Draconic Testament

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Draconic Testament Page 43

by Zac Atie

  “Ve don’t know vhat vis is all about.” The guard said. “Zeh other mountains are fine to climb, go to vone of them. Vis one... I don’t know, I zuppose it vad bad luck.”

  “What do you mena?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “Accidents zare rampant on vis mountain now.” The guard said. “It’s constant. All zeh time. Zeh auvorities surveyed zeh mountain to find zeh causes of zeh problems, but zey vemselves also became victims of zeh accidents, vether it ve slipping, and rockslides... You name it.”

  “And you say this was a couple of decades ago...” Zaxxarius pondered. It was obvious what was going on here. Sanctum and the Godslayer’s legion would push off humans that came up the mountains, making the humans stay away so they could progress in peace. Out of all the places in the world where you would find the least people, it would probably be a mountain. It made perfect sense to choose a tiny little place where hardly anyone was, then choose the place on that desert area where nobody would usually think of going to hide yourself. “I can’t pass?”

  “No, I can’t vlet you pass, I'm zorry. Only zeh authorities zare allowed up here.” The guard says. Zaxxarius sighed, and turned away, going around a corner. Of course, Zaxxarius was going to go past anyway, but there was no point in forcing his way past. He surveyed the chain link fence that went around the front of the Mountain. IT didn’t go all the way around, but he figured that the other sides of the mountain would be un-climbable, or have warnings. This side, though, had a path going up the mountain. Zaxxarius was no rock-climber, like Talia was, but he figured this would be child’s play... with magic.

  Zaxxarius had cut through the gate in a blind spot where nobody could see him. It was not guarded, since most rock climbers are not fanatic enough about climbing to break into dangerous areas, and if they were, they’d likely be seeking out some more impressive mountain. This was the biggest on the island, but rock climbers were surely smarter than to cut through fences to climb up a mountain that was off limits, due to many accidents. Zaxxarius was no ordinary rock-climber though. In truth, this was the first he’d be climbing rocks, and he didn’t even have any gear on him. However, he was an Overlord, and climbing a mountain should prove no problem for him. He had started slowly on a side with dead trees and rubble to break line of sight with the streets, there was also a larger building blocking view as he slowly crept up the mountain with his hands reinforced so he could keep a steady grip. Even with Magic, it was harder than he expected, and he only saw that it would prove even more difficult when he reached the steeper end. He had been climbing to the right of the mountain paths, but he couldn’t simply climb over there just yet. The path was in full view of the village, and he had to wait until he could get an invisibility spell off before taking the path. The invisibility spell was something he read about in Korreal. Unfortunately, the spell was not all it sounded like. You couldn’t fully envelop yourself in a shield of invisibility; all you could do was cloud people’s vision with a barrier around you, making you transparent. However, it was useless in two ways. The first was that if someone was close enough, they’d see you, and the second was that if someone also used hollow sight, if you weren’t concealing your aura, you’d also be seen. So, because of this, he had to wait until he was far enough away to use it. He found a stable, flat ground somewhere on the mountain, and fumbled with an invisibility barrier. It was second nature to him, constructed the barrier, and faint memories entered and got lost in Zaxxarius’ head. The memories were only there for a split second when he did something that his ancestor’s had mastered. He couldn’t remember anything, so it came to him as second nature. It was called the ‘Monolith’s Recollection’, Abaddon had told him. Zaxxarius sighed, and he continued with his progress. The spell came easy to him, creating a barrier of transparency around him. He’d be transparent like the woman who had came to him, asking him to close the portal, however, even a human could have seen her if he was close enough. He cast the spell, and continued climbing the mountain, further and further, until he figured he was far away enough to not be noticed. He wondered if security cameras could pick him up, like they apparently could with ghosts. Even so, if they could, it didn’t matter. He didn’t know how security worked here, but they likely wouldn’t even notice until later on. He managed to bring himself to the path, huffing and puffing, then checked to see if anyone had noticed. Nobody had, so he began to trek up the mountain path normally. The path was zigzagged, but it didn’t look like it went all the way up. It stopped at a certain point, allowing the people who wished the rock climb a proper starting place. The other areas around the mountain were likely not a good point to start climbing from. He kept constant watch with hollow sight as he ascended the mountain, making sure not to alert any Sanctum members. But, none of them were on the mountain path. Most of them were higher, on proper ground, but there were two up at the rock-climbing point. He kept constant watch on them... but he felt odd. He felt as if he was being watched. Memories of split came back to him, being sick and stumbling around, feeling eyes preying on him. But those were illusions, hallucinations. This feeling was real, and clear as day.

