Ringo's Ride

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Ringo's Ride Page 4

by Regina Carlysle

  “Dismissing me?”

  “Um. Yeah. I’m tired. Just so tired and I have a lot of thinking to do.”

  His eyes went instantly from smoldering to cold. “You’re right. You don’t need me here hanging around like a wounded pup.”

  Shaking her head, she stepped forward but it was his turn to back away. “No. I didn’t mean it like that. The last thing you are is wounded.”

  The minute she said those words, she went still. Ringo was probably the most wounded man she’d ever known. Feeling dumb and inept, she shook her head and sighed. Would she ever figure out this relationship stuff?

  “You’ve got that right, Rayne,” he said. The King of Surliness was back with a vengeance. “And don’t forget it.” His gaze flicked over her, down then up, before finally connecting. “If you need me for anything at all, call me. You have my number.”

  Rayne stood in the middle of the room and listened to the heels of his boots hit the hardwood floors as he walked away. She closed her eyes when memories of what they’d done together whipped through her mind. Feeling his loss like a physical blow, she listened to the cowbell over the door of her shop clang as he left.

  Chapter Four

  Several weeks later, Ringo was heading out of the barn when Joe hollered from across the yard. Repeatedly tossing a ring full of keys in the air and catching them, Joe stopped by the driver’s side door of his big black truck. “Why don’t you come with me, brother? I could use the company.”

  Ringo nodded as he grabbed a bandana from his back pocket and mopped his forehead. Hot today. He’d been working with the horses since dawn so a break wasn’t going to kill him. He shoved his black cowboy hat on his head and walked toward him. “Where are we going?”

  “Get in and I’ll tell you.”

  It wasn’t until the huge truck roared to life and headed down one of the ranch’s many dirt paths that he looked over at his alpha. “Think this is the first time any of us have seen you without your mate for quite awhile, Joe. Where’s that pretty Mrs. McKinnon today?”

  Ringo wasn’t the kind of man to notice things like happiness on the face of another guy but it was hard to miss the expression of bliss his alpha wore. Joe seemed calmer, more at ease, since he’d finally consummated things with his mate. There was still an underlying aura of menace about the man but Ringo figured that just came with the territory when you were discussing an alpha male lycan.

  Joe slid his golden-brown eyes his way then redirected them to the path. “She’s in town, visiting Rayne.”

  Ringo went still. He’d purposely avoided Rayne since the day he’d left her at her place but just the mention of her name made him catch his breath. There was no denying he had a serious case of lust for the woman. She was his mate. There was no way around it though he wished it were otherwise. Despite the way she’d felt when he fucked her, the responsive way she’d moved beneath him, he knew this was a great big cosmic mistake. Still, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. She haunted his every waking moment and dominated his dreams.

  “They had lunch at Rayne’s shop and I think Rayne’s mom Betty joined them,” Joe continued. “Quinn is considering leasing the empty space next to Poteet’s. She closed her gift shop in the Piney Woods and all the merchandise is being boxed and shipped here to Cloverfield.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Ringo frowned as he expressed his thoughts aloud. “I like the idea of Quinn being next door to Rayne. She could use some company since we’re pretty short of females around here. Most of our women are either mated and settled or they are still attending Cloverfield High School.”

  “That’s what I was thinking. Quinn’s still new to the area too. It will be good for her to have a friend who can show her the ropes.” Joe sighed and tipped the brim of his battered cowboy hat back with his forefinger. “Not only that, with Quinn having a shop in town, it’ll give me more of an excuse to check on Rayne. After what happened a few weeks ago, I’m not sure she’s safe.”

  “What the fuck are you saying, Joe? Is she in danger? Do you think I’m incapable of taking care of my mate?” Ringo’s words lashed like a whip.

  “Didn’t say that.”

  “Then what are you saying? Exactly.”

  Joe pierced him with a dark gaze. “Time for you to stop avoiding Rayne and take care of your responsibilities. Like it or not, she is destined to be yours but you’re acting like she’s diseased or something. She’s a good woman. Beautiful. She has a kind, warm heart and plenty of sass to keep things interesting for a man.”

