Draconic Testament

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Draconic Testament Page 25

by Zac Atie

  “Milord...” The maid said, wiping the blood from his chin.

  “I’m fine... I...” Dante said.

  “I’ll heal you.” Veronica said, a hint of spite in her voice. She takes a step towards him, and the guards grab their swords defensively. “No...” Dante groaned “No, it is fine. Let her heal me... I am weary of thi-“ Dante coughed, “...This curse”. Veronica walked up to Dante. She stopped in front of him for a moment, she was so close that she could see him in the darkness. She grinded her teeth, seeing the resemblance to her father, then set to work healing his body before she could think too long on it. The lungs were full of taint, making it extremely difficult for him to breath, and while there was still life or will within the Warlock who made the curse, it was very hard to get rid of. “The Warlock must have been a master at curses.” Veronica thought, “I don’t doubt Bastion’s word’s... but it’s odd that she fell so easy to Bastion.” The magic from her hands connected to his lungs, and created a glow of light, that illuminated the emperor and his face. Bastion could see him clearly from where he was standing now, and it made sense as to why the room was so dark. He wore a blindfold, tightly wrapped from his eyes to the point where you could see them closed. He had long, white hair, and he looked to be the most mature looking Magi he had ever seen, and Varnis looked pretty old too. But that made sense, as Dante had lived a long time from what Bastion had read. He recalled that it was Dante’s eyes that got him recognition from the civil war. There were many tricks he could do with his eyes, but the most famous was the fact that he could see everything there was to know about a person’s biology, whether they were tainted by a curse, whether they intended to kill, or simply where they were. Many battles were almost guaranteed to win when he was in them. If he had grown up in Blue Magi or Red Magi territory, he would probably think that Dante McAllister would be an idol, and would be honoured to see him, almost fainting on the spot, like a fangirl of a pop artist or something. Bastion wondered to himself, what was with the blindfold? Was his eyes worn out, and he just used too much of his power? Or was it his age, perhaps? Bastion noticed the maid that had cleaned the Emperor’s chin like he was a baby was standing by, eyeing Veronica coldly, not moving. She was like a statue. This whole village just felt wrong to him.

  About half an hour passed, as Veronica went about her duties in silence, maid still staring at her of course. Bastion was stood still, watching the boring behaviour happen. He looked at the procedure thoroughly in hollow sight. It was easy to understand the basics, but the hard stuff like the purification of the taint in the lungs could only be taught step by step, and Veronica was speeding through it masterfully. “There...” Veronica said, stopping the spell and standing up, “It was simple after the Warlock broke her magic... but... uh...”

  “Thank you, Veronica.” The emperor said. Although great stress was no doubt lifted from his body, he acted as if this was all merely a boring affair.

  “Uh... It’s ok...” Veronica said. She wondered when she had actually given out her name to any of the Blue Magi, as she could not remember doing so, but she could be mistaken. The emperor stood up. “I advise you rest...” Veronica said. “There is no time. There is a lot to do. I must thank you for the lives that you have saved during your stay, and you will be rewarded, but for now I must tend to the caverns.” Dante said. Bastion found it odd how he phrased the last sentence, saying ‘stay’ as if they were staying temporarily. Of course, they were, but he didn’t know that. Did he suspect them of being spies or something? That made Bastion want to just grab his blood and hightail it out of here, but he had to remain calm. He was close to leaving. The emperor walked past Veronica, who was acting strangely, standing oddly, and walked towards the exit of the throne room. He stopped when he stood by Bastion. From here, Bastion could see that the emperor’s aura had a high concentration in the eyes and brain, which is probably due to his prowess with his eyes. “And... You were the one who avenged Enlin...” The emperor said.

  “Yes... I’m sorry for your loss, milord.” Bastion said, uncomfortable.

  “...Was it quick?” The emperor asked.

  “It... I...” Bastion began. He didn’t know what to say.

