Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance

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Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance Page 19

by Renee Lindemann

  “I know and for that I am sorry,” he apologized. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, if I did.”

  Megan admitted, “You did but I guess I get it now. I wasn’t the one and neither was Colette. You have always been searching for something. I hope you have found it.”

  “I don’t think, I know I have found her. My Me-Me would be proud of me in this moment,” he beamed. “She loved Holiday as much as I do.”

  “Wow! So, mother approved before she passed on,” Megan confirmed. “I guess no one stood a chance with that kind of reference.”

  “Love at first sight. Me-Me knew it right away. I honor her memory by following my heart.”

  Jax felt the pang of grief as he thought of his mother. She would be overjoyed in this moment. It was bittersweet that he would get the chance to uphold her dying wish.

  “Marry her,” Emma had whispered. He didn’t propose to Holiday just because of Me-Me’s dying wish. For the last month, it had rattled around his mind. He watched Holiday adjust her life to accommodate his presence. From dealing with Colette to moving in together, Holiday had exemplified all that he had ever wanted in a spouse. It was the life he thought he wanted with Colette. Looking back, she was never cut out to be his wife. It was as if he sent directions to the creator, Holiday was perfectly suited to the life he desired. They had a great life together. He wanted the world to know they belonged together.

  Megan gave him a friendly hug and kiss before walking away. Jax tried to walk back to Holiday when Colette stopped him.

  “For the love of God, please go away,” Jax stated his hands immediately going to his temples. Colette held up her hand, a few tears falling.

  “I just wanted to say that I wish things had gone differently between us. I honestly didn’t realize that I treated you so horribly,” she said looking down at her knotted fingers. “Are you sure you made the right decision tonight? I mean you haven’t been with her that long.”

  “Colette, I know what I am doing. I knew the first time I laid eyes on Holiday that I was going to spend my life with her,” he explained. “I don’t know what else to tell you but this craziness needs to be done. You had no problem being away from me for three years. I get why you returned but why the sudden interest in me?”

  “It wasn’t easy to be away from you for three years. I got used to a certain kind of lifestyle. You would never have pampered me the way John did. I needed that after the childhood I was given,” she said quietly.

  “You spent more time with John than you did being married to me. I guess he could give you what you were looking for and when he couldn’t, you came back with your tail between your legs. My mind and heart have moved on. You thought I was going to throw myself at your feet upon your return? I am done subjecting myself to your whims. I have someone who I am completely compatible with and who loves me as I am. You don’t want to be a wife, let’s be honest.”

  Colette opened her mouth to protest before closing it again. Jax gave her a few moments before looking over at his fiancée. Holiday gave him a seductive smile that indicated she was more than ready to leave if he was ready. Jax sent a kiss her way before turning back to Colette.

  “You really love her, don’t you?” She whimpered. Jax’s bright smile didn’t help ease the sadness Colette felt.

  “With everything I have in me. She didn’t just help me with Me-Me’s death, that will be an ongoing process. She showed me that life doesn’t have to be that complicated. I can love her and she will love me back. We have a great life together, she and I make sense.”

  “But I thought…”, she stammered then trailed off. “I thought we made sense once upon a time. Why didn’t you come after me when I left? Why didn’t you demand that I be a proper wife?”

  “I honestly didn’t know where you were. I couldn’t even serve you divorce papers, how was I going to come after you? By the time I was angry enough to do so, Me-Me was sick. Nothing and no one else mattered after that, especially the wife that ran out on me,” he replied. “I most certainly do not think anyone can make you do anything you don’t want to do. Let’s face it Colette, we were never going to work out. I get that now and I think it’s time you do too.”

  Colette murmured, “I really wanted it to work out this time. I am tired of trying to figure out where I belong. I thought if I came back at the right moment we could fall in love again. I could be the shoulder you cry on. I was willing to have a child with you, if that’s what it took. I really did come back to repair our relationship. You have no idea how many times I tried to leave John. But it was easier to stay than face my responsibilities or consequences of my actions. I knew no one would just accept me back with open arms. I guess I was just hoping.”

