Draconic Testament

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Draconic Testament Page 28

by Zac Atie

  “Come. Nobodies watching the gate. They’re preparing. We can just walk right out.” Bastion said.

  “We should wait. Dante’s watching the gate.” Veronica said.

  “We needn’t worry about Dante. Trust me.” Bastion said. Veronica frowned slightly, but submitted and followed Bastion’s lead. They left from their hiding spot and walked a distance from Dante, avoiding him. Everybody was busy, so nobody bothered or notice them, but a voice rung in their ears that made them stop in their tracks. “Hold.” Dante said. The two turned toward Dante, and Bastion approached him. Veronica followed, hesitantly. They stop in front of Dante. “Head to the northeast, through the woods, and continue.” Dante said, handing them a compass. “You’ll find a train station eventually. It will be a long walk, but Ivorian is not stupid, nor does he joke. He will be looking for you, and if he finds you, he’ll kill you. You must not let that happen.” Dante said. “There’s no need to run, but leave immediately. Your bags are outside the gate.”

  “What?” Veronica asked, more confused than she had ever been in her life. Not even Bastion understood fully, but he had no intention to. “Thank you, Dante...” Bastion said. He didn’t understand Dante, but he knew for sure that he that Dante was a heck of a lot smarter than him, and he was not a monster, although he was described to be. “You know... I have questions.” Bastion said .

  “This will not be our last meeting.” Dante said. “At least, I hope it will not be. On the day we meet again, perhaps I will tell you more. But not now. You must leave. Now.” Bastion nodded. Veronica was confused, but managed a “Thanks you...uncle.” Which Dante did not see coming, as Bastion did not either. A slight blush shot across Veronica’s face. “...Come on.” Bastion said. The two left, collecting their bags and heading to the forest. When they were engulfed with leaves, banter continued. “Know anything about that Ivory guy?” Bastion asked.

  “It’s Ivorian.” Veronica said. “And no, I don’t. I have no clue who he is, but from what I was able to piece together, he’s not with Sanctum. He’s with the other faction.”

  “The... Equilibrium?” Bastion asked.

  “No... I don’t know what they are. No, it’s the Godslayer’s legion he belongs to.” Veronica said. “They said the name of the leader, but I can’t remember. It’s a Domini though, there’s no doubt about that. The name is too disturbing not to be.”

  “Godslayer’s Legion, huh?” Bastion asked.

  “I don’t know what they are, either.” Veronica said. “Sorry...”

  “I-It’s alright. I... I...” Bastion murmured.

  “Bastion?” Veronica asks. “Are you okay?” As she asks that, Bastion falls to one knee.

  “My magic...” Bastion complains. He felt as if he had just swallowed every drug in his local pharmacy.

  “You have very little left.” Veronica says, grabbing him. He leans against her. She positions him so that his head is in her lap. “Nothing we can do... We’ll have to rest here. I’ve done a lot of sitting around... but you...”

  “No... You’ve done plenty good... I can rest on the ground.” Bastion said.

  “Sleep. Nap. You’ll need it. More Magic regenerates that way...” Veronica said. “Use my lap as a pillow.”

  “But...” Bastion protests, but Veronica placed her finger on his lips.

  “Sleep, I said.” Veronica ordered him. “It’s alright.” She strokes his hair softly. It’s relaxing to him. He’s at peace like this. This reminds him of when his mother used to comfort him when he was younger, when he was bullied. Those were the only nights he didn’t cry himself to sleep, back then. “We’ve been through a lot, today... You’ve been through a lot, today... You fight, and fight... I almost lost you.” She whispers softly. Bastion begins to drift off, his eyes beginning to stick together as he blinks, his body begging him to sleep. As he drifts, he sees Veronica’s lips come towards his face. They land on his forehead, kissing him goodnight. A single strand of her hair escapes her head and falls on Bastion’s face, and he feels it there. She smiles as she pulls back, and so does Bastion. Then, he’s gone.

