Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance

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Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance Page 10

by Renee Lindemann

  “You don’t know the half of it. I mean he is sculpted and confident but sweet and tender. He makes me want to please him and trust me when I say he heavily compensates. The man is an orgasm machine. I think I have only had an orgasm during sex like maybe once or never. Not with Jax, he demands that my body obey. I miss him so fucking much. This last week has been pure torture.”

  “What about Tobias? I mean if you are still processing, I can take him off your hands,” Lacy giggled. Holiday threw spilled popcorn at her friend before they downed another shot.

  “I could lose my license,” Holiday whispered. “Tobias realized I am recovering.”

  “That won’t happen. I will not tell a soul, promise. I wish you had pictures,” Lacy stated. Holiday pulled her phone out and showed her the picture of his abs she took while he was sleeping.

  “Those are impressive but those could be any guy’s abs,” Lacy said pushing the phone away. Holiday showed the second picture of his happy trail.

  “Now we are getting somewhere,” she giggled.

  “No more pictures. I was afraid of any evidence but I couldn’t help snapping those two. He is so fucking hot,” Holiday slurred as the liquor kicked in.

  “I can’t believe you gave Jax Pierce a blowjob. I thought you were a goodie two shoes,” Lacy slurred as well.

  “Nope! I didn’t just give him any blowjob either. I brought him to his knees Lace.”

  Holiday raised her eyebrows in rapid succession causing Lacy to erupt in laughter.

  “Alright Yoda, I’ll get the banana and you teach me some new tricks,” Lacy said bounding from the couch. When she returned, they giggled like school girls while Holiday tried to teach her what she did to Jax in the shower. In the end, Lacy nailed it without throwing up. They nearly finished the bottle of tequila. Holiday wanted him to show up on her doorstep right now and fuck the life out of her. That wasn’t going to happen. They chatted as the long day and liquor began to force sleep.

  Holiday’s phone beeped to acknowledge a text message. She picked up the phone and read the strange number.

  “I am sorry about today! I can’t control her. I miss you so fucking much!”

  Holiday, “Stop playing on my phone loser. Go back to your husband.”

  Jax, “This is Jax. I am on a burner phone. I am tossing it after this conversation.”

  Holiday, “Fuck off!”

  Holiday slipped off the couch without waking Lacy. She felt the tears and tried to contain the sob threatening to escape. Holiday placed the light blanket over Lacy before staggering to her bedroom and closed the door.

  Jax, “You have six freckles on your nose. You have a small mole on your left breast.”

  Holiday, “Leave me alone please!”

  Jax, “I’m so sorry I hurt you. I am fucked up! I will fix this! Please don’t give up on me!”

  Holiday didn’t know what to say to that message. If she acknowledged that message that could be the evidence his wife was looking for. However, Colette didn’t seem that smart.

  Jax, “I wish I could drive over there right now and hold you! I need to hold you!”

  Holiday, “Please stop it! I can’t take any more of this. Leave me alone!”

  Jax, “I watched you cry in the car. It broke my heart. Don’t cry for me. I don’t deserve it.”

  Holiday, “I know!”

  Jax, “I love you!”

  Holiday turned her phone off and cried herself to sleep. At some point the crying happened in her sleep. Lacy slipped into bed with her best friend. She held her and let her cry out her broken heart. At some point, she informed her of the text messages. When Holiday finally cried herself to sleep once more, Lacy sent Jax a text.

  Holiday, “This is Lacy. Please stop hurting my friend. She’s had enough!

  Holiday, “Remember she was there when you needed her. Her job is done!

  Holiday, “Why did you have to be such an asshole to her? She doesn’t deserve this.

  Jax, “I am sorry Lacy. I love her. I didn’t mean to mess up her life. I am trying to fix this.

  Holiday, “Her job is done. Fix your life for yourself. Holiday deserves better!

  Jax, “I know she does. Please Lacy! I love her very much! I will make this right!

  Holiday, “She just cried herself to sleep twice. Enough Jax!