  “I fucking know that!”

  “Then do something about it. Don’t leave it to others to protect her.”

  Silence filled the cab of the truck before he finally spoke. “What if I need to protect her from me?”

  Joe stopped the truck in the wide open prairie and if Ringo hadn’t been eaten up with rage and frustration he might’ve wondered why they were at the ranch’s small airstrip. His alpha looked at him and huffed a breath. “What happened with your father had nothing to do with you.”

  “So you say. Bart always said it too, when he was alive. But saying it doesn’t make it so. I have my fathers’ blood running through my veins. Bad blood.”

  “Fuck that! You’d better get a grip, my brother, before it’s too late and you lose everything.”

  In the distance, they heard the roar of a jet engine and without another word both men exited the truck to look up.

  “Who’s on that plane, Joe?”

  “It’s Silas MacAdam. He’s coming for a visit.”

  Silas MacAdam was the Supreme Ruler of them all and held sway over all lycans from his castle in Scotland. Something serious was going on for the man to cross an ocean. Dread balled tighter than a fist in his belly. Did his visit have anything to do with the rogue lycans who stole Rayne?

  Ringo looked at his alpha as the plane settled on the ground and rolled to a stop. “Why is he here, Joe? Why now?”

  “Trouble’s brewing. We’ll fill you in later. But I’m telling you for your own good, you need to keep careful watch over your mate.”

  * * * * *

  Rayne stuffed hot pink tissue with white polka dots into a gaily wrapped gift bag, handed it to the customer and waved goodbye before heading back to the littered table near the back of the shop. Quinn was wadding up the paper that had contained her sandwich, helping Rayne’s mom Betty clean up the mess from lunch.

  Her mom, looking like an older version of herself, smiled up at her. “Are you finished, honey? You barely touched your lunch.”

  Rayne plopped down into her chair, seeing the concern in her mom’s face. “Not hungry. Really, I’m fine. You have to stop hovering, Mom.”

  “I can’t blame her after all you’ve been through lately,” Quinn interjected as she took a final sip of her tea then rattled the ice in her plastic cup. “You just aren’t acting yourself.”

  They’d spent the past hour or so discussing the opening of Quinn’s new shop, which would adjoin her own, and despite all that had happened to her, she was caught up in the excitement. They had decided to tear down a segment of the wall between their spaces and coordinate the decor leading from one store into the other. They’d discussed colors and themes.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll admit I’ve been seriously freaked-out lately.” Rayne scooped her hair back into a haphazard ponytail and tied it off with a small elastic tie that she wore on her wrist for just such occasions. “I keep feeling as though I’m being watched.”

  Noting the alarmed expressions of her mom and friend, she quickly waved it off and rolled her eyes. “Forget it. It’s nothing but my overactive imagination. I’m being careful.”

  “Have you told, Ringo?” her mom asked. “After all, he’s supposed to be your mate but he damn sure isn’t acting like it.”

  “That’s enough, Mom! It’s just taking him awhile to warm up to the idea.”

  Rayne knew it was more than that. He’d always been a secretive, moody beast but there was more to th
e story. She just knew it.

  “Do you want me to talk to Joe?” The question came from Quinn, whose worry burned sharply in her vivid blue eyes.

  “Gods no! Seriously. I don’t need men hovering around.”

  Just Ringo.

  She wouldn’t mind a little hovering from him but obviously he’d shoved her right out of his thoughts. Fighting off the hurt, she stood, determined to stay busy so she wouldn’t overthink things. Gathering up the lunch mess, she headed to the trash can then turned to find Quinn standing there. The strap of her purse was adjusted on her shoulder and Rayne knew she had to get back to the ranch. Quinn reached out and hugged her. “Let me know if you need anything, okay. All it’ll take is one call and I’m here.”

  Quinn gave Betty Poteet a little wave. “I’d better hit the road. Silas MacAdam and his mate Martha are coming in for a big meeting.”