  “You will be rewarded... in time” He said. “... I do hope there is such a thing as fate.” Then he left. His tone of voice was half threatening, and half depressed. Bastion just wanted to leave. Veronica walked over the Bastion, looking drunk. “Are... you alright?” Bastion asked.

  “...No...” Veronica said, then she began to lose balance. Bastion caught her.

  “Whoa. What’s wrong?” Bastion asked, picking her up in his arms.

  “I... I feel weak. I’ve used too much magic...” Veronica moaned.

  “Ah... Forget that thing, then, I’ll get you somewhere else.” Bastion said.

  “Yeah, don’t worry about that...” Veronica said.

  Bastion took Veronica outside and across the bridge. Veronica said nothing as he carried her out, a little embarrassed to be seen like this. Bastion was thinking of the Emperor, and his words... He was tempted to leave, but Veronica would be dead if she was found by the Red Magi. He was mulling over what to do about the blood when he was stopped by a call from behind. He turned around, to see the made run across the bridge towards them. “Wait!” She huffed, “You f-...Forgot this! Your cloth!” The maid handed a bloodied cloth to Veronica. It was obvious that something was wrapped inside it. “Thank you.” She said, taking it. The maid ran back across the drawbridge and into the castle, out of site. Then, Veronica sighed. Bastion said nothing, piecing together what had been said between the two, and went to his tent. There, he sat Veronica down. “That was hard... Possession and healing at the same time... No wonder I’m so weak right now...” Veronica said. It took a few seconds to sink it, but when Bastion got it, he chuckled. “Ah... Clever fox, aren’t you? That’s why she was acting so weird...” Bastion said.

  “Aye. Now we have Dante’s blood...” Veronica said, smiling, pulling out a Vial from inside the cloth.

  “We did it!” Bastion laughed, “Ah, this is great!”. The two laughed, celebrating happily. This was the happiest Bastion had seen Veronica, and it had made him even happier to see. They lost themselves in Joy for a few minutes. They now had the key to opening the portal, and succeeding their mission. With the blood, Veronica could open the gate, and they could ask the Cazrians for some of their medical technology, and anything that could benefit earth, as well as asking them to attend the council to cleanse Veronica of her crimes. From what he understood, the Cazrian’s were a peace loving race, and Sanctum were racist as hell, so perhaps he could even tell the Cazrian’s that Sanctum has been up to all sorts of mischief... “Get your stuff and let’s go. I’ll call Yaevinn in a sec.” Bastion said. Finally, he was heading home. He sort of missed it, but he wasn’t sure if he’d stay there yet. He gathered his things. “Bastion, where’d you put the Arcana?” She asked. Bastion paused.

  “You didn’t have it?” Bastion asked.

  “...No.” Veronica said. “Where did you last have it?”

  “I...” Bastion paused. He thought back to the caverns. He used it to cut down the Warlock. “When I killed the Warlock, Yula.”

  “Yula?... Yula was... Yula was at the lighthouse a couple of times... She’s Sanctum...” Veronica said, face turning white. “I know, she-“ Bastion began.

  “This is bad, Bastion. There was not a single Arcana on earth until Sanctum got back, if they find the Arcana...” Veronica began, “The Blue Magi might declare war on Sanctum, or the Red Magi, since that’s where you came from! That would be...”

  “...Crap... Where did they find me?” Bastion asked. “There was a hole nearby.”

  “To the northeast... But I...” Veronica said.

  “I’ll carry you, not to worry.” Bastion said.

  “N-No! I can walk fine!” Veronica said, shooting up. “Let’s go!”

  The two arrived at the woods where Bastion’s horror was ended. Just look
ing at this place again brought back the memories of the Grim Reaper, and all the horrible screaming. He was almost embarrassed to have been found like that, but Veronica must have gone through a lot to revive him from his nightmares. One last thing to do, and they’d be out of here, like Bastion oh so desperately wanted. “You know where it is?” Veronica asked.

  “I went in a straight line...” Bastion said, then he spots something on the ground.

  “What’s that?... Blood?” Veronica asked.

  “My blood.” Bastion said.

