Finding Mr. Wrong

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Finding Mr. Wrong Page 20

by A. m Madden

  A warm breeze picked up the ends of her hair, forcing the scent of apple to waft past me. She was absolutely gorgeous. I’d been with and seen many beautiful women in my day, but Sparky was in a league all by herself.

  “I loved my sales job. It was something I was good at, which had nothing to do with my upbringing. I grew up in upstate New York. As I told you, my parents have a farm. It’s a dairy farm. So, my mornings started very early with tending to our chickens and cattle. It’s a lovely piece of land. They own fifteen acres.” She lowered her head and closed her eyes. “They can’t lose it.”

  Oh, how I wanted to pull out my checkbook and pay off the debt just so Brae could breathe a bit easier, but I knew she wouldn’t want me to do that. What blew me away was the donation she had made to the orphanage.

  This conversation was getting her down, so I changed my direction of questioning, knowing she needed it. “Where do you want to live when we leave here for the year we’re together?”

  Her shoulders slumped a bit before she shrugged them. “I have a one-bedroom in SoHo I love. It’s rent controlled, so I can afford it. We could live there. I’m not prepared to give up my home.”

  “My place is a two-bedroom on the upper east side. You’d love it. It has a gourmet kitchen and everything you’d need to make your man dinner.” We both laughed at that comment, knowing the only thing she’d be using in that kitchen was the microwave—and even that was a stretch.

  We both fell silent, lost in thought. After a few long minutes, she asked, “What do you think the next card will say?” That’s when we both remembered Toby, the pick-up artist, brought us one we had yet to read.

  After a few more minutes, we went inside and found it under the table.

  Jude and Brae,

  Congratulations on passing yet another test. For your reward, we are allowing you one phone call to a person of your choosing. Two phones will be delivered to you within the next few days. Each will have a total of ten minutes of cellular time.

  Choose wisely. This will be the only call you will be able to make.

  Love and Sparks,

  Chip & Barbi

  I let out a loud breath. “Well, that’s a great reward.”

  “It’s going to be nice to talk to a friend. Do you know who you’ll call?” Part of me wanted to tell her I was a friend, but I understood what she meant.

  “I’ll probably call Luca. Kyle will waste the ten minutes talking about the last chick he laid. What about you? Will you call your parents?”

  Brae’s body tensed. “No, I’ll most likely call Desiree.”

  “Do your parents know you lost your job or that you’re away?”

  She shook her head. “Not exactly. They know I’m away on business. Desiree is covering for me. If they knew what I was doing, they’d sell the farm to help me out. It’s bad enough they don’t know I’ve been helping them.”

  This woman amazed me. Not only did she give the orphanage all her spending money, it appeared she sacrificed for everyone.

  “You’re a good woman, Sparky.”

  “I know, and don’t you forget it.” Her smile was as bright as the sun we watched set.


  Chapter 23


  Since learning we would be allowed to make one phone call in a few days, the unknown weighed heavily on my mind. We’ve been comfortable—oblivious in our own little bubble. Fear rushed in and I was scared something from the outside would pop it.

  It didn’t help my situation when my time of the month arrived just as these insecurities did. The early morning sun shimmered on the ocean, almost blindingly, yet still mesmerizing. It was times like then when I could just stare into space and think. Without him close to distract me, it was easier to remember the purpose of this madness.

  I came in not wanting any chance of a relationship, yet here I was in one and enjoying every minute of it. Most of the time Jude made me feel like I was the only woman on earth for him. Of course, being stuck here with me had a lot to do with it. But if he could change so much in just a few weeks, what would happen after a year? And more importantly, what would I want to happen after a year? What would he want?

  I honestly couldn’t answer those questions, and that terrified me.

  After lying awake most of the night, plagued by thoughts, I slipped out of our warm bed and went to my happy place in an attempt to channel my goals and refocus. Once I was settled on my chaise, it did little good. All I’d been thinking about while sitting out on the beach was Jude.

