Flying High

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by Liz Gavin

  Flying High

  Liz Gavin

  Flying High

  Copyright 2014 by Liz Gavin

  Published by Elessar Books

  All rights reserved, including the right to publish this book or portions thereof (except for reviews, news media reports, brief quotes with attribution, and purposes of promotion of this book or other novels by Liz Gavin) in any form whatsoever.

  This book is a work of fiction. All characters in this novel are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The material in this book is for mature audiences only because it contains graphic sexual content and is intended for those over the age of 18 only.

  All participants in sexual activities within this book are over the age of 18.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Flying High



  Sexy novels

  Luck of the Irish

  Upside Down


  Steamy short stories & Collections

  4 in 1 Bundle

  At the club

  Between the Ghost and the Dom

  Club Desire Collection

  Fallen Angel – Chapter 1

  Girls have fun

  Halloween at Club Desire

  Halloween Collection

  Halloween no Clube Desire (Portuguese Edition)

  Her favorite Ghost

  In the Lounge

  Maureen’s Tale (The Dark Side Series Book 1)

  Maureen’s Lesson (The Dark Side Series Book 2)

  Maureen’s Reward (The Dark Side Series Book 3)

  No Clube Desire (Portuguese Edition)


  Sem Força (Portuguese Edition)

  Take me to the Domme

  Too hot to handle

  Flying High


  They rested for a while on the bed but never stopped touching one another. David’s hand smoothed Kay’s hair while hers played with Greg’s nipples and Greg’s fingers traced the internal side of her soft thighs. She kissed David’s shoulder and teasingly bit it when Greg’s knee found its way between her legs and a pair of strong hands grabbed her hips. It was David rolling her on top of Greg so that he could explore her back and legs while Kay straddled his co-worker.

  She had always favored that position, so she leaned down and kissed him. Greg was such a good kisser she almost forgot about David as she concentrated on playing with the gorgeous pilot’s luscious lips, their tongues performing a primitive dance that set their bodies on fire.

  The flight attendant reminded Kay of his presence when his cool fingers and mouth started exploring her backside. David first planted a single kiss in the middle of her back. As one fingertip slowly traced a downward trajectory until it came to a stop at the top of her round bottom, his mouth followed that wicked path, scattering moist kisses on her smooth skin. She felt goose-bumps forming under David’s mouth and tongue and she gasped when his fingers found the two dimples on top of her derriere. He pressed the tip of his tongue down on them and she sighed inside Greg’s mouth as David played with her senses evoking her darkest desires and she realized where his mouth and fingers were heading. Kay was about to lose control when David sensed it and retreated his mouth from her leaving only a soft, wicked finger to linger there.

  “Have you ever done it this way, gorgeous? Has anyone pleasured you in here?”

  “No,” she struggled to answer.

  “I bet you’d like it, though.”

  She had never let a man do that because she was terrified of the pain but she secretly wanted to try it. Badly. Even more so as David’s hands cupped her soft cheeks and squeezed them together and placed a kiss on them as Greg grabbed her face in his hands and stared into her eyes.

  “Would you like that, beautiful? We can make it happen, the three of us.”

  “Kay, you’ve got to be kidding me! That long? I can’t believe it.”

  “Believe me, Syl. It’s true.”

  Sylvia’s silence didn’t make Kay feel any better. Her friend also didn’t look her in the eyes, which made her think Sylvia wouldn’t say another word about the delicate subject. She sighed in relief because she wanted to drop the subject of the conversation Sylvia had started.

  She soon realized how wrong she was, though. Once her best friend processed the shocking information, she didn’t leave Kay be, “We will change that. I’ll help you out, honey.”

  “Thanks, Syl. I appreciate your concern but there’s nothing you can do about it. In fact, I’m used to it. I don’t really care either way. Besides, today is the last day of your vacation. Tomorrow you’ll fly back home so drop it and let’s talk about more interesting things.”

  “How do you mean ‘you’re used to it’, Kay?”

  Ignoring her plea to change the subject, Sylvia went on as her voice went higher. Kay realized she had managed to shock her friend even more with that last revelation.

  “You shouldn’t settle! Damn it, you can’t give up on something as important as that!”

  Kay’s discomfort only grew in intensity as her friend tried to argue against her current situation. Nevertheless, she knew her friend meant well so she decided to use one last argument to make Sylvia see her reasons for having given up on any hope of developing some kind of love life, which really meant - the possibility of having sex any time soon.

  “It’s too much work, Syl. And, to be honest with you, I’m not so sure I like it that much, anyway.”

  Kay actually blushed at her friend’s shocked expression. The deep silence that followed didn’t help her feel more comfortable. She had made Sylvia speechless. Again. That was never a good sign.


  The older woman shook her head dismissing Kay’s argument. Stubbornness was one of Sylvia’s strongest characteristics.

  “No woman should give up on it. Ever. I mean, nobody should give up on sex,” she paused again. “Oh, I know! It’s been so long since you had it that you must have forgotten how good it was.”

  “Or it’s just that I’ve never had that much fun doing it to begin with.”