  “Tis astonishing that you survived this.” Veronica said. They went into the forest from where they had found the blood. They travel through, constantly finding evidence of Bastion’s madness, when Bastion notices something. Someone else is here. “Wait.” He says. “Do you sense that?” Bastion asked. Veronica froze and looked around in hollow sight.

  “No, nothing. Why?” Veronica asked.

  “Someone is over there.” Bastion said. He stops, and uses his amulet to enhance his view. Whoever this person is, they are hiding their Aura really well. Eventually, the silhouette is seen clearly, as they are using the remainder of their small magic pool to heal their wounds. Bastion figures out who it is. “I remember this Aura...” Bastion said, “It’s the Warlock.”

  “But you killed the Warlock!” Veronica said.

  “Yes... I thought I did... But, perhaps she was just wounded. If she’s still alive, she’ll likely have the Arcana, and we can ask her questions. She’s bound to know a lot.” Bastion said.

  “Alright...” Veronica said. The two travelled through the forest in pursuit of the Warlock hiding away. He wondered how the warlock survived, was she merely crippled by the blow? It was all a blur, but he remembers striking her. The Warlock is startled by the presences approaching her, and as they come into her view, she whips the Arcana towards them. “You!” She shrieks.

  “Wait!” Bastion says.

  “You tried to kill me! Get away!” Yula screams.

  “Yula, im sorry! I was unknowingly infected with Tartarus, I didn’t know what I was doing at the time!” Bastion said.

  “I know you...” Yula said. But it wasn’t to Bastion, it was to Veronica. “You’re... the child of omega...”

  “What did you say?” Veronica asked.

  “The Child... Of Omega...” Yula said, “Of the end...”

  “What do you mean?” Bastion asked, taking a step towards her.

  “STAY BACK!” She screams.

  “We’re not going to hurt you... We’re... We’re not even going to take you back to the Village... If we can, we’d like to help you...” Bastion said.

  “After she tells us what she means, we don’t need her. More simple to kill her, she’s dangerous.” Veronica said.

  “She’s helpless... We’re not going to just slaughter her...” Bastion said.

  “What did you mean by ‘Child of Omega’?” Veronica said, bothered by Yula.

  “Your father’s plan... I don’t know what exactly it is... But Sanctum... Sanctum has plans for you, and for earth.” Yula said. “What else do you know?” Veronica asked. No answer. “Tell me, or I’ll hurt you terribly!”

  “Veronica! Stop!” Bastion yelled. “That’s enough for now. Yula, it’s alright. We’ll help you. Veronica, heal her, then we’ll take her somewhere safe.” Bastion said.

  “You’ll do that? But... I’m your enemy. Why?” Yula asked.

  “You’re still a person. Atone for the crime’s you’ve committed... do what you can. Death is too easy a punishment, when more value can come from acts of redemption in life” Bastion said. Yula paused, then let out an innocent giggle, and smiled.

  Bastion smiled back, and as he was going to turn and tell Veronica to start healing her, there was a deafening noise behind them. A loud bang, and then liquid sprayed onto Bastion. Bastion didn’t know what it was, at first, he thought that the Warlock had struck, that he had been deceived. As he span back round to the Warlock, he saw that was not the case. Her head and basically came apart. She had been shot, in the face. “Bull’s-eye. Looks like I’m not so rusty after all.” A voice said, a familiar voice. Bastion and Veronica turn around, readying themselves for a fight, but it was obvious that there would be no fight at all. Because they were completely outnumbered. It was stark, and the Blue Magi. “You’re under arrest, children.” Stark said, “By order of the Emperor, I’m taking you in for the crimes of regicide and murder of a high class citizen, Bastion, and Veronica as an accomplice”

  “Wait, Veronica had nothing to do with it!” Bastion said, “I was under the affects of Tartarus, how was I to know?”

  “If you had followed instructions, it wouldn’t have happened.” Stark said, “He was killed by an Arcana, and since they’re not all that common, I’m guessing it was that one of the body of the traitorous Warlock. Y’know, the one you were just all buddy, buddy with a few moments ago.”

