Be My Bad Boy

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Be My Bad Boy Page 4

by Marie Medina

  He shook his head and quickened his pace, but the look in his eyes told her he’d been tempted to give her what she asked for. The pleasure coiled inside her. She was on the edge, ready to fall apart in his arms. She felt it slowly beginning: the hot surge in her blood, the pounding of her heart, and the pure euphoria she longed to be lost in. He slowed his pace and kissed her lips.

  She kissed him back, but groaned out her frustration. She thrust up with all her strength, increasing the friction and her own bliss. “Don’t stop.” She was seconds away, mere seconds.

  His voice husky, he asked, “You want me?”


  His voice softer yet still filled with need, he whispered, “You need this?”

  “Please!” She bucked against him, fighting to free her hands. “I’ve never needed a man more,” she uttered between gasps for air.

  “And you never will.” He crushed her mouth under his and pounded into her. The force of his thrusts surprised her at first, but then she came hard. The pleasure exploded inside of her, and pure molten lust filled her veins. She could hardly feel the bed beneath her, even though he continued to press her into the mattress. All she felt was his cock deep inside her throbbing pussy, his hot mouth locked onto hers, and his hard body pressed close. She didn’t hold back a single moan or sigh. He thrust over and over again, and her orgasm continued to thrill her. He released her from the kiss and lifted her up into his arms. He continued to fuck her as he kissed and sucked her breasts. His teeth grazed one nipple, and she came again. He felt so hard and so right inside her. She clung to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She could have pulled his mask off, but then he would stop what he was doing to her. Nothing was worth that.

  His cock jerked inside of her, and he came. He lowered her back to the bed for his final thrusts. His groans were almost growls as he rubbed his cheek against hers. His lips hovered over hers. His eyes, dark and stormy, gazed down at her. “I love you, Katie. I love you with all my heart.”

  The commanding and husky tones were gone as he whispered to her. His gentle voice and the emotions filling it made her go rigid. She searched his eyes for a long moment, before she reached up slowly, but he pulled away. He grabbed his clothes and went to the door. “Don’t try to follow me. You’ll never find me.” And then he left the room in a blur.

  Chapter Four

  Her head spun as she blinked and tried unsuccessfully to get up. Had he just run out into the hall naked? She guessed they were alone up here, but still. And why had he run away at all? Had he been overcome by his emotions? His words had left her more than a little stunned. She’d never heard a man express himself that way. She couldn’t explain the way his blunt declaration had affected every part of her. His words had been so simple, yet he had told her so much with them. She knew he meant it, and any doubts she felt before evaporated. She had to know how he was. When would she see him again? She had no doubt she would. A man didn’t make love to woman the way he had and then disappear forever. Men who loved so passionately never stayed away for long. She smiled as she wondered what their next encounter might be like. She didn’t want to wait even five seconds to be back in his arms.

  She let her eyes trace the patterns on the inside of the bed’s canopy. As she thought she ran her fingers through her hair to get rid of some of the tangles her thoughts raced frantically. How long would he make her wait? He must have been afraid he would say too much. She could hardly sit up, let alone stand and run off the way he had. She kept asking herself what had just happened, but she knew. An amazing man had fulfilled one of her fantasies. Her body still shook from the pleasure he’d given her.

  She pulled her knees close to her chest and rolled to her side, enjoying the last remnants of her orgasm. She licked her swollen lips as she thought about what they’d done. He’d held her down and made her submit, and she’d loved it. She’d come with more power than ever before. She’d never known such pleasure. As strong and dominating as he’d been, his touch had also been gentle and loving. The combination had her as ready to surrender her heart as she’d been to surrender her body moments earlier. Had her reaction to his outpouring scared him? She played his words over and over again in her mind. She still couldn’t place that voice, the voice she longed to hear again. Also, she decided to take all the information he’d given her with a grain of salt. Whatever his reasons, he wanted his secret safe for now.

  She went into the bathroom and washed her face. She put her panties and bra back on before picking up her bag and retrieving her phone. She looked at the text messages again as she sat on the bed, still not recognizing the phone number. Had he borrowed a friend’s phone? Maybe he’d bought a cheap prepaid phone somewhere. Would he have gotten a new number just to keep his secret? Had they ever even talked outside of work before? She sat with her thumb poised over the reply button, wondering what she could say to get him to come back and go home with her tonight. Even though it might put an end to the fantasy, she wanted it more than anything.

  * * * *

  Peter dressed quietly in the darkness of the linen room at the very end of the hallway. The door next to the closet led down to the laundry room, so as long as Katie didn’t hear him he’d be able to slip away. He stuffed his costume in his backpack before pulling the green polo shirt over his head. He smoothed his jeans and put his wallet and the prepaid phone in his pocket, before putting his own cell phone in his other pocket. He’d forgotten his shoes, so he had no choice but to the wear his boots, but at least that would be less conspicuous than carrying them.

  The prepaid phone vibrated. He stood completely motionless, glad he had it on silent. She’d had time to dress if she really wanted to pursue him, and she could be roaming the hallway looking for him right now. He held his breath and listened. Silence surrounded him. He pulled the phone out and looked at the message.

