Draconic Testament

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Draconic Testament Page 50

by Zac Atie

  “You’d better come through.” Abaddon said.

  Zaxxarius entered the portal with Veronica and Stark. “I’ll take the emissary and have a talk with him.” Abaddon said. “Sesorai, take our Overlord to the council. There’s much to discuss. By your leave, Overlord.” Vander appeared out of the shadows to Zaxxarius’ left.

  “Sure thing.” He said, smiling. They all left the vault, and Abaddon went away through a corridor in the assembly while Vander, Zaxxarius and Veronica got into the Elevator to ride up to the council floor. “How was it?” Vander asked.

  “Not too bad.” Zaxxarius said.

  “You have a scar on your face.” Vander said. Zaxxarius had forgotten when he had received the mark on his cheek during the fight. “Ah... yes.” Zaxxarius said. “Yes, I do.”

  “Apart from that, you look quite alright for taking on Sanctum.” Vander said.

  “Did anything happen to you?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “Nah, I denied all knowledge of your disappearance.” Vander said. “The guilt cut so deep it almost created a wound...”

  “Yeah, you love that sarcasm stuff.” Zaxxarius said.

  “And, Veronica, it’s great to finally meet you. You’re as lovely up close as I imagined you were.” Vander said. “Oh. Erm, thank you. It’s, uh, nice to meet you too.” Veronica said.

  “Looks like her attitude has changed drastically. What happened on your journeys to change THAT, I wonder.” Vander chuckled.

  “Erm, how do you know about her attitude?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “I followed you for the longest time, bow in hand, you just didn’t know because of my stealth skills.” Vander said. “I was ready to shoot an arrow in her back if I detected an malice in her intentions, but no, looked like she just wanted a friend.”

  “That’s not what I brought him to Korreal for!” Veronica blurted. “I brought him there because he had magical potential, that’s all!”

  “Of course, you don't need to explain yourself.” Vander laughed.

  “What do the council want to talk about anyway?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “Oh, mainly the coronation, likely a scolding, that sort of thing. The Sylvarins got in the council’s faces about how the son of Elric just disappeared on them, and how they should take over and place their son in front of the Monolith.” Vander said. “They’re a bunch of assholes.”

  “Aren’t the Sylvarins your family?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “...No.” Vander said. “No, they’re not. I'm only a clone of Sesorai, even though Abaddon calls me by his name. Nobody really understands Ivorian’s work. They forget that Ivorian is an Ispii, and Ispii are not sorcerers, and that the Replication Device is a machine that is completely scientific. They think that I'm Sesorai reborn, just without any memories, and some day, I’ll become an exact replica of him in mind and soul... but I can tell you truthfully, that’s not the case. I am really good with a bow, and with stealth magics, but I promise you I'm not Sesorai.”

  “It doesn’t bother you that you’re called Sesorai by Abaddon?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “My race has always bothered me.” Vander said. “I feel like an abomination. Like I’ve been placed in some sort of doll... So... Of course it bothers me.”

  “Then you should tell him so.” Veronica says unexpectantly, behind them. Vander and Zaxxarius turn around. “You, me, and Zaxxarius have all been brought up to be someone who we’re not. They intended to groom Zaxxarius into an Overlord, me into a Possessive tool for a ritual, and you into Sesorai. Prove you’re not some homunculi for people to manipulate. Tis wrong.”

  “The girl is a realist, isn’t she?” Vander said, smiling. “I can see why you like her.”

  When the three withdrew from the Elevator, the same scene of nobles waiting for the council’s ear was outside the doors. They gave odd looks to the three humans walking through to the council chambers. There was a conversation going on already, but Vander walked through anyway. Zaxxarius was going to suggest waiting, but Vander didn’t really give any time for him to voice his concerns. The doors opened, and the three walked through on a council that hardly even noticed that they had an interference. That was, until, Tyria spotted Zaxxarius, and rose to yell “Overlord Zaxxarius!” Pali and Laer rose, but Sacrum remained seated. There were three other nobles in here, one of which was none other than Corlin, the boy who was waiting for his audience with the Council. The other two were a man, and a woman, both in noble garbs. “This... This is Zaxxarius?” The man said.

  “He’s a human...” The woman said. “This is... Incredible! But surely, this is some joke... There’s no way he could become Overlord... Surely?”