  Rayne exchanged a startled look with her mom. “The Supreme is coming? Do you know why?”

  Quinn shook her head. “Have no clue but I know there’s supposed to be a big thing at the ranch tomorrow night.” Quinn frowned. “Joe hasn’t said but I think it has something to do with the rogue lycans.”

  When Quinn left with a promise to call with more plans on connecting their spaces, Rayne turned to her mom, noting the fear on her face. Reaching out, she took her hand and squeezed it firmly. “They aren’t coming back to steal me away, Mom. Don’t worry.”

  Tears filled her mother’s eyes. “I never want to go through that worry again! I’ve never felt so helpless in my life. You haven’t gone through the change yet and have no way to protect yourself from a wolf who wanted to take you.”

  “Soon, Mom! I know I’ll go through the change soon and I have a mate to help me through it.”

  Betty snorted and rolled her eyes. “Ringo Ramone! He has avoided you since the night you spent together. You came home with his scent all over you. Yes, he wants you but doesn’t seem in any hurry to consummate. I’d like to just shoot that man! You’re too good for the likes of him.”

  Anger sped like lightning through her veins and Rayne felt her face heat. “Don’t say that! Come on. Can’t you be supportive? It’s just taking him a little time to get used to the idea and for what it’s worth, he agrees with you.”

  “What do you mean?” Her mom leaned close, concern in her eyes, and Rayne suddenly felt guilty for snapping at her.

  She blew out a breath. She’d always been comfortable confiding in her mom. They’d always been close. Shaking her head, she thought of Ringo’s words to her and the feelings she’d felt coming from him. “He doesn’t believe he deserves me. I just don’t know why. He seems to see me as some kind of pampered princess and that’s just not me.”

  Seeming resolved to something, Betty stood and walked over to the coffeepot that rested on a small table nearby and poured them both a cup, remembering to add a splash of cream. She returned to her chair and set them down. “In many ways, you have been a pampered princess, Rayne. Your father and I made sure that you’ve had not only the things you need but the things you want. No, you’ve never acted spoiled in any way. You are generous and loving but, honey, we come from a long, distinguished line of lycans. We trace our roots back all the way back to Scotland. The same can’t be said for Ringo Ramone.”

  Rayne frowned at her mother. “Do you realize you are a mass of contradictions? You’ve already said you don’t blame Ringo for the acts of his father. Come on, Mom. Make up your mind.”

  Betty sighed and shook her head. “I know. Damn it. I’m just ticked off. He should treat you better.”

  “And you shouldn’t be snob, Mom.” She reached over and laid her palm over her mother’s hand. “I know that once we came to America, we integrated with other packs and became something of a melting pot.”

  “Well, it’s the American way, isn’t it?” Betty smiled then took a sip of her coffee. “Bart Fitzgerald, Quinn’s dad, was our alpha when Ringo first came to us. A Mexican pack lost their leader and members were absorbed into the Wolf Creek pack. In those days, we were growing, building our town, while continuing to abide by the strict laws laid down by our Supreme. Ringo’s parents seemed happy here but then, when he was just a boy, his father went a little crazy. He challenged Bart for leadership and you know what that means.”

  Rayne sucked in a breath. “A fight to the death.”

  “Yes.” Betty shook her head. “It didn’t end well for Ringo’s father. I’ll never forget the night it happened. My heart just went out to that child. No little kid should have to pay for the mistakes of a parent but that’s what happened. He saw the whole thing. From what I heard, he sneaked out of his house that night. You know we don’t allow children to be present for a challenge.”

  “Of course not!”

  “This sort of thing is fairly rare with us, as you know. Anyway, a few days later Ringo’s heartbreak was compounded when his mother committed suicide.”

  Rayne’s eyes burned and tears spilled down her cheeks as she imagined the horror he must have lived through, the fear and the loneliness. No wonder he kept himself at such a distance.

  “Poor Ringo.”

  “I know,” Betty said. Sorrow filled her eyes at the retelling. “Bart took him in and reared him as his own but I imagine, he has always felt something of an outsider. A charity case.”