  You can’t make a girl come like that and then let her sleep alone.

  He exhaled in relief. She didn’t know. He’d kept his voice low and tried to maintain a flat, Midwestern accent to disguise his hint of a southern twang while they were together, but her eyes had widened when he’d told her he loved her. Her body had gone rigid beneath him, and he had been sure she’d guessed who he was. He didn’t want that. Not yet. He’d felt ridiculous bolting the way he had, but he hadn’t trusted himself at all. He wanted to make love to her again. More than that, he’d wanted to tell her everything that was in his heart. He’d had such a hard time keeping his guard up. His frank words had jolted both of them, so he’d fled. Leaving had been for the best, no matter how much he ached to still have her in his arms.

  Soon, my love. Trust me.

  He stared down at the screen until the backlight faded. Was she going to reply? How many times would she put up with him telling her to trust him before she started to insist he tell her his secret? After another minute, she did reply.

  It’s hard. You’re holding all the cards. I have nothing but a cold, empty bed.

  Her words tugged at his heart and made his groin ache. He wanted to run back down the hall to her and whisk her home. Maybe she would be over her shock by the time he got her back to his place. It hurt a little that she didn’t seem to suspect it was him at all, especially as he was the last man she had dated, but as long as she still looked at him with the same passion in her eyes, he would get over it quickly. Then she’d fall into his arms, and they would make love all night long. She’d realize she had been wrong about him, and they’d be happy.

  Or would it go that way? When she discovered his deception, would she be angry? Would she slap him and say she hated him? Would she feel betrayed and hurt and vulnerable, unable to face him? Or, if he went back in his normal clothes and knocked on the door or ran into her as she left, would she look right through him as she always had? If he ran down the hall and bumped into her as she went in pursuit of her mystery man, would she beg him to help her find a guy dressed in black? Would she look right into his eyes and not recognize him? H
is heart would shatter on the spot if that happened. He had to resist. He finally sent the message he’d planned on sending when he got home.

  May I see you tomorrow night?

  Her answer came immediately.

  Yes. Call me tonight. I want to hear your voice when I’m in bed.

  He responded quickly.

  Call me once you’re there. I’ll be waiting.

  He stuffed the phone in his pocket and exited the building as fast as he could. He lived close, much closer than she did, but he still sped home in anticipation of her call. He wanted to hear her voice very much. The prospect strengthened his resolve. If he had to wait until the next night for any contact from her, he might not make it. He didn’t know if he’d be as dashing showing up on her doorstep at two in the morning as he had been when he’d whisked her away from the party. He had to keep her under his spell a little longer if he hoped to make the enchantment last forever.

  This time he laughed out loud as he pulled into his driveway, but then he decided he liked the magical metaphor that had been playing through his head all night. He felt powerful right now. Making love to her had been everything he had expected and so much more. Complete. She had chosen that word, and it had been perfect. She’d asked him to make her complete, and he intended to do exactly that. She’d also said she knew who he was: the man she wanted, the man she needed. She’d even confirmed that he had fulfilled, and even surpassed, her fantasies.

  He’d been in her thrall for so long that having her miss him and beg to be near him made him feel invincible. Her desire to return to his arms filled him with both joy and longing. It gave him confidence. More importantly, it gave him hope.

  * * * *

  Katie opened the door quietly and listened before entering the hallway. She heard nothing, so she stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her. She looked to her right and to her left. They’d come from the left, hadn’t they? She’d been paying so much attention to both the man leading her and the aching need he had inspired that she hadn’t paid much attention the directions as he led her up here. She went to the left and found a staircase that looked familiar. She ventured a guess on the next floor, and soon rejoined the party downstairs.

  She wondered if anyone would notice her. She felt so satisfied she could hardly believe her skin wasn’t glowing. She kept an eye out for the masked man in case he had hung back to watch her leave, but she didn’t see him. That was probably for the best. She didn’t trust herself not to rush up to him and either kiss him or rip his mask off. The last thing she needed was to be fired for unbecoming behavior, though some of her colleagues looked like they were not quite as concerned about such a thing happening. She smoothed her skirt as she moved toward the exit and narrowly avoided having her bosom doused with wine as she walked past Miriam from the registrar’s office. She eyed the table next to the food stations. It had been covered with bottles of wine and champagne earlier. Now, she counted ten bottles. She had only seen three students there, but she was far more concerned about the legal adults who probably only drank “socially.”

  Katie turned back to glance at Miriam again. She’d heard rumors of a flashing incident one time, but it might have only been a rumor. Some of the other charitable masqueraders seemed far closer to the flashing threshold by her estimate. She avoided eye contact with everyone and hurried out the glass doors.

  She smiled to herself. No matter what any of the other guests did tonight, none of them would be able to top her adventure. She took a deep breath as she walked to her car. The brisk air was refreshing. She reached her car without passing anyone else. She looked around at all the other vehicles in the lot, but she saw no one. She wouldn’t have had the courage to follow him home, but she still held out a small hope that she might be able to entice him home with her. Did he know where she lived? Would he be waiting for her? She could dream, but she would probably have to wait until tomorrow night. She pulled out into traffic and made her way home.

