Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance

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Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance Page 16

by Renee Lindemann

  Jax depressed the intercom button to open the door after getting a verbal response from Lacy. He worried Colette might stop by to cause more trouble. The family arrived at the door in a few short minutes with plenty of food. Jax was quick to show them the dining room before giving them a tour of the expansive condo. They placed the pizza, salad, and chicken wings on the table before following Jax out.

  "Wow! This is gorgeous," Simone noted. She was the right age for the decor. While Holiday though it was gorgeous, it was dated to a time she couldn't fully appreciate. Tobias and Lacy seemed to share her sentiment. Henry seemed indifferent to the furnishing but admired the vast space. It was wonderful for Holiday to be among Emma's possessions. It made Holiday feel closer to the woman she missed greatly.

  "Why don't I open a bottle of wine to go with our dinner," Jax suggested. He and Holiday went into the kitchen together while the family took seats at the expansive dining room table. Inside the kitchen, Jax turned pinning Holiday against the stainless-steel refrigerator with kisses. His tongue easily snaked into her mouth and she happily caressed it. Pausing the kisses, she took a moment to look into deep blue eyes. Jax was handsome for sure but Holiday found something so internally beautiful about the man. He provided her with another deep kiss while she processed.

  "I will never tire of kissing these lips," he hissed. Jax turned to retrieved a bottle from the wine fridge as Holiday steadied her breathing. The man made her knees weak with ease. Lacy poked her head into the kitchen as they parted. She could tell they were much more relaxed.

  "I thought it best to get pizza from Piscano. It's a bit of a distance from here but they do have the best pizza," Lacy said with a wink. Holiday gave an enthusiastic nod.

  "Thank you, very much," Jax said clutching his heart. "I'll write you that check later."

  Lacy and Holiday both laughed before carrying out the wine glasses. Inside the dining room everyone helped themselves to pizza and sides while Jax poured wine. Holiday could tell he was nervous about telling his story. She gave him a reassuring hug before allowing him to take his seat. Jax extended the hug, breathing in her scent to give him courage. He wanted her parents comfortable with their relationship.

  "Me-Me, Emma, isn't my biological mother. She took me in when I was eight. I was kid number three out of six kids. My father worked as a manufacturing foreman. My mother was a stay at home mom. My parents had a very volatile relationship and they extended that relationship to their children. Most days, I had no idea what I would be in for. Some days we were not allowed to eat. Other days they would force feed us for sport until we threw up. My father was a firm believer in capital punishment as was my mother."

  Jax pointed to his nose and frowned.

  "My mother was fond of hitting in the face with a frying pan. She broke my nose at least two times. I didn't know what it meant at the time but my father was schizophrenic, he would periodically go off his meds. Mainly, when his job was on shutdown. It was probably the worst days of my life. My mother didn't seem to mind his crazy behavior and fed into it, often riling him up. My father was laid off from his job due to his erratic behavior. He couldn't afford his medications. We lived in constant terror during that time.

  Me-Me lived down the street from us and when it got bad I would climb out my bedroom window and sleep on her porch swing. In the morning, she would take me in, get me cleaned up, and feed me. I don't know why, but we clicked, she saw something in me. Her husband's favorite niece, Colette, used to visit all the time. She would befriend me as well. They were my safe haven. One day a neighbor was fed up and called child protective services. The social worker came out but my parents put them at ease somehow. She planned to do a follow up visit but wouldn't tell them when that visit would occur. Needless to say, my father was livid about people meddling in his business."

  Jax paused to take a sip of wine. Holiday was quick to take his free hand. She gave him a reassuring smile and encouraged him to continue.

  "A few days after the social worker visit my mother wasn’t feeling well. She went to bed early that night. My father made all the kids go to bed soon thereafter. It was raining and I was scared of the thunder and lightning, so I slept in the closet. In the middle of the night I heard crying. That wasn't unusual with five brothers and a sister. But the crying sounded different this time. I poked my head out and my father was attacking my older brother with something. My younger brother was in his bed crying but paralyzed with fear. I ducked back into the closet until I heard my baby sister cry. I looked around to find something to use as a weapon and found my brother’s baseball bat. I tried to stop him but he was so strong. I got a few hits in before he took the bat from me. He hit me in the face breaking my nose again and stabbed me in the chest. My other brother launched at him while I ran back into the closet. I put my hands over my ears as he kept attacking.”