  “He already has.” Vander said, defensively. “This is your Overlord. You should salute him.” The four council members had failed to remember this also, so they saluted Zaxxarius, placing their right hand on their stomachs, and left hand on their backs, and bowing. The noblewoman did, also, but the man didn’t, and the Corlin was too busy hiding behind his mother. “Varhaim. Why do you show your Overlord such disrespect, hmm? Why?” Pali asked.

  “That boy.” Varhaim said, pointing at Vander. “I know you. Who are you?” Vander didn’t speak.

  “The boy doesn’t matter.” Laer said.

  “He looks like grandfather...” Corlin said, fear in his eyes as he clutched his mother’s arm. “Why does he look so much like Grandfather’s portrait, ma?”

  “He... He does look like a young Sesorai.” Rinoa said.

  “That’s...” Tyria began.

  “No, go on.” The man, Varhaim, said.

  “We had to keep Zaxxarius’ existence a secret.” Tyria said. “We had to have an individual of high birth serve as a Paladin for our Overlord, and we couldn’t ask any of their parents, since they’d know what it was for. We... We couldn’t trust anybody after Draynar betrayed us. After Cienka was destroyed... We couldn’t trust any of our own houses with such an important task, let alone the Sylvarin’s.”

  “What are you telling me?” Varhaim asked.

  “Before Ivorian fled to Zolka with the Legion, he was imprisoned by the Council... we paid him with freedom to make a human Replica of someone who was of high birth, and has superior abilities in combat. Before Sesorai died, he volunteered. Your father, unlike you, was a loyal subject of Metholi, and he volunteered himself.” Laer said.

  “No.” Varhaim said. “It can’t be.”

  “It’s true, lord Varhaim.” Tyria said, sadly. “This is the young replica of Sesorai.”

  “I'm not actually Sesorai though.” Vander said. “I'm-“

  “Damn right you’re not!” Varhaim shouted. “You’re an abomination!” Unexpectantly, he whipped out his Arcana. Vander looked taken aback, but Zaxxarius stepped forward. “Put it away. Now.” Zaxxarius said, firmly. “Or I shall pay what price?” Varhaim hissed.

  “Varhaim!” Rinoa gasped.

  “You dare talk to the Overlord like that!?” Laer shouted, standing back up. “Put that Arcana away! NOW!” The volume in her tone was startling, and grabbed Varhaim’s attention.

  “My father has been disgraced by such Alien scum.” Varhaim hissed, venom in his tone. He threw his Arcana to Zaxxarius’ feet. “Take my blade, future Kinslayer. The Sylvarin’s will never boy to you or your pets.” He stormed off, leaving his wife and child behind.

  “My lord, I'm so sorry!” Rinoa said, walking up to Zaxxarius and taking his hand gently, in both of hers, and bowing her head once. Her hands were warm with Magic. “Varhaim has always been uncontrollable when he was angry. Please, forgive him!” Rinoa smiled sadly, and warmly. She seemed like the most innocent and kind person you’d ever meet. “No, it’s alright.” Zaxxarius said. “It doesn’t bother me.” Rinoa giggles. “You’ll make such a grand Overlord.” Rinoa said. “You’ll be loved by many. Here, come Corlin. This is my son.” Corlin came over, grudgingly, and bowed his head.

  “I’ve already met your ever so nice son.” Zaxxarius said. He seemed very timid now, probably because he w
as in the presence of his mother. He gave off the impression of a troubled child. “Oh, the poor boy shares his father’s temper problem. He was upset for days after he found out he couldn’t be Overlord.” Rinoa chuckled. “I'm sorry little man.” Zaxxarius said, placing a hand on the boys shoulder. The boy didn’t move, like Zaxxarius had expected him to. “Again, I'm ever so sorry for my husband’s behaviour. Please, forgive him, he’ll come around soon. The Sylvarin’s will be by your side, always.”

  “Hmph, unlikely.” Laer scoffed. Rinoa turned and shot her the most timid hateful look, then turned back to Zaxxarius, smiling. “I have to go now. I look forward to your coronation. Say goodbye, Corlin.” Corlin remained silent for a few seconds, looking at Zaxxarius both shyly, and resentfully. “...Bye.” He finally managed, and left with his mother. “Well, finally, that Sylvarin shitstorm is over.” Laer said, slouching back. “The Sylvarin’s have been the most traditional, and faithful subjects of the Overlords of Metholi since Xelphan! You should show more respect!” Sacrum said.

