Two Wolves and a Builder's Daughter [Werewolf Castle 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Two Wolves and a Builder's Daughter [Werewolf Castle 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Cara Adams

  Brody sat at the end desk, with Roman beside him and next to the other worker. He wiggled the mouse until the computer screen showed the login. He typed his name then thought a moment. Was “language” in their case a code word for the country they were dealing with? He thought that was the most likely thing. So instead of typing “German” he wrote “Vojvodina.” A template came up waiting for him to enter data. He clicked through the various lines, getting a feel for what was required of him. He assumed the papers he’d be entering followed the pattern of the form on the screen.

  He stared at the screen thinking over what little he knew about the country. Vojvodina was an autonomous province forming the northernmost part of Serbia. As far as he could remember there were about two million people speaking about twenty different languages. A recipe for confusion and misunderstandings, he would have thought.

  He looked up at the sound of a trolley rattling across the floor. Brody’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. Leonie—Leonie!—was pushing the trolley laden with files toward them. Her face was slightly flushed, but she seemed pleased to see them. However, when she stopped the trolley in front of their desks she spoke formally.

  “My name’s Leonie. Thank you for spending your vacation time entering data for us. If you need any help please ask me.”

  She turned and walked the length of the room to her computer and sat down. Brody just stared at her for several more minutes until Roman punched his thigh. He looked down instantly. Oh yeah. They weren’t supposed to attract any attention. He stood up and picked up two files, handing one to Roman and keeping the other one himself.

  Then he opened the folder to begin work. But his brain was still buzzing with the thought that she was right here, working in the same room as him.

  * * * *

  Roman couldn’t decide whether or not it was a good thing that Leonie was working in the same room as them. On the plus side, he could feast his eyes on her beautiful face any time he wanted to. On the other hand he couldn’t speak to her and was supposed to be working. He couldn’t let his Alpha down by messing up the task he’d been set, and it was very hard to concentrate when she was right there and he’d much rather be looking at her, talking to her, thinking of things they would do together, than working.

  It was just as well most of the files he had to type up were very easy. Person X was seen in Place A by Person Y on Date D.

  When most of the people in the room got up and left at one o’clock, he said to Brody, “Lunchtime.” They walked down the main stairs this time, following the other students, and watched them leave the building heading in different directions. Once again he followed the largest group who walked a couple blocks to a shopping neighborhood where there were several choices of food.

  Roman was aching to talk to Brody about planning a date with Leonie, but there were so many people around him they kept their conversation very general, enjoyed their meal, and went back to their desks. As they sat down again he said softly, “This evening. Make sure we’re the last ones to leave and we’ll ask her out for coffee.”

  Brody turned to smile at him and nod.

  It wasn’t hard to be last to leave. Some of the students left at four, others at four thirty. By five thirty it was just the two of them, one other young man typing very fast, and Leonie. As soon as the other student began to log off his computer Roman finished off what he was doing, emailed his day’s reports to the Alpha of Vienna, and closed his own machine down. Brody, who often seemed to know what he was thinking, matched him step-by-step. They waited until the last man had gone, then went and stood in front of Leonie’s desk. She showed no signs of leaving.

  Roman smiled at her and said, “Since we couldn’t have breakfast with you this morning, would you please join us for coffee now? And perhaps a snack?”

  “And what will the other students think if I favor you over them?”

  “I hope they’d think you prefer us to them. But if it worries you, we could go to somewhere a bit out of town where they’re less likely to see us together.”

  He stared at her as she thought about what he’d said. He so wanted her to say yes. She was everything he wanted in a woman, in a mate, but it was killing him they’d had no real chance to talk properly yet, far less to kiss, or anything more intimate. And he’d really like to get a hell of a lot more intimate.

  “Very well. I’ll meet you in the town square at Schwechat in an hour.”

  “Good choice. The beer there is the best in Austria.” And being close to the international airport no one should notice them and there should be plenty of places they could stay the night if things went that way.

  “I look forward to our time together,” said Brody softly.

  “I do, too,” Roman added.

  He and Brody left via the back stairs this time, located their motorcycle and went straight to Schwechat. He wanted to find a nice place for them to eat and a respectable hotel for them to stay at if they could persuade her to spend some time alone with them. He knew it was likely being much too forward, but he wanted so much more than a few stolen moments with her and possibly a kiss. Besides, it never hurt for a man to plan ahead.

  * * * *

  Leonie had no idea why she’d asked for an hour before they met. She supposed it was just long enough that she could go home, have a shower, and get changed, but there was no need to. She’d checked her clothing carefully after the balloon ascent and before work and her current outfit had no dirty marks on it and was perfectly acceptable for a casual meal out.

  Maybe it was so she didn’t seem to be rushing to accept their invitation, even though she was more than looking forward to spending time with them. It was something she’d increasingly craved as she’d looked down the conference room and seen them busy working at their computers during the day. She was eagerly anticipating the time spent in their company, but she also had a host of questions bouncing around inside her head. Like, for example, why were they here? Why should they be working for this pack and this Alpha? She knew—well, she assumed—they were shape-shifters because of them being at the funeral. But they’d clearly said they were helping someone else get away from Kersten. Someone from their own pack she guessed, maybe even their own CEO—Alpha. So they didn’t belong to this pack.

