got in the shower and let the water run down my back and over my sore muscles, my mind swaying between Kendall and Shayne. When I finished, I strode to the guest room and grabbed the phone in the hall.

  My finger was poised over the call button, but I hesitated. I didn’t want to hear her voice or her excuses. Taking a deep breath, I finally called her number. She picked up after two rings, her voice groggy and thick with sleep.


  I cringed at the sound of my name. “Yeah.”

  “Baby, why have you been ignoring me? I miss you. When are you coming home?”

  I was tempted to tell her the truth. Why I’d been ignoring, exactly what and who I’d been doing that kept me otherwise occupied. But no, I wouldn’t use Shayne like that. Instead I simply answered,”I don’t know that I am comin’ back home.”

  “Babe?” Her voice was sickly sweet and the sound of it made acid rise in my throat.

  “I’ve got ta go, Kendall. I need time ta think.”

  “But you’ve had a few weeks.”

  “Yeah, well ya had nearly three months.”

  She sucked in a breath and I heard the sound of a muffled sob. Christ, I can’t do this right now.

  “I’ve got ta go. I’ll call ya later. Don’t call Liam’s again.”

  I hung up the phone before she could respond and walked back into the hall.

  After I dressed, I walked into the living room, but Liam was already halfway out the door.

  “Don’t want me comin’ with?”

  He cast a fierce look toward me. “I figured it best ya didn’t.”

  “Ya know ya can’t stop me from seein’ her. I’m not yer feckin’ kid brother anymore.”

  Liam whirled around and shoved me against the wall, knocking the wind out of me. “Feck you, Kier! My life was just fine with ya pretendin’ I didn’t exist while ya lived the American dream with Kendall. Ya believed that bitch’s word over mine and I forgave ya fer it, but I won’t forgive ya fer this.”

  “Liam, I—”

  “She’s my best friend. I asked ya ta stay away from her. Why? Why couldn’t ya just listen ta me one feckin’ time?!”

  “Because I like her!” My own anger swelled and I shoved him off me. “I can’t help it, I feckin’ like her. A lot. Okay?”

  Liam’s jaw tightened and he turned away from me, silent as he stalked to the door. “Maybe ya should go stay with Niall fer the rest of yer visit.” He gave me one last disdainful look then slammed the door.

  I chewed my lip as I sat in my car behind The Knotted Needle. I wasn’t sure what I was dreading more. Facing Liam after this morning, or facing Kieran after what I said. I’d thought about calling out, but I had a couple long sessions booked. At least I could hide out for most of the day. With a sigh, I finally pushed my car door open and strode to the back entrance.

  “Shayne,” Liam started as soon as the door swung shut behind me. Without looking at him I went straight to my room. “Shayne, wait.”

  “I need to prep for my first session.”

  He stood in the doorway, watching me as I pulled out needles and ink caps and checked my machine. “Shayne, I’m sorry fer what I said.”

  “Don’t. Just don’t.” I growled, finally looking at him. Liam’s lips thinned into a frown and his gaze shifted to the floor with a pitiful look. It almost lessened my anger. Almost.

  “It’s just not a good idea, messing with Kier. I told ya that.”

  “We’re just having fun. I like...having fun with him.” His features darkened but I continued. After what he’d said to me I didn’t care about his feelings right now. “You know, he’s been through enough without you giving him a hard time over this.”

  “What he’s been through?” Liam let out an incredulous snort and threw his hands up. “What he’s been through was all his own doing. I warned him about Kendall.”

  “So you did.” I shrugged and sprayed down my chair with disinfectant.

  “Ya know what, Shayne. Fine, don’t listen ta me, but don’t be surprised when this blows up in yer face either.”

  “Right. Thanks for the warning.” I gave him a sharp look and shoved past him to put my bag in the office—and frowned when I found the room empty.

  “He didn’t come with me today. Wanted ta stay home.” Liam came up behind me and I caught the hint of a cruel smirk. With a deep breath I wiped the frown from my face and spun around. So what, he didn’t come in today. That didn’t mean anything, right? Liam studied me with narrowed eyes and I smiled at him.

  “Whatever, I have to get to work.”


  Latex & Awkward Kisses

  Niall shook his head at me when he opened the door to his apartment. “Heard ya boinked Shayne.”

  I rolled my eyes and shoved past him, throwing my bag on the couch.

  “What? It’s not like nobody saw that happening. Liam included.”

  “Yet he still got his knickers in a twist over it”

  “Well there’s Kendall fer starters.”

  “I’m done with her. I’m filing fer divorce.”

  Niall grinned, sinking onto the arm of the couch. “That have anything ta do with Shayne?”

  “What? No! I mean...maybe a little. I like her, but I need ta end it with Kendall, re

  “Glad yer finally seein’ that at least.” Niall laughed and pulled himself off the couch. “Well, ya can go get yerself settled in the room at the end of the hall. I need ta get back ta work.”

  “Ya work from home?” I raised an eyebrow. In answer, a couple giggles came from the other room. Niall’s grin widened.

  “I’m doin’ some work fer a fetish wear magazine.”

  “What do ya mean, fetish wear?” I followed him, my interest piqued.

  “Some of the stuff ya seen Shayne in, I’m sure.”

  “Wait, ya know she’s into that stuff?”

  Niall snorted, pushing the door to his studio open. “Well, now I do.”

  I frowned at him then looked over his shoulder to the three girls clad in skin-tight latex outfits.

  “Jayhsus, how the hell did ya land this job?”

  Niall winked at the girls, and turned back to me. “Shayne, actually. I took pictures of her tattoos so she and Liam could submit them ta a tattoo magazine. They liked the pictures and gave them a small feature and I got more business for sexy tattooed ladies and then...well, fetish wear.”

  “Do ya still have those pictures? Of Shayne, I mean.” I couldn’t help but ask. “She’s not in clothes like that is she?”

  I glanced toward the girls and one of them, a rather voluptious brunette with a full head of long springy curls, licked her lips appreciatively.

  “No, actually. She wasn’t wearin’ anything.”

  “What? Ya got naked pictures of her? Did ya two...?”

  “Did I shag Shayne? In my head a few times, maybe.” I frowned at him and his face glowed in amusement. “No, I’ve not hooked up with Shayne.” He pulled a magazine off a shelf, flipped the page, and shoved it into my hands. Shayne was against a dark backdrop, her legs crossed and arms across her chest to hide her breasts. Nothing was showing, but Christ, it was sexy. Her eyes stared at the camera with that usual guarded look she wore. Why had I let Liam drag me out of her apartment like an idiotic, helpless puppy? I traced a finger over her image, wishing I could feel her soft skin right now.

  “Ey, Don’t be gettin’ a stiffy.” Niall snatched the magazine out of my hands. “Ya’ll frighten the girls.”


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