The Beast In Us (The Beast And Me Book 3)

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The Beast In Us (The Beast And Me Book 3) Page 15

by D. S. Wrights

  “This was never about breaking us free,” I stated.

  I knew it was true once I spoke the words and heard myself. “This wasn’t about redeeming yourself and don’t you dare continue lying to me, Valerie.” It was the first time in a long time that I hadn’t called her Val and that fact made her freeze and her heart jumped into a gallop. “You’ve sold yourself to another bidder,” I continued, pinning her down on the spot where she was standing with nothing more than my glare. “It’s not about healing them, or saving them, or giving me and Jay and my child a safe life, it’s about you and yourself alone.”

  “No, Meg, please, that’s not...” Val brought up her hands in defense, but I didn’t care, I didn’t care at all.

  I summoned the beast who was eager to jump into action. I could sense how my sight was changing and with it my eyes were turning into the green I loved when I saw it in Jay’s eyes. I could feel my body change, my muscles strengthen, my senses heighten. Strangely enough, it was the first time it really didn’t hurt.

  I stalked her, crowded her space and pinned her against the wall, suddenly being slightly taller than her.

  “You and I,” I heard myself talk with a strange animalistic voice. “We are not friends anymore.”


  I told Jay later that night about what I had learned from Valerie that day. That we would end up in the clutches of yet another organization. And that he had been right about her all along.

  I didn’t expect for this betrayal to hurt as much as it did, and I was so angry at myself for allowing her to blind me about her true nature. Then again, I was barely an adult and I never had true friends in the last years. I couldn’t really blame myself for wanting to trust people, to make friends, and for them to be worthy of my feelings towards them.

  But still, it was that day that forced Jay into the decision a week later. It was Val’s betrayal that changed events so drastically that I will never recover from it.

  Day 244 - continuation

  So, I stood there, pressed against the wall, White putting me there, grinding against my ass as if the motion alone would disintegrate the fabric that separated my skin from his. I needed him to say the words that would unlock the cages and even more, unlock his private files and with it, his entire work on the werewolf program.

  Jay and I had agreed that we would not allow anyone to get their hands on those files. Never again would humans be forced into becoming engineered were-beasts, but right now we needed Valerie Winters to believe us and Peter Severin to trust us. So, I was stuck until White had said all the words I needed to unlock the digital voice lock of his servers. But even worse, once we had unlocked those, I had to wait a considerable amount of time until we would unlock Nina’s cage and until we could transfer this order to the other cages.

  “Do you like to dance?” I managed to bring out, trying to sound desperate, which wasn’t really difficult to me. “Like... I don’t know... Foxtrot?”

  “Foxtrot.” White repeated incredulously.

  One down, seven to go. Now I really had to be careful because otherwise he would instantly realize what I was about to do. Maybe he already did.

  “I’m sorry, I just...” I cut myself off and pressed my hips against the wall to avoid further invasion of his pelvis, without brushing my butt against whatever his length was.

  Bile climbed up my throat and along with it what I had eaten for lunch, which wasn’t much, because I didn’t want to go into battle with a full tummy.

  I didn’t want to encourage him, so I did what I could to avoid contact, but I had to stop him from thinking with his brains, in order to fulfill my task.

  White’s right hand roamed down from my chest to my stomach, and I tensed despite my strongest effort not to. In a normal case I might have felt vulnerable with him having his hand there, but now I was three months pregnant. Apart from that, I was worried that he would notice the tiny bulge that was definitely not because I was growing fat. But his hand moved further and I allowed myself to let out a shallow breath.

  How would he notice? He had no children of his own and no tendency to be very attentive to such details. Still, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to allow him to touch my belly again.

  My slowly growing anger was choked by his hand pushing under the elastic band of my pants and panties. I couldn’t believe that he was really going there.

  I promised myself to rip out a big chunk of Valerie’s hair once she set foot in my sight again. I didn’t care that she managed to drug this creep, because I and my unborn child were in his clutches and I couldn’t rip him to shreds, because I needed him to still say nine of the ten code words that granted him total control over this facility.

  “I’ve got to say that ever since I saw this film Mr. and Mrs. Smith, that I always wanted to learn that dance,” I explained, trying to move my most sensitive parts out of his way, without touching his, which was impossible.

  “That wasn’t a foxtrot,” White explained patronizingly and I couldn’t believe that he had actually seen that film; Peter had been adamant about it. “That was a tango.”

  Two down, six to go.

  I did my best to suppress any reaction, but I knew he was expecting me to continue talking because thankfully his hand had stopped moving right on my pubic bone.

  “Oh, I feel so stupid right now,” I exclaimed and it wasn’t entirely a lie, because I felt dumb allowing him to molest me that way while Nina was watching, but there was no other way.

  There was no guarantee that he would willingly say the words I needed him to say and even if he did, he probably wouldn’t sound right with my claws cutting deep into his throat. I had to endure this. I had gone through worse, or at least that’s what I kept telling myself.