  “Yes, it was me, but not Veronica!” Bastion shouted.

  “Emperor’s will.” Stark said, aiming his gun, “Surrender, or die.” Bastion readied himself. He planned to grab his Arcana and take them down, even though it was likely suicide. He was about to get to work, when Veronica said, “Alright... Don’t shoot.”

  “Veronica, no.” Bastion said.

  “We’ve lost, Bastion... Thank you... For everything.” She said, and then she surrenders to the Blue Magi. Reluctantly, not wanting to run away while the woman he sacrificed everything for walk to the gallows alone, he followed her lead.

  Chapter Twelve – Fate

  Sebastian Slater

  They had found Bastion out. There he was, tied to a chair in the torture room, frightened for the pain that was bound to come his way, though he was more frightened for what they may do to Veronica. She was being held in the cells where the animals used to be, and she had been there for a few hours. Not a peep has came from that room ever since she was put in there, so Bastion was at least thankful for that. Was this a worse fate for Veronica and him than what Sanctum was likely to do? He pondered that. What would Sanctum do? They are practically a mystery to him, at the moment. The Magi win the war against them, and then all of a sudden they show up, not even looking for revenge. Then, Bastion finds a woman whom Veronica knew from the times of her captivity, and she refers to Veronica as the ‘Child of Omega’. Bastion knew what Omega meant, it’s a word used in passage from the bible. ‘Revelation 22:13, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last’. Was she being referred to as the child of the end, or perhaps the last child? His time alone, in captivity, gave him a lot of time to think about things. Illuminos, him being a special human, Sanctum, the Magi, plots... Perhaps he should tell Dante about who Veronica really is. Would that spare her life? Dante is related to her, he’s her uncle, and surely he would not throw away her life so easy... He wondered. The only thing he hears from here is people outside, and there certainly are a lot of them. What could they be doing?

  He hears someone entering the room outside. “Emperor McAllister, sir!” He hears a guard say. Then, the Torture room door opens, revealing the white haired, blindfolded Emperor in the dark doorway. He shuts the door behind him, and turns toward Bastion. Bastion looks Dante in the eye, and time passes for a while. Eventually, Dante speaks. “Was it quick?” Dante asks. Bastion knows what he’s referring to.

  “I stabbed him through the heart with an Arcana. There wasn’t enough time for him to even express his pain.” Bastion said, “So let Veronica go.”

  “You seem to care a lot for the young McAllister.” Dante says. Bastion’s face goes blank.

  “What?” Bastion asked, “But... You’re blind! How did you know?”

  “I know a lot. Perhaps too much.” Dante said. Then he pauses. “I sent my child... my son, my only son... to his death”

  “You couldn’t have known...” Bastion said. Dante says nothing. “You certainly don’t talk to me like the man who killed your son...”

  “You’re a boy
. A powerful boy, who doesn’t know his own strength or what awaits him.” Dante says.

  “Awaits me?” Bastion asks, “So... You’re going to torture me...”

  “Perhaps.” Dante says, “Time will tell... But tell me, what did you originally come here for?” Bastion holds his tongue, thinking of a lie to make. “Speak. It’s important.” Dante said.

  “We came... I came... To spy” Bastion said. Dante paused, then sighed. It almost sounded like a sigh of relief. “Then perhaps... Perhaps the path you walk is as I suspect...” Dante says.

  “What do you mean?” Bastion asked.

  “You’ll find out. Perhaps in the not too distant future...” Dante says.

  “What happened to your eyes?” Bastion asked, “I wondered that ever since seeing you. I might as well ask now” Bastion says. Dante paused.

  “My eyes... Magic with my eyes has always been my affinity. It served me well in the DomiCazrian wars, against Sanctum, that which hounds us today.” Dante says, “However, over time, I’ve been working on my Magic further. Perhaps too far. I... Evolved my affinity, at the cost of my eyes.”

  “Evolved your affinity?” Bastion asked, “What is that?”


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