  Part of her work was to run spot checks on the reports the various young people were compiling. She randomly took a pile of folders from the “Entered” trolley and checked them. As usual, everyone seemed to be doing a good job. Then she picked up a couple of the files from Brody and Roman’s trolley. She knew they were doing files the Alpha was particularly interested in and would prefer his own people didn’t idly chatter about, which only emphasized that they weren’t part of this pack. She checked two files done by each man and everything seemed to be accurate. Of course, it was only their first day. Finally she collected a couple of files compiled by the other student, the one working in Alemannic and Russian. She emailed the Russian computer files to Steve Latham, one of the Alpha’s partners, and took the hard copies to his desk one floor higher up in the building. He would check them himself. Her Russian was limited to “Vodka” and “Nyet.” Steve was the man who’d interviewed her in several languages. She didn’t know how many different languages he spoke, but he seemed to be able to make sense of every file she’d needed translations for so far.

  All of which had filled in so much time she now had to leave and go straight to her dinner date. Excitement fluttered in her belly like butterflies. She was ready to talk to these men, learn more about them, dedicate some time to them. They appealed to her in so many ways and on so many levels. And if the evening was a failure, so be it. At least she’d know.

  There was a pharmacy just down the road. Instead of going to her car she went there and bought some supplies, tucking them in her purse. Maybe she was reading these men completely wrong. But in her mind, it didn’t hurt to be prepared.

  The traffic was no worse than usual, slightly better if anything since many people
had left the city to go on vacation, so she arrived in Schwechat with a few minutes to spare. Suddenly nervous, she parked her car and walked into the town square. Brody was standing at one end, looking toward her. She could see Roman at the other end, looking down the access road from that direction. Just another advantage of there being two of them. It made it so much less likely they’d miss each other, although she had Roman’s cell phone number so could always have phoned him if she couldn’t find them.

  Brody must have called to Roman or attracted his attention somehow because he turned and came toward her, smiling that big, happy grin that made his entire face light up and sent happy tingles all the way up and down her spine.

  “Where would you like to eat?” asked Brody.

  “The BrauHaus, please. As Roman said before, the beer is a huge attraction here.”

  They led her into the restaurant and were seated promptly. As well as the local beer, Leonie ordered the ribs, which came with two sauces and roast potatoes, making it a filling meal.

  “Make that for all three of us, please,” said Roman.

  “How did you end up working where I am? And don’t give me the same nonanswer as before about the company which supported you while you were studying, arranging it,” she said, watching Brody.

  “That’s true. I’d never lie to you. Our boss was asked by your boss for our help over summer with transferring the files, so that’s what we’re doing.”

  “But what about you? How did you end up there?” asked Roman.

  “I told you before that I grew up expecting to work for my father’s company. This job is just for a few months so it’s paying my bills while I decide what I’d like to do with the rest of my life since I can’t do what I’d originally planned,” she said.

  She hoped she hadn’t sounded whiny. She’d been hurt by her father’s lack of desire to support her against his directors, and the fact that he hadn’t even contacted her since she’d left home, but it was no use worrying about that now. In one way it was quite exciting to have the whole world open to her. She had qualifications and experience. She’d find a job she liked and she’d keep changing jobs until she was satisfied and fulfilled.

  “Would you consider moving? To another place? Another country?” asked Brody.

  “I wouldn’t mind traveling. I’d only go somewhere I could speak the language though. So somewhere in Central Europe or where English was spoken.” She hadn’t really thought about it yet, but now that she was free, all those options were open to her. She thought both men seemed happy with that answer. Maybe they’d invite her to their home for a while. They both spoke unaccented German so she guessed they lived in Austria or maybe Germany or possibly even the German-speaking part of Switzerland. All were countries she’d be prepared to visit. Before she could ask them where, exactly, they lived, their meals were served and she was suddenly fiercely hungry. The food smelled wonderful.

  Later they sat outside in the square, watching the night fall around them, and Leonie thought that it’d been a very special day, having seen the sunrise and now the sunset. She really enjoyed talking to these men. They’d laughed and teased and it was as though she’d known them much longer than just this second meeting.

  “Will you spend the night with us? Please?” asked Brody, sliding closer to her so his body was leaning against hers.

  “We can do as much or as little as you wish. Just talk if that’s all you’re comfortable with,” added Roman. He matched Brody’s movements on her other side so she was sandwiched between the two delicious hunks.

  She couldn’t say she hadn’t thought about it. After all, she’d stopped at the pharmacy before she’d even come to this town. But there was a huge difference between thinking about it, and doing it. For so long her life had been focused on Baum Construction. The company had filled her every thought, and all her plans were to do with her career, with her father’s company. Now her career had disappeared and it was time to think about her personal life. If she was planning some hot loving, she could do no better than these two men. They’d been kind, considerate, and respectful. She was certain the sex would be good. How could it not be with two of them?