  His smile that could change my mood in an instant. Every touch affected me. A few weeks ago, I was able to come out to the beach and contemplate my situation. Now, it didn’t matter whether I was lying next to his naked body or sitting out on the beach alone, I still felt his presence and could no longer think clearly.

  Funny, when I started this whole thing, my mantra to keep my eye on the prize often got me through, especially when he was being his charming prick self. Somewhere along the line, I subconsciously bulked him in as part of the prize.

  I was screwed.

  Taking a sip of my now lukewarm coffee, I sighed and tightened the towel I carried out as a blanket around me. The morning chill felt much cooler than it actually was. Just as I closed my eyes on another sigh, a pair of warm lips on my ear said, “Want to have sex on the beach?”

  Jumping and spilling coffee on my legs caused him to chuckle at my startled response. “Oh my God! You scared me.” I used the towel to wipe up the droplets that sloshed over the side of my cup.

  “Sorry, Sparky. Didn’t mean to scare you, but who else would be whispering about wanting sex in your ear?”

  “I was just lost in thought.”

  “Why are you out here so early?” He reclined on his chaise facing me. Once again, he was practically naked in his tight boxer briefs, displaying every ridiculous bump and dip of his abs. “How long have you been out here?”

  “A while. I couldn’t sleep.”

  A sly grin spread over his face. “Next time, wake me up.” He waggled his eyebrows, then frowned. “You didn’t answer my question. Sex on the beach?”

  “No.” I dismissed him with a wave of my hand.

  “Ouch. Have your period? For the record, we could do other things.” My open-mouthed gape caused another chuckle. “Ah, you do. I knew it had to be coming. You’ve been quiet, and last night you were very weepy and restless.”

  “I was?” I was a bit taken aback that he noticed. I had been lost in thought the past few days, but tried very hard to camouflage my mood. We fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, only for me to toss and turn the rest of the night.

  “Yes. You mumbled a lot. Cried even, and I knew something was wrong when you didn’t snore.”

  “Shut it, I don’t snore.”

  “Okay, Sparky. I have to provide my evidence soon.” He skimmed his hand over one bare leg, eliciting goosebumps. “Is this from my presence, or are you cold?”

  I shook my head, frustrated at his ability to flip back and forth between the caring, sweet Jude and the sexual, arrogant Jude who never failed to rile me up—and even more frustrated at my inability to hide how much he did. “I’m cold.”

  “Liar.” When he turned around and pulled me into his warm body, that move almost caused tears to well. “Talk to me, Sparky.”

  I looked away, trying to hide my emotions, but I couldn’t hide them for long. Everything I did, every way I acted, was on display for this man to see. Rather than making excuses for what had me so somber, I played on the one thing he picked up on. “It’s just how I get every month. No worries, woman problems.”

  “How can I improve your mood?” He nuzzled my neck and skimmed his lips across my skin up to my ear. The lower half of my body immediately sparked to life from his touch. Trying to push my gloom aside, I turned my head and captured his lips with mine. His low moan single-handedly erased my doubts, and with each kiss after that, he managed to distract my thoughts.

  Uncharacteristically, he was the first to break away. “Let’s get inside and have breakfast. Are you okay now?”

  “I’m fine. Don’t mind me.” A genuine smile spread over his perfect face. He stood and held a hand out for me, which I immediately took. Together, we walked back to the cottage and he amused me through my sand removal routine.

  Once inside, Jude went into the kitchen to whip up something to eat. He no longer even asked for my opinion, and just took it upon himself to make whatever he was in the mood for. Most of the time, I was absolutely fine with his decision.

  Just as I began to set the table, a knock sounded on the door. “It’s so freakin’ early. How do they even know we’re up?” he grumbled while I heard the first piece of bacon pop and sizzle from the pan. Him and his bacon.

  “I’ll get it,” I said, walking toward the door. “I wouldn’t want you punching someone this early in the morning. It’ll delay my breakfast.” I threw him a devilish grin and he reciprocated with his own.