  Jax paused to take a deep breath and push the tears threatening as the memory visualized in his mind’s eye. Holiday gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

  “I was scared he would remember I was in the closet. I tried to make myself small but the stab wound in my chest hurt so much. The noise wouldn’t have necessarily alarmed any neighbors as our house was regularly noisy but then it was quiet for a long time. He killed all of my siblings, my mother, and finally hung himself. I stayed in that closet for hours, nearly choking to death. Somehow, I made it to Me-Me’s house. She took me in and called the police."

  "That's horrible," Simone was the first to speak. Lacy, Tobias, and Henry gaped in disbelief unsure what to say. Jax was afraid to look up and instead focused on Holiday’s hand atop his hand.

  "Me-Me was my angel. She saved me that night and every day since. My mother's parents didn't want me, Me-Me adopted me without hesitation. She allowed me to change my name. She put me in therapy and dealt with my post-traumatic stress without regret. Me-Me was very business savvy and used the money left by her husband to invest wisely. That gave her more time to help me adjust to a sense of normalcy. Colette kept coming around but it started to wan the older we got. She was unruly and difficult to manage. Unfortunately, she had crappy parents as well. Me-Me's husband had doted on her and after his death she tried but then I came along and ruined it for her. I didn't realize until recently that she set out to purposely make my life a living hell because of my relationship with Me-Me. I somehow managed to fall in love with Colette and we were married. Two years in she ran off with her wealthy boss. I dragged my feet on the divorce until Me-Me got sick, at that point it didn’t matter. I didn't think about Colette. When we signed up for hospice, I met Holiday. It was love at first sight for me. The rest you know."

  Jax sat back closing his eyes softly exhaling. Holiday was up plying his face with gentle kisses. He visibly relaxed under the kisses.

  "I know that wasn't easy babe," she whispered. Jax pulled her to his lap wrapping her up in a tender hug. The remaining people in the room tried to look away or return to their food.

  "Thanks," she murmured. Jax pushed curly brown hair from her face melting under her dazzling smile. He bent to kiss her mouth, temporarily forgetting the other individuals present.

  “I can’t believe you are making out with Jax Pierce,” Lacy exclaimed. They both jolted a part remembering they were not alone. A blush rose to Holiday’s cheeks as she tried to avoid the glares of her parents and Tobias.

  “Why are you using the man’s first and last name like we are in elementary school,” Tobias laughed at Lacy. She gave him a playful hit and giggled.

  “You have no idea how many women at our job lusted over this man,” Lacy laughed. “They would take their lunch breaks on our floor just to watch him. Some of them had no shame and openly flirted with this man.”

  Holiday and Jax both stared at Lacy before pointing fingers in her direction.

  “I didn’t say I wasn’t one of them,” she admitted. “I had a little shame though.”

  Henry interrupted clearing his throat. He looked at Jax and asked, “So I
hate to stop the laughter but getting back to your story. Is Holiday safe with you? I mean that kind of behavior can be genetic, right?”

  Holiday tried to hide her embarrassment but knew her parents weren’t going to accept this relationship without asking the hard questions.

  “Usually, schizophrenia shows up at eighteen years old or during an important rite of passage. I have never showed signs of mental illness. I did suffer from night terrors as you can imagine. I also battled for many years with survivor’s guilt. It was difficult to accept that I survived and my siblings didn’t. I have never lifted my hand in anger and I was married to Colette. I am not on any medications aside from a daily vitamin. If I thought for one second that I had the capacity for violence, then I would never have pursued Holiday. Me-Me helped me to understand the difference between genetic behavior and learned behavior. I un-learned the violent behavior through therapy. It is not how you solve problems. That’s why I became a lawyer. I can use my words to effect better change or damage for that matter,” Jax explained eloquently.

