Royal Guard of Draga

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Royal Guard of Draga Page 11

by Emma Dean

  “What is it, Mistress?” Nadyah whispered. A tinge of fear tickled her spine. Was she speaking to the Mistress of the House or the Spider? She wondered briefly if Mistress Jael knew of her dealings with the prince of thieves. If she did, Nadyah doubted she minded. They all had their sources of information and rarely did the Spider care how the web was woven as long as it brought her the buzzing of flies.

  The smoky, silky voice wove through the room as she spoke. “There have been whispers of an assassination brewing; an enemy in the court.”

  Fear struck Nadyah hard and fast. Their royal family was in danger? How had she heard nothing until this moment? The Spymistress stood and the rising sun struck her golden hair. It glittered in the morning light. The Spider was forty cycles old but hardly looked a day over twenty.

  “I am assigning you to the youngest princess, my little spider. She has finally come of age, twenty cycles old and in need of her training in the bedroom from only the best. You will teach her the camerraleto and ensure the House of Kismet’s reputation is upheld.” The Spymistress glided around her desk, the picture of elegance and grace. Her soft, delicate hand briefly touched Nadyah’s face in affection. “We must protect the royal family at all costs. You are now officially a royal courtesan, Nadyah. Teach the little princess everything you know about the bedroom arts and make sure to stay close to her. Learn what you can in the palace.”

  “The palace, Mistress?” Nadyah was confused. Normally a royal came to the House to be taught.

  “After the initial visit from the princess the king and queen have agreed it is safer if you are assigned to the palace to teach the princess. They asked me to find their enemy and safeguard their children. You will not be the only little spider in the palace, but you will have the most freedom. Keep a sharp eye out, love.” Mistress Jael bent down and brushed her lips against Nadyah’s and the young courtesan felt the spark between them.

  Mistress Jael had spent the last ten cycles as head of the House and rarely took a client. Still, she had not lost her skill. Nadyah knew these touches were platonic and all part of their life as courtesans; born and bred to be sexual. It was difficult to forget Jael’s touch when she had been the one to help train Nadyah since the day she was brought to the House of Kismet after her Academy training. The two of them had been close for a long time and then things had changed when she became Mistress. The distance only grew when Jael became the Spider, but Nadyah was proud of her and perhaps still a little bit in love with her.

  Nadyah looked down at her hands as Mistress Jael turned back to her desk and rang a bell. Within seconds a servant arrived and placed a breakfast order for the two of them. The Spider made as much noise as her namesake. Jael glided to the chair next to Nadyah, graceful and quiet as the dead. Sitting next to her rather than behind her desk meant the formal giving of orders was over.

  Curious about what Mistress Jael could possibly want to talk about she waited silently for her to broach the topic. Nadyah was the subordinate and always the submissive one in Jael’s presence despite both their ability to adjust when needed. Jael remained silent and looked out the massive windows behind her desk overlooking the ocean. The morning sun was weak and more yellow than its usual orange.

  Rich coffee filled the room with its wondrous smell and the servant poured them both cups before placing the pot on the small table between them. Jael picked up the delicate china cup and saucer and sipped the steaming liquid carefully, choosing to drink it black. Nadyah added some sweetener and a dash of milk before drinking her own. It gave her energy after a night with such little sleep.

  “When will I begin the youngest princess’s training?” Nadyah asked, lowering the cup and saucer to her lap.

  Her Mistress gave her a wicked smile. “She will arrive after the midday hour tomorrow.”

  Nadyah smiled and took another sip of her coffee. It was short notice but she looked forward to the assignment. The Princess Adelina was a delicate little thing. She was so sweet, so demure, and loved by the people. Her black hair and lovely amethyst eyes made her more pretty than beautiful. With the right guidance she could be gorgeous. Nadyah had seen her a few times in her life, but never up close. The pics and vids hardly did her justice per the citizens of Draga. Not much was known about this princess except she liked to read. Entire days were spent in the library or the royal study per the Spider’s intel. Nadyah would have to learn more about the princess to properly do both of her jobs.

