Finding Mr. Wrong

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Finding Mr. Wrong Page 30

by A. m Madden

  All the stress of wedding planning dissipated at seeing her pretty script on the notecard.


  How did I get so lucky to find my spark?

  Okay, stop rolling your eyes. I know we may have had a rough start, but I’d repeat every decision I made to get to this point. I love everything about you. I love every part of you. I’m so happy I picked you. I can’t wait to get the hell out of here and finally start our lives as . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wrong.



  P.S. The earrings are stunning, thank you. I’m saving your present for later tonight.

  Funny, I spent a small fortune on all the details my almost father-in-law was moaning about, yet now all I could do was stare at her. In hindsight, we could have been in the smelly barn with those damn animals stinking up the place and causing a racket—it wouldn’t matter. We could have been in Vegas with a bad Elvis impersonator crooning his way through our ceremony—it wouldn’t matter.

  All I saw was my gorgeous Sparky walking toward me, looking more beautiful than anything I’d ever seen in my entire life.

  The strapless lace dress she wore was perfection. It was the very same one she had picked out in St. John, the day my world fell apart. It was important for her to have that gown today, as she said it would be her one and only wedding dress. The way it skimmed over her perfect body in the sexiest of ways, with no visible lines, made me wonder what she had on under it.

  She left her hair long and loose, just how I liked it. Her smile was electric, and the current zipped through the air separating us before jolting my frantically beating heart. The closer she got, the more it pounded in my chest.

  I glanced at Kyle as he stood proudly beside me. He met my eye and winked. The bastard knew exactly what I was thinking. I owed a lot to that jackass. He knew it too, and I had no doubt he’d be sure to collect.

  Miraculously, her father was smiling through his tears. He hugged Brae tightly before lifting her hand to place in mine. “Take care of my baby girl, Jude.”

  “With everything I am, sir.” He clapped a firm hand on my shoulder and nodded. A genuine smile I had yet to see lit his face with joy. Remorse over calling him a few choice insults in Swedish washed over me.

  Once we were standing side by side before the minister, our eyes connected and the world around us halted.

  “Hi.” The sweet sound of her voice made me smile wider than I had been.

  “Hi, Sparky.” When I leaned closer and put my lips on her ear, she tilted her head into my touch. “You look fucking spectacular, but I can’t wait to rip that dress off and ravish you. Are you naked under there?”

  Brae’s eyes widened in shock before she curled her lips over her teeth. Kyle and Luca snickered, her friend Vanessa giggled, and the minister cleared his throat all at the same time. I guess I didn’t whisper that as softly as I had intended. All I could do when I looked at the man was shrug. “Sorry.”

  He didn’t look amused and raised a brow before asking, “Shall we begin?” We both nodded like scolded children while ignoring our obnoxious friends as they continued their immature heckling.

  The ceremony felt like it dragged on and on—maybe because the man read practically every scripture from his bible. By the time he instructed us to face each other and exchange vows, I was seconds away from barking, “Yeah, yeah, the lord loves us. Get on with it.”

  “Brae Elizabeth, you may recite your vows to Jude.”


  She glanced at the minister before pinning me with her stunning brown eyes.

  “Jude, I can’t believe we’re standing here.” She looked up at me, unshed tears filling her eyes. Taking my other hand in hers, she continued. “When we first met, never in my wildest imagination did I think we’d fall in love, but we did. I’ll never forget our first kiss. I know I haven’t told you this, but when you kissed me that first night on stage, my entire body came alive. You’re everything I never wanted.” I cocked a brow at her. “You know what I mean.” She giggled, and I smirked at her. “I promise with all I am to love you for the rest our lives. Thank you for not wanting to be Mr. Right, or we might not be standing here.”

  Kyle cleared his throat and she glanced at him. I leaned down, and whispered, “Don’t look at him. He’s going to want our first born named Kyle.”

  Brae giggled, sniffed, and a few tears fell. “I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone. Thank you for putting up with my little quirks. Thank you for ignoring my OCD, thank you for asking me to marry you, and thank you for loving me.” Her breath hitched, and I felt it in my chest. “For the rest of my life, I choose you.”

  I picked up her hands in mine and placed a soft kiss on them. Our eyes locked, and for a moment, I was lost in them.

  The minister broke the silence. “Jude, you may now say your vows to Brae.”

  “Sparky, when we first met, I thought you were the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen. Then, when I got to know you, I thought you were a crazy pain in the ass.” She opened her mouth to say something, but I didn’t let her get that far. “Let me finish.” I winked, and she relaxed. “I’ve never met someone who took so much time to get ready for bed, who carried a bag of minor necessities with her at all times, whose idea of security was a steak knife under the mattress, who didn’t care for maid service and was incapable of making toast.” Brae rolled her lips between her teeth to stifle a laugh.

  “I can’t wait to spend every day of the rest of my life with you. Just knowing you’ll be in my arms when I fall asleep and still in them when I wake up to your snoring makes me the happiest man alive.” A few people started laughing, but Brae’s cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink as she shook her head. “I can’t wait to get started on having our six kids.”

  “Six?” Her eyes widened in shock.