  Holiday smiled at his answer especially since it put her parents at ease. Henry might not be her biological father but he loved her as if he were. Aside from the traumatic childhood, Jax was able to tell them more about his consulting business. He definitely impressed her mother, which was no small feat. Holiday hated the look of wedding bells and grandkids in her eyes. They would need plenty of time to get to that point. It would be nice for now to just go on a real date together. That didn’t need that to happen tonight. They needed mega alone time to reconnect and make love.

  Jax and her parents were talking about the décor of the apartment while Tobias was on a phone call. Lacy nudged Holiday to talk in private. They took an impromptu tour of the condo again to catch up.

  “So how does it feel,” Lacy asked. “You will still have to put up with Colette but she has no more tricks up her sleeve.”

  “It feels surreal. I can’t believe I get to openly love him,” she smiled at her friend.

  “I am sure you loved on him while we got food,” Lacy giggled. Holiday’s bright smile all the confirmation she needed.

  “You, lucky bitch,” Lacy snorted. “I am so happy for you best friend.”

  Lacy’s smile faltered and she tried to plaster on a fake one but there was some concern etched into her face.

  “What’s the matter Lacy?”

  Lacy looked down at her shoes before speaking.

  “Would it break the girl code if I went out with Tobias? If so I won’t but he is really cute. I don’t normally like sloppy seconds but…” she trailed off. Holiday beamed at her best friend.

  “Lacy, it’s fine really. We made out once to see if there was anything more between us. There wasn’t. We are much better off as friends, especially since I love another.”

  Lacy hesitated, “Are you sure? I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize our friendship.”

  “Please Lacy, if you are interested, turn on the Lacy charm and see where it goes. I am happy with Jax, you know that more than anyone else.”

  Epilogue 2

  Holiday watched Jax move around after his shower. The towel hung precariously from his hips. Geez! She would never get used to looking at her man. Somehow, they had found each other in this world. Holiday covered her mouth stifling a sigh. Jax turned to retrieve his shoes from the closet. When his back was turned, Holiday walked over. She placed her face on the soft muscles of his back. Jax placed the shoes on the bureau. He pulled her hands to cover his heart. After a few moments like this Holiday let her hands move down his chiseled chest. She could feel the scar from his childhood nightmare. Her hand continued to move lower until it was skimming the towel. Fingers skimmed the light smattering of hair below his navel. Jax hissed as she continued to move lower. Inside the towel she found her prize.

  “I want to be late,” she whispered. “Fashionably late.”

  Jax felt his cock twitch as she stroked him. He threw his head back and groaned. Holiday continued her ministrations while removing the towel with her free hand. When he was fully erect, he turned to face Holiday. He took in his hazel eyed girlfriend and felt his body shiver with anticipation. She was wearing one of his white button up shirts and nothing else. Bending he took possession of her mouth with powerful kisses. Holiday snaked arms around his neck as he lifted her. Long cinnamon colored legs wrapped around his waist. She whimpered as his erection made contact with her wet center.

  “Are you getting wet for me,” he asked carrying them to the bed.

  “I am already wet for you,” she replied breathlessly. “I was watching you, getting wetter by the second.”

  “You like gawking at me,” he questioned pushing up the shirt to reveal smooth skin. Jax found the sensitive flesh of her neck and licked. His hips flexed up to allow his erection to graze her center. Holiday moaned while Jax awaited an answer. She hissed, “I love watching my sexy boyfriend.”

  Jax snorted, “I am your man, boyfriend sounds so childish.”

  “Make love to me man,” she begged. Jax pushed the shirt up and a found a taut nipple. He flickered a tongue over the flesh as she mewed. His erection throbbed with need as she continued to wriggle beneath him for more contact.

  “You want to attend the gala already satisfied,” he asked. “What about after?”

  “Yes, make me come baby,” she cried. “And after, make me come again.”

  “It sounds like you can’t get enough of me.”

  Holiday moaned, “I can never get enough.”

  Jax lowered his hand while flickering his warm tongue over the taut nipple. He slid easily inside causing them to both cry out. Jax found Holiday’s mouth possessing it as he thrust. Each in and out motion bringing them closer to the grand finale.