  “Nah.” Laer said. “That may have been true, but all that went out of the window when that spoilt brat Varhaim became head of the family. They’re nothing but a bunch of pansies now.”

  “Honestly.” Tyria sighed.

  “So.” Laer said, sitting back up. “Overlord Zaxxarius. Where were you? I came by, and found nothing. Almost had the maids hanged.”

  “I... Forgot something.” Zaxxarius said.

  “Oh yeah?” Laer scoffed. “Her, by any chance. Who is she?”

  “She’s a friend.” Zaxxarius said. Zaxxarius had intended to keep Veronica’s feats a secret, but that all went out the window seconds after. “She couldn’t be the one that you were speaking about with Abaddon, could she?” Tyria asked. Zaxxarius had completely forgot Tyria was present. “The Warlock and Kinslayer?”

  “WHAT?” Sacrum roared, standing up. “A Kinslayer? You brought a Kinslayer here!? And a Warlock also!?”

  “That... Is a problem indeed. Oh, indeed.” Pali said.

  “Those are such... Such incredible crimes! GUARDS!” Sacrum shouted.

  “Sacrum, sit the hell down before I knock you out cold. You look stupid, shouting and spitting all over the table like that.” Laer said. “Sit down.” Sacrum sat. “Let him explain. With those crimes, she’s no competition to me.”

  “I did the crimes, I admit.” Veronica said. “Zaxxarius rescued me from Sheol when I was bound and gagged, and most likely going to die. Please, don't be angry with him... It’s my fault.”

  “Veronica.” Zaxxarius said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “It’s alright.”

  “It wasn’t her fault.” Vander said.

  “Yeah. She killed a single Cazrian.” Zaxxarius said, and he squeezed her shoulder to keep her from blurting out that she had killed more, along with Trigoma. “And she did it to save my life. I had tried to save hers, but Torrig, Sheol’s Paragon, had beaten me down and attempted to kill me. She killed him, with his Arcana, to save my life.”

  “What about the Necromancy!?” Sacrum shouted.

  “I... I was forced to.” Veronica said. “Trigoma... He raped my mother, and forced her to bear me. She was a Warlock, so learning her arts came easily to me. Sheol’s faction then used me to bear the spirit of Dhym in a ritual to try and destroy earth.”

  “And Zaxxarius saved you from that...” Pali said. “Oh, sounds like a deed of an Overlord indeed!”

  “Well, Sacrum? Are you happy with that?” Tyria asked. “It sounds like it was out of her hands.”

  “I bet it’s a lie.” Sacrum said. “The witch has seduced our Overlord.”

  “By the Void.” Laer sighed.

  “I highly doubt she figured she’d be in front of the Metholian Council one day to answer for it.” Vander said. “You said something about a ritual?” Tyria asked. “Tell us more.”

  Zaxxarius explained what he had done while on earth, and told them about Sheol. “Dhym, hmm?” Tyria asked. “And they wanted a heart of a... mother dragon?”

  “Yes.” Zaxxarius said.

  “I... Don’t believe there’s any such dragon existing. If the Covenant of Dawn doesn’t know about it... then how could Sheol?” Tyria said.

  “He didn’t seem like the most stable of people, but he had his heart set on it.” Zaxxarius said.

  “Seal the damned portal.” Laer said.

  “There’s no need for that!” Zaxxarius said. “That one is guarded day and night! Besides, I need to help the Magi.”

  “No!” Laer said. “There’s no way I'm letting you back onto earth. You stay here, with us. You must cease with Juvenile behaviour.”

  “I didn’t mean go to them.” Zaxxarius said. “I just want to send them the medical kits. Send Cazrians there, tell them that Sanctum will no longer bother them, give them the medical supplies, and leave. We close the portal, and guard it. Done.”

  “Why not seal it?” Laer asked.

  “There will no doubt be some reason to return to earth some day.” Zaxxarius said. “Non-crusade related. Just, please, leave it unsealed.”

  “Alright.” Laer submitted, sitting back in her seat.

  “That was a foolhardy, and risky thing you did.” Tyria said. “You must never do it again. You’re young, but I know you’re smart. You must think next time! We were worried.”

  “I wasn’t.” Sacrum said.

  “Fat motherfucker.” Vander mumbled under his breath. Zaxxarius tried to hide a giggle.

  “Alright...” Tyria said. “You’ll be watched more closely now. There’s another matter we need to speak to you about.”