  Jax, “Fuck! I want to be there to hold her. I didn’t mean for this to get out of hand.

  Holiday, “Do not come over here! You will give your wife just what she needs.

  Jax, “Fuck!!!! I know!!! I need her Lacy…Nothing makes sense without her.

  Holiday, “Too bad! She has met someone else and they deserve a chance.

  Jax, “No! Please! I want her. I will make this right Lacy. Help me please!

  Holiday, “I am her friend not yours. You need to fix your life. Leave her alone!

  Jax, “I can’t do that! I love her too much to walk away!”

  Chapter 18

  Jax held the memory card to the flame and watched it burn before dropping it into the toilet. He scorched the small chip to prevent Colette from having anything to use against Holiday. The pain in his chest when he read the replies to his messages was all encompassing. It was Lacy’s words that had his brain working overtime. Jax didn’t have much time before he would lose her for good. He and Eric were working with a judge to figure out how to get from under Colette. Even if Holiday never forgave him, he had to get away from the woman. She was behaving like a child because he refused to give her access his credit cards.

  “You will spend whatever monies you earned on your back dear,” Jax stated sarcastically. When she tried to take one of his cards, he had them all closed temporarily. She returned to the condo livid that she was embarrassed in Nordstrom, when the card decline.

  “You could always divorce me,” he suggested. Jax walked out of the living room dressed in a tailored suit.

  “So, you get to live high off the hog and I have to wear old clothes,” she asked. The fact that she was serious made him want to scream. She seriously thought this was a problem for him to solve.

  “You don’t have to be here remember? You could easily find another benefactor to support the lifestyle you have in your head. I have put an alert on my credit. If you try and open anything or use my name, it will decline. Whenever you are ready to sign the divorce papers, you can have access to the funds from the sale of our home, that’s it,” he barked. “If I have to stay married to you, it will be unhappily ever after. I don’t want this anymore, the sooner you get that, the happier we will both be.”

  Colette growled, “And let you run to that nurse bitch. Not on your life Jax. I can make both your lives a living hell. She probably had a crush on you. I bet you exploited and ruined her life in the process. I bet she was so impressed that a man like you blinked at her, let alone wants to fuck her. It’s what you do Jax, ever since you were a little boy. You ruin lives. Why you were spared, we will never know.”

  Jax flinched at the dig but refused to let it achieve any victory over him.

  “The moment you play the one card you have up your sleeve, then we are officially done. I will have nothing else to lose and can be rid of you once and for all. It’s a good thing for you, I am nothing like my father,” he threatened in a steely voice. Colette backed up a few steps and rethought her approach.

  “Why can’t we make this work Jax? Was I so horrible when we were first married?”

  Jax’s steely smile was scary by any standard.

  “You were horrible the day you were born. You have always been a master manipulator. You cheated on me repeatedly and always made me feel like it was my fault. I kept taking you back, so I guess, I got what I deserved when I said I do. No, you haven’t changed much since we were first married. We can’t make this work because I don’t love you. I will never love you again. I have no idea why you are even here. You don’t like me, never have, I suspect. It can’t be the sex. It was always uncomfortable for you to lose control. That o
nly leaves the money. And just so you know I will only be threatened and pushed so far before bad things happen.”

  “Are you threatening me Jax? Are you a psycho like your father? I will not be intimidated out of what is rightfully mine. You have been waiting two years for my return. We both know if you hadn’t met that slut nurse, you would have taken me back with open arms,” she sneered. Jax walked out of the kitchen in the middle of her tirade. He returned shortly with a small box. Opening the box, he dumped the letters on the table. Twelve letters spilled forth and she tried to ignore them. Colette made to light a cigarette and Jax snatched it from her hands crushing it before tossing it in a nearby trash can.