  The Train. There’s no reply from anybody on his phone. It felt like an age since he last talked to anybody from what seemed like his old life, but it’s been only a couple of days. Well, for Vander it’s been forever, as he’s not heard from him at all, but still. Veronica sat across from him. She had the vial of blood still. Bastion was excited, and nervous, at what awaited them. They talked about various things, much like how they used to, completely saving the big business for later. Eventually, the phone in Bastion’s hand rang. It was from an unknown caller. He answers it. “Hello?” Bastion asked.

  “Oh, I got through. I have no idea how to properly use these things...” A voice said.

  “Yaevinn!” Bastion exclaimed.

  “Yeah, I thought I’d get in touch. I was a little worried, I admit.” Yaevinn said. “Because erm...”

  “What?” Bastion asked.

  “Rhenium...” Yaevinn said. “And uh...”

  “Yeah, you had to go to Rhenium didn’t you?” Bastion asked. He had completely forgotten about Yaevinn’s mission. “Yes, several times. It’s all as you read, and Varnis lost his cool. He wants to get Veronica and send her to Sanctum.” Yaevinn said.

  “Well, the plot as thickened a shitload since then.” Bastion said. “Listen up.” Bastion explained everything that happened at the national park, leaving out Illuminos, like he planned to do for everyone. He also assured Yaevinn that Veronica was no threat, he didn’t get too personal about what happened to her, but he told enough to make Yaevinn see that she was a victim. “That... Makes sense.” Yaevinn said. “What do you mean?” Bastion asked.

  “There have been a lot of sightings of fires and signs of fighting. Charred bodies of odd remains have been found too... It must be the Domini.” Yaevinn said. “Or their Wraiths.”

  “Wraiths?” Bastion asked.

  “They reanimate dead bodies to fight for them. That’s the name for them. They don’t last forever, but they’re effective. I don’t know who’s winning the fight, but half the settlements seem to be destroyed so far. I'm not sure this Dante is as smart, or as nice, as he sounds.” Yaevinn said.

  “You’ll have to trust me... Anyway, about Rhenium...” Bastion said.

  “Oh... Yeah... Well, as I said, a search for Veronica has been executed. They’re looking all over for her, and Sanctum have been making some odd moves... I’ve tried to stop Varnis from looking for you two, but, it seems that I was caught helping you...” Yaevinn said.

  “Ah crap...” Bastion sighed. “What did he say?”

  “Not much...” Yaevinn said. “But he did kick me out.”

  “Man... I’m so sorry.” Bastion said. “It’s my fault.”

  “I wanted to help, Bastion.” Yaevinn said, obviously wounded by what had happened. “It felt right. I was moved by your courage.”

  “Thanks Yaevinn...” Bastion said. “We’ll sort all of this out when we open the portal, alright?”

  “Yeah.” Yaevinn said. “That’d be nice.” The two finished their conversation and Bastion relayed what he had been told to Veronica. “Poor Yaevinn.” Veronica said.

  “Things are coming to a close.” Bastion said. “If we don’t hurry up and do this now, im not sure how much longer we’ll last. Sanctum are moving oddly, this Ivorian, Blue Magi’s headquarters under siege, and Red Magi are looking for us. This will end badly if we don’t stop all of this.”

  “Aye...” Veronica said. “I fear the humans will find out that there are some not-so-normal people among them... I'm not sure if magic will help in hiding the truth in this day and age.”

  “We’ll see.” Bastion said. “If we’re fast, I don’t think much will happen.”

  Bastion and Veronica got off the train to be greeted by Yaevinn, in T-shirt, jeans and a bean cap to hide his horns from the public. “Hey, what’s up? You alright?” Bastion asked, giving a friendly hug to Yaevinn.

Yes, I’m alright.” Yaevinn beamed, smiling sheepishly. “Are uh... You alright?” Yaevinn asked Veronica. One of the few times they actually spoke with each other. Bastion hoped Veronica would continue talking to other people, though, it seemed that she had reverted to her defensive tone with other people. “O-Oh. Yes, im ok.” Veronica said. Before awkwardness could set in, Bastion butted in with a joke. “At least two of us look normal.” Bastion said, referring to Veronica still wearing her normal type of clothing. “Hmph.” Veronica huffed.

