His Every Desire: A Billionaire Seduction

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His Every Desire: A Billionaire Seduction Page 11

by Krista Lakes

  Chapter 15

  There were six people in the upstairs room of the mountain chalet while the rest of the party bustled along downstairs unknowing of the treachery above. John Tice sat in a chair in the corner, his head in his hands. Tracy and Mr. Hayes sat next to one another on a love seat with their hands held tightly together. Greg, the security chief, and James, Mr. Hayes' personal assistant, argued about what should be done, while Jenna sat with her hands zip-tied to a chair.

  The vial had been small, small enough to fit in Jenna's heel compartment. Greg's men had whisked it away to be analyzed, but Greg had smelled the hidden compartment it came from. "Smell the almond smell? Cyanide. You would have been dead before you hit the ground if you’d drank it."

  At first, John had fought the men to try to get his daughter released, but had relented when they said that they hadn’t called the cops yet. He was obviously a powerful man, but he knew when to quit. Something about him made Tracy uneasy, as if he could turn on them in a second, but Tracy assumed it was simply because his daughter had just tried to murder her boyfriend.

  As the men argued in front of Jenna, John turned to his daughter and asked, "You weren't going to kill Paul, were you?"

  "Yes, I was," she replied, matter-of-factly. Tracy's blood ran cold to hear her say it so calmly.

  John's face turned beet red. "I forbid you to say another word until our lawyer gets here," he commanded, and she obeyed. She always obeyed him.

  Eventually, James and Greg went to talk to John. They spoke in hushed tones, then the three men walked over to Mr. Hayes and Tracy. The two of them stood as the men approached.

  James started. "Mr. Hayes, I think you can agree with us that this is a delicate situation."

  Mr. Hayes nodded slowly.

  "Jenna won't tell us why she wanted you dead, or if anyone put her up to it. If she won't tell her father, she won't tell the police either," James continued.

  "Go on," Mr. Hayes said. His stance was easy and confident, but Tracy could see the tension growing in his jaw.

  James took a deep breath. "We all think it would be best if you let Jenna go with her father. He would ensure that she never steps foot in this city again, and that she would be accompanied by two men at all times."

  Mr. Hayes sneered. "The benefit of being rich, I suppose. I can trust you to place your own daughter under arrest, rather than leave her to the mercy of the justice system."

  John looked solemn as he held out his hands, palms up in a gesture of openness. "You can trust me. You always can."

  Tracy was incredulous. The woman had basically confessed to murder, yet they were talking about just letting go. "There's no way we can let her go. She…"

  Mr. Hayes cut her off and continued. "You've always been like a father to me, John. I owe you so much. I would like it if our relationship weren't impacted by this incident," he said. He paused, his eyes narrowing for a moment as a thought occurred to him. "I have a question, though. Did James suggest that I go to this ball with Jenna?"

  John nodded, his eyes wide. "How did you know?"

  "James told me that you insisted that she be my date tonight.” Something dangerous flashed in Mr. Hayes' eyes as he put the connection together. “James, I don't know if you're a part of this conspiracy or not, but I can't have you in my organization any more."

  James' eyes bugged out of his head. "Conspiracy? What!? But…"

  "But nothing. You've never wanted me to be with Tracy. It was you who let Jenna know that we were going to the salsa club, wasn't it?" Mr. Hayes took a step toward the man. He wasn't much taller than James, yet James shrank before him.

  James sputtered. "Yes, b-but I never meant for her to hurt you. Either of you! I knew that you wanted to be with her anyway! I was looking out for your best interests! Jenna was a better match!"

  Tracy felt sick to her stomach. She knew that James didn't like her and felt that she was beneath Mr. Hayes. She could forgive him for wanting someone more aristocratic for his employer. Except, the woman he selected turned out to be a murderess. If Tracy hadn't been here, Mr. Hayes would be dead and it would be because James handed him to his killer.

  Mr. Hayes turned to Greg. "This man is no longer a member of this organization. I'd like him escorted out immediately.”