  “Twelve times over the last two years, I have tried to serve you with divorce papers. I get it you were evasive and elusive but I wasn’t trying hard because you are right, I held out hope. I could have filed without you but then Me-Me became ill. I stopped trying to get the divorce because I knew her illness was very serious. The only thing I cared about was getting her better. She didn’t get better, I got sentimental hoping to keep what little family I had intact. I used to hope that you would come back to me, I won’t lie about that. Me-Me called me crazy and told me to cut the ropes. I wouldn’t listen to her and now I see what she was trying to warn me about. The fact that you are staying in her house right now is already some form of blasphemy. Now reconsider your plan and take the offer to go with some money and start a new life. If you think you can wait me out to get your hands on Me-Me’s money, then you are wrong. That is my inheritance not community property. I will give away every cent of Me-Me money to a cat charity before I let you have one penny,” he yelled. Jax’s voice was a near scream and she could see the look of resentment in his deep blue eyes. He hated her and would never worship her as he had in the past. There would be no reconnecting but she would not go easily. If she divorced him, there would be nothing to stop him from being happy with Holiday. They would have money at their disposal and that equaled happiness to Colette. She refused to make his life easy. He had it too easy already.

  Colette screamed, “It’s all your fault. All of this can be laid at your feet. If you had died that night or went to live with your grandparents, we wouldn’t be here. You stole the last person to love me. You took Aunt Emma from me with your poor abused boy routine. My mother and father were complete shit. Uncle Roger and Aunt Emma were all that I had growing up. I was my uncle’s favorite and he lavished attention on me. Aunt Emma picked up the reigns when he died. It was all that I had then you took that from me. She started to resent me, all her love went to you, and I was cast aside. I made it my mission to pay you back. I toyed with you and messed with your mind for fucking sport. I hate you so fucking much for taking the only bit of family I had left. I will ruin you and that bitch before I ever let you walk around happy. I knew Aunt Emma was sick, that’s why I ran off with John. I didn’t want to deal with that shit after she abandoned me. I knew just when to return and now you will both pay for hurting me.”

  Jax couldn’t believe what she was saying. This woman was pure evil and the fact that he had loved her at some point made his stomach turn with disgust.

  “You are a sick, self-serving bitch,” he replied. Jax turned to leave before she could respond. He exited the condo and made his way to his car. He wanted nothing more than to go to Holiday. Fuck! He wanted to comfort her not the bitch in his condo. She would never leave them in peace. He knew she would make good on that promise. If only he had gotten the divorce when he had the chance. Jax looked down at his phone and hit the play button. Colette’s voice is clearly heard. He would have his day in court, no matter the outcome.

  Chapter 19

  Holiday received the news that her proposal was accepted with some tweaks, of course. They were willing to fly her out and make her an integral part of the training as well. She was excited about the opportunity to launch another in-house hospice at an Orion Optimal Care facility in Las Vegas. In a few months, she would be flying out to meet with the board of directors.

  “That’s wonderful honey,” Simone, her mother, stated. “How is the dating front going?”

  Holiday rolled her eyes and tried not to gag. She was still seeing Tobias but it felt more friendly than romantic. A few kisses here and there but she didn’t feel that spark.

  “I have a new friend. Now, don’t get all excited,” she explained. “It’s just a friendship for now.”

  “What does he want dear?” Simone asked, hope blossoming.

  “He wants more but I need to pace myself. I haven’t been in a relationship in a while. I have sorta forgotten how these things go,” Holiday added.

  “Well it’s like riding a bike. You just get on and pedal for dear life. I really want to see you settled down. Is that so wrong?”

  Holiday sighed, “I know mom but right now my focus is work. That’s a hard sell in a relationship.”

  “I know, why don’t Henry and I take you to dinner to celebrate this new work thingy. We can meet this young man and size him up ourselves,” Simone suggested.

  “Mom, it’s still really new. I don’t know if I want him to meet the parents just yet,” she explained. Simone huffed, “Holiday, throw me a freakin bone. Please!”

  “Fine Mom! I will see if Tobias is available,” Holiday finally agreed. They decided to visit a new steakhouse this coming Saturday. Holiday was nervous about her mother and step-father meeting Tobias, more so because they might like him. If they deemed him worthy, then she would be pressured to forge a relationship with him. The pressure did not appeal to her. In the back of her mind, Jax remained.