  Quickly, I turned around, hoping that White would back off and stay there. Of course I surprised him and he stepped back, but unfortunately he approached me again, so I brought my hands up.

  “I am so sorry if I insinuated anything more than my respect and admiration, Sir,” I said, which thankfully did sink in, or at least I believed so, because he frowned and blinked.

  Crap, was he realizing that he had been drugged?

  “Sir,” I tried to regain his full attention.

  How in hHell should I get the six remaining words from him, when he was that high? How could I keep his hands off me, without him figuring it all out? I had to find a way to delegate myself through this.

  So, I reached out to him, gently grabbing him by his arms, pretending to care that he was dizzy.

  “Sir, when did you eat today?” I fished, hoping that he would say one of the numbers I needed.

  “Eleven,” he continued blinking and his hands snaked to my hips.

  I cursed in my head and prayed that the drug Val had given him would wear off quickly.

  “Should I get something to eat for you?” I suggested, prying one of his hands off me and guided him to the exit door. “You could sit down in the antechamber, and I would get something for you.”

  Obviously the drug had now kicked in fully and I continued cursing. There wasn’t much else non-lethal I could do to Valerie for this, but I would sure as hell scare the crap out of her once we were gone.

  “You can’t,” he followed me wearily.

  “Why?” I asked although I already knew the answer.

  “There are two doors you can’t pass through with your access band,” White explained and I tried to let out a sigh as careful as possible.

  Three down, five to go.

  “Oh, maybe I should ask one of the uniforms then?” I asked and lifted my wristband to unlock the door.

  “Yes,” he agreed, and I gritted my teeth, he hadn’t repeated it, maybe because he was too high.

  This was getting more and more risky, because I was sure that once his head cleared he would be beyond pissed. White would instantly figure out that it had been Val who had drugged him and he probably would put the compound under lock down. Then those eight words would be absolutely wort
hless. Even worse, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had realized that I was trying to get those eight words from him.

  “Will I get one, one day?” I asked and slipped my arm around his torso instinctively as he started to slump down with every step.

  There was no time to be disgusted now.

  “What?” White slurred.

  “A uniform?” I repeated.

  “Why would you need one?” He gave back and I breathed in deeply so that I wouldn’t curse out aloud.

  Instead I patiently delegated him towards the staircase and managed to sit him down.

  “Wouldn’t I look good in one?” I teased and imagined that it was Jay I was talking to, remembering the day I had really asked him that.

  Day 222

  “Wouldn’t I look good in a uniform?” I asked Jay teasingly as he stepped back into our ‘room’ from the bathroom.

  He had one towel wrapped around his hips, which looked as if it could slide down any second while he was rubbing his hair with another. When he heard my question he lowered his hands and looked at me, musing.

  I just love it when he’s relaxed and just, more like himself and not in soldier-mode, all focused on the next task, and shutting out all emotions.

  “Well, I’d say it depends on what kind of uniform,” he mused, dropping the towel in his hands onto our bed, which I had just cleaned up, after getting dressed.

  Right then I thought that it had been a bad idea.

  “Which one?” I asked, smirking at him.

  In moments like those I forgot about everything and everyone around. I forgot the monitors, I forgot how our room looked and what it was, I forgot the gruesome circumstances of how we had found each other. It was sweet that he remembered me, cruel that his longing to reconnect with his family and his past had been used like that. But nothing was important when we were like this.

  “Nurse, definitely,” Jay nodded and stopped right in front of me, grinning widely.

  “Nurse?” I acted offended. “Not doctor?”

  “Hmm... how about a cop?” He leaned in, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

  I knew what was about to come and I couldn’t wait for it. I had more of the clothes I was wearing.

  “Cop?” I repeated skeptically.

  “That would be hot,” he continued. “You could arrest me and I could resist.”

  “Yeah, that would be a mistake,” I nodded and pulled on his towel, leaving him standing in all his naked glory.

  Before I could give another snarky remark, which is – in retrospect – such an unusual behavior for me, he already leaned all the way down to me, and brushed his lips across mine before he kissed me gently. I had huge respect for his discipline, because I was already pulling at the rim of my pants, while he was still patiently kissing me. Then, just a moment later his hands had captured mine and pinned them behind my back.

  If I wasn’t already aroused, no, I definitely was, and my body was all in.

  I felt hot and cold, and while my nipples hardened without any attention from Jay, my panties were already soaked before he grabbed both my wrists with one hand and brought the other sliding around my waist to my more than ready clit. I let out a huff of frustration when all he did was cup my pubic bone, but he took the chance and slid his tongue in my mouth.

  Suddenly I realized that he had been moving me around, because I could feel the cold iron frame of our bed collide with my lower legs.

  It was then that he rubbed one of his fingers against me, making me gasp. And he had stopped just a tad earlier so that he could watch my expression and smile softly, while he paralyzed me with the intensity of his glare. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly as he could feel what that action alone did to me.