  “I love how the smell of bacon now turns you on. I can see it written all over your face.”

  “I’m just hungry.” I opened the door to a small box sitting on the ground and looked around, but no one was in sight. Lifting it, I pulled the card off the top, and read, “Jude and Brae.”

  What is it?” he asked as he flipped another piece of bacon. At my short pause, he looked over, catching me ogling his work-of-art body. The combination was hot as hell. What was it about a practically naked sexy man cooking that caused my crotch to clench in an instant? Damn it, I couldn’t take him right there on the floor with the bacon popping above us on the stove.

  “Would you rather I take my shorts off, Sparky? You’ll get eyestrain.”

  “Shut up.” No longer phased by his conceit, I resumed the simple task of walking back to the table and ripped open the package. I read the note out loud.

  Jude and Brae,

  Your phones are included in this package. You can make your ten-minute phone calls at any time during the day. Use your minutes wisely.

  Love and Sparks,

  Chip & Barbi

  Lying at the bottom of the box beneath two very outdated flip phones, was another note I, again, read out loud.

  Jude and Brae,

  We will begin preparations for your matrimonial ceremony taking place two weeks from today.

  Our eyes instantly met across the room. “What else does it say?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

  I looked down and continued.

  Arrangements have been made. One week from today, Brae will be picked up for her bridal gown fitting at one p.m., and Jude will be fitted at the cottage by our tailor for his tux. During the next week, please use the stationary included to compile your guest list for the ceremony. In total, you are allowed ten guests. You’ll have to work together to decide who they will be. Other details of your wedding day will arrive over the next two weeks.

  Love and Sparks,

  Chip & Barbi

  With his back to me, I saw him grip the counter top on each side of the stove, his head bowed in thought. This was getting very real, very fast, and with that one little note, the fairy tale we’d been living these past few weeks became a scary reality.


  Our breakfast was silent while we ate, each of us lost in thought. She pushed away from the table, and said, “I’ll be back,” before walking into the bathroom without another word.

  Chalking her mood up to her hormones, I cleared the table, impatiently tossed all the dishes into the sink, grabbed one of the phones, and walked out onto the deck.

  Maybe that notecard freaked Brae out as much as it did me. Shit, how did the one part that made this all too real sneak up on us so fast?

  I stared down at the phone for a few long minutes before flipping it open and dialing his cell number. On the second ring, he answered, “Luca Benedetto.”


  “Well, if it isn’t Mr. Spark!” In his deep Italian baritone voice, he added, “Didn’t expect to hear from you. How’s it going in paradise?”

  “It’s fine. I only have ten minutes. How’s my company doing?”

  “Um . . . okay?”

  My hackles rose at his nonchalant answer. “What do you mean, um . . . okay?”

  Luca cleared his throat. “We have a situation with Waldon Industries. He’s been giving us a hard time over your absence.”

  “How hard of a—”

  Luca went on to speak over me. “I personally didn’t think you’d last this long, but things must be going well with that hot piece of ass you’re stuck with. Did you do her yet?”

  “Shut the fuck up, Luca.”

  “Wow. What the hell is going on over there? Did you fall for this chick?”

  “No.” The more I waited to explain things, the worst it would be for me. “I care about her is all. Just focus, please. They only gave us ten minutes of cell time. I have more important things to worry about. How hard of a time is he giving us? I need you to tell me what Waldon said.”

  “There was a tiny dip in his stock last week and he’s claiming it’s because no one was watching his portfolio . . . which is a fucking lie.” The ten silent seconds that stretched between us were ten wasted seconds.

  “Luca, spill it.”

  “He’s threatening to walk. We’ve been able to stall up until now, but our tactics are no longer working. We’re meeting with him tomorrow.”

  Fuck. Howard Waldon was my biggest client, and my biggest pain in the ass. Since his portfolio was thriving, I had hoped he’d be content while I was gone.