  The servant returned with a small spread of fruit and nutbread. Following protocol Nadyah waited until Jael selected her food first. Her Mistress then set her coffee on the table and pulled a heavy linen card out of her dress pocket. She handed it to Nadyah before selecting a small plate of fruit.

  “We have received the invitation to the royal ball. I sent you a cast with my list of approved courtesans. Any not listed may only attend as guests of nobles. I will update you on any contracts that are made. The amount of nobles who have already cast their attendance is astonishing. They are coming from all over the galaxy for this.” Mistress Jael tapped her long fingernails on the wood arm of the chair. The clicking noise seemed loud in the quiet office. “It was expected of course with all six royal children currently unwed. The most obvious choice is currently Princess Raena with her upcoming coronation. Ah the prospects of being king…” she trailed off.

  “Will the man who marries Princess Raena be King, or Prince Consort?” Nadyah inquired. It was an important distinction.

  “He will be called King Consort,” Jael confirmed. “Although from what I’ve seen of the contract his power will be very limited.”

  Nadyah gathered a few pieces of fruit and a small piece of nutbread. “Has the royal family mentioned who they’re considering?” She took a small bite of the warm bread and tried to keep the look of bliss off her face. The House cooks rivaled those at the palace.

  Suddenly Nadyah was aware of the intense sexuality the Spider exuded as she leaned back in her chair. She kept it contained mostly, but when she relaxed she became exactly what she was. Nadyah felt a flare in her belly and swallowed hard. “So far Lord Hayden is favored to keep the peace between the families, but you know as well as I that it can be any of the nobles. The crown princess will be the one who has the last say though. Personally I favor Ajax, but if Raena wanted him she would have proposed already. He’s already lived at court for a few cycles now.”

  Nadyah agreed. Ajax was a fantastic warrior and extremely handsome from a reputable noble family. He frequented the House enough they all knew of him, but he was also a cousin. It wasn’t outlawed, but there were so many other options. “Please Mistress, will you send me a list of the nobles traveling for the ball?”

  “It has already been done.” The Spider set her food down and stretched luxuriously; a smile on her face as though she had caught a particularly tasty fly. “Enjoy the palace dear one, and please say hello to Elara for me. She’s done well as the official king’s mistress, but I still miss having her at the House.” Jael slowly stood and her spidersilk dress became nearly see-through in the sun’s light. Her fingertips brushed Nadyah’s shoulders as she sashayed towards her desk.

  “I will, Mistress.”

  Nadyah made sure there were no crumbs on her lap before she stood and curtseyed. Jael was already busy looking through her correspondence. When the Spider gave her a nod she left the office as silently as she could. The time at the palace would be a good distraction for her. It would be a breath of fresh air and allow her the rare opportunity to gain some distance from this life—and Varan.

  Chapter Two


  House of Kismet

  Planet Draga

  The hov-carriage pulled up to the House of Kismet and Princess Adelina looked through the clear plas-glass at the House that rivaled the palace in size and opulence. Both structures held centuries of history and resided on the shores of their shining ocean, but the House seemed darker, mysterious, and welcoming in a contradiction to the

  Adelina had managed to cajole her father into agreeing to one visit to the House before her courtesan would move to the palace and finish her training in the bedroom arts, the camerraleto. Traditionally a royal was taught in the House, but after the bombing six months ago the king had restricted all of his children to the palace unless absolutely necessary. At first it had frustrated Adelina as the command went against tradition, but one visit was better than none. Each royal commenced their training when they came of age to increase their value, whether it was in service to the crown, or to their would-be spouse. The training did not come cheap and few could afford the time and coin to obtain it.

  Alpha appeared before the hov-carriage door and opened it for her. “Princess,” her royal guard and best friend said quietly. His arm rose to escort her down the steps of the elegant hov-carriage. She placed her hand over his fist and stepped down. Alpha stayed slightly behind and on her left, deferring to her higher rank despite his more dominant genetic makeup.