  “The Coronation, right?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “Indeed. It will be held in a month.” She said. “All the heads of noble houses in Metholi need to get here to make their oaths. A month is plenty of time.”

  “They... Don't know I'm human, do they?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “There are rumours, but there always have been. There were rumours a couple of years ago that most people religiously believed, that a Domini was to take the mantle.” Sacrum huffed. “They’ll hate it. Watch, a war will break out.”

  “No.” Laer said. “It won’t. If there’s even a hint of rebellion, I’ll crush them. I’ll hang their remains from lampposts in the streets. Last time, we simply let this rebellious group that named themselves Sanctum arrange protests that broke out into riots. No such free speech will be given this time.”

  “No.” Tyria said. “We must let the people air their opinions.”

  “Yeah, right.” Laer said.

  “No, let them speak.” Zaxxarius said. “I'm already Overlord. The Monolith accepted me. What are they going to do?”

  “Fair point.” Pali said.

  “There’s much to do.” Tyria said. “I'm sure you’re tired from your journey. Take your friends back to the private manor and rest for now.”

  “Be there when I come by, next time.” Laer smiled.

  The manor was home to Zaxxarius and his friends for the next month. Even Stark had claimed a room there. Vander had full responsibility on protecting Zaxxarius, and there were guards posted throughout the manor, as well as Veronica and Stark. Laer came around bearing news from the Council from time to time, and their decisions. She had made no move on Zaxxarius, but she was very gentle and kind to him, even though he had seen hints of her darker side. Veronica had been given a room down the hall from Zaxxarius, but she rarely used it. She only used it when Abaddon was staying at the manor, and his room was opposite of Zaxxarius’. Zaxxarius thought it necessary that they be discreet, not that their relationship would stay discreet after the Coronation. One night Abaddon stayed, they had talked. “Promise me you won’t do anything rash by yourself again.” He said.

  “Alright, I promise.” Zaxxarius said. “About Sheol...”

  “You had to. I know. It was his own fault.” Abaddon sighed.

  “No, Sheol’s not dead.” Zaxxarius said.

  “Not dead?” Abaddon asked. “How is that possibl
e? Was he there?”

  “He was.” Zaxxarius said. “We fought, long and hard. In the end, I won, but I told him I’d killed too many that day, and that he... still had people that cared for him. I figured he still had things to do before he died.”

  “That’s a rare courtesy to find.” Abaddon said. “I never expected that an Overlord that was trained on earth would be so... lenient. Are most humans like that?”

  “I... I dunno.” Zaxxarius said. “It varies, place to place.”

  “I see...” Abaddon said. “So, he’s still alive. I would’ve killed him. Perhaps you should have too.”

  “I killed his Paragons.” Zaxxarius said. “And... he dropped this.” He took out the amulet from his inside pockets, and handed it to Abaddon. “Huh...” He murmured. “I never expected him to hold this still.”

  “It’s a memento of sorts?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “It was a present from mother. There were two of them, but I lost mine in the war. However, Sheol kept his after everything he said when I went to arrest him.” Abaddon said.

  “Perhaps he still cares for you.” Zaxxarius said. Abaddon huffed.

  “Hmm. Sure.” Abaddon said, putting the amulet away. “I'm not certain about that, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll hold onto this. Our mother may want it back. Our family is smaller than what I used to be.”

  “Alright.” Zaxxarius said.

  “Sometimes, I think about the past. Where did everything do wrong? It all happened at once. Draynar’s betrayal, Sancterus’ death, Ivorian switching sides...” Abaddon said.

  “The past doesn’t matter too much anymore.” Zaxxarius said.

  “True.” Abaddon said. “I'm surprised you made it through Sheol and his men. You’re going to make a fine Overlord...”

  “Actually, I had help.” Zaxxarius said. “A human girl that used Pale Gate magic.”

  “A Magi of the Pale Gate.” Abaddon sighed. “What is Draynar up to? We’ll need to watch our backs.”

  “Amen to that.” Zaxxarius said, as Abaddon got up and left.

  Yaevinn had come around in his room, though he was not fit to move around. His strength was minimal, and barely had the strength to sit up In his bed. Zaxxarius sat on the chair next to Yaevinn’s bed. He was a mess. His hair was messy, one of his eyes were closed, and there was little colour in his skin. He looked as if the bed he was laying in was to be his deathbed, however, Tyria had assured Zaxxarius that Yaevinn would live, and make a full recovery. “Yo.” Zaxxarius said, seated.


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