  “I planned to hear him out, and if he was serious, I was going to call to say your aunt died. Anyway, during my call with him this morning, he said he wants to speak to you directly. He’s not buying the fact that you can’t be reached.”

  Shit. Shit. I needed to think. I glanced at the phone and watched the time tick ominously. “Okay, listen carefully. One week from today, we have our fittings for the wedding.”

  “Wedding! Shit, Kyle just won back his hundred bucks.”

  “Luca, focus,” I said through gritted teeth. “Get online, quick. Look for flights arriving that afternoon.”

  “Okay.” I heard Luca’s fingers flying over the keyboard. “There’s a flight arriving on St. John at twelve forty-five.”

  “Perfect. Fly here with those contracts. Before you take off, arrange a taxi to pick me up at twenty-two Beach Haven Way at one-thirty. I should be there by the time you disembark. I’ll meet you at baggage claim and we will call Waldon and assure him I support what you guys have suggested. Make sure you schedule that call with him at two p.m. sharp for no more than thirty minutes.”

  “Got it.”

  “My time is up. If anything goes wrong from now ’til next week, call via the emergency ruse that my aunt died.”

  Just as Luca was saying, “Is there anything you need me to bring . . .” the call went dead.

  My head pounded with an oncoming headache that had all to do with the helplessness I felt regarding my pride and joy. I knew going in this could happen, but denial and being swept up in this fantasy with Brae had dulled my logic. Lesson learned: lust always trumps logic.

  I walked my aggravated ass back into the cottage, sandy feet and all. She’d just have to deal with it. I found her at the sink cleaning the dirty dishes I dumped before calling Luca. At my entrance, she turned her head and frowned.

  “You made your call already?” she asked, shutting the water off and wiping her hands on a dishtowel.

  “Yeah. I called Luca.”

  Gauging my expression, she asked, “Is everything okay?” Her eyes widened a bit with concern.

  “Yep.” My clipped response caused a frown to pucker her forehead.

  In the way she stood staring at me expectantly for a few seconds, it was obvious she wanted a better explanation. When it was clear I wasn’t offering one, she asked, “You look upset. Are you sure you’re okay?”

’m fine. Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t concern you.”

  She nodded with a tight smile before snatching her phone off the counter. “I might as well make my call now.” Without a backward glance, she walked out the door, slamming it shut behind her.

  Why was it her ten minutes went by a lot slower than mine did? When she walked back into the house and avoided eye contact with me, I wondered if she received bad news as well.

  “Who did you call?”

  “Desiree.” Without looking my way, she busied herself by making the bed.

  “Everything okay at home?”

  My question caused her to twist her head in my direction while sporting a scowl. “No. But I have nothing to hide, so I’ll tell you. I need to sign something from the bank. Des is having it faxed over tomorrow. If you see it before I do, I’d appreciate it if you could be sure to find me asap.”

  “That shouldn’t be hard. You’ll probably be in the bathroom,” I quipped.

  Her livid expression cut me to the quick. “Screw you. I meant if I was on the beach.”

  Leaving the bed half made, she walked past me toward the door, stopped abruptly, and looked down. “Can you please clean up the sand you tracked in?”

  “Yes, dear.” With a disgusted shake of her head, she opened the door and walked onto the deck. The echo of the door being slammed yet again shook the glass cabinet fronts.

  “What the fuck did I do now?” I grunted out loud to myself, and walked outside to find her staring at the ocean. Her arms were folded tightly across her chest. “Did I do something to piss you off, Sparky?”

  Without turning her head, she said, “Nope. Nothing at all.”

  “No? So, this little hissy fit you’re throwing just has to do with your period?” Her lip curled up in a snarl before I dragged my leg behind me as I hit the shallow the water.

  She crossed her arms and snapped, “What are you doing?”

  “Just trying to get used to the ball and chain clamped around my ankle,” I called out with a smirk. “I get it, you’re stressed out. Well, so am I. Too bad I can’t take off to a bar and drink with my buddies to release my own stress. Instead, I’m stuck here like a fucking prisoner.”


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