  After constant lookouts and creeping up the mountain path, he came to the end of the path, where the rock-climbing start services were. There was a campfire, couple of trailers, a booth, and equipment shacks. In the middle was the campfire. He was not in sight of the campfire, but he knew it was there through Hollowsight. The two Sanctum guards were sitting there, talking and warming their hands. One was short with short hair, and the other was bald. He began listening right in the middle of their conversation, thinking on what to do about these two. “-at does it matter anyway? I don't see the point. We’re not going to be here long.” The short haired one said.

  “It’s a shame.” The bald one said. “I wanted to get my hands on one of the human beauties.”

  “That’s disgusting.” Shorty said. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Nothing.” Baldy said. “That asshole Ivorian got his hands on humans didn’t he? And Draynar.”

  “Draynar got his hands on a human for magic purposes. The girl is a rarity.” Shorty said.

  “And Ivorian?” Baldy asked.

  “...I don’t know.” Shorty said. “That one creeps me out. He’s always in dark corners, by himself if he’s not reading and researching. I heard him murmuring to himself through his door, at one time.”

  “You heard the stories about him?” Baldy said. “Some say... he’s a necrophiliac.”

  “Well, first off, that’s not true.” Short said. “Only your over-sexual mind would think that. He had problems. I heard that... he, um.”

  “What?” Baldy asked.

  “Man, I don’t know.” Shorty said. “I heard that he’s actually a clone of the real Ivorian.”

  “By the void...” Baldy said. “It couldn’t be. No, that’s impossible, don’t be ridiculous.”

  “That would make sense though, wouldn’t it?” Shorty said. “He does act like someone with severe mental problems.”

  “The fucking Godslayer’s legion...” Baldy said. “Bunch of weirdoes.”

  “There’s something we can agree in without arguments. I feel sorry for that human girl that Ivorian got his hands on.” Shorty said.

  “She was... quite alright.” Baldy said. “If I was on the watch that caught her, I’d have ripped her clothes off and tasted the goods before bringing her in.”

  “Don't be a creep.” Shorty said. “That poor girl is probably being tortured or whatever by Ivorian.” Zaxxarius drew his Arcana, looking for a moment to strike. He planned to electrocute one, and slay the other... but the humane chatter was putting him off. It reminded him that they were, indeed, people. However, Baldy’s perverted chatter was making him feel better about cutting him down. “And what about Draynar? You ever seen him?” Baldy asked.

  “Only in wanted posters and the news.” Shorty said.

  “He’s got some constant sneer on. He looks... evil.” Baldy said.

“A bit like that sneer you have whenever you see a woman?” Shorty asked.

  “Yeah, but it doesn’t go away.” Baldy said. “And my sneer ensnares women. Makes them do things you would never dream of.”

  “Man, what’s wrong with you?” Shorty asked. “Women in Cazrian society are to be respected.”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, lordling.” Baldy said. “In ten years, on your 400th birthday, you’ll become as perverted as me. That’s when the lust for males kick in.”

  “I’ll get a wife.” Shorty said. “Yes. That’s what I’ll do.”

  “A Cazrian wife, no doubt.” Baldy snorted.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Shorty asked.

  “You act all high and mighty, but you only care about Cazrians.” Baldy said. “You don’t care about aliens, do you?”

  “That’s not...” Shorty began, but he realised there was no reason to explain himself. “What the hell are you in Sanctum for if you care about aliens?”

  “Are you stupid?” Baldy spat, standing up. “Sanctum stands for more than petty pureblood supremacy!”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Shorty roared. “You’re too busy playing with yourself to see the big picture!”