  James sputtered, but Mr. Hayes held up a hand to silence him. It was obvious this decision was final. James crossed his arms, but kept his mouth shut. There was no convincing Mr. Hayes of anything else, especially right now. At least James was smart enough to realize that.

  “Send two of your men up to cut Jenna loose and escort her out as well," Mr. Hayes added. His eyes glazed past the young woman tied to a chair as if she no longer existed. As far as he was concerned, Jenna was dead to him.

  "Yes, sir," Greg replied smartly, taking James' arm in his hands to guide him away.

  Greg and James left, and Mr. Hayes turned back to John. The older man stared at his daughter as if he were trying to see something else.

  "I'll meet with you on Monday at one PM to discuss the terms of my not going to the police,” Mr. Hayes said softly. His voice was kind, but firm. “I'm going to insist that one of the men on Jenna's detail be on my payroll."

  John looked up from his daughter, furious at the request. "Son! You don't trust me?"

  Mr. Hayes took a quick glance at Tracy, then replied. "It's not a matter of trust. When I give up control, things don't work out quite the way I intended. I refuse to completely give up control of my attempted murderer to her father."

  John opened his mouth, as if to try to bargain.

  "This is non-negotiable," Mr. Hayes added, a mirror of the negotiation on the salsa floor the night before.

  “We're like family,” John reminded him. “You don't have to do this.”

  “Yes, I do,” Mr. Hayes replied. Two men appeared from downstairs and cut Jenna loose. She rubbed at her wrists but kept a haughty expression aimed at Mr. Hayes.

  “This isn't the end,” she said softly, the soft curve of her lips wicked with the words. There was no remorse in her eyes. The person staring at Mr. Hayes with cold eyes was such a different woman than the one Tracy remembered from the other night. It was difficult to believe they were the same person.

  "These two men will stay with Jenna until Monday,” Mr. Hayes said, looking away from her. “She is to stay in town until then, and they'll be relieved by a full-time guard after our meeting. You can fly her wherever you wish after that."

  John nodded, a little dejected. He had to realize it was the best he could have hoped for given the situation. It was more than Jenna deserved, in Tracy's opinion.

  Chapter 16

  Once Jenna and her father were safely off with the security detail, Mr. Hayes turned to Tracy. "There is one person I can give up control to," he said. He leaned in for a kiss.

  Tracy stopped him, her hand on his broad chest. "You obviously don't trust me, Mr. Hayes."

  Hurt crossed Mr. Hayes' face. He was still pretty calm for having almost been killed. "I definitely trust you, Tracy. I've never trusted anyone like I trust you."

  "I don't believe it," Tracy said, sounding as hard as she had during their first sexual encounter, when she had left him tied up in the bed. Only this time, she wasn't pretending. This time, she was legitimately angry. “If you trusted me, I wouldn't have had to threaten to make a scene. You trusted Jenna more than you trusted me today and it nearly got you killed.”

  "What do I have to do to prove it to you?" Mr. Hayes asked. His eyes were gray as he watched her, waiting for her to tell him what to do.

  Tracy grabbed his hand and walked down the stairs. Mr. Hayes smiled as they walked past the people at the party. Appearances were everything, so Tracy smiled too, but kept right on walking out the exit. She handed the valet her ticket.

  "You have to show me that you trust me," Tracy said as the car pulled up. Wind whipped at her satin dress, pressing it against her legs and rippling behind her. She opened the passenger side door. "Get i
n the car."

  Mr. Hayes nodded and slowly slid into the passenger seat. Tracy could see him tensing as he reached for the seat belt. But he didn't say no.

  She slid into the driver's seat and slipped off her shoes. She didn't even bother putting on the flats from before, instead opting to drive barefoot. There was a road leading away from the chalet higher into the mountain range. She looked over at him, waiting for a protest, but none came.

  She revved the engine and took off onto the road. His foot hit an imaginary brake pedal as she sped down the small road and up the side of the mountain. He looked as though he was going to be sick, his eyes wide and glancing frantically through the windows. His hand went to her leg, gripping hard, then pulling away at the next turn.

  "Tracy, please slow down," he said through gritted teeth. His hands clenched in his lap and every muscle in his body screamed with tension.