  “There is nothing left for us Colette,” Jax sighed. “We both need to move on from this.”

  Holiday had enough of Jax’s tête-à-tête with his ex-wife. She sauntered right over to the former couple. Colette’s eyes widened then narrowed as she moved closer.

  “Is everything okay?” Holiday questioned evenly, forcing the apprehension from her gut.

  Jax turned to Holiday and placed a kiss on her forehead, slipping an arm around her waist.

  “Yes everything is fine,” he said sweetly. “I would like to dance with my fiancée now.”

  Jax escorted Holiday to the dance floor while Colette looked on shedding a few more tears. She removed a handkerchief from her purse and dabbed at the errant tears before locating the nearest rest room. Jax pulled Holiday close as she slipped her hand inside his hand. They slowly began to move.

  “Are you sure everything is okay? If something has changed please tell me,” she stammered. She hated the insecurity in her voice. Colette didn’t intimidate her but her lengthy history with Jax did. Holiday closed her eyes and fought back an emotional response.

  Jax murmured, “Everything is fine, I promise. Nothing and I mean nothing has changed. I still want to be your husband, if you will have me. Colette just needed to get something off her mind and I guess I did as well.”

  Holiday said nothing and allowed Jax to lead her in the dance. Her mind was now completely scrambled. She wanted to reveal in the engagement but once again Colette stole a moment from them. Once again, Holiday felt robbed. The excitement and happiness she felt only moments ago had all but vanished. She faltered on the dance a few steps.

  “Hey sweetheart,” he said lifting her chin. Holiday swallowed the lump in her throat and pushed back the emotions threating to spill over. When she didn’t reply, Jax fixed an intense deep blue gaze on her. She still said nothing and he asked, “What’s the matter? Has something changed for you? I promise nothing has changed on my end.”

  “Nothing has changed for me,” she said unable to keep the tremor out of her voice. Holiday released her hold on Jax and abruptly left the dance floor. He followed after but she disappeared into the ladies’ room. He was tempted to go in but there were other women inside. He paced the floor feeling like an idiot for talking to Colette after proposing to Holiday.

  Inside the rest room, Holiday immediately claimed a stall. She felt the tears stream sown her cheeks and fought to contain them. She did not want to allow Colette another victory in her life. She had ineffectually ruined what should have been one of the happiest nights of her life. Right now, Holiday should be calling her parents and Lacy. Instead, she was lamenting in a bathroom. It took her a few minutes to gather her strength to stop crying. Holiday used toilet paper to wipe away the tears. She took a couple of deep breaths calming her anger and frustration. Exiting she went to the sink, washing her hands. Holiday opened her purse, taking out lip gloss. She moved the small tube over her plump lips avoiding eye contact with the engagement ring, less she cry again.

  “You’ve won,” Colette said exiting the last stall with red rimmed eyes. Holiday ignored the woman, checking the lip gloss once more. She fluffed her hair then turned to leave.

  “I just needed one more chance with Jax, but that’s not going to happen,” Colette
sobbed. Holiday still said nothing and felt no pity for the woman. She glared at Colette fighting the simmering hatred for the woman. It would do no good to continue to abhor this woman. That energy could be served somewhere positive. Holiday took a few deeper breaths while Colette’s sob dissolved into hiccups.

  “I didn’t win a prize or a man. Jax and I fell in love. We are building a life together, I suggest you do the same,” Holiday suggested with no mirth. She turned to leave the bathroom.

  “Don’t make a mistake,” Colette hissed. “Or I will be there to take him back.”

  “Don’t hold your breath,” Holiday snapped and pushed the door open to the bathroom. Jax was quick to take her hand moving towards a less populated area. Holiday stopped their forward momentum and leveled her gaze on him. Jax shrank back a little before moving into her space.

  “You won’t save this with kisses. Take me home please,” she announced. Holiday’s fierce look made Jax comply. He slipped his hand in hers and they moved around the remaining guests. A few times they were stopped and congratulated. Both offered bright smiles to bely the angst brewing just below the surface. Aunt Mary cried for several long minutes and insisted they join the family for dinner as soon as their schedule permitted. Bunny and Bill both offered flirtatious congratulations to the young couple. Holiday managed to maintain control of her disappointment and portray the proper glee.