  “And you’re too busy mutilating Alien corpses, like that Ispii girl! You cut her head off, even though she was unarmed! That’s not the Cazrian way, let alone the Sanctum way!” Baldy hissed. “You’d do better with the Godslayer’s. Go be an apprentice of Ivorian or something.” The two had broken off into an Argument, and Zaxxarius got his Arcana ready. He channelled electricity to his fist, and got ready to attack.

  Baldy pushed Shorty to the ground, getting out his Arcana, when he saw Zaxxarius charge through the bush with his Electricity in hand. He shot the bolt at Baldy, who tried to block it with his Arcana, but it was more than a simple Arcana-block could handle. Zaxxarius’ lightning was even stronger with the Overlord’s power, and the lightning bolt couldn’t be parried by a mere Arcana. He remembered how he and Yaevinn couldn’t stand up to the nameless woman and Torrig back at the Haven. With this new power, and the Monolith’s recollection, he would easily be able to fight Sanctum on par. This didn’t mean he would not need training. The bolt knocked Baldy into the fire. The bolt stunned him for a bit, but the pain of the fire kicked in immediately. He did not remain knocked out, and he shot into life just a couple of seconds from falling into the fire. He got up and pranced around, trying to get the flames off him. Shorty got to his feet and siphoned the fire from Baldy, and shot it at Zaxxarius. Zaxxarius jumped out of the way smoothly, fire completely missing him, and Baldy fell on the ground, in pain from the fire and disoriented. Zaxxarius was in close range now, and Shorty only just managed to block Zaxxarius’ attack with his own Arcana. Luckily, for Zaxxarius, he had already taken sword lessons from when he was a child, and from Korreal. Add that to his Monolith Recollection, and he can go toe to toe with any Average swordsman. And Shorty was just that. He attacked with a flurry of blows, which Shorty could only parry and block. Shorty was on the defensive, and was being knocked backwards constantly. Zaxxarius felt no fear, and was confident in winning this battle. Shorty tripped over a rock that was jutting out of the ground, but brought up his Arcana just in time to block a blow that would have sunk into his chest and been the end of him. He kicked Zaxxarius back with this, and clambered to his feet. “Who? Why are y-” Short began, but Zaxxarius leapt forward to him, bringing the blade down in a manner that Achilles of Greece would have. Zaxxarius could see the fear in Shorty’s face, and the pleading question coupled with the fear was too much for him to think about. He wanted to leave the two in peace. Even if one was some sort of rapist pervert, and this one a racist butcher, they were still people. He kept their intents and crimes in his head while attacking Shorty, knowing that he could not spare them, and he would not turn away while Veronica was still here. He would not sacrifice Veronica for these people. Shorty was being backed into the rock behind him. He tried to lash out with blows of his own against Zaxxarius, but they were countered, and one of the counters cost Shorty dearly, having his nose and eye slashed off. He screamed, as he was knocked to the ground before even reaching the rocky wall behind him. “Please!” He pleaded, throwing away his Arcana. “PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T!” Zaxxarius ought to kill him. There were people on this earth that deserved death, in his opinion, but was this man one? Mutilating the body of your foes is sick, but still, they were his foes. Was he in the wrong to the point of death? Zaxxarius didn’t answer the question, as Baldy had attacked Zaxxarius with his own Arcana, but Zaxxarius countered and lopped his arm off. Baldy screamed, as he sunk to his knees, and Zaxxarius now had two captives. Would he kill them? The answer in Baldy’s circumstance was no, as the campfire’s fire surged towards Zaxxarius AND Baldy, as Zaxxarius jumped out of the way. Zaxxarius had to leap full force to dodge the fire, and the fire enveloped Baldy as Zaxxarius crashed into the ground, losing his Arcana from the crash. He turned around, and conjured lightning, but he was then the victim of a barrage of more fire. He shielded himself, as Shorty got up, and walked towards him, conjuring the flames. But then, out of nowhere, a bolt of air hit Shorty, and he crashed hard into the rocks behind him, breaking his neck and spine. Zaxxarius didn’t realise what was going on at first, but when he saw Shorty’s body slump to the floor, he realised. Someone had saved him.