  “Why didn’t I know about this,” she asked in a whisper.

  “Those of us who were here at the time never speak of it. It would be hurtful to him if the gossip was bandied about and it’s just not our way to harm another pack member. He was a child at the time and nothing that happened was his fault.”

  Silence fell between them and, if anything, her feelings for Ringo were even stronger than before. Her chest was tight from the impact of this new knowledge. “I have my work cut out for me, don’t I?”

  Betty reached out and pulled her close for a hug. “Oh yes, honey, you certainly do.”

  * * * * *

  Ringo parked his truck on a quiet residential street a few blocks from Main and, glancing around to see not a soul stirring, he stepped out from behind the steering wheel and quickly shucked his clothes and boots. Narrowing his eyes into the prevalent darkness, he shifted and padded off toward Rayne’s place. Every night since he’d left her, standing there looking like a wounded doe, he’d made the trek into town to keep an eye out for her safety.

  From what Joe said, these rogues were in desperate need of unconsummated females and would stop at nothing to get them. The situation was grim enough that Silas MacAdam, the Supreme, had traveled here to oversee plans for hunting them down and bringing them to justice. As far as he was concerned, this put Rayne in harm’s way and he wasn’t about to let her be taken again. The very thought of it sent a chill through him and he increased his pace to the small yard she’d built out back of her shop. Slinking through the shadows, he paused behind a crape myrtle bush and hunkered down to watch. With his heightened senses, he noted the scurrying of a couple of squirrels as they dashed up the bark of a giant live oak tree and smelled the scent of the rose-pink blossoms that covered the big bush he lay beneath.

  Ringo stretched out to lay his muzzle on his paws.

  The little yard was neat and had a homey feel to it with its big barrels full of flowers and brick-paved patio. Big comfortable-looking chairs were settled around an oval table and he wondered if she entertained guests out here when the weather wasn’t too hot. Dark green ivy climbed up the walls to frame the half-glass kitchen door. Two big iron planters sat on either side of it, each filled with brilliant red geraniums. He didn’t know shit about decorating but it was obvious to him that Rayne had a touch with making things look pretty and comfortable.

  He hadn’t had much pretty in his life, at least not until he’d been slapped upside the head with the knowledge that Rayne was his mate. Staying away from her these past two weeks had been misery. Many had been the night, he’d lain awake, his cock aching with the need to claim her. Watching over h
er this way would have to do. He wanted her. Wanted to consummate with her. The notion of having a home with her threatened to bring him to his knees but he knew he had to protect her. The taint of his blood was real. He had to live with it but she sure as hell didn’t have to.

  Suddenly the back door opened and Ringo stilled as Rayne stepped into the shadowy night. Her hair was down, curling around her face. She wore dark shorts and a skimpy tank top thing that bared a strip of her white belly. Ringo took in the long length of her legs and felt his heartbeat pick up. She narrowed her eyes and looked around the yard as if she sensed a presence. Damn. It was good she was being cautious but he didn’t want to be the cause of her fear.

  When she turned, facing away, to peer deeper into the shadows he caught a glimpse of the way her mighty fine ass fitted in those itty-bitty shorts and Ringo felt his wolven body tense in response. Shifting quickly, he stepped back and fisted his hand around the base of his cock. He was a fucking perv to be watching her this way, all the time wanting to take her against the nearest wall and fuck her sweet pussy until they both came long and hard. Very carefully, he let down his shields. Just a bit. He had to know if she was a nervous as she seemed.

  Instantly, he knew that was the wrong thing to do when Rayne gasped and spun around quickly. “Ringo? Ringo, are you there?” she whispered.

  Their connection was even stronger than he’d thought. He stepped from his spot behind the bush and watched her eyes widen in surprise.

  “Yeah, it’s me.”

  A look that might have been relief passed over her face, and then her gaze traveled down the length of his body as he stepped naked into the yard. His cock had a mind of its own, pointing straight up toward his belly. Impossibly, it got even harder as she stared in silence at the mounting evidence that he was a spying, peeping-tom jackass.


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