  “Yes,” she whimpered. “Baby yes!”

  Jax was lost in the pleasure Holiday’s body afforded him. His soft moans were barely able to describe how good her body felt in this moment. Pulling out, Jax instructed Holiday to get on top. She did so with no hesitation. He loved the visual of Holiday in his work shirt. When she slid down his erection he gripped the fabric of the shirt. Jax began to unbutton the shirt as she rode him just the way he liked it.

  “Do you know what you do to me,” he growled. Holiday replied, “Do I make you feel good baby? Do you love me?”

  “Holly,” he grunted. “You make me feel so fucking good. I love you.”

  His girlfriend was a vision as she moved expertly up and down his cock. He met her movements with gentle thrusts as their orgasm drew closer. His thumb grazed her clit a few times. Holiday’s wet response only pushed Jax closer.

  “Jax, I love fucking you,” she wailed. “Coming baby!”

  Holiday’s body jerked as the climax rocked her internally. Her wet core wrapped around his erection squeezing the release from him. Jax violently thrust upward to ride out the wonderful climax.

  “Holiday, yes,” he shouted out. “Filling you up baby.”

  Her body continued to move with the rhythmic pulse of his cock. He cried out several times as the pleasure rolled through his body. Holiday dropped down to find his mouth. Jax released her hips planting his hands in her soft hair. Their tongues danced together as their bodies began to calm. Jax’s fingers slipped beneath the shirt to run down her spine.

  “Do you know how much I love you,” she breathed.

  “Almost as much as I love you,” he answered quickly. “That was fantastic. I do not ever mind being late if that’s the reason.”

  When their strength returned, they showered together. Jax enjoyed kissing Holiday under the spray of water. He held her face in his hands as their lips touched repeatedly. The last few months of living together had been both scary and exhilarating. She had welcomed him into her home and in no time, it became their home. Accents of his personality were interspersed with her things. He felt comfortable as if he lived in the home for many years. Simone, Holiday’s mother, had loved, Emma’s furniture. Jax gifted it to her, she trie
d to decline but in the end, she relented. Henry had been indifferent to the furniture. If it made his wife happy then he was happy. Mary, Emma only surviving sibling, was given some of her jewelry and personal mementos. Jax had wanted some of Emma’s jewelry to go to Holiday, for special occasions. He carried out the other items in her will gifting family members and a few charities with money.

  So much had changed in the last six months that he could hardly claim to be the same person. Now he was standing under a shower enjoying post-coital affection with his girlfriend. He hated those terms but he supposed they would do for now.

  “Do you feel that,” he whispered against her mouth. Holiday’s hazel eyes lit with glee as Jax pushed a wet brown curl from her face. He cradled her chin in his hand gazing at the freckles on her nose. The pad of his thumb moved over soft lips.

  “We get to be happy,” she murmured. “Are you happy?”

  “Abso-fuckin-lutely,” he said quickly. Holiday gave a soft chuckle of appreciation. They shared a few more intimate kisses before cleaning themselves. Inside the bedroom they dressed. The Gala they were attending was a charity event held in the local opera hall. Each year ten sponsors would get together and raise money for wonderful charitable causes. Supporters would make a big show of the event with fancy dresses and tuxes. Emma Pierce, Jax’s mother, had been a big supporter, attending a few times with Jax as her date. Now he would take the reins and support what his mother once held dear.

  Jax watched Holiday place three French braids on the side of her head. She sprayed a concoction on her hair that gave it shine and a bit of bounce. She evenly fluffed out her curls over her head. Jax marveled in her attention to detail as she sculpted the fine hair along the edges of her hairline into neat swoops. When she was done, she applied a light coat of make-up and bright red lipstick. Now he understood why they had sexed it up. Watching her was a complete turn on, despite the recent sex. Even now he felt his cock stirring to life. The silky black thong and lack of a bra aiding his speedy recovery. When she turned towards him, he felt his heart skip a beat. Tan nipples greeted him before he returned his gaze to her beautiful face. The simple hairstyle looked absolutely amazing on her. As she moved closer his erection throbbed.


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