  “Haha.” Yaevinn chuckled. “So, you’re sure you can unlock this portal?”

  “It will be easy.” Veronica said.

  “I'm sorry to sort of ask this... but I’d like to go see mother before I leave.” Bastion said.

  “Oh?” Yaevinn asked, smiling. “Mummy’s boy?”

  “Hey, shut up.” Bastion said, flushed with embarrassment. Veronica said nothing. “I haven’t seen her in a while, who knows what the hell is about to happen.”

  “I doubt anything bad will occur.” Veronica said. “Tis not like the Cazrian’s to lash out. They’ll likely welcome us.”

  “Let’s hope...” Yaevinn said. The trio headed out into town. He watched as the cars passed by on familiar streets. Faces seemed so familiar, even though he had never met any of the people in this crowded place. They didn’t stick out in the crowds, even with what Veronica was wearing, they easily got through town, even while Bastion was slowing them all down burning the image of the town into his mind, trying to figure out if they had changed since last he came. One thing he was terrified of was meeting Talia. If Talia caught him out of nowhere with Veronica, she may get angry, but he doubts he’d find her. He wanted to knock of the doors of Talia and Vander, meet up with them again, but he figured it would be better to wait until he’s alone to talk to them. Especially Talia. Heading back to his mother’s would suffice for now. “We’ll wait at the portal site.” Yaevinn said, as they ended up outside Bastion’s house.

  “Nah, come on in.” Bastion said. “Mother will welcome you.”

  “Are you sure?” Veronica asked. “Last time I was in this house...”

  “Old history.” Bastion said.

  “This IS a little awkward, Bastion...” Yaevinn said, grinning stupidly.

  “I don’t give a damn.” Bastion said, fishing the spare key out of a plant-pot filled with murky water from mud, so that the key was not visible. “Come in. Have some tea. I’d like to talk with my mother a bit. She’s been worried.”

  Veronica and Yaevinn entered the house reluctantly, following Bastion inside. Veronica felt awkward, and Yaevinn embarrassed. Bastion sat them down in the living room. “My mother will get you something to eat and drink. It’s alright.” Bastion said.

  “Oh... Uhh... Thanks...” Yaevinn said. He was interested in how normal humans actually lived, and also in the electronics that were around. He had heard of televisions and radios and all that, but he had never actually used them. He was tempted to go examining all around the house at the electronics, but he felt as if he was already intruding by actually being there in the first place, despite being shoved in by Bastion. Veronica had seen all this before, nothing really impressed her, but she was thinking on what to say to Bastion’s mother. Mothers were obviously a sore topic for her, but it wasn’t something that she’d shy away from, and she knew that much of Bastion’s personality had been thanks to his mother’s tutelage. Bastion wandered around the house, calling for his mother, having a tough time finding her. Eventually, he decided to try her room, as she liked to use earmuffs to go to sleep. “Mother? Im back! I’ve brought some friends I made... I...” Bastion began, but stopped when he opened the door. “Oh, you’re sleeping... At this time? Come on, get up.” Bastion laughed, looking at his mother. Her eyes were half open, looking lazy as hell, and annoyed. That was, until, he moved fully into the room and got a better look at her. “Mum?” He asked, confused by what he saw. It took a while to sink in.

  Veronica was downstairs, listening to Yaevinn coo about all the electronics in his living room, as he picked up the remote control and examining it. He was annoying her, asking her a bunch of questions that would be obvious to a toddler about electronics. He was overtaken by curiosity, and he worked up the courage to press a button of the controller. Nothing happened. Then another. Still nothing. He didn’t know what the numbers were all about, and decided that it would be safe to press them. He wanted something to happen, not much, just a little flash or something. Nothing that will make noise. So, he worked up the courage to press a coloured button. For a second, nothing happened, and he was confused, then, the DVD recorder’s disc drive popped out, making him yell slightly. Veronica jumped out of her skin in fright, and snapped at him. “Quit fooling around! What’s wrong with you?” Veronica snapped. “I'm sorry, it’s just... so cool!” Yaevinn beamed.