  "No. You have to show me that you trust me. I won't let anything happen to you. You just have to show me that you trust me," Tracy reiterated. She carefully turned the sports car onto the mountain pass. Tracy had driven this pass several times. It was a beautiful place to look at leaves in the fall. She knew it was going to be a difficult drive for Mr. Hayes, though, as it was a twisting road with a sharp fall-off as the road climbed up the mountain.

  "Alright, Tracy. I trust you," Mr. Hayes said softly. He closed his eyes for moment, concentrating on his breathing. He took a deep breath in and unclenched his fists. "I love you."

  Tracy nearly stopped at his admission. She smiled, her heart beating fast at his words. She didn't slow down, though. Three little words weren't going to make her go easy on him. She took the next turn tight, speeding up as she exited and headed into another.

  He put a hand on her leg. His hand lay gently on her thigh, relaxed and comfortable against the white satin. It was almost as good as if he were touching her skin. Tracy looked over at Mr. Hayes and he smiled at her. There was just a hint of tension in his shoulders, but his face was serene as he gazed at her.

  "I trust you, Tracy," he whispered, his lips curving into a smile. His eyes stayed on her face, his body relaxing into the seat. Tracy grinned and sped up. She hugged a corner, pushing the little sports car to its limits in the high altitude. His hand rested gently on her lap, never squeezing or flinching despite the twists and turns. Every time she looked over at him, he simply sat looking at her with absolute trust in his eyes.

  By the time they reached the top of the mountain, Tracy knew without a doubt that Mr. Hayes trusted her implicitly. She slowed the car into the scenic overlook at the top of the mountain and turned to face him. The view was spectacular; the mountains peeked their heads out of the clouds like sleepy giants. He smiled at her, his eyes full of adoration.

  "You do trust me," she whispered, putting her hand on his.

  "Forevermore,” he promised. “I am so sorry I didn't believe you at first. I promise to always believe you from now on. No matter how strange it might sound. You deserve that."

  Tracy leaned over and kissed him softly. His lips pressed against hers, starting sweet but quickly growing stronger. Mr. Hayes reached up and pulled her in for another kiss, exploring her mouth with his tongue. She darted her tongue out to meet his, beckoning him in for more.

  "We should move to the backseat," he said with a glint in his eye. Tracy grinned back at him and quickly undid her seat belt and slid into the back seat. The leather was cool against her skin, the long satin dress sliding easily against the seat. Mr. Hayes was beside her in a moment, ready to kiss her again.

  She reached up and pulled at his bow-tie, watching it disintegrate in her fingers before undoing the top button of his shirt. He shrugged out of his jacket, tossing it carelessly on the car floor. Mr. Hayes reached with both hands and cupped Tracy’s face in his fingers, drawing her in for yet another heavenly kiss, his tongue slipping between her lips. She fumbled frantically with the buttons of his dress shirt, opening them up to her as fast as possible.

  Tracy ran her fingers along his open skin, electricity passing between them like lightning. The hard muscles of his chest and abs radiated heat, calling her to touch him. He kissed down her neck, biting her collarbone gently as he pushed a strap of the satin gown off her shoulder. She shivered with anticipation as he kissed her shoulder. Mr. Hayes chuckled softly and bit down, spiking just enough pain to cause pleasure.

  Tracy pulled at his shirt, and he sat back long enough to remove it. She bit her lip as she looked him up and down, enjoying his physique. She loved the way his muscles moved under his skin, beckoning her to touch him. He kissed her again, a short but passionate kiss, before moving to her shoulder again. She reached behind her, gently tugging on the zipper running down her back.

  The dress opened easily, and he wasted no time pulling it off her shoulders and down to her waist. He sucked his breath in appreciatively as he looked her over, moving his hand to caress the tops of her breasts. Her sweetly curved mounds moved gently up and down as she breathed, the pretty lacy bra she was wearing barely containing them. She loved the way the bra pushed her small breasts into something worth drooling over.