  Besides, the Alpha of the Vienna Werewolf Pack would never have permitted them to work for him unless they’d come with excellent references, likely from their own CEO. The files contained privileged information. Which reminded her, she’d never gotten around to asking. “Where are you from? Where is your…company located?”

  “Our boss doesn’t like anyone to have that information. If you promise to keep it a secret we can say that it’s not Austria, but it’s not that far away either,” said Roman.

  “How long would it take me to drive there? Approximately. And don’t go blathering about traffic conditions.”

  “Less than a day,” said Brody.

  “Well that’s not helpful. In a day of solid driving I could get to Moscow in Russia, or to Ankara in Turkey, London in England, or Madrid in Spain. In other words, just about anywhere in Europe.”

  “We don’t drive that fast or for that long,” said Roman, turning that killer smile on her again.

  Okay they weren’t going to tell her anything more. Anyway it was all irrelevant. Her body wanted them. She wanted them. She might as well admit it. “Okay I’ll stay with you until midnight, but I want to go home then and finish the night at my own place.”

  “We’ll escort you home when you’re ready,” promised Brody.

  “Come,” ordered Roman, extending a hand to pull her up off the stone seat where they were sitting.

  She looked around the town square and wasn’t at all surprised when they crossed it and walked to a hotel. This close to the international airport there were plenty of clean, attractive hotels, used to guests arriving and departing at all hours of the day and night.

  She and Brody waited in the foyer as Roman showed his ID papers and registered them, then collected the keycard and led them to the elevator. Their room was on the third floor, with a window out over the town square where the lights were just starting to be turned on. Even though she’d just been sitting out there, it was still quite pretty looking out the window as the square darkened and the lights flickered in the trees and on the buildings.

  Brody went over to the coffee machine and filled it and set it to heating. She leaned against the window and watched the two men before taking a deep breath. They were true eye candy and she wanted this. Maybe that wasn’t very romantic, but it was sweet the way they were looking after her. She wasn’t used to anyone caring for her. Her father had been wrapped up in his company ever since she could remember, and her very few previous boyfriends had been during her college years when they’d all still been young and free. To have a man—two men—planning dates, thinking about her, holding her arm to support her, making a hot drink without being asked, was all quite special.

  Brody brought them all coffee and she joined them sitting at the tiny table. Roman rested his cup on the wooden surface. “Will you undress for us? Let us worship your body the way it deserves? Let us touch you and kiss you all over?”

  “On every inch of your skin. I want to taste every inch of you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and everywhere in between.”

  Leonie shivered at the passion in their voices. Yes. She wanted that, too. To be touched and held and kissed by these wonderful men.

  Leonie gazed into their pleading face and nodded. “Yes. I want you both right now.”

  Chapter Four

  Brody watched as Roman stood and moved closer to Leonie. “Can we undress you, please?”

  Brody couldn’t ever remember wanting anything as much as he wanted Leonie. And the only way he could think of tying her to him and Roman was by demonstrating how much he would love her if he was given the opportunity. He really wanted to do exactly what he’d said, touch her, kiss her, and worship every inch of her body. To hear her say she wanted them both as well was almost enough to give him an orgasm right then. But he had
to be in control. The person who was to get the orgasms was Leonie. If he came as well that would be a bonus. But tonight had to be all about loving her so completely, so thoroughly, so perfectly, she would stay with them and agree to be their mate.

  He knew it would be a challenge for her to move to Werewolf Castle and leave behind everything she’d known and grown up with. But since her plans to work for her father’s business had fallen through, maybe she’d appreciate the opportunity to change. And there was no rush for her to pick a new job. He and Roman would be working and she could please herself about what she chose to do.

  But that was all in the future. Right now his task was to pleasure her so successfully she’d choose to stay with them.

  Back at the castle there were BDSM dungeons, and many of the wolves had turned to BDSM sex as an outlet for the fact there was a lack of females to mate with. Roman was a Dom. Although, while they’d been here in Vienna studying at university, that had mostly been expressed as a desire to plan events so everyone achieved a positive outcome. Whenever there were group projects and assignments, Roman was always the group leader, the one who made sure everything was coordinated and the work was done and handed in on time.

  Living as they did in a student house, there wasn’t any chance of privacy, so his whips and floggers had all remained at the castle. Brody felt sure that Roman would improvise tonight though, to give Leonie a little taste of the possibilities.

  When Roman asked permission to undress Leonie she flushed and nodded. Brody kneeled at Leonie’s feet and removed her shoes. She was wearing pants with a shirt and jacket, in a deep green that made her eyes look greener than ever.

  Brody raised his eyes from her dainty feet and glanced at Roman. Roman was standing behind their woman, unbuttoning her jacket from that position then sliding it down her arms. Brody assumed that meant he was in charge of her lower half, so he stood to unzip her pants, pop the snap at her waist, and keeping his touch as light as possible, slide them down her legs and off over her feet. He took the pants and laid them over a chair, placing her shoes under the chair. Then he sat back on his heels, picked up one of her feet, and kissed each toe, her arch, the very top of her foot, and her ankle bone. Next he licked a line around her lower calf and gently blew some warm breath on it before kissing her knee.


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