  Gathering her spidersilk gown, she gracefully made her way through the courtyard to the massive, gold-lattice doors. Adelina stepped up the sweeping stairs before the great House. The afternoon sun shone warmly on her skin, the ocean breeze keeping it from being oppressive. The exquisite architecture seemed to loom over her now that she finally stood in front of it. The moment overwhelmed her. Adelina felt as though she’d been waiting most of her life for this. Despite the nights spent wondering and waiting for her camerraleto, she hesitated and one fist clutched the thin fabric of her gown tight enough to wrinkle.

  Alpha gave her a side-long glance. He knew her better than most except perhaps her sister Giselle. He should, considering they grew up in the palace together and she’d gifted him her virginity only six months before. They were strong companions even if they were no longer lovers. “Are you nervous?” He whispered in case of listening ears. And there always were.

  She nodded so slightly no one would see it unless they stared right at her. “I’m terrified,” she murmured. “What if I disappoint the courtesan assigned to me? What if whoever Mistress Jael assigned isn’t compatible?” What if I can’t do this? Adelina kept the last concern to herself. She may have forgiven Alpha for putting their difference in rank between them, but it had not been an easy road. Now he stood here with her, knowing what was about to happen.

  There was no one more supportive despite the strain this training put on their friendship.

  “You have nothing to worry about, Princess,” he reassured. Alpha’s voice was firm and sure, speaking from experience it seemed.

  She gave him a sly look. “Have you visited the House of Kismet as a patron?” she asked.

  His tiny reaction was enough. She smiled but there was a pang of sadness that they couldn’t have made things work between them. It was mixed with the happiness that they were able to remain friends despite everything. Adelina pushed thoughts of the past aside and focused on what was before her. Her coming-of-age party was less than two weeks away and she couldn’t be more excited. Between that and her camerraleto there was much to look forward to.

  The House perched on a cliff above the ocean with spires and towers rising high above the city. As Adelina stared at the structure, the huge double doors opened and a gorgeous, exotic woman came out with arms wide in greeting. Mistress Jael herself had come to greet her. The last time Adelina had seen the woman, it had been right after the bombings six months before and Jael looked no different than she had on that sad day. She was utterly radiant and captivating.

  Gathering her courage Adelina stepped forward and Alpha followed as her escort. She dropped his hand when she stood only a small margin from the woman. Adelina respectfully placed her hands delicately on Mistress Jael’s arms and leaned forward, brushing her lips across the Mistress’s in the traditional kiss of greeting. She clasped her hands in front of her out of habit and looked down at a spot on the woman’s chest rather than meet her dominant gaze.

  Mistress Jael was born a courtesan. Her genetic makeup fluid in ways the rest of the races of humanity were not. She could become submissive or dominant depending on what a client might need from her, or what society needed her to be to balance out a crowd, or even a small group of people.

  This fluidity didn’t matter when it came to Adelina. The scent of cactus blossom grew stronger as the Mistress smiled. Adelina had been born a true submissive. There wasn’t a Draga who’d been born as submissive for as far back as the records went – back to the time of the ancient humans. Before scientists had made genetic alterations to the human genes for survival there had been no such thing as dominance and submission in the same way she knew it to be. Adelina couldn’t imagine not knowing her place in society, or where she stood with those around her.

  How one was born was reflected in their personal and natural scent. It broadcasted their abilities to everyone around them and created a safe environment where those who were dominant protected those who served. She always knew who to defer to and how to act thanks to protocol. As a born royal she should have been more dominant. The royal genes were programed centuries before to always remain the most dominant to protect their people though the level and intensity of the dominance varied.

  Never before had a Draga royal smelled of night-blooming jasmine – the sweetest scent of them all.

  “Your guard may find refreshments in the carriage house with the servants.” Mistress Jael indicated exactly where with a graceful flourish of her hand. “Princess, please follow me.” Without waiting to see if Adelina would obey she turned and disappeared back into the dark and mysterious House. If they weren’t on House property the break in protocol would have earned the Mistress a tongue lashing from the queen. Adelina outranked her despite their difference in dominance. The House erased all rules of rank and it was a place where gold and courtesans ruled.