  “Six,” I confirmed with a solid nod. “I never thought I’d want to share my life with someone, but my life is better with you in it.” Brae’s face blurred behind my tears. When she let a few of her own escape and roll down her cheeks, I did the same. “I promise to never make you feel unloved or unwanted. There will never be a day when I don’t love you. When you’re sad, I’ll make you happy.” Bringing my lips to her ears, I whispered, “I’m going to make you so happy when we leave here.” She gasped and let out a small laugh. I cupped her face with the palms of my hands and wiped away her tears with my thumbs. “Brae, thank you for picking me, thank you for forgiving me, and most of all, thank you for sharing your heart. I promise never to break it. For the rest of my life, I choose you.”

  We exchanged rings, listened to yet another blessing, and waited for the minister to finally exclaim, “I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Soren.”

  While applause and cheers erupted from our guests, I tilted her head and kissed her long and hard. Our lips sealed a union we had already adopted months ago. Despite all the kinks in the road that got us there, none of it mattered. In the long run, she found me, her Mr. Wrong turned Mr. Right . . . and I found the love of my life.

  Thank you for reading our story.

  Here’s a tip: love trumps lust and logic.

  Remember, something wonderful might just be waiting for you on the other side of that divider. You’ll never know until you look.

  Love and Sparks,

  Jude & Brae

  P.S. Stay tuned for Kyle’s and Luca’s tales in upcoming books.

  The End


  Finding Mr. Wrong is the first book we collaborated on and we had an absolute blast writing it. We laughed, cried, and swooned . . . and we can’t wait to do it again.

  We hope we don’t forget anyone, and if we do, please know it wasn’t intentional.

  First, we’d like to thank the readers. We all love to read and talk about the books and characters we love, and we’re so thankful for all of you.

  To Jude Soren’s Ladies, your enthusiasm and love for Finding Mr. Wrong thrilled us. We can’t thank you enough for
your support and being with us from the beginning. You truly are a wonderful group of women, and we are so thankful to know you.

  To our beta readers, your feedback, comments, suggestions, and more importantly, your honesty, were incredibly helpful. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

  Thank you to our very handsome cover model Kevin Luetolf, who captured our Jude so perfectly. To Nadia Von Scotti for providing that amazing shot we used for our cover, as well as the stunning photo that became a teaser.

  Sommer Stein at Perfect Pear Creative Covers, your talents are unsurpassed. Thank you for creating the perfect cover for Finding Mr. Wrong.

  The Next Step PR. Thank you for your support and for helping us spread the word.

  To all the bloggers, thank you for all the time you spend supporting authors and reading our stories. You take time out of your personal lives, and we are very thankful.

  Monica Black of Word Nerd Editing, thank you for helping prepare our book for release.

  Virginia Tesi Carey, thank you for proofreading Finding Mr. Wrong. We appreciate you making the time for us. We love you!

  Tami at Integrity Formatting, you’re always a pleasure to work with. Thank you for making our words look pretty.

  To the team at EverAfter Romance, we are so happy to be part of the EverAfter family. Thank you for all of your support.

  To our families. Thank you for putting up with our long nights, take-out dinners and all the craziness that ensued while we wrote Finding Mr. Wrong. Without your love and support, we wouldn’t have been able to write about the sexiest fucking man on the planet.

  Last, but certainly not least, to our husbands—thank you for understanding that if we ever meet “Jude,” we will be using our hall pass and will most likely need bail money.

  About A.M. Madden & Joanne Schwehm

  A.M. Madden

  A.M. Madden is a USA Today bestselling author, as well as 2016 eLit Gold Medalist for Best Romance Ebook, and 2016 Ippy Award Silver Medalist for Best Romance Ebook.

  A.M. is a wife, a mother, an avid reader of romance novels, and now an author.

  “It’s all about the HEA.”

  A.M. Madden is the author of the popular Back-Up Series, as well as several other contemporary romances. She is also a published author with Loveswept/Random House.

  Her debut novel was Back-up, the first in The Back-Up Series. In Back-Up, A.M.’s main character Jack Lair caused readers to swoon. They call themselves #LairLovers, and have been faithful supporters to Jack, as well to the rest of his band, Devil’s Lair.

  A.M. truly believes that true love knows no bounds. In her books, she aspires to create fun, sexy, realistic romances that will stay with you after the last page has been turned. She strives to create characters that the reader can relate to and feel as if they know personally.

  A self-proclaimed hopeless romantic, she loves getting lost in a good book. She also uses every free moment of her time writing, while spending quality time with her three handsome men. A.M. is a Gemini and an Italian Jersey girl, but despite her Zodiac sign, nationality, or home state, she is very easy going. She loves the beach, loves to laugh, and loves the idea of love.

  A.M. Madden, Independent Romance Author.

  Sign up for A.M. Madden’s newsletter at to get up to date information on new releases, cover reveals, and exclusive excerpts.

  Copyright © A.M. Madden, Author, All rights reserved.

  Contact A.M.



  Twitter @ammadden1

  Instagram @ammadden1


  Email [email protected]

  A.M.’s Mad Reader Group

  Joanne Schwehm

  Joanne is a mother and wife and loves spending time with her family. She’s an avid sports watcher and enjoys the occasional round of golf.

  Joanne loves to write and read romance. She believes everyone should have romance in their lives and hopes her books bring joy and happiness to readers who enjoy modern day fairy tales and breathless moments.

  She is an independent romance author and has written several contemporary romance novels, including The Prescott Series, Ryker, A Heart’s Forgiveness, The Critic and The Chance series which she has recently sold the screenplay right to and will be adapted into a movie.

  Joanne looks forward to sharing more love stories in her future novels.

  Contact Joanne



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  A.M. Madden & Joanne Schwehm

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