  Holiday went on business as usual. Her heart sought to bury Jax but her brain would periodically recall the hurt. It did no good to wonder if he was actually with his awful wife. Thankfully, nothing had been reported to the state in regards to her conduct. She doubted Colette would have much of a case, however she was right about the stigma attached. Lacy was an awesome best friend keeping Holiday well entertained in an effort to help keep her mind off Jax. They made sure to make the most of their downtime.

  Chapter 20

  “You son of a bitch,” Colette screamed. “I am going to ruin her.”

  Jax glared at his soon to be ex-wife. Under pretense of presenting her with a shiny new credit card, Jax had Colette served divorce papers. It was time to put the past to rest and figure out his future.

  “I am going to make sure they strip that whore of her license. I will tell them all about how you jack off thinking about her. I will tell them that you two were intimate in your mother’s nursing home room. I will make sure that bitch won’t wipe another ass in California. How dare you divorce me? I came back to this pathetic piece of shit to give you another chance,” she continued to yell. Jax smiled as she unloaded on him.

  “If you think I am going to let you ride off into the sunset with that whore then you have another thing coming. I don’t care if you haven’t slept with her. I know you are a sick fuck and you have been dreaming of it,” she ranted. “I can’t wait to tell her your pathetic story. Do you think she is going to want to be with you when she finds out what’s trapped in your DNA? You have a psycho trapped in your pathetic seed, no one will ever want to procreate with you,” she ranted. It upset her more that Jax remained impassive in his favorite living room chair with a devilish grin on his face.

  “See you in court on Friday,” he grinned. The recording and calling in a favor or two had expedited the matter.

  “Friday? That’s not enough time for me to prepare. I can’t afford a lawyer,” she bellowed. “How could you do this to me? We took vows Jax. You said you would always love me.”

  “I clearly had a change of heart after you left me for three years to shack up with your boss,” he finally replied. Colette dropped down onto her knees.

  “Jax, you can have me. I told you that. I can be whatever you need. I want to be here with you. I made a mistake leaving you. I know that now, why can’t you forgive me?” She begged her voice
small and soft. Jax shook his head and closed his eyes. An image of Holiday smiling played behind his eyes and his heart soared.

  “I dragged my feet for a long time waiting to hear those words from you. I am a fucking lawyer and didn’t wrap this up because I wanted to be with you. Now, I don’t have hope for us anymore. I don’t love you Colette. And while I haven’t crossed the line with Holiday, I love her. I want to find a way to be with her. Even if she won’t have me, I want to be free of you. Do you understand, I have fallen in love with someone else?”

  Colette flinched at his last statement. It was a direct quote from the Dear John letter she wrote to Jax more than two years ago. With the shoe on the other foot, she couldn’t cope.

  “I have also notified the board that you do not live in this condo. You should leave by Friday as well,” he added. Colette erupted into tears and Jax felt nothing for the woman. Her manipulative and vindictive behavior was coming back to haunt her. If she tried to hurt Holiday’s future, he would spend every penny ensuring she kept her nursing license.

  Chapter 21

  Colette walked into the courtroom in a navy-blue blazer and skirt with a pair of simple flat shoes. She had her wild mane of platinum blond hair tamed in a simple bun. Jax and Eric, his best friend and lawyer, almost erupted into laughter when she pulled on the nerdy horn-rimmed glasses. The lawyer next to her, one from the ambulance chasing circuit, looked uneasy about the coming task. Colette sold her favorite pair of diamond earrings given to her by John to pay for the lawyer and outfit. She prayed she wouldn’t have to sell the necklace to get a temporary apartment.

  Jax and Eric stood across from Colette. She fought hard not to scream at both men. They were treating her like a worthless dog. When the judge entered, Colette stuck out her chest but remembered she was portraying a virtuous wife, not a sex goddess.

  “Please be seated,” the Judge ordered. Everyone took a seat and the session began with a formal reading of the court docket.


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