  Her bitter laughter didn’t sound right even to her own ears.

  “Kay, stop this nonsense! You’ve had a couple of bad experiences with men, I’ll give you that. But let me tell you something. Imagine you’ve been invited to this fancy dinner and when you got there you saw this beautiful table set with great-looking fruits and plates heaped up with mouth-watering food, right? You grabbed the nearest apple and as you sank your teeth into it you found out it wasn’t real. It was an apple made of wax. Would you give up on eating any other food after that? I don’t think so! You need to figure out the real food from the fake.”

  Kay laughed out loud at her friend’s colorful analogy. Another trademark.

  “I guess not,” she replied still shaking her head and trying to get rid of the banquet imagery.

  “Exactly. Why should you give up on men entirely after eating a couple of bad apples you picked at the orchard?”

  “You know the situations were a bit more serious than that, Syl. One was a control freak who thought I was his property. You know I don’t follow orders that easily.”

  Sylvia nodded and smiled at Kay’s understatement. Kay was totally incapable of submitting to anyone in any way.

  “The other one…” Kay’s voice broke off.

  “I know, I know. Forget the nut job, forget I said anything,” Sylvia interrupted Kay when she noticed her friend’s hesitation and the sad look on her face. “Still, you shouldn’t shut out men from your life all together,” and she decided to joke to lighten the mood. “Unles
s you’ve found out you’re a lesbian. Is that it? In that case, I can fix you up with my sister-in-law.”

  “Thanks, but no, thanks,” Kay exploded in a heartfelt laughter this time. It was impossible to stay sad for long around Sylvia. “I’m just being realistic here, sweetie. You’ve made a good point, though. I haven’t been very smart choosing men. Besides, I’m not getting any younger, you know,” she paused, expecting her friend to contradict her but when she didn’t say anything, Kay added. “It’s not like there’s a line of gorgeous men waiting at my front door to take me out, nowadays, is there?”

  “And whose fault is that, Miss Montanaro? When was the last time you let an interesting man get closer to you than an arm’s length?”

  She swallowed the instinctive, automatic reply that always popped up in her mind when someone asked Kay a similar question. Sylvia was an excellent psychologist who knew her too well to be fooled by that artificial answer.

  “I’ve just told you why but you didn’t believe me.”

  “I didn’t believe you because it’s unbelievable that an intelligent, interesting woman like you would go that long without getting laid. How can you stand it?”

  “I manage,” even though she was embarrassed to admit it to her friend, there was no point in hiding anything from Sylvia. She would only nag her until she told her the truth.

  Sylvia eyed Kay for a moment and shook her head again, smiling.

  “Vibrators will only do so much, you know. A woman needs more than that. You’ve got to get out more, meet new people, sweetie.”

  “It’s easy for you to say. You’re gorgeous and skinny. You could get any man you wanted if you weren’t married. Look at me!”

  “Gosh, you can be so dense sometimes! What does that have to do with anything? You’re a pretty woman. You just hide it very well most of the time.”

  She didn’t argue the point because Sylvia was right. Over the years, Kay had developed a systematic way of hiding herself in plain sight. She had put on weight years ago. Since then, she had used her overweight as an excuse to wear loose-fitting clothes. Her allergies served as a valid reason for wearing almost no make-up. The only exception being her trademark bright red lipstick, which she loved wearing. She also kept her long nails carefully manicured and almost always painted a bright red to match the lipstick. She felt comfortable not drawing much attention to herself. She avoided the heartache and the complications that relationships had caused her in the past.

  “Why bother otherwise, Syl? You know my track record. It’s better this way.”

  “No, honey, it’s safer this way. I know quite well why you do that. You’ve chosen to avoid men in general based on your past problems. That’s understandable. Avoiding men, though, means you don’t have fun. Ever! That’s not healthy in any way.”

  Another long silence fell between the two women. When it was clear Kay wouldn’t say anything else, Sylvia went on, “I guess I get what you’re doing here, Kay. You associate sex with feelings.”

  “Shouldn’t I?”

  “Well, not necessarily. I mean, you can have sex with a man you like but you’re not in love with, you know? In fact, you can have great sex with men you don’t even like that much.”

  After that disturbing, life-altering conversation with her best friend, Kay spent the next couple of months pondering those words and their meaning. She still wasn’t convinced one could have sex with a person they didn’t like. However, the rest of her friend’s arguments slowly sank in and she started to change her ways.

  Unfortunately, after Sylvia had gotten married three years before, she lived miles away and the two friends had to limit their contacts to phone conversations and online video chats. Nevertheless, Sylvia regularly nudged Kay with comments and suggestions that gradually helped the younger woman to break her behavior patterns and try new things. She bought new clothes, new shoes, and new lingerie. She had forgotten how much she had enjoyed wearing pantyhose in the past. Only now she preferred stockings and garters. Much sexier.

  Wearing sexy clothes makes a woman feel sexy. Sylvia knew that and Kay was learning it and enjoying it. Her co-workers had noticed the obvious change in her wardrobe, as well as the more subtle changes in her behavior. That week she had even done something, which would have been unconceivable for Kay before her conversation with Sylvia.