  “Put that down. I think I heard something.” Veronica said. She and Yaevinn listened. Not long after, a thud. From upstairs. “Bastion?” Yaevinn called out, curiosity set aside. “You alright?” No response.

  “Lets go.” Veronica said, getting up and going up the stairs. They looked into the open door on right, to see Bastion, slumped against the radiator, wide eyed. “Bastion!” Veronica said, rushing into the room. She looked in the direction he was staring at, and her eyes widened with horror. Yaevinn also ran into the room, and checked out what was going on, and his face too, went blank. His mother was lying in bed, mouth open, with her eyes half open. She was not moving, not even breathing. She was dead. It was obvious, there was no blood, but her death was brutal. Things were knocked over, she had made a struggle... as someone strangled her. There were deep gashes in her neck, and it was all red. Someone had used a wire to strangle her while she was sleeping, it was obvious, and it was brutal. Yaevinn just stood there, not knowing what to do, horrified. Veronica was also horrified, but she was horrified in a different way. This was, surprisingly to her, a devastating blow to her. She didn’t know why, but deep sorrow set in, and tears ran down her cheek. “Oh Bastion...” She whimpered, and turned around to hug him. Bastion was motionless. He knew what had happened, but his body had just shut down. He left her here, cast off as a relic of an old life, and she was killed. He didn’t know why, he didn’t care why. All he knew was that she was gone, and he blamed himself. It hadn’t hit him yet, and he was just waiting for it. Waiting for the pain to set in. He couldn’t do anything, even if he tried. Tears also gave way to his eyes. Yaevinn was disgusted by the brutality of it. This was the loved one of what he could call one of his closest friends, strangled to death. It took an age for any of them to take action. Yaevinn looked at the two, and said softly, “We should go. Come. We shouldn’t stay here.” Yaevinn said. Veronica was the first of the two to move from their spot. “Bastion...” Veronica said, trying to get his attention. But he just stared ahead. We couldn’t hear anything anymore. The reality of his loss would creep up on him. He had to prepare himself for that.

  It was almost like all three of the children were not magic wielding super humans at all. What they had seen had struck them all. Bastion had already thought that Magi took heartbreak the same way as everyone else did, but to actually witness it first hand was something else. They had called the police and the ambulance, and stood by as they excavated the house for clues on the murder, and took the bodies away. It was much like the time Bastion came across that one body in the parking lot, only there were some sympathetic policeman among angry ones. He always thought police enjoyed the power they had, and nothing could bother them because they were untouchable, and he had thought police looked down on teenagers in England, because they thought they were all scoundrels that liked to get up to no good, and go vandalising, but the police were sympathetic, giving words of sorrow and comfort to Bastion, as he sat on the wall of his house. Yaevinn tried not to get in the way, and ended up getting asked nothing too much, as he did not want to reveal his horns or ears. Veronica had slipped on one of Bastion’s hooded tops, so she
would not look too out of place. Bastion answered, apologised that he did not know much, and the police ended up making arrangements to contact fellow family members. Bastion wriggled out of this, saying he’d go stay with a non-existent aunt for the meanwhile, and explain what had happened. Eventually, the police let them go, and Veronica took him over to a cafe near town. Yaevinn mumbled, and messed up his words of sympathy along the way, but Bastion forced a weak smile, and Yaevinn knew he didn’t have to say much else. Veronica was heavily bothered by what she had seen, and felt sorrow for another person for the first time in her life. They sat in the cafe, ordered something to drink, and Bastion tried to deal with his sorrow. “I'm sorry, guys.” Bastion said. “If we had kept moving, we would have been getting on with the plan by now. I’ll try not to mess things up and get in the way when we continue.”


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