  He had pulled off my shirt and taken off my bra; before I was able to wake from the spell he had put on me, he was already placing me on my back gently. I guess his kiss woke me up because his lips were still lingering on mine as his hands were already working on my pants. All I had to do was lift my hips and I lay there naked beneath the most gorgeous man I would ever meet.

  Jay looked at me with the green of the beast mixed into his natural eye color. It wasn’t the first time I had noticed it – it had started a few days ago – but now up close it was simply beautiful. The scientist hadn’t noticed yet, and I was assuming that Jay was able to control it fully. Right then I didn’t want to ask, because bringing it up would ruin the mood and I was just too far gone to utter anything that wasn’t a moan. Like every so often since he made peace with my beast, Jay descended between my legs, first only kissing the soft skin of my thighs, slowly moving towards my center, and then softly nipping. Despite how much I loved this treatment I was always impatient, and the more I let him notice, the more time he would take to reach his destination. As gentle and caring as he was with everything else, in bed he still knew exactly what he wanted and when he wanted it. I loved and secretly enjoyed it even more because of that fact.

  When he finally reached my clit I was instantly ready to go overboard, but as always, he wouldn’t let me, but teased me just as patiently by licking, kissing, and nipping my tender flesh, first circling around thoroughly before he started to explore my clit as if he didn’t know what to do with it.

  Like always, he waited for my frustrated growl and for me to start buckling and writhing so that he could tame me by rubbing his tongue across my clit and into my slit, which turned my body into a live wire. That all changed when he started to ever so slowly enter me with one finger, which turned my body limp and alive within seconds. He never waited very long for the second, or third, because that’s the last one that stretched me enough to render me helpless and have me begging.

  When I begged, Jay wasn’t sadistic and patient anymore, he would always give in when I did, which is why I held back as long as I possibly could. This time I tried, too, and he noticed. I could sense him watching me, while his fingers prodded in and out of me in a perfect pace. I braced myself for his tongue. I just knew that it would be coming soon and that he would try to send me over for the first time tonight. But he kept watching and instead he crushed his thumb against my clit until I could feel the pressure everywhere. It jolted through my body like lightning and shattered me into wonderful tiny pieces for an eternity of rapture. He kept his thumb rubbing and his fingers moving until I rode out the wave he had tossed me on.

  Usually, he would cuddle me first until I recovered. Not this time. I had no idea what was different this time, but I wouldn’t complain.

  “Ready?” Jay asked huskily and looked down at me – he had moved so quickly I hadn’t even noticed it.

  He didn’t give me the time to answer either, because he had grabbed my wrists and placed them above my head within a second and then slowly lowered his hips, guiding himself inside me, inch per inch.

  I wanted to look at him but my over sensitive body reacted on its own and my eyes rolled back, because every fiber of my being was in overdrive. When he started moving, sliding out and then all the way in, painfully slow, I had no idea what to do with myself. All I felt was him, every vein, length and form, the tip, and especially how unbelievably hard he was.

  When I finally managed to open my eyes and look into his after the waves and waves of pressure he put me under, his eyes seemed even greener and brighter than before, only the outlines of his iris’ pattern was brownish, and it sent me over instantly. Everything about this time was making me come over and over again, each time more violently than before. A part of me wanted him to stop, because I couldn’t take more, another just wanted him to come with me, despite being sure that he had come at least once, maybe twice, but he still hadn’t had enough.

  Droplets of his sweat were cascading from his features and he looked at me with a mixture of desire and despair. I could barely think and I realized that he was exactly aiming for that himself. Somehow I managed to pry my wrists from his hand and brought them up to frame his face. With a gentle pull I brought him closer and gently pressed my m
outh against his. He was burning, like me, and our lips merged perfectly together. The moment they touched he closed his eyes and started to shudder. He came violently, prodding into me deep and hard, but not painfully. Feeling him come like that made me follow him over the edge just a blink of an eye later. And all with our lips still connected and our eyes still closed.

  Jay collapsed on top of me after there was nothing in him left, without crushing me. Somehow I knew that he needed me as close as possible, no matter how sweaty and hot we were. And all I could think of was why the sex was always so perfect when something was causing him pain.

  Day 244 - continuation

  “In what?” White asked, sounding annoyed and pulled me back to the present.

  “A uniform,” I answered, trying to stay close enough, hoping that it would prod him.

  “Why would you want to wear a uniform?” He asked and I breathed out controlled; four down, four to go.

  “Because...,” trying to keep up the act was getting on my nerves.

  I just wanted to grab him and get back into Nina’s cage, having the recording echo through the entire compound via the red alert speakers and to let her have fun with him. More and more I could see my own claws maul him, but I wasn’t even sure if mine would be large and strong enough. I hadn’t beasted out in a way any other beasts had, not that she – or that part of me – was dormant, she simply was more agreeable and I never had faced a need for it. Well, once, but showing him my glowing eyes, the tips of my fangs and growling at him had been enough.

  Daniel... Four, he had liked to be called that for a very, very long time. He was my hardest case, but they hadn’t given me more beasts than Nina and him to work with until a few weeks ago. I knew he was still a risk.


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