  Glancing over her shoulder she gave Alpha one last look. His smile was a bit strained but he shooed her after the Mistress with good humor.

  Adelina stepped up and into the cool hall. Mistress Jael sashayed in front of her and the dark spidersilk folds glittered in the candlelight. She was shocked at such a crude form of light when sol-power was free and plentiful. As the flame danced and waved it cast shadows on the wall and the paintings seemed to come alive in the flickers, tricking the mind into believing. She had to admit the overall effect was rather romantic and oddly soothing.

  As they walked through the opulent House, Adelina took everything in with an eager eye. The carpets were plush and an indulgent blood-red to ignite the passions. The walls were covered in black velvet scrollwork when they weren’t painted with erotic scenes that made Adelina’s skin tingle with the ideas suggested by the artist.

  Candlelight caught the gold in Jael’s gown, refocusing her attention. Everything about the woman screamed sex and her mere presence put flutters in Adelina’s belly. She tried not to stare at the tantalizing curves perfectly accented by a gown tailored to the Mistress’s form. They went through a large receiving room and continued through a spacious public hall towards a blinding wall of light. Adelina loved the silk curtains pulled aside, framing the view of the ocean. Jael opened the terrace door for her and smiled as the princess passed.

  Adelina couldn’t help the blush on her face.

  “You will love the courtesan I have chosen for you, Princess,” Jael said from behind her. There was a hint of laughter in her voice as she followed the princess onto the expansive stone courtyard.

  The warm Kala sun shone down brightly. Adelina paused and closed her eyes. She tilted her head back and enjoyed how the sun made her skin feel. The salty tang of the ocean reached her nose and cleared the heady scent of cactus blossoms. Adelina breathed deeply and then opened her eyes, ready for the ceremony.

  The terrace was on the very edge of the property and a marble courtyard reached all the way to the edge of the cliff hanging over the ocean far below them and then out over nothing but air. Water went on endlessly to the east
until it disappeared in the horizon. Adelina glanced north and the spires of the palace jutted into the sky, surrounded by the capitol. The massive obsidian mountains behind the palace were a stark contrast. Bright green shone on the peaks after the rain the night before.

  Taking in everything around her she stepped forward slowly. Columns and stacked stones created a type of open window before her that allowed one to see the glistening water beyond the statues of the gods and goddesses. Trees and plants grew everywhere. Adelina could see a pathway to her left leading to the gardens and then another garden with different greenery to her right. The paths most likely led to private alcoves. Adelina blushed again as she thought of what they could be used for.

  Marble pillars edged the cliff and there was a small roof over the statues of the gods and goddesses. An outside temple she realized. Amora, the goddess of love and wisdom, was in the center where the three-faced goddess would normally be. Adelina wasn’t surprised considering the courtesans’ profession. She thought it was the most beautiful temple she had ever laid eyes on. It was simple yet exquisite. The goddess faced inward with her back to the sea, but the spaces between each column created windows to the never-ending water. The bright sunlight glinted off the threads of gold in the marble and it sparkled.

  Adelina looked to Jael who nodded. She took another step forward and dropped to her knees before the three-faced goddess first. She bowed low until her forehead touched the cold marble; the sun had yet to warm the statues in the temple. “Mia vitae se tya,” she whispered. She added a small plea. “Please give me the strength to find my path and help me through this new experience. I do not want to disappoint my courtesan.”

  Slowly she rose to her feet and turned to Amora. She knelt in front of her and bowed low, but the love goddess had a lower rank than the Mother goddess. The folds of her spidersilk gown against the marble did nothing for her aching knees. Adelina rose and sat back on her heels. Her fingers touched her heart for love and then her forehead for wisdom and finally her lips. “Grant me wisdom; to know my heart; to help me speak the truth,” Adelina whispered.


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