  At an informal after-work get-together, she had had a few drinks too many and ended up fooling around with a colleague. It wasn’t her best moment and she regretted it on the very next day. She hadn’t felt bad about kissing Sean Green - he was a pretty good kisser, not to mention his good looks. Besides, nothing much had happened, they hadn’t gone all the way. Still, she didn’t think hooking up with a guy from her office was the smartest move.

  A brief display of her past bad choices popped up in her mind, which she quickly dismissed. It was part of the changing process. Sylvia always said, Kay needed to move forward, but with ‘baby steps’. And ‘stepping back’ was supposed to be an acceptable part of that ‘moving forward’ process.

  She was a little concerned, though, that the young office assistant might have taken their indiscretion more seriously than she had meant it to be. She thought there had been a few changes in the way he addressed her on the days following the party but she couldn’t be sure about that. He wasn’t openly flirty or inappropriate yet she sensed something different in the way he looked at her and in the tone of voice he used to talk to her now. In a nutshell, Kay had no real evidence to sustain her suspicions so she dismissed them telling herself she was being paranoid about a non-existent office fling.

  She checked her reflection on her bedroom mirror one last time before she had to leave for the airport. Her grey pencil skirt showed off her round thighs while the loose-fit, flowery silk top disguised the extra pounds around her waist. She smiled when she caught a glimpse of her brand-new burgundy lacy bra through the low neckline of her blouse. It pushed her large breasts up, making her stomach look flatter and her body shapely. The discreet make-up she wore highlighted the red lipstick she favored and gave her a reassuring sense of power. Kay winked at herself, grabbed the suitcase handle and left the room dragging the luggage behind her.

  At the airport lounge, her phone rang softly inside her jacket pocket, the ringtone indicating she had received a new text. She ignored it, held the suitcase handle tighter, and walked faster towards the boarding gate. She couldn’t risk missing her flight. Her company’s annual sales conference was going to start in London on the following day. That was the last flight leaving Chicago and arriving in London with plenty of time for her to be at the event.

  That year had been a disaster for Kay’s career. Her sales had dropped drastically. The worst yearly performance she had had in ten years with the company, although that didn’t mean she was a bad sales rep. On the contrary, she still managed to stay among the top three sales representatives in the company’s ranking. However, that third position had smeared a spotless record – she had held the first place for six years in a row, and second place in the four years before those six. Until that year.

  She was furious with that third place in the ranking, which she considered a personal failure. After all, professional success had come at a very high cost. She hadn’t been able to keep a stable relationship since she had gotten that job. Granted, money was great, but her past bad experiences with men combined with her chaotic working schedule didn’t give her much of a chance on romance. Lately, with her trying to change her old habits and her new outlook on her love life, Kay had been yearning for a warm body in her bed during the cold winter nights that were to come soon.

  After showing her passport and boarding pass to the smiling British Airways flight attendant standing at the airplane door, Kay finally settled down on her first class seat. The flight would take eight long hours. She was going to need all the onboard entertainment features she could get to help her pass the time.

  However, she ignored the sophisticated console in front of he
r, got her phone out of her pocket to read the message she had received before boarding. It was probably from Sean Green wishing her a safe trip or reminding her of some last minute thing she would need to do before her presentation at the conference.

  As she unlocked the screen and read it, she felt a rush of adrenaline, her blood singing in her ears as it flowed downwards and concentrated in her lower body. Her innermost parts throbbed and ached at the same time. She knew she should be shocked and offended by the text message displayed on her cell phone screen. Instead, she asked herself how Sean got to have such a powerful effect over her body with a mere naughty text.

  Granted, his descriptions were rather graphic and his wording was downright erotic, but he seemed to have found the key to unlocking deep sensations in her eager, hungry body like no man had been able to do recently.

  Judging by his words, Kay had been right about Sean considering their hot drunk exchange as the first of many other encounters to come. She figured that, being the shy guy he was, he found it easier to send her an explicit text, describing in detail what he expected to do next time they went out, when he realized they wouldn’t meet again for at least two weeks due to the conference she was going to attend abroad.

  Her mouth went dry as she read the message again, so she ran her tongue over her lips to wet them. It didn’t help because her own blood seemed to boil inside her veins. Some of the things he described, Kay didn’t think were physically possible but they sounded definitely hot.

  Against her better judgment, her body reacted to the images Sean depicted so vividly and she felt uncomfortable. She needed to alleviate the pressure somehow. There wasn’t anybody on the seat next to hers and nobody would come because they were already airborne. She stole a glance around and, realizing she was practically alone in that part of the airplane, Kay pulled the seat down until it became a bed, turned her back to the corridor, stretching herself out under the soft blanket.

  Anyone passing by her seat would think she was taking a nap, which suited her fine because she didn’t want the crew, or any other passenger, snooping around as she rolled her skirt up and reached down to cup her own body. Her silk underwear was drenched. All because of Sean’s arousing message.


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