  “Congratulations again you two,” Megan said with a false sense of happiness. Holiday gave a bright smile and head nod. Jax kept walking, failing to acknowledge the woman. Holiday could see the firm set of his jaw. If he was more concerned about her embarrassing him on the dance floor then his conversation with Colette, they were in big trouble. The valet brought the car to the front of the opera house. Jax moved quickly to open the passenger door. Holiday slid inside the car careful of her dress. Jax bent to lift the gown inside as she pulled up the fabric. The brief touch of their hands sent a spark of electricity through them. Holiday pulled away first and focused her gaze on the road. Jax unbuttoned his suit jacket before tipping the valet. He slipped easily inside the car and pulled onto the street.

  Neither spoke the duration of the ride. When Jax didn’t pull up at their home, Holiday turned to gape at him. She wanted nothing more than to get out of the dress and take a hot shower. Jax pulled up to the front of the extravagant hotel. A young valet exited to whisk away his car but not before Jax removed a bag from the trunk of the car. He took Holiday’s hand and escorted her to the entrance. Holiday still chose not to say anything.

  “Reservation for Jax Pierce,” Jax stated to the concierge woman. The woman beamed a little too much at Jax as she typed in his name. Jax released Holiday’s hand momentarily to retrieve his wallet. She watched with indifference, as he produced his credit card. The woman continued to smile brightly at Jax.

  “I have you for two nights in the luxury suite,” she informed. “Are there any amenities I can help you with?”

  “No,” he stated. “We will call down if we need anything else. Thank you.”

  “You are welcome Mr. Pierce, please enjoy your stay here at the Four Seasons,” she added. Jax took the key cards and gave a soft smile to the concierge woman. He slipped the keys into his suit pocket and took Holiday’s hand. They walked towards the elevator again in silence. Jax held the lightweight designer overnight bag in one hand as they rode to their floor. Holiday glance from her peripheral vision over at Jax. His jaw was still severely clenched, a sure sign he was plenty pissed. What she couldn’t understand was why he was pissed?

  Jax opened the door to the room allowing Holiday inside first. The living room area was spectacular. It featured a dining area large enough for six people. The floor to ceiling windows provided wonderful views of San Francisco Bay. Holiday gasped even at the darkened skyline of the city with its cascade of lights illuminating the city. Jax took the overnight bag to the bedroom. When he returned, he stood behind Holiday. Jax slipped both hands around her waist. He placed his face against the fluffy curls of her hair. Inhaling deeply, he felt his body come to life. Jax’s mind scrambled as he figured out pretty quickly how he fucked up his awesome proposal. Talking to one’s ex-wife and ex-fling for ten minutes too long, soon after said proposal, was a bad idea.

  The one person that stood between them on so many occasions in the last eight months, he had allowed one time too many. How would he have expected her to react? She was happy in the moment and he was playing pity party with his ex-wife. A little blue bag from Tiffany’s wasn’t going to fix this faux pas. Jax released his hold on her waist. He removed his tux jacket and placed it on the back of the couch. Jax took a seat on the plush couch keeping his eyes on Holiday’s back as she gazed out the window. A soft smile with traces of awe rested on glossy lips. He extended a leg as his body hardened taking in his lovely fiancée. The dress gave her an hour-glass silhouette. He loved every curve and soft fleshy part of her body. He hoped to touch those parts tonight and soon. Reaching down Jax undid the laces of his shoes before removing them both.

  Holiday turned and walked over to Jax as he removed his shoes. She stood before her fiancé with a soft look of faded anger and questions. Jax looked up at Holiday an apologetic expression covering his face. She moved closer as he extended his hands. Wrapping his hands around the lower half of her body, he placed his face against her stomach. Holiday dropped a hand into his soft perfectly styled hair, stroking gently. This was the man she wanted to spend her life with. This was the man she ate dinner with nearly every night. This was the man she wrestled for the television remote control only to end the match with lovemaking every time. This was the man whose tender kisses sent her heart racing and butterflies stirring in her belly. This was the man she wanted to marry.