  He got up to his feet, reclaiming his Arcana, and looked around the area for his saviour. He never saw where it came from, and when he looked around in hollow sight, he saw nobody. “Hello?” He asked. “Where are you? Stark? Vander? Abaddon?” calling out names of the most likely candidates for his rescue, although he failed to remember Stark was in fact just a human. He scanned the trailer and the obstacles that lay around the camp, and came to no conclusion. He figured that whoever had interfered did not want to be seen, and was of no threat to him, as they could have attacked him while he was down. Zaxxarius sighed, and put away his Arcana, when... someone jumped on his back! They put their arms around his neck, and their legs around his waist! “Weee!” The girl’s voice shouted, in his ear. He was startled, and flailed for a little, before calming down. He stopped panicking, and kneeled so the girl could get off him, before turning around to get a look at her. Then, he realised who she was, and gasped. “Hime?” Zaxxarius asked. It was the young girl from the cafe before he reached split. She had accidently cut his hand, badly, and sat down with him and Veronica, making jokes about the two in a manner that would have suggested that they were lovers. She was a small teenager, with black, pigtails, and she was Japanese, which she made very clear from her thick accent. “Sebastian!” She squealed, hugging him tight again. “I missed you!!”

  “Oh, uh.” Zaxxarius said, awkwardly, as she let go of him again. “It’s good to see you too... but what are you doing here?”

  “I came to assist you.” She smiled. Her accent changed, which confused Zaxxarius.

  “You... did?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “Yup.” She said, her accent changing back. “You going to climb the mountain for your sexy girlfriend, yes? Oooh, so brave!”

  “How did you know I was here?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “Like this!” She shouted, taking a step back. She took out a tiny pommel and held it out in front of her vertically. It extended into a large staff, and on the top of the staff, a large gem shimmered into existence. The gem itself felt... wrong. She slammed the staff down, connecting with the ground. Then, her appearance shimmered, and came apart in all directions, fading into nothing. Then, she was gone. Zaxxarius got up again, bewildered, and she jumped onto his back again, laughing hysterically, forcing him back to his hands and knees. She got off him, still laughing. “What the hell was that?” Zaxxarius asked, humoured.

  “My magic!” Hime said. “It’s called Blinking Gate!”

  “Blinking gate?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “It’s a rare, advanced form of magic.” Hime said. “Basically, I can teleport myself and whoeve
r I want to places.”

  “How?” Zaxxarius asked. “You’re like... how old? I know enough about magic to know that people cannot randomly acquire these abilities out of nowhere... you need to work at it, surely?”

  “Nope.” Hime said, smile fading slightly. “Well, I can do all these things thanks to this.” She holds out the pommel. “What is that?” Zaxxarius asked, remembered the gem.

  “This... Is Solomon.” Hime said.

  “You named your staff?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “No.” Hime said, laughing. “His mother named him, stupid!”

  “Was that... sarcasm?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “Nope.” Hime said, totally serious.

  “I really don’t understand. You’re going to have to explain.” Zaxxarius surrendered, playfully.

  “I thought you were a genius, Bastion!” Zaxxarius said. Hearing his name again made him smile. “You’ve never heard of King Solomon, the demon king?” Zaxxarius paused, smile disappearing.

  “Y-Yes... I have. He supposedly made demons do his bidding... like Asmodeus?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “Well, I’m not sure who he enslaved...” Hime said. “But he was totally a Magi. This staff is called an Azel.”

  “An Azel?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “You’re such a dummy!” Hime scolded him. “The Azel are weapons that harbour souls! Ultimali created a whole bunch, but this one was created by a demon that broke free from Solomon near the end of his life! He cursed Solomon by sucking his soul into this staff!”

  “So...” Zaxxarius trailed off.

  “So I have his powers.” Hime answered, prematurely.

  “How on earth did you acquire such a weapon?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “None of your business!” Hime retorted.

  “So, Solomon could teleport?” Zaxxarius said. “That’s it?”

  “No... Have you heard of the Null and Void?” Hime asked, desperately.

  “...No.” Zaxxarius sighed.


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