  Mr. Hayes licked his lips and kissed each breast, his hands slowly circling around to unlatch the clasps holding the captive. It only took a moment before he released the tender flesh. His hands were instantly upon her, caressing and cupping each breast like a precious jewel. He rubbed his thumbs against her nipples, turning them into tight pink buds of pleasure. Tracy moaned softly and he took one in his mouth. He ran his tongue along her skin, tasting her.

  "I want to please you," he whispered.

  "Then do it. Show me what you can do," Tracy whispered back.

  With gentle hands, Mr. Hayes worked the dress down past her hips. Tracy arched and moved her body to slither out of the beautiful dress. She let it fall to the floor as she stretched out across the back seat of the car. He touched her softly all over her legs. His fingers worked their way up to her underwear, pulling them down to her feet. She lay before him, exposed.

  He worked his tongue up her legs, all the way to her opening. She sighed as pleasure washed over her. He started to move his tongue against her clit in a new way, an undulating wave, almost as if a snake was darting its tongue in and out of its mouth. It was amazing, and she soon felt like she was rising. She felt like he was driving the car up the mountain pass, and she was along for the ride. All the twists and turns just served to excite her, and within moments, she found herself tensing up like she had made him.

  "Relax," he said. She smiled down at him, letting her muscles go slack. He kept the same rhythm and intensity, and again she was climbing the mountain pass. Just when she started to tense up again, she forced herself to relax, trusting him the same way that he trusted her. He stuck a finger inside of her, then two, continuing to lick. The two fingers curled up, touching the top of her vaginal canal. The feeling was amazing.

  "Stop, stop, it's too intense," she said, trying to push him away.

  "Trust me, this will feel fantastic," he said. She began to moan, leaning back and wrapping her hands around the handle of the door. She felt herself climbing to the peak of her orgasmic mountain, and the car wasn't about to stop. She practically screamed as she felt a rush of fluid escape her body, as her body convulsed and her pussy contracted on Mr. Hayes' fingers. She trusted him completely as she careened off the edge of the Earth. Her orgasm rocked her completely, sending her into space. She saw stars.

  Mr. Hayes was apparently turned on by all this. He wasted no time getting his pants off and positioning himself on top of her. "Yes, fuck me," she said breathlessly, coming down from her orgasm. He entered her quickly, his lust overcoming any chance of taking this slow.

  She dug her fingernails into his back as he thrust deep inside of her, his need taking over. Her fingers ran up his back to his hair, pulling him into her shoulder. He bit down as his muscular hips continued to pound into her, and she got the perfect view of his ass gyrating against her. She moan
ed at the sight, it was so hot.

  She lifted her legs up and wrapped them around his legs, letting him know exactly who was in control. She squeezed her legs tighter around his, increasing his penetration of her, while she writhed in ecstasy. She kept her fingers in his hair, causing every inch of their flesh to touch.

  She pushed him back, and he began thrusting again with fury. She smiled at him. "I'm going to get on top of you, now." Not a request, a demand.

  He smiled and pulled out. She got up and he sat on the seat. She was on his cock in an instant, gyrating against him. "Be perfectly still," she said.

  He smiled and lay back, and she slowly gyrated against him, moving her hips to maximize her pleasure. Her hand went to her clit, and she began to rub herself as she bounced a little faster. He moved his hands to grab her hips and she pushed them away. "Let me do it," she commanded.

  His eyes closed as he let her do all the work. She worked her hips against him, as quickly as she could, her own hand playing with her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body. "I want you to come. Will you come for me?" she asked.

  He shook his head quickly, biting his lip. She continued to rock against him, using every bit of her energy to milk him. "Come. Come for me. I want your come," she said, encouraging him. "I'm in control, and I want you to come."

  At that last phrase, he seemed to surrender to her, and within a dozen more strokes, she saw his head lean back a little more, and all his muscles tensed up. His knees hit her in the ass, but she kept gyrating on him. She was rewarded with a warm, wet splash within her. He opened his mouth and uttered a soundless cry, almost as if his voice had cracked. She knew she was causing him so much pleasure, and she didn't want it to end for him. She quickly removed herself from his dick, and moved her mouth down to continue.


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