  She kept thinking about his voice. His tone had captivated her more than his accent, which was pretty ordinary. He spoke so sensuously, and his words had heightened every sensation. As controlled as he’d been physically, making her wait and drawing out her pleasure in ways she’d never dreamed possible, his voice revealed how much he desired her every time he uttered even one word. Sincerity could be faked of course, but she didn’t believe he could have fooled her so completely the entire time. She believed he did love her, crazy as that might sound to anyone else. He’d proven well enough that he did know her, but how long had he known her? She didn’t believe in love at first sight, but neither did she believe two people had to wait months or years to know how they really felt about one another. She thought and thought trying to place his voice. She kept thinking of men at work, but then she crossed every one of the off her list because something didn’t fit. She would never be able to remember all the men who had volunteered in February, but then again he’d said they met before that. She wanted to figure out who he was before she saw him again. Even knowing his hair color would help. It was short, but ninety-nine percent of the men who worked at the university had short hair. Surely he wouldn’t keep wearing his mask. But what if he did? It had made their lovemaking even more erotic and exciting. He obviously had a taste for such things, and she wondered what he might have planned for tomorrow night. The thought sent a shiver down her spine. She’d spent most of the last hour quaking in one way or another.

  She laughed at herself as she pulled into her driveway. What had she gotten herself into? It certainly wasn’t the kind of “how we got together” story one could share with just anybody. And she liked that. A lot. She thought about how amazing his mouth had felt all over her body. She smiled blissfully as she recalled the passionate look in his eyes. What woman could forget those eyes? He’d only been teasing her when he’d insisted they had kissed before. That was impossible. A man who had ever kissed her like that would have to flee the country to be free of her.

  She couldn’t wait for him to kiss her again. She hurried into the house to get ready for bed. It was only a little after ten, but she wanted to hear his voice again. Perhaps hearing him on the phone would jog her maddeningly stubborn memory. Katie hoped so. She doubted she’d be able to sleep at all that night, let alone get through the entire day tomorrow without knowing who he was. If she was going to have her heart stolen, she wanted to know whom to blame so she could give him exactly what he deserved for such a crime.

  * * * *

  Peter reclined on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Where was she? He’d been waiting nearly an hour. She lived twenty minutes from the university, and he couldn’t imagine her taking too long to get dressed or running into much traffic. Had she met someone on the way out? Would she actually have stopped to chat with someone after what they’d experienced together? Perhaps he was only assuming she was as eager to talk to him as he was to talk to her, yet she had clearly wanted him to go home with her. Was she making him wait because of the way he’d teased her during their lovemaking? Or was she trying to punish him a little for not going home with her or revealing his identity?

  The phone finally rang, pulling him from his desperate thoughts. He made himself hold back and let it ring four times. Then he snatched it up and answered it.


  “I’d like to speak to the man who made love to me an hour ago.”

  “That would be me.”

  “And I still don’t get a name?”


  She let out a sigh, sounding very disappointed. “I want one tomorrow night, or I won’t come.”

  “I can make you. You know I can.”

  She hesitated, but then he heard her soft laughter. He wanted her in his arms tonight. Every night. “You know that’s not what I meant. You probably could though, and very easily too. That’s why I want a name.”

  “Because you know you’re playing with fire? You don’t want to be burned too badly?”

I’ve wracked my brain for an hour. How are you doing this? How do you know me so well? You have to give me some kind of clue.”

  “I love you. A man pays attention very well once a woman has his heart.”

  “And I have yours?”


  “Then why hide from me? Why aren’t we together? Tonight was amazing, a genuine fantasy come true, and I hope we have many more nights like this one. However, I can’t help wondering what made you decide to reveal your feelings this way?”

  If he let her, she would draw the truth out of him in no time. He needed to distract her, but he could give her a subtle clue by telling some of what lay in his heart. “I held back with you and never told you how I felt. Now I wish I hadn’t been so restrained in the past. If I’d know how we would be together, I would have taken you the first time I got you alone.”

  She sighed again, but this time he heard the need behind it. “I wish you had. How long have you felt this way?”

  “I won’t answer that tonight.”

  “What will you do tonight?”

  “Tell you how to prepare for our next date.”

  “Don’t you mean our first date?” she asked teasingly.

  He bit his tongue. He couldn’t give her more clues. Whether she knew it or not, she would have a very good one if he answered truthfully. He chose to tease her instead. “Tonight wasn’t a date?”

  “An abduction maybe. A ravishing. A masterful seduction. Tonight was nothing like any date I’ve ever been on.”

  “I could feel how much you need a man like me.”

  “I’ve always wanted a man to touch me the way you do.”

  “And tomorrow night, I will again.”

  “I’m even more interested in finding out how you knew exactly how to touch me.”

  “Are you?”


  He felt lonely lying there with her. “Tomorrow. I promise. You’ll get a very nice surprise.”


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