  “I am so sorry,” he murmured against the fabric of her dress. “I didn’t mean to interrupt our celebration with their nonsense.”

  Holiday said nothing and continued stroking his hair.

  “I should have waited and followed my first plan to propose here,” he whispered. “But I wanted the world to know how I feel about you. I know that was a poor cross section of the world but I wanted it to be special. There is nothing left between Colette and I. We both told complete truths and she finally got the message that I love you. I do love you, so fucking much.”

  Holiday allowed Jax to speak, processing his words slowly. The mere mention of Colette’s name made her blood boil. She pulled on the inner peace she desired and pushed the angry feelings away.

  “I hope you still want to marry me,” he added. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  Holiday lifted his face to gaze into deep blue eyes. She ran her thumb over his soft lips and hissed. Damn! She loved him. Jax gave her that dazzling smile and he could feel her knees weaken. Holiday rotated her body in his arms. Jax, instinctively, reached for the zipper on her dress pulling it down slowly. He appreciated the cinnamon skin revealed as he dragged the zipper down. Despite the fact that they had sex before the gala, he was insanely horny right now. Once her dress was unzipped and unbuttoned, Holiday moved into the bedroom. Jax waited a few minutes before joining her in the bedroom. He strode in unsure of what to expect. Holiday stood looking out of the window in thong underwear and high heels. Jax audibly hissed as she turned to face him.

  “Make love to your fiancée,” she demanded. Her voice was sure but alluring. Jax wasted no time getting to Holiday. He held her waist in his hands pulling her close. Their mouths connected in a fantastic kiss. Jax lifted Holiday and placed her on the bed. He pulled away the wisp of fabric between her legs before dropping to his knees. With the backlight of the city unfolded before them he licked everything south of her navel until she screamed his name over and over again. Jax enjoyed running his tongue the length of her slit as she cried out. Every time he flickered over the taut bud, her legs would violently shake.

  “Please,” she whimpered. “Jax baby!”

  When he stood, she breathed deep to push the fog of orgasm
s back a bit. Her body continued to involuntarily spasm as she tried to sit up. Jax was removing his bowtie and shirt when she made it up on her elbows. After removing his slacks, Holiday was on him. She pulled his erection free taking him into her mouth. In no time, she had his now slippery cock moving in and out of her mouth with ease.

  “Fuck Holiday,” he shouted. Jax fisted her hair as he pumped into her mouth. Throwing his head back he let out a loud moan. He allowed a few more minutes of the oral heaven and abruptly pulled away.

  “Please, I need to come inside you,” he begged. Holiday looked up at Jax before sliding back on the bed. He immediately followed and wasted no time sinking into her wetness. Jax’s body jerked as she moaned boisterously with his entrance.

  “Jax, oh, God,” she cried her body internally wrapping around his erection.

  “So fucking tight for me baby,” he remarked finding his rhythm. Holiday placed fresh scratches down Jax’s back. He buried his face in the crook of her neck.

  “I love you baby,” she cried. Jax’s hand came up to caress her throat as he pumped hard into Holiday. She could feel his mouth on her neck, sucking and nipping at the flesh. His mouth grazed her ear lobe. He growled, “You are mine. You are all that I need.”

  Holiday’s body moved with Jax’s and the pressure building inside her body reached its precipice.

  “Coming, yes,” she screamed. Jax tried to hold out for more but she was already pulling him under. The hold on his orgasm snapped and he felt his body explode inside Holiday.

  “Fuck, so good,” he howled. “Take all of me, baby.”

  Their bodies trembled as the orgasms continued to pulse. Holiday wrapped long legs around Jax holding her future husband in place. He pushed loose curls from her face kissing her tenderly. They murmured epitaphs of love as their bodies calmed. Jax gazed into sated hazel eyes, hoping to see love there. Holiday whispered, “I want to marry you.”


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